True Hearts 2 A Tore Between Hearts part 3

Story by Sakusaro Dark Fang on SoFurry

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#5 of Fur-Stories

Well it's time for Smokey's point of view and a little brother loving.

Smokey wipes off the last of his tears as he looks around the empty bar flashing back to the night that he and John met. Oh how magical that night was, even though he was drunk he still couldn't keep himself from thinking how lovely he looked, how cute he sounded, and how he makes all his problems fade away. He walked out of the bar and walked into the park where more and more flash backs come to his mind on how happy they were, how much smiles were given, at least before the meeting of the two brothers that is. Smokey wants to let out his anger, his inner fire against the two, but he just couldn't since he worries more about John as more and more time has pasts. "Hey there you are" Smokey turned around just in time to get a surprise hug from Dominet. "How are you my love?"

"W...what?" Smokey asked confused and trying to get out of his grip.

"Oh come on love I know you like to play around so come on let's play, back at your place" Charizard finally gets out of Dominet's grasp trying to think over something to say to figure out how to get out of the situation.

"Uh Dominet, sorry I um seem to forgot some things" he lied rubbing the back of his neck putting on a fake smile. "Do you mind reminding me some things?"

"Sure hun" Dominet starts explaining the story on how long they have been friends and that ever since John turned down Smokey for a relationship, he's been there for the dragon that eventually lead up to a relationship to a more loving standard. The story stuns Smokey the more he hears about it and figures that this world isn't right if he isn't with his John, but he might as well play along till he gets close to John again.

"Oh right" he answered hugging Dominet, "thank you love I completely forgot. Thank you" Dominet smiled and hugged him back rubbing him getting lower and lower till he starts rubbing Smokey's ass. "um Dominet not now" Smokey pushed moving back to get his hand away. "I mean not here or now at least okay, I had a hard day"

"Um sure love" Dominet agreed a little confuse, "whatever you say" Dominet hugs him again as Smokey thinks in his head a way to get out of it. He loves John more than anyone and the more he thinks about it, the better this situation actually is to practice telling Dominet the truth. It's been too long since Smokey was asked to tell his friends their relationship, so this world would be close to perfect to do it. "So you still be up to the threesome tonight" Dominet asked as he un-hugged him.

"The what?"

"The threesome between me, you, and Muscle. We all set it up a week ago"

"Oh um I don't know, I'm really beat and I don't know if sex is a good medicine for it tonight. I might just go straight to bed" he watches as Dominet's happiness turns that into anger very quickly.

"You freaking promised this, you said a week ago that u would agree to this as long as I keep the house cleaned up"

"Oh uhhh..." he tries to think more and more responses and can't find a way to escape it. If he does sex behind John's back he might get upset...or worse. "I uhhh..." Dominet grabs him by the shoulder and throw him on the ground, pinning him.

"You're going to keep your promise no matter what Smokey" Dominet says growling, "Now let's go" he grabs Smokey by the tail and start dragging him to the house.

Phallic waited on the couch of his home at the original dimension as he hears his brother Daniel flash into the room from thin air sitting down next to him. The two brothers smiled as they watched their plans slide into place seeing the dimension they put the two in and watch the reactions on the couple's bodies that are just floating right next to each other in the real dimension. "If only they knew how close their bodies are" Phallic chuckled watching the two bodies float next to each other in deep sleep.

"Just remember our deal brother" Daniel reminded him, "Once their wills are broken and they see that they can't have each other anymore, Charizard becomes yours and John becomes mine"

"Of course Daniel" Phallic nodded and put a hand on his cheek, "but I'll find it a little difficult to stay away from your handsomeness" he starts rubbing his thumb up and down the cheek seeing his brother start blushing a bit. Phallic scoots closer to Daniel enough to lean in and kiss his brother deeply, sliding his tongue in and wrapping it around Daniel's tongue. The two brothers start feeling some heat from each other and their tongues start going crazy inside each other's mouths. Phallic pulled up and take off Daniels shirt, tossing it aside as Daniel help his brother do the same thing rubbing his hand over his chest feeling how strong and muscular he is from a lot of training. Phallic lowered himself to Daniel's nipples, licking one of them with such lust making his brother gasp and start leaning back enjoying the pleasure. The more Phallic continued on his brother, the more in heat he got himself into. Phallic grabbed his brother's pants and start undoing them, pulling them down slowly till his brother is only wearing his red dragon thong. "My my brother" Phallic growled in pleasure, "how I like you with this certain thong"

