Diary of a Fox Slut-Part 20: Bedtime Tale

Story by Tlapa on SoFurry

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#20 of Diary of a Fox Slut

It was a long-shot to go searching for clues in the mountain side stronghold, and a true risk to attempt getting in by offering herself to the mythical god that was believed to be oppressing the ancient village. And something indeed came flying for the lusty grey-fox - her life long fantasy coming true - a real, breathing dragon, in the flesh, and more than happy to see her. It wouldn't be Marcella if she didn't indulge herself a little.

A second of the three ending parts. The formatting of the text is slightly different, since I've pulled it into the editor through a different means than the usual MS Word - which had received an arrow, along with that abomination called Vista.

Critique and feedback is always appreciated. Have fun!

Covered head to toe in fresh blood, dried cum, black ash, and who knows what else, was not how I had imagined the whole of my plan playing out. I perched myself atop a stone throne, white tiles charred by fire and a red cloth cushion burned through so badly that it did hardly other than aggravate my behind. The scene before me, not foreseeable by any stretch of imagination, would have turned most mad, and I felt myself slipping along with the notion.

And sitting here, Amand's stare such a blankness that even statues would struggle to mimic, I can hold only one thought in my mind.

I was perhaps eight, or nine, young cub of a fox living with her parents in a town full of alike mischievous creatures. There was an inexplicable ting in the air that day, of some kind of righteousness, hidden promise - those words come to mind as I imagine the sharply distinct smell rolling through my nose. My father approached me with a more scornful look than was his usual, the top piece of his armour removed and in its place a rugged white shirt, his reinforced leather pants still covering his legs. I hid a bow larger than me behind my back, plastering my face with the usual stare of childish innocence.

"Little lady," he rasped in his dry tone of voice, kneeling before me. "Marcella! What...what had I said about playing with my weapons?"

"What weapons, father?" I squeaked in a high pitch, wagging my tail about, clutching the curved wooden bow behind my back.

The fox smirked, the scar running from the top to bottom of his nose parting. "Don't be fresh with me. Where is...." At that age, I could not fully understand the emotions twisting his rough, yet oddly kind face. "Where...where is your mother, anyway?"

I dropped my muzzle to the ground, feeling inside that my answer would anger him. "Mommy went outside...she said she needed to see about something...that you're coming home from your duty soon anyway...."

"That...!" he grunted. At first I thought he was angry, but it had quickly stricken me that his brow clouded in pain and desperation instead. He exhaled sharply, and as if ditching what had troubled him, he murmured to me in a kind tone, "That bow, little lady?" My father placed his paw in front of me, curling his fingers to gesture I shouldn't falter. "I'm not going to ask twice."

I swayed my head side to side in a no motion, my tail following along.

"That is not a toy for a young vixen. You know what that'd do to my heart, if the only joy of my life hurt herself?"

I was ready to hand his bow over, since he pierced me with one of his strict gazes; the kind that shivered me to the bone, when the fox looked to the side, and his blue eyes widened. "Did you...?" He pointed at a tree filled with arrows. "How did you manage that?!"

"Well...." I raised the bow to shoot, holding it sideways. The string was almost impossible to draw back, but straining myself fully, I pulled it plenty and the arrow shot out, flying in a large arc and into the tree. Father quickly wrapped his sleek hands around me, fetching the bow at the same time.

He scolded me next, "Never do that when I'm not around. You'll hurt yourself shooting like that." But glancing at the tree once more, he was quick to add, "...I'll get you something more your size, okay? Will that keep your paws from rummaging through my cabinet, little lady?"

Hearing that, I excitedly leaped into his arms. "My own bow? Yay! You'd do that for me?"

The fox laughed fondly and pulled me into his squeeze. He had trained with me almost every evening. Sometimes to the point that my fingertips hurt from all the shooting, but I could never say no when he returned from his duties. At his sight, I rushed to grab my short training bow, disregarding everything else. Those had to be my happiest times, just me and him, a funny story streaming down his lips, a good meal he brought home with him, and the smell of distant trees and vividly green meadow that we trained on. I was quickly gaining confidence and skill, and once I got old enough, during the age when my, at the time so foreign, urges started to show up, he allowed me to use his large long bow for our archery evenings.

