Revenge is a dish best served straight from the horses ass.

Story by Thunder Steelhoof on SoFurry

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#1 of Vengeance is Sweet.

It was a quiet day in the English countryside. The Wolfrunner family was all outside in the pasture riding their thoroughbred stallions. Of them the youngest was Danny Wolfrunner. Danny was a twenty-one year old male wolf who had just been accepted into Furington Academy. He had brilliant silver fur with hair that was as white as the snow itself. His build was strong, but not overly muscular, seeing as how he did little work around the stables of his family's manor. All the work that he had to do was done by her personal stable-hand Keith.

Keith was an eight-teen year old Australian fox that had been hired by the Wolfrunner's to take care of their horses and anything their son Danny might need. His once shiny orange fur was now stained with dirt, manure and he smelled of the stables. He took this job so that he could be around horses and make some money in the end. Keith had a strong muscular form that most girls would swoon over. His hair was long and tied in a pony tail that reached the nape of his neck. Though many of the other girl servants that lived in the manor liked him, he had his eyes on Danny.

"Oh...Keith can you please come over here please. I do believe my stallion is in dire need of a good shit." Danny called out to the young dirt covered fox. Keith looked up and grabbed the brown sac that was half full of Danny's stallion scat. He carried it over on his shoulder and nodded to Danny.

"Aight then mate. Well whenever the guy needs ta go, I'm ere ta receive it sir. Wouldn't want the grass ta get all messy sir." He spoke out in response to the Wolf.

"Good man Keith," he growled to himself as he slowly backed his horse up towards the fox. The horse then lifted his tail and started to scat right onto the fox's head and muzzle. Keith fell back and gagged as the shit plopped right into his muzzle. "Oh dear me Keith it seems the horse had other plans for his shit. Now, be a good little fox and make sure none of that gets on the lawn, and since you already seem to have eaten I will inform the chef to not cook for you tonight. Tally-ho." He laughed, while looking behind him at the fox that was now covered by the stallion's shit. By now the entire Wolfrunner family was laughing at the fox and pointing at him. Seeing that he got a laugh out of it was all he needed before he walked his horse off to the stables.

Keith got up and wiped the shit from his face and muzzle and threw it into the bag. He felt sick to his stomach but couldn't let the family see it. That would only increase his humiliation and discomfort. He ran off towards the stables to tie Danny's horse up and to finish the rest of his chores. When he got into the stable, Danny was already gone and his horse was wandering around. Keith sighed to himself and dropped the bag full of horse shit down and walked over to the stallion. The fox gently caressed his muzzle and kissed him on the side of the head.

"There we go boy, its ok, shhhhhh I got you now." He spoke softly and slid his paw up to gently massage his ears and calm him down. He slowly grabbed the reins and led him over to the saddle hitch. He tied the stallion up and removed his saddle and saddle blanket, setting them on the post. Keith then removed his halter, and placed it on the peg. The fox looked down at himself and sighed. Danny had insulted him and humiliated him many times before, but none were as bad as this. He sat down and stripped his clothes off revealing his bare chiseled form. Some of the horses seemed to turn there heads and looked over at him, some of them whickering and stomping their hooves. Keith let out a slight chuckle and strolled over to the small shower he had made to clean himself after every day of work. He pulled the small chain that opened the water faucet and started to clean him off. The dirt, mud, hay and horse scat falling off his form and onto the floor.

Nice warm water splashed against his sheath and began to awake the fox's large cock within, causing it to slide out and redden. Once he had some time to think about what had actually happened he found himself very angry. He snarled deeply and slammed his fist into the brick wall in front of him. By now his large 12 inch member was throbbing between his legs. He grinned to himself and caressed it gently.

"Not today, but tomorrow... you will have all the fun you can handle. But for now, we have some business to take care of" he snickered and turned the shower off to start on his plan.

The next morning Danny woke up and looked around. He saw that his breakfast was not on the side of his bed like it was supposed to be.

"Why that little... I will show him who the boss around here is." Danny grumbled as he got out of bed. He got himself dressed and walked over to the stables and looked around. "KEITH!" he barked "Where are you, you sodding little bastard?" he walked deeper into the stables and looked around. He saw his horse with a note taped to its ass. He growled and stomped over to read it. "Nighty night? What on earth doe..." with that he fell to the ground, the fox standing behind him with a looped leather whip he used to knock out the wolf.

"Sweet dreams Danny" the fox whispered as the wolf hit the ground. Some time later Danny woke up, and found that his paws were tied behind his back. He struggled to get them loose but he couldn't. His eyes scanned the room to try and find out what was going on. He looked up to see his horse's ass right in front of him. "He's rather well fed right now and hasn't released all day. Real shame to let all that shit go to waste" the fox chuckled sitting on the bench behind the fox.

