An Insatiable Appetite, Part 1

Story by Darkvampire95 on SoFurry

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I hadn't eaten almost five days. I could feel the hunger gnawing at my insides, begging and screaming to be sated and pleased. A part of me did its best to ignore the inner hunger that always seemed to exist inside me, while the other part of me always walked to roam the vast streets of New York, searching for anything and everything to eat and gorge myself on.

But before I began to far into this story, let me clarify that I am a vampire, first and foremost. I was born long ago in Italy, but my family moved to American sometime in the late 1990's so my father could pursue a more modern career in banking, and my mother wanted to expand her knowledge of the money system along with him. I was the same age as I am now, and twenty so years to a vampire isn't much.

Before my family could get a firm hold on me and rope me into the financial world though, I decided myself that I would move away from the large manor home they had in New York. It was a large home with three floors, rooms aplenty and a wide courtyard in both front and back. My family still lived in Albany, New York, but when I moved away from them all those years ago I drove to the cities and made a life for myself there. I've got no interest in telling you about my family, and I'm sure you don't want to hear about them. So short I'll suffice to say that my mother and I have a poor relationship, and since leaving my family home she's called me numerous times over the years, asking- almost begging- for me to come back to the manor and work things out. Needless to say, I didn't go back. Now I live in Florence, Italy, with a family of my own. But let me return to the beginning of my story.

It was the dead of winter, and New York was cold. I walked down the street, my paws stuffed into the zipped and button black coat that covered my well built but slender frame. I worked on my body every other day, going to either the workout room that was located at my apartment complex, or one of the local areas around the city. Working on my physical form helped to take my mind off more pressing matters. Like how hungry I was.

I ignored the gnawing the growling in my stomach, and instead told myself all I needed was belly full of warm blood. But that's not it! _my mind insisted _you need food! Real food! Not just blood.

I shook my head and walked a bit faster, letting the cool breeze brush past my face. I would get my fill of real food soon enough. Just as soon as I've found her my mind said.

That was right. The girl I had smelled earlier. The scents had all come at once, like a slap to the face. The smell of lavender, mixed the well cooked meat, mixed with vanilla, mixed with a thousand or million other things that made my nose twitch and my stomach rear its head. As a vampire I had a natural need for human blood to keep myself alive, but on top of that I had a more base need that my family had found all but disgusting, and I myself had found strange. The base need was for regular food. Things like pastas, a hamburger or two, Mexican styled foods. Things that the every day non-vampire would drive down the street to get at one of the million fast food restaurants.

As a young boy I had always had this need, according to my mother. My siblings, all four brothers and my three sisters, had claimed I was a half-vampire and not a pure-blood like the rest of them, but I ignored them. I focused on the need for real food instead of trying to bury it, because burying it only lead to the hunger pains that would well in my stomach with the passing hours in a day or night. The pains would came after a day or so, starting small at first but quickly working their way up to a roaring desire to tear into meat, pasta, bread, vegetables. Drinking specially brewed blood could help to nullify the effect of the hunger pains, but not by much.

Over the years I hungered more and more for human food at an increased rate, and found the only way to completely rid my stomach of the pains was to give into the desire. All I had to do was sit down in a diner or a restaurant and feed myself. But I quickly saw a problem that arose; that problem was the amount that I had to eat. It turned out to be more than I thought was possible, but I quickly learned that my stomach pains were only sated by eating generous amounts.

When I use the word generous, I mean generous. If the normal non-vamprie could eat say, four pounds of food, then I would have to to eat almost ten times that amount. I would walk into a restaurant knowing that I wouldn't leave until much later, and many times I resented the fact that I had to eat so much in such a long span. I would sit down and be served, and then, sometimes two, even three hours later, I'd politely ask for my check.