The words he said to me during one of the nights, that we had spent disturbing the moonlit silence with our whistling arrows, still ring within my ears, "If you keep to this craft...if you do, my daughter, no man, or woman, will ever beat you."

Friday, 9th July 830 / Mountain side stronghold, Village Silhania

The dragon held me firmly as he flew toward the stronghold, his wings swatting louder than the bristling wind, and his hard scales, rubbing into my back, worried me as much as excited me. I regretted the decision dozen times over - offering myself like a meal on a silver platter - and his last spoken word baffled me to no end. What Tanith did he speak of? Could he have meant the goddess? Before I could unsettle myself further, the large, winged creature, carrying my vixen body with the least of strain, landed into the stronghold. He used a massive, crumbled hole in the wall of the main hall, skilfully flying in, and easing into a stop, I felt his crushing grip easing. The stronghold was clearly an old place, massive ruin on the outside, of high, eroded outer walls and fully destroyed towers - all big thick stone and sharp iron gates - yet on the inside, it was a delicately built chamber.

My naked feet tapped on a glossy stone floor, realising that the marbled tiles were warm to touch, and so was the air I shakily drew in. The whole of the large hall, with a tall, stone throne elevated on top of handful of stairs, was supporting it's heavy, vaulting roof with round, white pillars, and was sealed with some kind of high level magic. The spell tingled in my nostrils as if small sparks. I could hear a gush of strong wind whistle outside the large opening, which served as a makeshift balcony overlooking the whole village bellow, but neither the coldness, nor the flakes of snow sharply whirling behind the wall did reach me.

In my musings over it, I fell oblivious to a large hand stroking at my tail. The winged creature folded its wings, producing a harsh, meaty sound, and he run his claw side to side along my buttcheeks. The scared shriek that had wanted to claw from within my depths fizzled in my throat and almost gagged me, and my otherwise bravely rebellious tail coiled about my leg. Up to that point, I had seen none of him. Only the smell, which glazed over my nose thickly, the feel of his scales against my fur, clearly defined, and his voice, so unnaturally smooth that it was as if soundless.

I felt his large, meaty hand stroking the back of my head, and I shivered strongly, my knees crumbling. "I can't...oh Tanith...I cannot believe you've returned! You're like a dream...," he trilled. "You've missed your little dragon...? Didn't you...I never stopped...loving you."

I was scared to turn around and face him. My gaze had etched itself on one of the pillars and a small crack therein, the surface chipped away. Turning my eyes anywhere else had felt fully impossible. His breaths were blazing past my ruffled hair, my ears twitched whenever I heard him make a snort or smack his lips, and my heartbeat was a shallow sprint trailing nowhere. I closed my eyes, my breathing ceasing, and having mustered enough courage, I turned around. The dragon made a small, light hearted chortle. My whole body shook with the beats of my scarred vixen heart, and I eased my eyes open, whimpering out of control.

He was indeed a dragon from a lust filled dream. With well defined muscles, only accentuated by his scales, he was soft green, a grey patch of skin running down from his neck, along his chiselled chest and stomach, and luring my eyes lower with it, onto his penis, half erect and freely dangling in the open, my knees turned to butter. A pair of plump, scaly testicles hanged under it, so heavy and asking to be touched, nested between his fleshy and thick thighs.

Tearing my stare away in time to see the green dragon advancing on me, the terror within me peaked. He was a towering form of a man two metres tall, two wide curved horns protruding from his temples making him seem even taller. Above all, I was scared he'd unscrupulously use me, as I was fully naked, and without means to defend myself.

I jolted once more when I felt his large, clawed dragon hand enveloping my cheek. Yet unlike I expected, his fingers only softly caressed me, and his voice was a draconic purr. "...you seem rugged. Can I get you something? Anything, really. Now that...now...you've returned to me."

