My Loving Prince

Story by OptixPanda on SoFurry

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This story is part of an art trade with my lover, Desi.

The following story is a love story between a royal princess with an aching heart to find her true love, and her commoner friend, who's been hiding something from the princess since childhood:

Shika Kinuita: A female, brown-furred wolf with a light-brown furred belly, black curly hair, heterochromic eyes (a blue right eye and green left eye). The princess of this story.

Mallina Heartsweather (Malli Hearts): A male, light-blue furred chinchilla with a white-furred belly, brown, slightly spiky hair, green eyes, and a very feminine physique. The princess's friend

WARINIG: The following content contains - pornographic/adult-rated material, femboys, heterosexual couples (M/F), and furries. Arousal and nosebleed may occur.

If these do not apply to your interests, and might scar and/or disgust you physically, mentally, spiritually, and/ or sensually, then click the Back button at the top-left of your browser window and forget you ever clicked here. If you continue to read the story and are scarred and/or disgusted physically, mentally, spiritually, and/or sensually, then it's your own damn fault you were too lazy to read the warning the first time. :D

Enjoy, fellow furverts! ^w^

~Optix Panda~

Another beautiful day. The daylight shines gently through my window of my humble lake-side home as dawn breaks, and tickles my face. My face glows softly as the morning when the light lands upon me, and I wake up with a demeanor as bright as the sun. With a stretch and a yawn, I steadily shake off the grogginess and sit up on my cozy bed. Looking next to me, I'd observe that the space on the mattress next to me is empty, but at that same moment, the delectable scent of home cooked breakfast fills my nose. I close my eyes and take in a big whiff of the smell that lingered throughout the place, then exhale with a big smile on my face. The scent was all too familiar. I never grow tired of my husband's flapjacks. Or any of his cooking, for that matter. Gosh, I love his food almost as much as I love him. Sometimes, I feel like he tries to spoil me with his cooking, judging by how often he tends to wake up extra early, just to fix up one of his lovely morning dishes for me, and how often he prepares the meals. But I spoil him right back. It's only fair, in my opinion. I stand up with another stretch, reaching up the ceiling, straightened my night gown, and strut to my window, where I'd push the windows open and lean forward to rest my elbows on the window sill and lay my head on my hands. Not to see the scenery outside, but to take a moment to look back on the past. How we became dear mates.

It was about a year ago, give or take a few months, on morning similar to this one. Except, the setting was much different. Much less humble. The same beautiful sunrise, but not the same cheery setting. At least, I didn't think so. As the sunlight shined upon me that day, I woke up in a rather unbiased mood. Unlike the cabin I inhabit today, I lived in luxury. My room was on the third floor of a royal castle, home to the king and queen of the kingdom. It encased a much bigger, fluffier bed, crafted with the finest and rarest of material, dressers and wardrobes brimmed with clothing, garbs, and accessories crafted by the most skilled of tailors and jewelers, and even a few highly-valued paintings hung on my wall. It was a room truly fit for royalty. Namely, a princess. A princess like... Well... Me. I know what you're probably thinking. How'd a princess go from living a life of luxury and royalty to the life of a common villager, right? Well, it's not really a matter of "how", but more a matter of "why".

That day, I stretched myself awake and stood up, looking at the calendar on my dresser is dismay. My ears and tail drooped as I read the reminder I had written on my calendar. "Match Making day again..." I said to myself, followed by a soft sigh. My ears perked back up to a knock at the door. "Come in," I called out to the visitor.

My maid slowly enters the room, dressed down in her usual black and white dress. "Good morning, Princess Shika," she greeted with a cheerful demeanor.

"Good morning," I returned, trying not to seem as glum. "What news today?"

"The king has requested you down in the foyer. Your match is waiting for you there, with him." Her face seemed to glow with joy and hope. "Ohhh, I think your father has a good feeling about this one~"

"Yes Ma'am. Inform father that I'll be down at my earliest convenience." She nodded and made her exit. I looked to the mirror to look myself over, rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes. My maid's joyous disposition is usually contagious to me in the mornings, but not on Match Making days. On these occasions, a prince from a different kingdom visits us to take my hand in marriage, there by forming a union between kingdoms and making us stronger. I'm sure it's actually called something else, but I kinda forgot after the 15th matching, and I just forgot.

Looking myself over in the mirror once more, I decided to just shrug off the doubt and try to have hopes for this prince. All while I freshened myself up, got dressed in my most fancy dress, donned my favorite pearl earrings and seashell necklace, and lightly applied make-up to my face, I couldn't help remembering the past failed attempts to pair me with a prince. They... never ended very well. Some less well than others. After freshening up, I looked myself over in the mirror again. Honestly, I didn't care much for the dress. I didn't mind fancy, it just clashed with my taste. Kinda funny, a princess with very simplistic preferences. Luxurious clothing just seemed like too much for me. I did love the jewelry I wore, however. They were special to me. I touched the pearl necklace and smiled. "Well... Chin up, Shika," I said to myself. "Maybe today will be different." I ushered up a positive attitude as I exited my room and made my way down to the foyer.

I did everything in my power to ward away the doubts in my mind. "To every down, there's always an up" I thought to myself quietly. I'm greeted by two of the castle's royal guards with a polite bow. We exchange a few words, and, with sync and grace, they step aside and allow me entrance into the hall. I take one more deep breath before passing through. My eyes met my parents' eyes as I entered the room, King Okansha Kinuita, and Queen Esuna Kinuita, the rulers of this kingdom. They were dressed down quite classy, as they usually do for a special occasion. At least someone thought it was special. A red-furred husky boy about my age, wearing a midnight-blue tuxedo, stood next to them. The prince that I was "destined" to be mated with. "Shika, my dear!" my father calls out to me, he and my mother gesturing me to approach. "Come, meet out guest!"

I repeated in my head, "Positive mind... Positive mind...", as I made my way toward my parents and the prince. I was able to get a closer analysis of the prince as I drew near. His hair was black and slightly spikey, his eyes were sapphire. His demeanor seemed inviting enough, and he looked quite confident in himself. Of course, I've learned over the last nine months of match making to never judge books by their covers. "Good morning Father. Mother," I greeted, giving them each a hug, and they both hugged back.

My father then directed me to the husky boy, and introduced me. His name was Rento Diazan, son to the king of one of the neighboring kingdoms. I don't recall which. We turned to each other. With a warming smile, he kneels before me. "A pleasure to meet you, Princess Shika," he declares as he drops. Being polite, I grabbed my skirt tenderly with my fingers, and gave a polite curtsy, and replied with a greeting of my own. As we bowed respectfully to each other, we rose back up the same way.

My father stepped closer and put a hand on my shoulder, and the prince's. "It always brings joy to my heart to see today's youth interact together," he declared with a chuckle.

Mother seemed happy as well. "I have a feeling you two will get along quite well," she said with a gleeful tone.

Father opened his mouth to speak again, but was quickly shushed by the sight of an approaching guard. He stopped in front of us all, and kneeled. "My Lord. I mean not to interrupt, but a moment of conference, if you will?" the guard requested.

My parents looked to each other, nodded, then turned back to Prince Rento and me. My father speaks. "Sorry, we have a bit of business to attend to."

"It's okay, father. With your permission, I'd like to show him around the manor," I said. He said it might be a rather nice idea, to give the young prince more of a welcome to the castle. With that in agreement, my parents take their leave with the guard, leaving me and the prince in the hall. I watched them as they made their exit, and then turned to Prince Rento. I was actually wearing a smile on my face at that time. "Well, shall I begin the tour, Prince?"