I never failed to baffle waitress or waiters and earn eye-popping looks from chefs when I asked for more. Where a non-human might stop eating after two plates, I would stack up platter after platter of fried food, heavily cooked meats, sautéed and stemmed vegetables, and basket after basket of dinner rolls. Vampire were a secret to most of the world, and the only thing that could really give us away was our aversion to the sunlight. However, a specific gene was somehow neutralized in my family genome early on in our generation, and as a result we could walk in the daylight hours, provided all of our body was covered.

Ah but I'm getting away from myself. The girl. I could smell coffee beans now, a smooth mixture of vanilla and a dark roast. I sniffed the air again and smelled the sweet, infectious scent of her blood. Now my stomach wailed and begged for food, not just blood, but I ignored it as I came up the street corner, and took a left. It was nighttime, and not many other furs walked the streets. A pair of wolves walked across the street from me, and a few lone cars rumbled down the roads.

Around the corner I took a paw from my pocket to push back my dark brown hair. I'm a fox by the way, I may not have mentioned that earlier. My orange fur is a brighter color than most, and my eyes are a bright gold. Its somewhat difficult to tell me apart from other furs with golden eyes, but if someone looks hard enough, the wavy circles in my irises could give me away. During the days I tended to walk around with a hood over my head and a bandana around my neck, but so did the rest of New York.

_There _my mind said. And there was right. The girl was just up ahead, pawing through a small purse around her slim shoulders. My stomach reared its head and began to claw at my insides immediately, and I slowed down. I stopped now, took my cell phone from my coat pocket, but only pretended to look at it. I was focused on the girl now, or rather my senses were. I looked at my phone, but used my ears filter out every sound and noise save for the girls small paws poking through her bag. I could hear her give off a small sigh, and her the various clink and tap of things in her small purse. I tapped a finger on the back of my phone before tucking it away, then closed the distance between she and I.

"Excuse me miss," I was a foot or so away when I slowed down. She looked up and me and I continued with, "Have you lost something?" I met her eyes, and saw they were an ice blue. She herself was a polar bear, and a well shaped one at that.

"Oh," she looked at me, her earlier frantic huff now leveling into a somewhat more relaxed tone, "Wouldn't you believe I've lost my wallet?" she asked with a note of panic in her voice.

"Your wallet?" I blinked at her, a look of surprise on my face, then said, "Probably the worst thing to lose," I shook my head now, but then smiled at her and said, "Is it in that shop," I pointed to the coffee shop.

"Oh they said they hadn't seen it," the girl said with a quiver in her voice. She was wearing tight fitting blue dress with a black stripe down the front, and a set of black heels gave a few inches to her otherwise short height. She stood just a little underneath myself though.

"I could ask again, if you'd like," I said with an even voice. I'd lost any accent of Italian speech in my words a few years ago, but my words still had a bit of charm to them.

"Oh," the girls ice blue eyes softened some now, and I saw them turn a shade darker. "Could you?" her voice was a bit lighter now.

"It's no problem," I moved a paw to her elbow now, and smiled, "Just wait here a moment, and I'll be right back."

"Wait," she repeated the word. Here voice sounded distant now, but then she nodded, "I'll wait here for you."

Now I smiled at her and took my paw from her elbow. I could feel her mind in my own now, and I stepped away from the girl and into the coffee shop.

* * *

Not ten minutes later, I heard the elevator ding, and the door slid open. The girls wallet had been underneath the counter in the coffee shop, and after some well used words the clerk was more than happy to give it back. I had given it back to the girl, then suggested she let me walk her back to her apartment. She had agreed easily, her now darker blue eyes never looking away from my gold, and we walked back together.

We stepped into a red carpeted hallway that was light by decorative wall lamps. The girl lead to the left and down a hallway. It was quiet in the hall and the only sounds I heard were the muted click of the girls heels, the thump and tap of my leather boots, and the occasional quiet blare of a car horn.