The questions within me screamed one atop another, when, opening my muzzle, they all crumbled into a meek whine. "...I'm not...her."

"W-what are you talking? I'd know your...." He brought his head down to mine, with the pointy end of his toothy muzzle nudging my forehead, and grumbling, as if in delight, he took a long, greedy inhale. "...that smell...your smell! I'd know that anywhere."

With his mouth and two slits for nose withdrawing from my forehead, I calmed enough to look into his eyes. They were incredibly glossy, pupils widened into black holes of excitement, and irises the colour of poisonous green, which looking into, I barked at him. "I'm not even a red-fox! You...you've been inhaling too much of your own smoke, or what?"

I cringed at myself, then, suddenly, the air about his long and thin nostrils steaming, he puffed black smoke from his pouted lips. "Yes...perhaps. Maybe." He went on, stammering. "You a...red...red what?"

I took a step back. If he actually could breath fire or no, I couldn't know, but a mental image flashed before my eyes, of a white pillar of fire licking at my fur, and I slipped back into despair.

He reached for my shoulder, pulling me right back against him and his steadily growing erection. "Your red fur! Yes, yes. I love it. I forgot how gorgeous it looked about your eyes!"

The tip of his manhood insistently rose higher up my thigh, dripping droplets of crystal clear fluid along the way. I clamped down. Despite all the carnal thoughts I had held for dragons all my life, thinking I'd sink onto my knees and allow one free entrance into my mouth and needy vixen flower the second I'd meet one, having one in front of me, being at his complete mercy, I only wished to be with my wolf again.

The dragon rested his head on my shoulder. "You must be weary. Oh, my lovely fox." He made another guttural sniff, his dragon pride rising on level with my trembling pussy. "Did...oh did you. You...reek of filthy wolves!" He groaned in a surprisingly high pitch. "Why do you keep pleasing those unclean abominations?"

However dire the situation, hearing that made me chuckle.

"No worry, no worry...." He mumbled on, "You're here now. You're here! Tanith. You can rest to your heart's content."

He led me away from the main hall and into the night chambers, walking first and leaving me to follow on my own. Having that imaginary leash tied to my neck loosened, I was catching onto my thoughts and calming down. The castle had a warm feel to it, with old and kept for furniture lining the otherwise barren walls, which were built of dark stone bricks outlined with white connecting material, slacked lime most likely. And from the walls, ornate chandeliers, and trampled with grime carpets, I slid my eyes onto the dragon's butt, and his writhing muscles bouncing his long, tapered tail aloft. Remembering I had agreed on a plan with Amand, one that required me to occupy the dragon so that he wouldn't have the incentive to sniff out and burn my wolf to ashes, my ever eager nether lips started to itch with need. The black winged dragon was certainly wonky in the head. Who in their right mind would have called me a goddess? Well, few had, actually. Either way, he thought I was his long gone lover, and I was determined to use that to my advantage.

Stopping under an arch of a doorway, the green-grey man knocked on a thick door softly. He was the last beast in the kingdoms I'd expect to patiently wait for someone to open, but he did, and a young, pale skinned female stepped through the doorway, clothed only in her jewellery and flashy gems, which rattled about her nude form.

She opened her full lips. "How can I please you today?" It was a trained gesture, that was clear with how naturally the words formed in her mouth, yet her eagerness, as well as her eyes aglow with glee, made it known it was her want, and not just his expected demand.

"I...she...she returned!" The dragon exclaimed. Then, turning his horned face my way, he whispered passionately. "You'll have your rest now...my only."

The smooth skinned female peeked at me from behind the doorway, her young, somehow dumb looking face twisting profoundly. "What...she...? A...fur coated addition to your harem?" She looked me top to bottom, jealousy lingering in her big eyes.

Her words reached his ears and he bellowed. "Addition? Ad-addition?!" His voice skipped and squeaked, sounding very unnatural coming from such a powerful being. "That is...that's Tanith! You'll treat her with respect...and...and love. She is no measly addition. You will all bow to her!"