"In a moment," he stated. "There's a bit of business, I, myself need to take care of~" I was going to ask what that business was, but I found out what he meant before I could open my mouth. I felt a grasp at my wrist, and I gasped as I was pulled toward Rento without warning, losing my balance as I stumbled toward him with a gasps. Our faces were closer, eyes locked. I then felt his arm wrap around me as he held my hand, my hands pressed onto his chest as I tried to regain in my head what had just happened, and a blush softly painted my cheeks as I couldn't help feeling a bit embarrassed at that moment. "Hehe, guess I should have said 'business that WE need to take care of,' huh, Princess?"

Every bit of confidence I ushered up that morning tanked when I saw the triumphant smirk on his face to have me in his possession. And that chuckle he gave made me cringe right down to my bones. Clearing my throat, I stood up straight, and pushed myself off of him. "Sorry. You'll have to handle your 'business' alone..." I said as I broke away from him. As our bodies lost contact, Rento quickly re-established that contact. I struggled a bit in his grasp as I attempted to pull away again. He didn't let up easily. "Umm... could you PLEASE release me...?"

"Not until I get to know you better~" he said. I felt his hands grazing down my body and feeling me as he pleased. This made me cringe even more, and I growled a bit. I gave a more aggressive push, causing us both to stumble apart from each other. "Hey, now, that wasn't very lady-like~"

I looked at him with a scowl and straightened my dress at the skirt. "Sorry. But some ladies prefer a less... hasty touch." At that point, I was already annoyed with his shenanigans. I took a deep breath, and turned away from him. I didn't want to look at him. "I'm sorry, Prince Rento. But if that's how you behave when you greet women, I fear how you'll treat the one you'll be someday paired with." After speaking my mind, I began to walk away from him, letting him know that that woman wasn't going to be me. He quickly chased after me and gripped my arm with a firm grasp, chuckling as he continued to pursue me. He apparently thought I was playing hard to get. "Please... Let go of me. I wish not to pursue on this matter any further..."

"C'mon, don't be like that~ It's for the good of our kingdoms, for them to become stronger and more stable, right?" When he said that, my feet stopped. I looked down to the floor, not answer him. My body was as still as could be at that moment. Rento came closer, wrapped his arms around me as he hugged me from behind. "Besides, I'll treat you like how any princess deserves to be treated. I can bestow you with anything you want. Wares of the highest class, the most experienced of servants, even the most valuable of gems and jewelry." He reached his hand to my necklace, and gave it a light tug. "I mean, pearls are kinda nice, but royalty deserves way better than silly seashells, don't you think?"

My ears perked up and I raised my head at those last words. I pulled his arms off of me and turned around to face him, eyes locked directly on him. "This necklace is not silly!" I snapped at him. My voice was stern and my demeanor showed I was rather irritated. "It was given to me by someone very special. It's more valuable to me than the rarest of gems." I put my palm over my necklace and pressed it against my breast, guarding it from him. "And for your information, the only thing I've wanted from a prince, or any boy, was his warm, wholesome love and care. But princes like you are too smug and spoiled to understand something as simple as that!" A moment of silence followed my rant. I panted softly, trying to cool down. Rento didn't look amused. "I'm sorry. I've been through this routine many times, and I can tell, this just won't work."

Rento's expression changed from unamused to angry. "It's not a princess's call rather something will work or not," he declared, and advanced toward me. I stepped back with each step he took forward. "A princess respects her prince without complaint or obligation. You're going to be mine, rather you like it or not."

"Don't touch me..." I said as I retreated. I don't know what I disliked more: the prick, or the thought of being married to the prick. Er, sorry, I meant "prince". Whatever you'd call him, he didn't listen to me. He gripped my arm again, tighter than last time. I knew what he was going to do. I braced myself. He pulled me by my arm, forcing me toward him again. As I went flying toward him, I readied my free arm just as swiftly, and thrusted forward with a harsh jab to his stomach. He didn't see the strike coming; he shouted loudly in pain, his voice echoing through the foyer and into the hallways that conjoined to it. I stepped back as my arm was freed from his grasp, staring silently at the prince. He grabbed his abdomen and dropped to his knees, coughing in agony. I didn't realize how angry I had gotten until that moment. I didn't really mean to hit him, but it I did give him a warning. I believe he tried to murmur something to me, but I couldn't really tell.

Guards and maids from neighboring sections of the castle rallied to the scene in the foyer, probably alarmed from the Rento's yell. They looked upon the fallen prince, and to the panting princess. The king and queen arrived at the scene as well, concerned looks on their faces. There was a mix of questions from everyone, asking what happened and if I was okay. I only stayed silent, and walked away from the prince and crowd. If any of them called after me at that moment, I wouldn't have heard it. All went deaf in my moment of frustration.

That's how about half of my match making ended. It's evident to say that Prince Rento is most certainly not the loving husband I have today. Some ended a little better. Some ended a little worse. Some lasted for minutes, some for hours, and some for days. As embarrassing as it sounds, there have been quite a few instances where clothes were clothes were removed. Some boys think that it's the size of the package that matters, and can win a woman over with those thoughts. I'm not that kind of woman, however. But I'd prefer not to go into much detail about that.

I returned to my room, slamming the door behind me. I threw myself on my bed, and curled up into a ball, not caring if the dress got wrinkled. My head was flooded with mixed emotions. My vision seemed blank, until my eyes snapped to two photos that rested on my dresser. Two other wolf girls that looked identical to me. My triplet sisters. Des, and Lucy. They don't live here in the castle, anymore. Des set out to become a dedicated defense attorney, and Lucy set out to be a medical nurse. Standing next to them In the photos were two cute boys. A spot-panda, who was rather plump at the belly, and has assisted Des in her work by analyzing evidence and data, stood by Des's side in one picture. In the other, a grey mouse with silver hair, who looked like he proudly embraced his feminine side, stood near Lucy. He works at her side in the medical field. They were much closer than friends. They're dedicated partners. The panda and mouse aren't offspring of royalty. It gave me joy to see them happy and with someone to call their significant other. But at the same time, every time I engage in the match makings, I grew a bit envious. "Will I... ever find mine...?" I asked myself win uncertainty.

I tried not to think of the negative side. I closed my eyes and tried to clear my mind, taking deep breaths. Before I could drift off in my meditation, there was a knock at the door. My eyes jolted open and I sat up on my bed. "You may enter," I called out. The door opened, and my parents walked in. I wore a worried demeanor when I saw them, my ears and tail, limp and motionless. "Where's... Prince Rento?" I asked them, kind of surprised that he didn't accompany them.

"The Prince is being escorted home as we speak," Mother declared. "I don't know all the details, but we're grateful you're unharmed."

I drooped my head down and sighed. "I'm in trouble, aren't I?"

Father and mother walked over and took a seat on my bed, Father to the left of me, and mother to the right. "You're not in trouble, Shika," My father assured me. "But you shouldn't have acted so rashly."

I looked at father. "But... It wasn't rash," I responded. "He was snobby and tried to control me before he even got to know me. He constantly put his hands on me... I was just... defending myself..." I paused, and looked down at my lap. "Just like the other times... They're all alike... It's not fair."

My mother put her hand on my back, and rubbed slowly. "There there, darling. We know this match making routine hasn't been going the best for you, but we promise. We'll find you a suitable prince."

