Summer Daze (revised)

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*This is a rewrite of the original. I read all your comments and I fixed the story. This version will have more character development, the characters' relationship will have more background, and yes....... THERE IS YIFFY ^-^*

As I was staring into the bright orange sky, I could hear the sounds of the birds chirping, the cars on Hemingway bustling in the shore commute, and Davy, my closest and best friend since kindergarten, snoring. I couldn't help but giggle. He looked so funny. He had a huge glob of drool forming on his cheek, and his snoring made him sound like a tanker truck.

My name is Kurioko Williamson. I am 11 years old and I am a black furred male wolf. I am somewhere around 4'11 and I live in a small rural California town. My friend, who I was describing, is Davy Saunders. He is 11 also, but he is 5'3 and he is a cross between a fox and a husky (called a fusky, by his parents) and has a fur pattern of orange, black, and white. We met after he saved me from a pack of mean 2nd graders that were bullying me, and we've been best friends ever since.

While watching him drool, I decided to scare him. So I got up and tiptoed silently toward my slumbering friend. Approaching his head, he sporadically jumped up.....

"Ooga Booga!!!" he screamed

We laughed and rolled around on the ground, "Hahahaha, I hate you, Davy" I laughed

"Hey you started it, you really think i would let you scare me, remember Sean's party last year" he slyly grinned

"Don't even go there!!" We both laughed about it for awhile, then it got quite. I looked at Davy and he was staring right into my eyes. "Uh, what are you looking at?" I asked.

"Your cute smile" he said blushing

"Wh...." and just like that my best friend kissed me on the lips, tongue slowly slipping into my mouth. I tried to pull away from his lips but some part of me was enjoying this so I just waited til he stopped. After he pulled away there was a long moment of silence.

"Kuri, it's time I told you something" he blushfully spoke "ever since I was in Pre-K, I always had a thing for boys. I would sometimes pee myself on purpose so Mr. Pinder would powder my you-know-what."

I didn't know what to say. My best friend just came out of the closet right in front of me. I was about to tell him that I just wanted to be friends, but he continued....

"and the reason I saved you that day is because I thought you were incredibly cute" he began to cry, "and I really needed to tell you this because I *blushing* love you and I never want to let you go"

With that he fell into my arms, balling into my shoulders. I was about to cry myself. I really did care about him and deep down, i felt the same way.

"It's ok Davy, I'm not going anywhere, I'll always be here" I whispered into his ear, "I love you"

He looked up into my eyes and then it hit me, I really did love him. I knew I did because they way he looked at me, made me think about our friendship. How he was the only one there when my puppy ran away, he carried me a mile home after I broke my ankle, and he let me use his new jacket to cover up my pants when I ripped them. He has been there for me my whole life.

"Do you mean it?" he whimpered.

To show him I meant it, I then brought his head in to share with him, probably the most passionate and romantic kiss in recorded history. As we pulled our muzzles away from each other, his eyes were sparkling in the fading suns shine.

"I love you, Kuri" he whispered into my ear

"I love you too, Davy" I whispered back, licking his cheek

We then spent our time cuddling under that big oak tree in the park, lying in each others gentle embrace. The whole world oblivious to us. We didn't care what people would say if they saw us. As long as we had each other, nothing else mattered.

"Hey Davy?" I whispered

"Yes my angel?" he lazily smiled

I couldn't help but kiss him, "It's getting kind of late, I think it's time for me to head home" his smile then faded

"Aww, maybe you can sleep over tonight" he then began smiling

My tail started wagging. "Maybe, I'll ask my mom", and with that we took off running back to my house.

"Hey there Davy, how are you" my mom said while doing the dishes

"Hi Ms. Williamson, I'm great!" he said as he sneaked in a wink

"So, mom can I spend the night at Davy's " i begged with my puppy dog eyes

"Actually, I was just about to ask you if wanted to, your father and I are taking a three day trip to Sacramento and we can't find a babysitter" she smiled

We started beaming and jumping with joy, "YES" we said in unison, tails wagging furiously.

"Ok, good", my mom laughed, "your dad is waiting for you guys in the car"

So after a quick goodbye from both my parents and a short car ride down the block, Davy and I ran up to his room.

As soon as he shut the door, we gave each other a big hug and a kiss.

"So what do you wanna do hon?" he said in cute voice

"Maybe we can just cuddle tonight, I'm kinda tired" I yawned

"Ok, but can we sleep together?" he said blushing deeply

"Ya sure" I exclaimed, making him beam

"So you wanna sleep with or without clothes" he said, holding his pants up

I began to blush, and as a bulge was forming in my boxers, i knew i wanted to do it naked

"I wanna do it naked" I blushed

He smiled and began to remove his clothes. As he pulled his red and white briefs, and i could see his erection already forming, which made mine poke out another inch.

"Wow Davy, your icon_redface.gif really big" I stared in amazement

"Thanks cutie, now let's see you"

So I began to remove my clothes and I could feel Davy staring at me. As I finished removing my underwear, my pink member was fully erect. I looked at Davy's face and I saw his mouth wide.

"Oh my, your huge" he said which made his grow another inch

We then climbed into bed, the soft sheets making our boners grow a bit more. We pulled the covers up over our shoulders and then fell into a blissful slumber.

"Goodnight my widdle wolfie" Davy whispered

"Goodnight my lovely fusky" I whispered back, kissing him on his cheek

Just then the door opened


to be continued