"Who?" She blinked several times. Witnessing his rising rage, she gasped in distress, her barren chest heaving and small breasts jiggling.

The air about the tall dragon rose in temperature. "Tanith!" Acutely, he enwrapped her whole head in his hand and pressed a claw onto her nose. "How could you not know? You...you...gather all the girls. And never dare to address her with disrespect again."

I stood stoic, watching him discipline his lascivious servant. My tail, the vile companion ever stuck to my butt, started swishing to and fro behind my back, perhaps looking forward to the events of the day I was contemplating if to indulge in.

The blonde haired girl sunk her eyes. "Yes, my god. I'm sorry...I only-"

"Prepare her a chamber, with the grandest and most comfy bed fit of her divine body." The dragon groaned, easing his grip on her face and giving her a delicate stroke on the cheek. "Rest with her if need be...anything she wants, you do. Clear?"

With my insides heating into lust, I brushed myself against the dragon's side, into his muscled hand resting at his hip, and the scales, to eyes rough like plate armour, were soft and welcoming on my fur. "I'd rather rest with you," I purred in a low voice.

"Oh...I was starting to worry you forgot your ways." He sniffed at me again. "Ech...disgusting lupines. Why oh why, beautiful fox. What do you see in those failed experiments."

I smirked involuntarily once more, picturing my wolf hearing that. But the dragon's words, the meaning behind them, crept under my furred skin and instilled worry into my thoughts.

He stroked my back, his hand travelling slowly up, caressing the back of my neck, then playfully down, pinching at my butt and pulling one of my cheeks. All my resistance had vanished at that point, my desires flooded with my life long dream of fucking a dragon to the ends of my strength. Feeling his hand so close to my parted opening, I bent over to lean into him. With a happy sounding snort he probed into my depths and teased my lips. I moaned appreciatively at his advances, my voice echoing throughout the hallways and causing the young, blonde woman to cock an eyebrow at me. He explored my dripping with moisture pussy, curling his firm, large fingers to reach within my soft folds, when, me whimpering, he withdrew, bringing his covered in precum fingers to his nose.

"Oh...hmm...no," He muttered in a masked over voice. "All I smell is that fleabag...hon', you'd fancy a bath?"

My confidence returning to me, I grinned toothily. "Are you implying that I stink, you bastard?" I kept my voice in a playful tone, slapping his rock hard butt. "Lead on then...show me this bath of yours."

He was silent for a fraction of a second, when, giggling in a strange, throaty manner, he stroked me with his black wing. "I missed your comments..." His soft, rumbling voice resonated through my body. It passed onto me from the membrane of his wing, which had fully closed about my grey-red vixen fur. And like that, he led me across the castle.

The bath was something I basked at for a whole minute, more a fountain of softly churning water, which was pooling into a large recess in the floor. Under the crystal clear, and once again, surprisingly warm water, were white, smooth tiles decorated with golden details, and the room, too of stone, was littered with large pillows and stone benches, handful of them coated in puffy cloth. I tapped along small steps at the edge of the bath and into the water. Submerged to my knees, I swayed my hips as I made my way to the centre, where was a flower stalk shaped fountain, built on a large, hexagonal base, streaming fresh liquid from its curved tip. I bent slightly to reach for the water current, feeling the dragon's stare on my plump ass cheeks and cunt revealed, and I showered my face with the warm stream. I heard loud splashing behind my ears, folded in acceptance of his powerful presence, when a tide hit the back of my knees as he came to a stop, lustily growling, placing his large, draconic hands on my waist.

I arched my back even more, growling in my throat and imagining to what heights of ecstasy would his lump of ridged dragon flesh bring me. But he only cupped water in his hands, rubbing it into the fur of my ribcage. I recoiled once the liquid soaked into my fur. He moved onto my breasts, gasping into my ear in irregular intervals, when, soundly extending his tongue, the beast licked along the sensitive scar of my mutilated vixen ear. Whispering, he asked in worry, "That, the scar, was not t-there. Who did that?"