I stayed silent for a moment, and gathered my thoughts. "Why does it have to be a prince that I get married, too?" I asked in a soft tone. "I understand that my marriage is for the good of the kingdom, to unite with another kingdom and grow stronger, but..." I sighed and stood up, and walked to my mirror. I looked myself in the eyes. I was sad. Disappointed. "I mean not to sound selfish, but I don't think I can keep this up anymore. Month after month, the princes never change. The next is just as stuck up as the last." I wiped the make-up from my face. I felt tears coming on, and I didn't want it bleeding down my face.

"We just want the best for our pride and joy," father declared. He and mother stood up and walked over to me. "Soon enough, you'll be a full-fledged queen, and we want to ensure that you're paired with a worthy prince who will become a great king."

"I understand, Father... But ... what if a prince just isn't right for me?" I asked them, looking away from the mirror and back at them. "I don't want, or need, anything prestigious or fancy in a husband. I just want him to be kind and caring. Someone who finds his strength in his heart instead of his perks."

My parents looked back at me, eye contact as strong as can be. "Shika... As king of this land, it's my duty to decide what is best for my princess." I sighed softly at the answer and broke eye contact, looking down at the floor before me. "But..." he continued, "as a father, it's my duty to see to it that my daughter is happy. " My ears perked up at the answer, and I looked to them once more. He and mother stood up, and walked over to me. "Even if I were the ruler of the entire world, I cannot be the ruler of one's heart. Especially not the heart or my dear Shika. One's heart is free to decide its own choices."

I didn't know what to say. My mind flew a flutter with mixed emotions again, but in a much more pleasant, appreciable manner. Mother clasped my right hand in both of hers. "You'll always be our princess, dear, but you'll forever be our precious daughter, first and foremost. That so, even if this entire kingdom rebels against us and tears down this castle, your happiness is of key importance to us, even if you have to seek it yourself." I couldn't describe how fast my heart raced during that conversation. And the feeling only intensified at my mother's next choice of words. "You're a growing young lady, and have the right to pave your own path. If you find someone who you think is right for you, we will gladly accept him as your significant other, without question." The joy just exploded from me as I assaulted them with a big, squeezing hug. I cuddled into them as I felt their arms wrap around me, and their chuckled filled my room. I let out a gleeful sigh in the tender embrace.

All of our ears perked up when we heard a whistle through my window. I released the hug and peered out the window and down to the ground. There, I spotted a light-blue furred chinchilla girl, dressed down in a simple peach-colored dress and a long red ribbon tied to the back of her hair light chocolate hair, the thin, pretty strands flowing freely in a gentle breeze. She was waving her arm to my window, her demeanor as carefree and joyous as ever, and a woven basket with a bubble-patterned blanked neatly folded over the top of the basket in the opposite hand. The chinchilla was no stranger, either. Her name was Mallina Heartsweather. I always called Her "Malli Hearts" for short. She was a commoner, with an extraordinary personality that differed from many other women of her class. We've known each other since childhood when we met at a town fair. We played a few games together and shared some treats, when started to learn about one another. It turned out we had a lot in common. I even felt comfortable telling her that I'm a princess that day, though I asked her to address me informally. Even as a kid, I was a humble heir of royalty. She kindly respected my request, and we shared our first hug.

Malli was an absolute darling. She's always looking out for others, putting them before herself, and always willing to reach out and touch those who need assistance. She was also very humble, never asking for much in return for her deeds, and showing her blushy and bashful side when she received rewards and commendations for her dedication to her determined assistance. She's also quite a cutie. Her face was blessed with a delicate smile, and emerald eyes that glimmered just as radiantly as the actual gem. And she made any kind of apparel look beyond dazzling, uniforms, outfits, costumes and all. Malli was also unlikely to sit back and let bad things happen, or wait for someone else to take care of conflicts. She taken on bullies and crooks with honed wits and skills of self-defense. Truly a strong woman. She actually taught me how to defend myself. She explained to me three important laws of combat: Always be ready for anything, Never underestimate a foe, Keep your guard up, even you think a bout is finished. I've sparred with her countless times, practicing grapples and throws one day, delivering quick and focused blows the next day, and even taught me how to use my environment to my advantage. Sometimes we'd practice on dummies, and other times, we'd practice on each other, going head to head and treating it as a friendly sport and exercise as well as a training session. After we were finished for the day, we patched up any bruises and hugged it out. That kinda explains how knocked that prince down to his knees. She's done much more for me. She'd brighten any dark day of mine, be my company whenever I stepped out of the castle, she even took it upon herself to bestow me the hand-crafted necklace and earrings I cherish this very day.

Oh gosh... I could literally go on for hours... To put a long story short, she's a rose. Pretty and petite when she can be, and prickly on the side.

I slightly leaned out of the window and gave my own wave. "Good morning, Malli!" I called out to her.

"Are you busy today?" she shouted. "If you are, I can come back later."

I looked over my shoulder to my parents to ask if there was anything else on today's agenda. They smiled and shook their head. I smiled back and looked back down to Malli. "I'll be down in a moment!" I step away from the window and turn around to face my parents again. "I'm sorry about today. And thank you for the talk." I walked to them and gave them another hug, and they hugged me back.

"There's no need for apologies," Mother said. "Everything's well and forgiven."

"But what about the strength of our kingdom? Through unification and such?" I inquired, unable to help but feel a bit guilty.

"There are many other alternatives," Father said as the embrace was loosened. My parents made their way for the door. "Have fun with your friend, my child." We waved to each other as they left my room.

I quickly stripped off my fancy dress and donned something a simpler. Something more of my taste. I reached into my wardrobe and grabbed my favorite pink two-piece outfit. The top was a light shade of pink at the sleeves and collar with the torso colored hot pink, and skirt came down to the knees and had three overlapping layers, the top layer colored hot pink, the middle layer a lighter shade of pink, and the last layer even lighter. Admiring the design with a glimmer in my eye, I happily slipped on the outfit. I kept the seashell necklace and pearl earrings on. I loved them more than any piece of jewelry I own, and love them just as much today. I also took a cloth and wiped the remaining make-up from my face. I honestly prefer the stuff off of my face, whenever possible.

I made my way outside after getting dressed, politely greeting all the guards and maids I passed them, feeling a lot more cheery than I did this morning. I wasted no time exiting out the foyer and through the front gate. I stopped and turned my head to the left as another whistle greeted my ears, to spy the blower of the whistle. With a giggle, I skipped over to the best chinchilla in the world and gave her a big hug. It game me even more joy to hear her chipper giggle and feel the warmth of her embrace when she squeezed me back. We broke the hug after a moment, our hands in one another's grasp, and looked onto each other's eyes. "What brings you here, Malli?" I asked her.

"It's been a few days since I last saw you," she states. "That, and I missed the world's greatest hugs~" She giggled and nuzzled my cheek, making me squeal softly. Every moment I was in her presence, my heart fluttered. "So, how was your morning, fair lady?"

"Well, today was Match Making day. Don't think I have to explain how that went," I said with a shrug.

"Another royal flop, huh? Well, don't let it bring keep you down. I've got something that'll brighten your day." She held the basket to my face. I closed my eyes as my nostrils were invaded with a delightful scent of warm, home-cooked food. I smelled something grilled. With meat and cheese. It took me only seconds to know that there were sandwiches underneath that blanket. I've eaten her delightful cooking so many times, the aroma was easily identifiable. I took a deeper whiff of the food that underlayed the blanket, then exhaled with a delighted sigh. Malli giggled as she studied my demeanor. "I didn't think it would brighten your day that quickly."