"You listen to me you disgusting little fox, release me at once and your punishment will be small and quick. My parents will find you and they will..."

"Oh I wouldn't worry about that little Danny, your whole family has left for the hunt earlier on this morning. I told them not to interrupt you because you wanted to sleep. I have...plans for you today." The fox grinned and felt a new sort of feeling surging through his body as he looked down at the older wolf, still with the whip in his paw. The fox looked over at the horse as he lifted his tail. "Ahh it appears that breakfast is ready." Keith snickered and got up and walked over to the wolf and shoved his head right in front of the horse's ass. He then locked two straps into place, preventing the wolf from pulling away. Keith sat down and watched the wolf struggle.

"Dffft yo me avway nwww!" the wolf screamed from behind the horse's ass. Just then Thunder, Danny's stallion began to push out his large equine load right into the wolf's muzzle. Large clumps of dark green horse scat pushed its way right into the wolf's muzzle, and down his throat. The wolf snarled and gagged in protest to this, feeling the wet and sloppy horse apples push against his muzzle. The taste was heavy and almost spicy. Causing his stomach to grumble and churn. The stallion let out small trumpeting farts along the way that splattered fragments of wet shit all over the wolf's face.

Keith looked towards the wolf and snickered, seeing Danny struggle and grunt in disgust. Danny struggled to close his muzzle, but the evil fox had placed the straps around his muzzle so he couldn't close it shut. The horse pushed out one final clump of scat that the wolf had a hard time swallowing. Finally the horse let go a loud thundering butt blast and lowered his tail over the wolf's head. Danny gagged and felt utterly sick, a good 6 lbs of fresh horse shit now resting in his tummy, yet...he somehow liked it, and felt ashamed for this perverse pleasure he was taking from it. He liked the low down and disgusting feeling of a horse releasing himself onto him or in his muzzle. As if that wasn't enough he then felt his pants removed and thrown to the side. Keith grabbed the wolf's tail and lifted it as high as he could, exposing that tight little wolf hole.

"Well, well, well what do we have ere?" Keith grinned, and slowly pushed his throbbing cock against the wolf's hole. Danny growled and tried to lower his tail down but the fox was far too strong, he started to whimper and cry knowing that the fox had in store for him. All he could do was cry and wait for it to be over. Keith grinned as he heard and saw the wolf cry. He slowly started to push his cock into his tight little ass, feeling the wolf's tight anal ring wrap around his hot throbbing member. The fox growled and started to pant, loving the feeling of taking the wolf good and hard. Danny growled and tried to pull away, crying hard and whimpering like a little pup. He couldn't take much more of this, the wolf's once tight and soft ass, now felt as if it had been ripped apart.

Keith snickered to himself as he pressed his swollen knot against the wolf's ass, giving him a feel as to what was about to happen. Danny yelped and looked over his shoulder, by now his ass was bleeding slightly from the pummeling it took from the fox.

"Please... don't" Danny cried out in terror, knowing that this would hurt more then anything he had ever experienced. The wolf growled and struggled and tried to break free from his binds, doing everything he could do before he was impaled by the fox's knot. "I will stop this at once, if you stop this right now I will speak not of this to anyone, and it will never be done or spoken of again...what do you say my, my good fox?" Danny spoke softly, cringing to himself from time to time from the pain. The fox stopped and thought for a moment or two before gripping the wolf's hips tightly in his paws and grinned.

"Don't worry my dear boy; by the time that I'm done with you, you won't remember any of this anyway." The fox whispered as he leaned down towards the wolf's ear. He gripped the fur, and then slowly pulled out from the wolf's sore rump.

"Oh...oh thank you dear fox. You will not be disciplined for this." The wolf whimpered as he felt Keith pull out. But as soon as the fox was about to plop out of the wolf's tailhole, Keith growled and then rammed his cock all the way into the wolf's ass, Danny let out a loud scream as he felt his hole get ripped wide open around the fox's hard knot. He felt sick to his stomach and hurled on the ground. There were a few more minutes of consciousness before Danny fell limp. Keith grinned and continued to pound and hump deep inside the out cold wolf's hole. He leaned his head back and bit his lip, feeling himself get closer and closer to releasing. His balls tightened up and his cock throbbed harder, and harder. He snarled loudly and bit down on the wolf's neck as his cock erupted inside the poor little wolf's hole. Load after load of thick hot fox seed coated Danny's inner rump. Keith pulled out from his new pet's ass and watched his cum drip from the newly opened and stretched hole. The fox let out a soft snicker and undid all of the wolf's binds and then left him there naked under the horse.

"Mmm, what fun I will be having with my new wolf toy..." The fox laughed as he walked away, knowing Danny would be comming back for more humilation in the future*

Well guys i hope you like my story and there will be more to come. :P