We passed two, three, then four doors before the girl stopped in front of her own door, and fished out a key. She turned it in the lock and a single click later, we stepped inside. I looked around as she shut the door behind me. It was a nice place. A spacious living room was ahead of me, and a wide kitchen and dinning table were to the right. A sliding glass door gave access to a balcony past the living room, and to the left were what I assumed to be the bedrooms.

I kept my paws in my pockets as the girl brushed past me, then pulled her purse from her shoulder and set it down on a table. She looked at me now, and I looked back at her. For a moment no one spoke, then she said in a distant, dreamy voice,

"Let's go sit down."

"Alright," I gave her a warm smile, and the polar bear smiled back.

She took a paw and lead my into the living room, dominated by a coffee table and two couches, one in front of a flatscreen TV and the other facing the balcony. The girl lead me to the couch that faced the balcony, and we sat down.

For a minute no one said anything, but then I turned a put a paw to her chin. I looked at her eyes, then looked over her lush figure. The tight dress hugged her large breasts, and stopped just above her knees. I looked at her, taking in her soft fur and even breathing. But what I paid most attention to was the smell of her blood. It ran through my nose and I swallowed. I moved my paw from her chin up here face, then brushed the white hair behind her ear. I looked at her neck, taking in the short fur and the one vein that pulsed, almost begging me to bite.

I licked my lips as my fangs slid from my gums, and I leaned closer to the girl. Before sinking my fangs into her, I kissed her chin. She closed her eyes, and let a paw rest on my knee. Her other paw pressed against my stomach, but quickly crept down to my manhood. I kissed her chin again as she gripped me, then moved to her neck.

As my fangs slid into her skin and I felt the warm blood rush into my mouth, I moaned. The blood was hot and tasted like fine wine, and swallowing my first mouthful, I put my paws around the girls body and tugged her into my lap.

"Oh," she let off a soft moan.

Another swallow of blood and I wrapped her arms around the girl. One paw still pressed and rubbed my manhood, which responded eagerly to the attention, and her other paw pushed and moved through my short hair. I moaned from the attention and let the warm blood run down my throat. I hadn't had any real decent blood in a few days, so now to have something as rich as this was almost overkill. But I drank slow, letting my paws stay wrapped around the girl as she catered to my more base needs.

"Ah!" I felt the paw in my hair tighten as I took a mouthful of the sweet nectar. I paused, taking my lips away from her neck, then licked the holes. "Mmm," she moaned now, resting her head on top of mine as her paw drifted down my face, them my chest to my manhood.

I pushed my fangs back into the holes. electing another sweet moan from the girl. She was pulling my belt off now, and I heard it jingle. I gave a soft moan as more warm blood ran down my throat and washed over my tongue. The girl had a paw pushing into my pants now, and as she took my soft length with her paw I gave another moan. But I paid attention to the beat of her heart, I could hear it in my ears, and I timed it with the beat of my own. Her beat was slower than mine, but not dangerously so.

Taking another drink I decided it was time to slow down. I could feel my stomach filing up with the hot blood, and the strokes on my manhood were getting softer. I and a slight desire for sex, but my current need for blood was overriding that. I took another drink, then took my fangs from the girls soft neck. I licked the holes and she moaned, her head resting against mine.

"Mmm," she moaned as she pulled at my length, her soft paw working over me as her other paw kept my pants pushed down.

"Mm," I moaned then licked the holes on her neck. I saw the small bead of blood that trailed down and licked it away, making her moan again.

She pulled at my length as I nipped at her neck, then she gave a light giggle. I was at full hardness now as she pulled at my length, and I felt a bead of pre-cum roll from my tip.

"Mm," I kissed the girls neck, feeling the soft fur on my lips, then ran my paws down her back. I moved them to her bottom, feeling the silky material of the dress under my fingers. The more base need for sex wasn't striking any appeal in my mind, but another need, the need to display dominance, was slowing rooting its way to my mind.

