In Medias Res- Hindsight Prologue

Story by Fangface on SoFurry

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In Medias Res.     Hindsight rolled over, and opened his eyes to stare at the three moons shining brightly above him, in their full quintessent glow. Hindsight coughed, and winced. His wings were torn asunder, as well as his chest, and he could feel his long slower labored breaths. With a large amount of effort he managed to lift his head and peek at his own body. Several large spears jutted from him, along with a multitude of frost burns and claw marks. He chuckled a bit at his own downfall, and was interrupted by a rush of blood coming to his maw. His head fell back to the ground, and he coughed a few times to expel the liquid from his airways, and he opened his eyes once again to stare at the shadow cloaked figure of a much larger being than he. He closed his eyes when he heard the voice.     "Always in the middle of things, Brother." Said the shadow. "You've become something I don't understand anymore. I'd say I'm doing us both a favor here." The creature lowered its head down, and its eyes shined in the night like dim stars. The darkness clad figure shifted into the light, and his dark purple scales glinted softly in the moonlight. The creature was a dragon, one that was large enough that it could have stood behind  a small mountain and still have been spotted. Its purple eyes seemed to swivel about in his sockets as if they were searching the entire world, and all over his scaled body were innumerable scars, and burn marks.

"You've become a monster, a bigger one than I could have ever dreamed of becoming." The purple drake spoke with a proud hiss. He leaned forward, and placed his left front leg on Hindsight's chest, and pressed down, and only stopped applying force when there was a small crack, and a cry of pain from the smaller black drake.

"What ever happened to every life having a purpose and value...? Did that all go out to holiday along with your sanity?" The purple drake yelled, suddenly. "You were supposed to be the good one...." He said, his jaws clacking loudly as he snaps them shut forcefully between each word as he roars at Hindsight, pinned beneath him. Hindsight gurgled a response that was unintelligible. However the black drake's eyes began to shimmer a bright white rather than their yellow and red.

The purple dragon leaned in more, and hissed. "No! No more of this." As a rumbling sound echoed from deep within his chest. Hindsight's eyes snapped back to their original colors and he struggles to break free. The purple dragon pushes against Hindsight's chest and doesn't stop, even after the cracking of multiple ribs are heard, and even through the screams. Hindsight pauses when he sees the purple dragon stare him in the eyes. He saw pain, sorrow, remorse... And as the purple drake opened it's mouth, he could see flames rolling between its teeth.

"I'm sorry...." The purple dragon said, as it used its free front leg to wipe away at its eyes. Hindsight gave up fighting, laid his head back, and blinked slowly. When he opened his eyes he saw the purple dragon take a breath, then fire, then nothing.

They say, right before you die, your life flashes before your eyes.....