"Why don't you come here and let me return the favor" Daniel suggested with a grin feeling a little tightness in his thong. Phallic crawled closer to Daniel, leaning his head down to the thong and softly lick the bulge poking through the garment. Daniel started giving off slight moans as he feels his brother's tongue hitting the thong and sending the cool sensation of his saliva through the fabric onto his erection. "Oh brother your tongue is magnificent" Daniel moaned as he feels his erection grow bigger and bigger poking out of his garment. Phallic chuckled as he starts to pull his brothers underwear off and rub the erection in his hand feeling how hard it is and how much its throbbing. The touch makes Phallic start drooling from his mouth and lean in close enough to lick the tip feeling a little tightness in his own jeans. Daniel sees the tightness and pull Phallic on top of him to get his hands close enough to undo and slide his pants off showing off his flames of hell boxers with a little tent forming in the front. "Oh brother how about I return the favor "he slides off Phallic's boxers and rub his hand palm side up on the length, hearing his brother growl in pleasure to the touch.

"Oh Daniel that feels so good" he growls as he slides on his side closer to his brother getting close enough to lick his neck and stroke his cock as Daniels strokes Phallic's. The two starts moaning as they continue stroking each other enjoying the pleasurable feeling of each other's touch. Phallic decided it's time to take it a step closer as he rubs a finger onto his brothers tail hole feeling how wet its getting with the sweat his body is creating from their inner heat. Daniel couldn't help but start moaning louder as his brother finally starts the playing off by sliding his finger in and go back and forth in his hole, feeling his rings and try to widen him as much as possible with his fingers. Daniel starts panting harder and faster as his brother tempts his urge for either one of them to fuck the other starts building and building. "Does my brother like how this feels?" Phallic ask in a sexy tone that Daniel can't resist no matter how hard he tries.

"Y...yes" Daniel squeaked out trying to sound more manly and more powerful than what he feels now being pulled, pushed, and stretch by nothing but fingers for the moment. He starts panting with his tongue out as feels Phallic's fingers retreat and in place a long, hard, slick feeling run up at his hole's entrance and run up his own length. "Put it in me brother" Daniel finally pleaded, "Show me what you got" Phallic smiled and push his hard, throbbing member into his brother's hole growling in such pleasure feeling his brother's walls collapse all around him.

Smokey tries to get out of the bindings that Dominet tied him in, having his arms behind his back, legs together, naked of course, and wings tied together so he couldn't fly away. For extra kinks Dominet added chains to the tail and to Smokey's neck. Smokey growled and fidgeted around trying to get out of the bindings, if there's anything he didn't want to do in a different dimensional world where he isn't mated with John, it would be sex with another male, let alone Dominet. "He's fighting, how cute" Muscle commented as he slide off his shirt and lick his lips while eyeing Smokey.

"Why thank you" Dominet chuckled, "I really enjoy him when he acts that way. All struggling and fighting to out of being fucked" Smokey couldn't believe what he is hearing. He's best friend saying all these sexual remarks like he's more of a perverted pedophile. He tries to yell out for John in a cry for help, but gets nothing more but a mumble out with his maw shut and tied down tight. Once he looked up again he gasp in shock seeing Muscles and Dominet staring at him, chuckling at him while naked and stroking their big fat cocks that are just throbbing for some wet attention from either Smokey's ass or mouth. Smokey starts fidgeting around some more, until Muscle walks up and pins him down on the ground with his foot. Dominet walks up and untie his mouth with a chuckle, holding Smokey's mouth with one hand he lifts his head and lick his nose. "Come on baby, say my name and add 'fuck me please' to it so we can get started" Smokey looked at him scared at first, and then changed his mood to anger in a quick second.

"JOHN" Smokey yelled head-butting Dominet away and uses his tail to throw muscle off. He tries to get up and use flamethrower to melt the chains off. When the chains finally broke off Smokey continued yelling out in anger and sheer determination to get out of the delusional warped world he's in. "JOHN, JOHN" he continued yelling out.

Daniel and Phallic had to stop in the middle of their little incest fun as they here Smokey yelling in their living room John's name. "JOHN, JOHN" Smokey continued yelling out with his body floating next to John's in the real world. Phallic started growling and got up from the couch.