"You brightened my day when you whistled into my window," I said to her. She blushed and giggled at my compliment. I stepped to Malli's side and leaned on her, shoulder to shoulder. "Been a while since we went on a picnic together~"

"Well... I figured that you're super premium meals are too good for my humble cooking," she answered.

I shook my head. "No way. My family's most seasoned chef's gourmet is third rate compared to your meals. You put all your heart and then some in everything you prepare."

"Oh, stop it~ You're simply too kind..." I saw her blush grow slightly deeper, and I just couldn't help giggle again. We sparred not a moment more, and walked on together, staying close together as we stepped off. We greeted the common folk kindly as we made our way, and they all paid their respects by returning the greeting. We decided to have our lunch at one of our favorite spots in the land. Atop a large hill, a spot we treasured since childhood. On one side pf the hill, there was only grass. On the opposite side, flowers. A slew of different flowers of all colors, shapes, and forms, spreading down the top and side of the hill and down into a massive flower field. Not many knew of that spot. We might be the only ones who know of it to this very day.

As we made our way, we chatted. Of course, the subject of finding a suitable husband came into subject. I had told Malli about the chat I had with my parents on the matter, and how the conversation made me quite happy. Malli teased me, telling me that my husband would be big and buff, and act more as a guardian warrior to me and my family than a future king. Or how he would pamper and spoil me better than any servant that's ever worked for my family. Everything she said made me giggle like a child. She continued her silly little spiel as we climbed up the hill. Goofy as she is, her liveliness made the climb go by so much quicker.

We stood there in the flowers at the top of the hill, and gazed down at the floral Kodachrome. That natural rainbow always flooded me with awe, from the first time I saw it, to the most recent time. I leaned on Malli's shoulder again and she leaned back, looking down at the flower field without words. The only sounds that were uttered were the sound of the wing blowing, our skirts and the flowers dancing with the light gale. At least until my belly butted in with a proud roar. Mallina giggled out loud. "Someone's hungry~"

I chuckled and rubbed my stomach. "Well, I did kinda miss breakfast today..."

"Then it's a good thing you're with me today," Malli declared as she kneeled down on the ground, taking neatly folded blanket off of the basket, revealing the sandwiches, cut in halves and carefully wrapped in foil, and spread the sheet evenly onto the ground. I dropped to my knees to assist her. My mouth was watering the entire time the sandwiches were exposed. The smell had me somewhat in a trance. We took a seat on the blanket, facing each other, my eyes practically locked on the basket. Malli wouldn't have me wait another moment. She reaches into the basket and hands me two sandwiches and a napkin. I let out an excited squee as I unwrapped one of the triangular snacks, and sank my teeth right in. My cheeks sparked with a tinge, my tastebuds jubilated, and my salivation increased. "Gosh, you were hungry~" Malli stated, taking a sandwich of her own and taking a bite.

"I can't help it. I just love your meals that much~" I said after I swallowed my mouthful of sandwich. Before I knew it, the first morsel was completely gone. What else could I have done but start snacking on the second one. I scooched close to Malli, resting against her as we indulged on her delectable cuisine. I felt her press closer to me as I did to her, a cute giggle slipping from her lips. The warmth of her body and her plushy fur was so relaxing. The wind made the flowers dance, stray pedals lofting and whirling in the air, as though nature was performing for us.

We sat there and ate the delicious meal until there were a few sandwiched left in the basket, then we just gazed at the swaying flowers, our bodies pressed together, side to side. The moment was so tranquil and calming. I closed my eyes and let my thoughts wander, and sighed softly. Malli turned to see the tranquility in my face. "What'cha thinin' about?" she asked in a soft tone.

"Well... I was just imagining my future husband," I whispered back, cuddling closer to her.

"What's he like?" she asked with curiousity.

"He's very strong at heart... So kind and caring... Has a very inviting aura... Just being around him makes me feel super warm..." My cheeks felt warm as I began to blush. "And he's pretty cute, too~"

Malli grinned and playfully nudged at me. "Ohhh, you want a real teddy bear~" she teased, a giggle resounding in her voice. I couldn't help giggling, myself, at her words.

"Oh, stop it~" I uttered as we laughed. "I doubt I'd find any prince like that, anyways. Or... any boy for that matter." I went silent after a little while, glancing down again at the flowers before us. "Maybe I'm just too picky in what I want..."

Mallina wrapped her arm around my back and held my shoulder in her hand. "Don't say things like that. Your knight will come any day, I know it."

"I dunno, Malli... I feel like I'm ready to love. I have for several years. And I know patience is a virtue, and affection for someone shouldn't be rushed..." My demeanor began to change as I felt less happy as my thoughts wandered. I curled into a ball as I sat, knees pressed to my chest and my arms hugged to my legs. My heart began to ache. Though my love was never shunned by someone I admired, the sensation of heartbreak could easily occur by not finding that one you admired in the first place. "Matrimony isn't for everyone, I suppose..."

"Shika..." Malli didn't say anything more, and pulled me into a big hug, and cuddled me very lovingly. A few seconds in the embrace, I smiled again, then uncoiled my curled body and hugged back. If there was anything I loved more than Malli's cooking, it'd definitely her hugs. There was something... magical about them. They always gave me a very fuzzy feeling.

I hummed in the hug, feeling at ease with her around. "Thanks, Malli..." I whispered. "You're the sweetest girl in the world. I don't know what I'd do without you." At that moment, I felt my heart racing for some reason. My cheeks blushed deeper, and I felt a tad feverish. "You know, Malli... a prince may not be right for me... A boy might not be right, either. But that doesn't mean I can't still show my love~"

"What do you mean?" Malli asked. From this point, my heart began to speak. I giggled softly and leaned right onto Malli until I overtook her in the hug, leaning right onto her and cuddling down on her. Her cheeks became red quickly, and she wiggled under me. "S-Shika...?"

"Maybe I'm not meant for a man... Maybe I'm more fitting of a woman's touch..." I spoke to her. My body moved on its own, tenderly stroking Malli's body with soft rubs, starting from her waist and slowly moving down. I felt her lovely curves under her dress. I smiled with delight as I heard her subtle, quiet moans. "After all, it's only fair. You do so much for me. It would be unkind of me to not repay your efforts~"

Malli squirmed against me as I tenderly fondled her, her face shaded a soft strawberry red. "Shika... I-I don't know..." she said through her moans. I didn't listen. My senses were devoted to my heart. I had hardly any control of my hands. I rubbed lower down her body and closer between her thighs. I felt her shivering, and heard her whimpering as my hands traveled. "Shika... P-Please..." she whispered out loud, feeling her squeeze at my wrist with her long, fluffy tail. It hindered me none. I continued to touch her body. Her body quaked as my fingers touch between her thighs. She squealed my name as I pressed my fingers on her groin, the only thing separating me from her bare fur being the skirt.

When I touched her right there, we both let out a sharp gasp. I came back to my senses as something prodded at my palm from under her skirt. I blushed deeply and moved my hand away. The spot was immediately occupied with Malli's own hands. I couldn't believe what I had just touched. I felt it pulse and twitch. A vibrant heat emitted. Even when shrouded beneath the thin fabrics of the skirt, there was no mistaking the authenticity. The greatest girl in the world... wasn't a girl at all. It was a complete surprise to me. Malli had such a feminine stature; such beautiful eyes, such gorgeous hair, even her elegantly curved body made her look at least slightly perky at the chest. Not to mention how she always dresses. Well, I couldn't exactly say address Malli as "her" or "she" from that point.