I had my paws on the girls bottom, rubbing her as she pulled at my length. She moaned when I kissed her neck, and I moved my lips up her neck to her chin. Another kiss on her chin, then her cheek, and then, as she looked at me, I pressed my lips to hers.

"Mmm," a soft moan of pleasure from the girl, and I decided now was a good a time as any.

Keeping my paws under the girls bottom I picked her up, she wrapped her arms around my body when I did, then I turned and laid her on the couch. She let out a moan, her cheeks flaring red, and I dropped to a knee, moving my paws from her bottom to her thighs. She laid on the couch, one paw on my head and the other pressing to her cheek. I pulled up her dress now, then tugged down the smooth purple sink panties that covered her womanhood.

I licked my lips as I looked at her folds, taking in the smooth lip underlips. I pressed my lips to her leg, then moved up to her thigh. I kept my paws on her knees, kissing her gently but quickly, and moved to her folds. They were warm when I kissed the sides, and when I put my lips against her I felt the heat.

"Hunh!" she let out a soft cry and her paw tightened in my hair, but she relaxed when I rubbed her knees with my paws.

I kissed her folds again, then ran my tongue up and down. She was so smooth and so hot, and when I pushed my tongue in quickly I felt like I'd put my tongue against a hot metal pan. She had a metallic taste, but the sweet taste of her own fluid touched my tongue a second later, and I licked it away.

"Oh god," I heard her moan as she pressed her fingers through my hair. "Mmm."

I licked her again, running my tongue up her smooth folds and letting my paws rub her knees and caress her calves and thighs. Her other paw pressed against her face, and her cheeks were red.

Running my tongue down her folds I kissed her now, pressing my lips against her clit.

"Mmm!" another moan.

I gave her a deep kiss against her womanhood, then pushed my tongue in her folds. I tasted the sweet fluid again, and her paw worked through my hair as my tongue darted in and out.

"Oh god!" she cried out, pulling my hair. "More, more please more!" she was begging now, and I moaned.

I pressed my lips against her folds and pushed my tongue in far, gripping her thighs with my paws.

"Oh god, oh god ooooooh," she moaned and the paw in my hair tightened. "That's it," she breathed, "that's it, that's it, that's it!"

I pressed my lips to her folds and licked her up and down as quickly as I could, then I felt the first trickle of her sweet fluid touch my lips.

"Oh that's it!" she moaned, her body arching as I worked her with my tongue. "That's it oh..." she moaned her body pressing against my face.

Another trickle of her sweet nectar rushed over my lips, and as I pulled away I saw the white cum clinging to her folds. I leaned in and licked away the mess, letting it roll over my tongue, then I pressed my lips to her folds again.

"Oh god," I looked up at her, pressing my paws to her thick thighs. Her face was bright red and smell beads of sweet clung to her body. The top of her dress was down and her large breasts heaved with her as she breathed. "Oh my god," she moaned, one paw tucked behind her head.

I licked my lips, the taste of her nectar still lingering, then pushed my hair back from my head. I pressed her thighs with my paws, then leaned over her, letting my lips brush her chin before kissing her.

"Mmm," she moaned at the intimacy, putting a paw to my cheek. It was rare for me do this. Normally I was the type to pick my meal, feed, then leave. Sometimes I might linger for the sex that could follow afterwards, but after feeding the only thing I normally thought about was getting as much food as I could to eat.

Rubbing the girls thighs with my paws I pulled away from her, electing a small moan as my lips left hers. "I'm going now," I said quietly.

"Going," she repeated the word as if she'd never heard it. Her eyes were still a dark blue, but the hold I had over her was starting to lessen, which was fine. "Okay," she said.

I leaned in to kiss her once more, then pulled away and tucked my manhood into my pants. I few beads of pre-cum rolled down my member as it disappeared into my pants, and as I did my belt I walked around the couch and towards the door. Stepping through the door I shut it behind me, then walked down the hall to the elevators. It was after all, still dark outside, and my stomach was still grumbling to be feed.