"Damn it, if he keeps that up John might hear it and our control might get broken"

"Then control it Phallic" Daniel suggested sitting up right, "Charizard is in your world, so make his buddies more forceful or something. Just make him shut up" Phallic knotted and created a orb of energy in his hand and stabbed it into the energy field Smokey's body was put in, he lightly held onto the dragon's head as the energy flows into his mind so Phallic can regain control. The energy became visible to Smokey as he saw it in the other world, the energy flowing down in streams and seeping into Muscle and Dominet's bodies. Their bodies rise up off the ground like zombies and turn to Smokey, revealing what the power has done to them in Phallic's control. Solid white eyes, buffer bodies, heavy breathing, and urge to silence Smokey one last time. The two started charging for Smokey in at a fast pace, but Smokey was fast enough to dodge them and use Dragon Breathe to blast them through a wall, just enough time for him to make a escape out of the building and use his wings to take to the skies. Phallic withdrew his hand quickly as it starts burning in pain from Smokey's strong will power for John. "Damn it, he got away from them. His heart and soul is very strong, it might be difficult to control him"

"Then let me torture John" Daniel snickered, "If I can make it where John never wants to see Charizard again as long as he lives, then we will have all the control we will need" he then got up and walked over to the field next to Smokey's. Like Phallic, Daniel created an orb of energy in his hand and did the same technique with John's mind.

Within the world John was put in days past very quickly without John knowing and each day consisted of Smokey hurting him physically and emotionally, always following him just to torture him even more, always waiting for him like a predator keeping out for one pray alone. After another day in the gym of getting pounded by Smokey, John was on his way to exit the gym and head home until Smokey burst back in and pinned him to a wall with an evil grin.

"S...Smokey" John said with a little trouble breathing from Smokey's grip, "Why are you doing this to me?"

"Because it's fun" Smokey answered punching the wall area next to him making a hole. "It's also fun just to mess with your mind; you probably kept thinking I'm gonna kill you, like it's the end of your pitiful life. Why I ever thought I would want a lifetime of love with you I will never figure out, you're not even my type" John's eyes widen to what he said about love and not being his type, as he sees Smokey's fist come towards his way, John blocked it with one hand, use his feet to push against Smokey's chest and twist to get loose, finally grabbing his shirt and pull him into a deep kiss that hopefully he will never forget.

The unexpected kiss burst into a huge light of power that was even blinding both Daniel and Phallic's eyes. Daniel tried to keep his hand on John's head to try to add more power to regain control, but it backfires and the power shoots out and up his arm in a huge surge of pain. Daniel fell back on the couch roaring and screaming in pain while holding his arm and feel his blood dripping all over the couch and floor. "Brother what happen?" Phallic asked worried and scared seeing his brother bleeding.

"That little bastard" Daniel growled, "his will power is stronger than Charizard's, that blast of energy just torn my arm apart, ahhhhh I can't even move it"

The two hear the door knob turning and they look over to catch their third brother Girayan, a Giratina, wearing his usual black shirt with white etchings of crosses and a grave, tight black pants with chain loops, and his favorite hoodie with built in earphones for his ipod. He looks over to see his two brothers naked and then sees Smokey and John in their energy fields. "What the fuck are you two doing?" he asked in frustration.

"Brother please go get the first aid kit, Daniel is hurt" Phallic said in a scared tone. Girayan fast walked into the kitchen to fetch the first aid kit and walked over to the couch to see Daniel. He was shock to see Daniels right arm completely destroyed and bleeding pretty badly. He opened up the kit and took out the basic materials needed to start treating it. "What the fuck happen, how did you get his injury, and why are you two holding two guys in your dimensional fields?"

"None of your damn business just fix me" Daniel growled as he watches his brother treat his injury with twitches of pain.

"You two are so fucking lucky that father isn't living with us, if he saw this he would totally make you two permanently grounded and punished"

"Father isn't with us, we three agreed to move into a house together because of how father was treating us" Phallic argued, "Let's just please drop it" Girayan finishes up with his brother and stands up with his hands to his hips.

"Now please explain"

"Fine" Daniel growled still pissed, "We saw these two while doing our first day look around the town. We wanted to take them as our boyfriends, but they are already mated to each other. We both figured that since they won't come if we go up and ask them, we figured to test something out and try it in a more forceful yet non-touched way" Girayan looked at him with a lift of one of his brow.

"So basically you two maded two different parallel worlds to make it where they will separate so you two can just swoop in and take what you would like to be yours?"

"More or less" Phallic answered. Girayan shook his head and pinch the bridge of his nose, thinking about how stupid his two brothers are.

"If you two don't quit this by the time I get back from changing upstairs, I will stop it myself and call dad over to really talk to you guys"

"FUCK NO" Daniel and Phallic yelled out hearing that Girayan would use their dad as a punishment option. He then headed upstairs leaving them alone to hopefully finish their 'experiment'.

"Damn that brother of ours" Daniel growled more, "Using our father as a way to get us to stop having our fun"

"What are we going to do Daniel?" Daniel thinks over what they could do and sighs coming with only one option.

"We have no choice, were going to have to go in their minds, our worlds, and force them to separate. We're going to have to fight them brother"