Awestruck, I looked at Malli, not uttering a word. He didn't look back. He looked incredibly embarrassed. I lifted up slightly to give him a bit of room. "Malli... I-I'm sorry... I had no idea..." He didn't respond. I carefully crawled off and sat next to him "Why... didn't you tell me you were a boy?" Still no reply from him. I put my hand on his arm, letting him know that I was there for him.

Malli stayed quiet for a moment before speaking. "... Mostly everyone I know thinks I'm a girl at first glance. Even at childhood. I tried telling everyone I was actually male, but most of them didn't believe me. And those that do know make fun of me... I guess I just grew accustom to being profiled as a girl." Malli looked at me, with worried eyes, and slowly sat up. "Even around my closest friend..."

"But Malli... You know me. I'd never make fun of anyone. I thought we gave each other the utmost trust with everything. Even with our secrets, no matter how big or small." Malli closed his eyes and broke eye contact. I saw a shimmer from a tear roll down his cheeks. It pained me to see the chinchilla so upset. I moved closer and wiped the tears from his eyes. "Please, don't cry..."

Malli sniffled softly and unlidded his eyes to look at me once more. "You're not mad...?"

"Only a little upset," I answered. "It's not very nice to hide a girl's prince."

Malli looked a bit confused. "What? I don't underst--" I cut him off with a soft kiss to the lips. followed by a tender smile. "Y-You... You mean..." By how his face changed from sad to shocked, I knew he caught my drift. I don't think I ever saw Malli blush so deeply until that day. He looked like he wanted to speak, but his throat must have been so choked up.

I could only giggle as I imagined how much his heart skipped. "You said it yourself, didn't you?" I whispered. "You said my prince would be strong, or spoil me a lot. You're both of those factors. And I said he would be kind and very approachable." I came closer and nuzzled Malli's cheek. "Not to mention, you're so, absolutely cute~"

I could feel Malli's body growing hotter as I displayed my affection. "B-But... I can't be a prince..."

"That's fine. You can be a princess, just like me~" I teased.

"T-That's not what I mean!... I... You're royalty! You deserve better than a humble commoner." Malli leaned back and tried to slip himself away.

I wouldn't allow him to get away. I quickly pursued and clung to him, and cuddled him close. "I don't want better. You're perfect for me~" I let my heart take full control of my actions. I pressed my lips onto Malli's again, and gave a much deeper kiss, pressed my body down onto him, and gently wrestling him down onto the blanked with my knees straddling his waist. He whimpered softly as I locked our lips. Then he kissed back, and held me by my waist. I held the seal firm for a while, loving the feel of our tongues dancing and breathing into one another, then pulled away with a soft sigh, saliva bridging from our mouths. Malli's body was already on the brink of overheating. His whole body trembled. His heart raced. He panted heavily. His cheeks were so flushed. And I could feel him becoming much more lively down below. It was astonishing how cute he was when he was so quickly overwhelmed. "Are you okay, Malli?" I asked with a soft, sweet tone.

"I... I.... I don't know..." he struggled to say. "I feel like... I-I caught a b-bad fever..."

"Awww, someone's love sick~" I touched his cheek. He certainly was running a temperature. "How are you more hot and bothered than I am? I'm the one that's been waiting to show my love forever."

"Well, I... I've kinda..." He paused. He wanted to speak, he didn't. Or maybe he just couldn't. The hesitance made me curious, and provoked me to get the words out of him. I pressed my lower body down onto his, thereby squishing down on his bulging skirt. He squealed loudly in his arousal, and pushed up against me, eyes closed tightly and hands clasping to my waist. "Shika, wait! Please! S-SHIKA!"

My ears twitched when I heard Malli moan my name. I didn't lift up. My upper body dropped onto him next, my breasts pressed against his chest, and my nose touched his. It felt amazing to feel his tempered body against mine. "You were going to say something. 'I kinda...'? "

"S-Shika, please... D-Don't--Ah!" I challenged his resiliency. I pressed down harder on his body, and slowly, firmly rubbed against him with my whole body. He wrapped his arms tightly around me and groaned louder. "P-Please! S-Shika please!" he begged. I wasn't sure if he was holding me closer to feel my body close to his, or to keep me from moving, but non-the-less, I loved his tight squeeze.

I held his cheeks tenderly in my hands and looked deep into his eyes. I didn't stop grinding against him. "If you tell me, I might let up a little~"

"B-But... I...!!" I pressed down harder against his lower body, and giggled softly as Malli shouted in his arousal. I'm surprised he had room to throb between us. "Okay! OkayokayOKAY!!" Malli screamed in horny distress. I stopped grinding and listed up a little, just so the pressure is a bit more bearable for him. He panted softly as the grinding ceased, then began to speak. I kept my face close to his as he spoke. "I've been too shy to say it, b-but... As our friendship grew over the years... I really have wanted it to be more than... just a friendship..." I listened to every word he said, feeling my body temperature beginning to rise. My heart pulsed faster as well. "I know you always tell me I do a lot, but you've done just as much for me... You cared for me when was ill... You calmed my mind when I felt troubled... Most important of all, you understand me and how I am... Even after you found out, we still see heart to heart... And..." My heart was skipping beats, it was pounding so fast. I took every word to consideration, and cherished them from the moment they were spoken. He paused for another moment, and spoke again. "And... it's the communication of our hearts... that makes me... S-Shika..., for so long, I... I've really lo--" I just couldn't take it anymore. My heart wouldn't stay still. I let my love take over again, I kissed him softly on the lips, and slowly deepened the seal. Malli showed no hesitation this time, and gladly joined in on the bond. We clung to each other and cuddled together, breathing into each other as the kiss progressed.

Our bodies got hotter as we let out love show, and blend together. Our hands traveled each other's bodies, and we began to strip off the layers of clothing. I slid my hands under him to undo the zipper of his dress. And Malli slid his fingers into the waistband of my skirt and slowly pushed it down my thighs. We sighed as we stripped each other of our clothes, and as our body heat escape, we only got hotter and hotter. Slowly, I pulled the kiss apart, allowing us to catch our breaths. I lifted my torso off of Malli, my legs still in place, grabbed onto Malli's dress, and slowly pealed it off of his body. I studied Malli's feminine stature as he lied there in only his lavender bra that fit him perfectly, and matching, bulging panties. "Gosh... I didn't think you could look any cuter, Malli~" I compliment, before setting the dress down and worked off my own top, so our bodies were equal; dressed down in nothing but our undies. Knowing what was coming, I removed my earrings and necklace. I murred softly as I felt the lovely breeze on my natural fur, covered by only my pink bra and pantied.

Malli covered his chest with his hands and pressing his thighs together and raised them up to hide his groin behind his legs. "Don't say things like that... I-It's embarrassing... O-Oh," Malli's face glowed with emotion, and then he looked away shyly. He tried not to stare, but I saw those eyes wander. Even if it was for a split second, he studied my body in my undies. He ogled from my breasts down to my thighs, and probably imagined something dirty, too~

His sexual timidity only added to his adorable nature. I lightly held onto Malli's knees, looking directly at him. "I can't help it. I've never felt so drawn to someone before~" I didn't wait another moment. I just couldn't. I smirked softly and pressed my face between his shins and right onto the underside of his thighs, and immediately followed up with licks and nips. Malli moaned out and shivered as I tasted his legs. I continued to smother his under-thighs with my kisses, to keep my ears entertained with those whines. He tried his best to keep his thighs pressed together, but his defenses quickly diminished. My kisses overwhelmed him. His thighs slowly parted as I kept up my kisses and lips, and those delightful moans and whimpers wouldn't cease. I dug my face deeper between his legs, striking his inner thighs with my loving smooches. They proved to be a weak spot for him, as he just seemed to melt almost immediately when I touched my lips and tongue there.

His legs went limp, allowing me to part them as far as I pleased. I looked upon what lied behind those thighs. His cock was pulsing like crazy in those panties, and his entire lower body was trembling in my grasp. I looked upon those bulging panties. He looked so inviting, and so vulnerable. I reached and lightly grasped the top of the bulge between my index finger and thumb. The tip was so wet with his precum. He gasped and thrusted at my digits, and shook harshly before relaxing back on the ground, his whole body sprawled out and shivering. "Awww, poor thing~" I said with a giggle in my voice. I gave the tip a soft squeeze and rubbed my fingers on the tent, and he gave a long, soft moan. I loved the sensitivity, and the reactions to my tender touch. I teased him a little more like that, and very slowly tugged off his panties, my interest raised higher as I saw his length. His cock proudly sprung free, just as another horny whine escaped. Of the pervious princes that I have seen naked, Malli's size easily rivaled them. I did wonder how he hid himself under that skirt with such well-blessed size.

Malli sighed in relief, and clung to his bra, breathing slowly and deeply with eyes shut tightly and his mouth gaped, whilst his cock throbbed vibrantly. "S-Shika... Please... J-Just take me already..." he begged, speaking in whimpers. I smiled and giggled, holding his piping hot member by the base with my fingers. Malli shivered at my touch. "Ahhh!...Y-Yes, please... N-No more teasing... I want to be yours... Please, give me your love, I can't take it anymore..." He sounded so needy. So desperate. Practically on the verge of starvation for my affection. And to be honest, I desired him just as much as he desired me, if not more. I pressed my hands firmly on Malli's thighs to keep them spread apart, and let my tongue loll out of my mouth, preparing myself to taste his throbbing shaft. I caught a glimpse of Malli's face as I drew closer to his crotch. He was as anxious as could be. If he clung any tighter to that bra, you'd think it was going to snap right off. I giggled softly as I studied his attitude and reactions, and pressed my tongue right onto his balls. Malli gasped sharply and shivered softly, which quickly escalated to squealing and trembling as I slowly slid up his shaft with a big, slow, wet lick. He arched his back as I slid up, rising higher as I licked further upwards, then fell back to the ground as my tongue flicked off of him. My whole body felt aflutter as I made him move with me, like a toy, or putty, and my tongue tingled as I got my first taste of his precum. I gave him another lick, followed by many more slow, playful licks, and he motioned and squealed, just as I liked.

I know he begged to stop teasing, but I couldn't help it. I enjoyed his feedback so much, and he just kept gushing more of his yummy precum for me to sample. It wasn't too much longer, however, before I started to crave more than just little tastes. I gave Malli one more big lick, making him hoist himself up again. As I reached the tip, where I usually let my tongue spring off the head, and opened my mouth wide, and took him halfway into my maw, accompanying his throbbing meat with a big squeeze in my mouth. His whole body quaked violently, he squealed at the top of his lungs, and he swiftly thrusted deeper into my mouth, stuffing his cock balls deep in my mouth. My eyes darted wide open and I coughed a bit in surprise, then chuckled lustily and embraced his thighs in my arms. I wrestled him to keep his legs under my control, and pinned his lower body back down to the ground. He thrashed fiercely in his horny state, and thrusted desperately in and out of my mouth, giving me no choice but to keep him held down in my grip. I loved how hasty and impatient his actions were, and moved with him, moaning out with every slam into my mouth he gave me.

I began to feel hotter than ever as my maw was stuffed with his uneasy member. Malli's body became much more tempered as well, as I felt his body boiling against mine. Even as my face was humped from below, I began to relax. I gently closed my eyes as Malli thrusted away at my mouth in his needy titillation, the sound of his loud, passionate moans sweeping throughout the flower field, hearing my name spouted from his lips in his moany tone. I became lost in the cloud of my arousal and Love, fallen half0dormant as my darling chinchilla let his feelings out. The feeling of his thrusts, shivers pulsing blended together with the warm feeling I had inside, making me moan softly as well. The moans began to sound muffled. Everything felt so hot and bubbly.

I hadn't even realized how lost I was until the mix of hot and bubbly was also accompanied with a few more feelings: sweet, thick, yummy, and most conspicuously, gooey~ My eyes darted open, my ears perked up, my tail wagged happily, and I began to regain my senses, starting with the feeling and taste of my mouth feeling a bit full with the new sensations, matched with the feel of harsh pulsation. I let out a long, soft moan from the delightful taste in my mouth, and my eyes became half-lidded. My hearing returned next, with the cute chinchilla screaming in intense pleasure. I could then feel him thrashing like crazy, his legs squirming as I held tightly to them. I opened my mouth a bit with a giggle as the last few spurts struck the roof of my mouth, and watched as the creamy mess oozed down his shaft. The volume of his load was as impressive as his size. I could still feel him, rock hard and pulsing, after he finished cumming. My mischievous side emerged as I wrapped my mouth back around the shaft, squeezing his cock tightly in my mouth again. I didn't swallow his seed. I nestled it in my cheeks and let it coax his length. I heard Malli squeal loudly again, as I did so, and he continued to wreath in my grip, his cock as lively as can be in my maw. I pressed down aggressively on his lower body to keep him from moving much. I then began to bob my head on his throbbing cock with my mouthful of his cum, and sucked hard. Judging by how the volume of his squeals amplified, the pleasure he endured seemed to amplify from intense to unbearable. With his struggling fighting against my motions, it was impossible to keep the load from drooling down his length and onto his lap. It wasn't long long until my actions drove him over again, and released another eruption into my cheeks. I pressed my face against his lap, his cock balls deep in my mouth, and giggled muffledly as I let him further stuff my mouth with his fresh nut.

Malli stopped thrashing and moaning, lying limp as though he had melted, and panted softly after his climax ended. As the flow of cum stopped, I slowly pulled off of his member. I kept my lips wrapped around his shaft as I pulled off to keep as much of my creamy catch within my cheeks, and released his lower body. While he was still vulnerable, I crawled over him and pressed my lips onto his for another deep kiss, allowing my mouthful to fall into his mouth. My body tingled with delight when I saw his face light up with surprise when he got a taste of his own hot nut. His eyes shot open, and he moaned sharply as he tasted the cream he supplied me with. Only seconds in the kiss, he closed his eyes and hugged me softly, taking part in the sticky snowball. I sighed softly and hugged back. We began to swallow the shared load together as we kissed. It was getting a bit messy, too, as drops of cum escaped from between our lips and drooled down our mouths and chins. After the snowball was finished, we enjoyed the kiss for a moment more, the taste of his seed still lingering in our mouths, and I slowly pulled away so we could catch our breaths, strings of saliva and cum bridging from our lips for a brief moment before they broke.

We panted softly as our lips were parted. We gazed at one another as we caught our wind. Our bodies stayed heated. "That was... s-so amazing..." Malli uttered between breaths. "I've never felt so... so intense before..."

"I think you're still heated~" I whispered to him. I gently pressed my butt against his cock. He was still as hard as when we started. The throbbing didn't cease for a second.

Malli gasped as I pressed against him, and grabbed my rump in reaction. I let out a gasp of my own, perking my tushy up slightly with my tail wagging in excitement. "I-I... I'm sorry... I d-didn't... "

I nuzzled Malli softly. "Don't be sorry," I assured him. "If anything, I owe you an apology. I practically forced my love onto you, and took you without your consent. Gosh... I'm no better than those princes, huh?" I chuckled after saying that. It just seemed funny to me, how I've rejected prince after prince because they usually forced themselves onto me. And look, now, at what I've done.

"That's not true at all! You're nothing like them!" Malli asserted. "All they every wanted in their significant other was obedience and power. They didn't care about what your heart was like, respected your decisions, or what kind of love and caring you could offer. But you do! It's ALL you've ever care about. Everything you did was driven by your heart. There's nothing comparable between you and them."

Malli's words were straight from his heart. The shyness in his voice fled for that moment, and was replaced with confidence. I saw it in his eyes, too. And it made me smile. I leaned my head onto his, and looked him deep in those emerald eyes. "You understand me so well..." I said softly. "Still, that doesn't justify that I forced myself onto you. It was... rude of me to push my affection onto you. And for that... I submit myself to you." I held onto his body and rolled us over, switching our position with him on top of me. His hands and knees straddled my body as I swapped position with him.

The shyness returned almost immediately as I set him atop me. His ears drooped behind his head. "But Shika... I-I couldn't... I... wouldn't know how to start... I'm not very experienced in... t-this..." Malli looked away shyly. "I'm nervous..."

I touched Malli's cheek and turned his face back toward me. "Just do as I did: Listen to your heart. And do what feels right and natural." I kept my smile and slowly reached my hands up and behind him, where I loosed his bra. It slid down his arms and onto my chest.

"Do what feels... right and natural..." he repeated, then nodded. He slid his hands under me unfastened my bra next. I lifted up to make it easier for him, and allowed him to guide it off of my arms, pulling his bra off of me, as well, then set them besides us. As he stripped off my bra, I reached to my lower body and slowly slipped my panties down my thighs, both our bodies would be dressed in naught but our soft fur. My fingers grazed Malli's thighs, making him look down at my lower body. His eyes were locked on my lower body as my nethers came into his view. He bit his lower lip, his cock pulsed hard, and a shiver strung through Malli's body. "O-Oh my... gosh..." whispered under his breath.

"It's yours, my love~" I whispered. I tickled his member with a gentle touch with my fingertips, which made him bite his lip harder. He tried not to moan, but he couldn't hold back the urge very well. That was completely fine by me, though. I loved how he moaned. "Please, Malli. Take me, my lovey girl. I'm yours." Malli couldn't look away from my flower. The image of delving deep inside me was probably a lot for him to take in. My words probably got to him, too. The excitement within him rose quickly as he stared between my legs. He was panting fast. He was throbbing so hard. I wouldn't have blamed him if the thought itself made him cum. I touched his cheek again. His face looked towards mine again. "Please, don't be shy... You're the only one I'll ever trust with my heart. And much more~"

Malli closed his eyes and squealed softly, clung to the blanket under us, and his body lightly lowered, his member pressed into my palm. He looked like he was gonna melt again. It never got any less cute. I bestowed him another gentle kiss on the lips. His eyes opened slowly as my lips motioned away from his. "T-Thank you, Shika... My princess..." He smiled back at me. "O-Oh! I-I..." He grabbed his dress and reached into one of the pockets, and drew something small from the dress. I glanced at it in his fingers. It was wrapped in a square foil. I knew what it was at first glance, and it made me giggle. Malli giggled, too. "Father said I should keep at least one for a rainy day..."

"Rainy? But the only forecast I see today is flying sparks~" I declared.

Malli giggled again. "You're so silly, Shika."

I held one of the corners between my fingers. "Mind if I..." Malli quickly caught the idea, and released the tiny square package, and unwrapped it, unveiling the thin, lubricated rubber that resided inside. "Lift up a little, please~" Quite obediently, he slightly hoisted up his lower body. I reached under him with the condom in my fingers, and slid it down his shaft softly. He shivered softly and sighed as the condom was applied to his shaft. It seemed to be a slightly tight fit, but I was able to get it on soundly. "There we go. Nice and snug." My mischievous side was brewing again. I couldn't pass up an opportunity to tease the cutie. "Let's just make sure it stays snug~" I grasped the elastic end in my fingers, and tugged firmly. He gave off that lovely, cute moan again, and his limbs wiggled and buckled. I could have probably stretched it to where it gave his nuts a good squeezing, but I didn't want it to break, so I ease up after a little while. Malli whimpered, and lowered my body onto mine, our torso's pressed together. He was shaking uncontrollably. His cock was pulsing just as uneasily. I think I played with him too much. I just couldn't help myself. His feedbacks were the absolute best~

As much as I loved keeping him on edge, it's not very nice to force so much anxiety upon my dear Malli. I reached between us and tenderly wrapped my hand around his member, sheathed in the condom. He gave a brief moan, and his cock quaked in my grasp. "Shhh, calm down, my love~" I whispered in his ear. His body remained restless. I guided the tip of his cock to my warm entrance. He gasped softly as he felt my wet warmth against his cock. I tickled his arousal by slowly rubbing the head against my pussy. "You wanted this badly... Didn't you?" I asked. Malli didn't answer with words. He responded, instead, with soft prods. The first poke caught me by surprise, and made me moan. I released his length and hugged him softly. He prodded a few more times, and then pushed at my entrance softly. I spread my legs apart softly, allowing him to enter. I closed my eyes and braced myself for him to penetrate me. He started to push a little harder, then quickly retreated with a sharp gasp. I opened my eyes. M-Malli? Are you okay?"

"Y-You're... You haven't..." He knew. Only after pushing at me a little bit, he knew. I could only answer with a giggle. "S-Shika, I... When you said 'it's yours' I didn't know you meant... This is t-too much to bestow on me... I..."

I shook my head. "I would only trust the most reliable of persons with this, and I don't know anyone more trustworthy than you." I smiled. "Please, Malli. Be my first." He hesitated for a moment more, then started pushing again. We hugged together and moaned softly. He was extra delicate with me. He slowly, carefully pushed into my pussy, and shivered heavily. I let him take his time with me. I began to feel anxious as I felt myself getting slowly stretched, and gave a proud moan as I was finally pierced through for the first time. The pleasure that shot through me was tremendous. Malli moaned just as loud at his first entrance, taking in about only half his length in first. He slowly pulled back, and pushed back in, going a bit deeper inside me, and he repeated this motion with slow, steady thrusts. Every time he slid into me, we moaned out loud, the sounds amplifying every time he went deeper. He delved deeper with each thrust, until he took it all the way inside. I felt so stuffed with his cock, and my juices began to gush between our nethers. The moment he went as deep as he could go, he stopped thrusting, and hugged me close. His moans turned to hiccupping pants, then to whimpers. He was throbbing really hard inside me, and his body was trembling again. He bit his bottom lip bitten as he tried to stop the inevitable. "Malli~ You don't have to hold--!" I couldn't finish before I heard him whimper loudly in hot arousal, and felt the sensation of the condom swelling within me. The twitching became stronger as Malli peaked. I moaned and giggled softly as Malli came in the rubber, rubbing his back to keep him comfy.

Malli slowly pulled back after his climax subsided, then quickly thrusted back in, giving a much louder moan than before. My heart jumped when I felt him slam back into me, pressing right against my g-spot. This made me scream in pleasure, and I shivered as the sensation surged through me. It was amazing. It seemed Malli wasn't done, and I was quite glad he wasn't. We couldn't speak, the feeling was so overwhelming. Malli continued to thrust into me, each thrust smooth, steady, and precise, the speed gradually increasing. We proudly moaned for each other. The heat we felt was intense. It felt like our bodies were melting together. My fluids were out of control. Every time our bodies collided, my juices splashed between out thighs, like my g-spot were a trigger for my juices. The sensation lasted for what seemed like forever, and it was an eternity to remember.

The pressure in my lower body grew considerably. Malli humped and humped away at me until he felt himself brimming again, too. He buried his cock deep inside me, his head firmly pressed against my womb. Just feeling him throb inside me made my body shudder heavily with pleasure. "I... I can't burst again... not yet... It's not f-fair to you..." Malli whimpered. He was holding back, and it looked like it was really straining his endurance. He pressed harder against my g-spot, and began to grind inside me. I screamed and thrashed under him, the lovely feeling inside me strung strong through me. magic "C-Cum... please, cum, Shika... Ohhhhh, s-squirt for me, Shika... L-Let it out, my love, please..." How he moved inside me... it was like magic. My body tensed up and my eyes shut tight. I was going to explode. I know Malli was holding back for me, but I wasn't ready for it to end yet, so tried to keep myself contained as well. It was futile, though. I was already giving in. I tried to annunciate my words, to tell him I was on my edge, but I couldn't speak through my squeals. I squeezed Malli tightly as I lost myself in the sexual heat, and screamed loudly as I came hard for him. A wet explosion occurred between us, my hot fluids splashing like a powerful wave between us. Malli stopped grinding, his length still deep within my pussy, and clung to me just as tightly. We had a rivalry of loud moans as I squirted on his cock. Our bodies couldn't have been any tighter in that moment. I loved it. I loved it all. How he made me feel, inside and outside, was a sensation unlike anything I've ever experienced.

The shaking of my body simmered down to soft shivers as my orgasm faded, and I panted softly. I felt rather weak and tired, and my embrace loosened to a light hold. I took a moment to breathe as I basked in my afterglow. "That was... t-the absolute best best..." I whispered to him. Malli couldn't reply. He still clasped desperately to me. His cock continued to throb inside me. Malli whimpered softly as he was brimming, probably near paralyzation from holding back the urge to cum. I slowly lowered my hands from his back down to his hips, feeling as his body shook atop me. He was a pent-up, trembling mess. "Pull out, Malli~" I whispered to him. He nodded and slowly slid himself out of my wet hole. We gasped as I felt him pop out of me. His member throbbed harshly within that creamy condom he wore. I reached between us and lightly gripped the length in my hand, giving it a soft squeeze, and slowly stroked the pulsing shaft. Malli moaned sharply and bucked his hips. He needed to burst so badly. "There, there, Malli~ It's okay. Let all of your love out~" I gently demanded. Almost on command, he gushed hard for me, stuffing the condom with his spunk even more. He gave a whimpering moan with each gush he let splatter into the rubber cover. I couldn't see it very well, but the feel of him pulsing in my hands as I made him shoot his cum was a lovely privilege for me. "Gosh, you had a lot of love held in for me, huh~?" I asked in a chuckle, and gasped with a soft grin as I felt the tension of the condom immediately let up, and his hot seed oozed onto my hand and thighs. Seems all the loving action had finally took its toll on the condom. It tickled my body to feel his spunk trickle down my body.

Malli began to soften in my grasp after the condom had burst. He relaxed and sighed, and collapsed on top of me. He was completely spent. I moved my messy hand to my mouth and licked his cream from my fingers, moaning softly when his sweet taste tinged my cheeks. In the middle of grooming my hand clean, Malli held my wrist, and licked my fingers as well, assisting my cleaning. We licked at my hand more and more until our tongues met, followed by our lips, which led to another deep kiss. The taste our saliva mixed with that of his cum again, and we sighed happily. We held the kiss for a while and slowly broke the kiss apart, gazing into each other's eyes. "I-I hope that was okay..." Malli said with uncertainty in his voice.

"That was more than okay~" I whispered to him. I leaned up a bit to touch noses with his. "I've never felt so delightfully vibrant and feverish before~"

Malli moved his face back a tiny bit, and gave me that adorable bashful look again. "Y-You can't mean that...I hardly had any idea what to do... and it was just too much to handle."

"You listened to your heart. That's all you needed to do to satisfy me." I got closer, and smushed my cheek against his. "That's all I need from my prince~"

"Oh S-Shika..." He smiled softly and cuddled back. We giggled in our warm, cuddly company. When our bodies parted, we slowly sat up, not feeling fully rested, but rested enough. Malli then reached to his dress again. "There's something I need to give you." I looked in curiosity as his fingers scuffled through his pocket. Out came a shiny coin. It looked to be pure gold. He put the coin in my hand.

I was touched by the gift, but shook my head. "Malli, you don't have to give me--" I shushed myself when his finger touched my lip, then pointed down to the coil in my palm. I looked down, and I promise, my eyes shimmered as brilliantly when I saw what was carved into the coin. On one side, the coin showed a beautiful engraving of a heart with a ribbon wrapped around it. On the other side, it read: "YOU MELT MY HEART LIKE GOLD". It was so precious. I clasped it between both my palms. "Malli... where did you get this...?"

"I found it on the ground one day. I was going to trade it for profit, but I would probably never find another one. So I made it into something appreciable than money." He looked at his hands and twiddled his fingers. "And I promised myself... I'd give it to the one I want to spend... the rest of my days with..."

I looked at Malli with astonishment in my eyes. "M-Malli... D-Do you mean... You..." Malli was quiet. He looked really shy. But he ushered up his confidence, and nodded with a smile. My heart stopped for several seconds. I squealed so loud it echoed through the sky, and I tackled Malli back onto his back with another full-on embrace. We squirmed about on the grass, and giggled and cuddled. I just couldn't believe it. The joy within me overflowed me. After so long, I've finally found my prince.

By now, the rest should be history. As soon as we could, we made arrangements to be bound in matrimony. My parents were uncertain at first, but they trusted me to follow my heart, and agreed. I couldn't stop giggling when they first learned Malli wasn't a girl. The marriage was huge. Kingdom-wide. What put a big smile on my face was that my sisters and their lovers came home to congratulate me and my new-found love. Even a number of the princes I had met came to the wedding when they heard the news. Not to congratulate me, of course. They wanted to see who they were losing me to. There were mixed faces of disappointment, envy, and astonishment when they saw my husband, how cute and feminine he looked, how kind and sweet he was, and heard that he wasn't even of royal genes. Their demeanors spoke that silly, "What's he got that I don't?" phrase. Oh, if only they really knew first hand, just as I did.

After our marriage, we decided to settle in this cozy nature-side cabin. Don't get me wrong, I'm still princess of this land. But I handle royal matters in a more humble manner, like I always have. My parents and I didn't press such things on Malli. Even if we did, he'd be too busy spoiling me to uphold them, anyways. Loyal charmer, he is. I've also taken up the occupation of being a spirit shaman. I've studied the magic and skill necessary to summon the souls of the fallen. I used this ability to allow the village folk to speak to lost family and friends. Malli was able to learn to harvest the power of the moon at night, even during new moons, and it made it easier to beacon the souls to us. We did this more as a service to our kingdom, than on occupation, but half the time, they would leave us kind donations for our work. This is how we promised to live the rest of our lives: Happy, together, and assisting others. As for what the future holds for us... Well... Let's just say, some "gloves" are meant to come off. After all, someone has to carry on the family name.