It brought back the memories I could only hope to have gotten over. "...don't ask. Just don't. Enjoy that you have me here."

"Oh I do...but someone clearly didn't." He reached for a small, metal doze that was resting on the base of the fountain. The dragon opened it, revealing pinkish white powder, that he then gently rubbed into my wet fur and produced a sweetly smelling foam. "I...why do you keep...why do you fuck humans when they simply don't return you your love." He whined roughly. "I'll carve out whoever did that."

My whole body rocked under his stroking hands, soon all of my soft, reddish coat submerged in the pink foam. I smirked through pain, Lilith's blood freckled muzzle flashing before my eyes, and I uttered cynically, "Because we hold together, love? Our own...kin did that, a she-wolf. Among other things she did...f-for which I bit her throat open." I then whispered under my nose, low enough so he wouldn't hear, "Hope I won't bite your too."

He finished the bath by directing the stream of water at me, showering me clean. I whiffed at my hand, the smell so clean and comfort inducing, that I swished my tail across the dragons chest in appreciation, pulling my soaked wet brush across his strikingly well defined muscles.

I leaned against him next. "Now that you purged me of filthy wolves...why not perfume me with your own essence?"

"Mhm. Perhaps you'd...ah...who am I trying to...fancy giving my cock a renewed taste?" I could hear his heavy lips dragging along his large fangs, squishing with the spit of a hungry dragon who had since grown fully erect, nudging himself into the crevice of my tensed bottom.

"...so crude? How can I say no...get comfy on that bench then, my unruly dragon."

One snicker away, he wordlessly left the bath and splayed himself on a stone bench built around a white pillar, taking with him a bordeaux pillow to cushion on. I followed slowly, droplets of water dripping from my every curve, pussy lips squishing and rubbing together as I placed a shaky paw in front of another, heat within my rising so high I expected to steam, and halfway to him, my heart fluttered with the fantasies running rampant in my imagination. I was in one of the stories I remembered from my childhood. A tale of a knight ascending into the castle to slay the beast and save the vixen virgin. Only this vixen was no virgin, and I hadn't had the slightest of desires to be saved.

"Should I...s-should I send them away?" He asked out of the blue, his green skinned face wrinkled in shame, brows raised.

"Wh-" I took a quick glance around, only then realising that about six other human females were in the room with us, fully nude, leaning their white skinned bodies against pillars or laying suggestively on the benches. Jealousy, spite, or sheer amusement, they all had their own emotions to cling to.

"Oh, I don't mind them." I grinned, arching my back slightly and walking the rest of the awfully long distance with the faked grace of a true goddess. "Your harem of virgins could learn how to fuck properly." I lowered onto one knee, my heartbeat quivering me whole, but unlike before, it was in lust. "Can they even tell a cock from an arm?" Next knee submissively on the ground, I looked at my prize, a full, rippled and throbbing pillar before me, grey skin, and fleshy, dark red head, leaking with need at my sight.

The dragon grunted, "I had to...substitute, in your absence..." He even seemed in shame, but that did not keep his ridged pride from rising fully, thick with musk that had burned hot in my nostrils.

The harshness of my own words surprised me. "With those whores? You've sunk so low...but worry not, I'll lick you out of it." Perhaps, that is how I expected a goddess to handle herself.

I slowly edged closer, the anticipation within me causing my thoughts to blank. It was mere whiskers away when I crossed my eyes to look at his oversized crown, a large blob of clear cum on its tip. The dragon had already placed his hands at his sides when I washed his meaty pride in my breath, yearning to feel it at home within me. He was smaller than both the paintings of him and his measurements in the book of legends would have led a horny vixen to believe. But that was only to my luck, since anything larger I wouldn't be able to wrap my lips around. He was still an otherworldly well hung morph. His length reached for over half of his thighs, sprouting from his scaled pubes and decorated with the roundest set of balls I met on my travels, the dragon pride thickest at the midpoint and curved at an angle that had made him seem even thicker. Not being able to falter longer, I pouted my lips, placing the tip of my tongue on his warm underside.

"Yes...show them how it's done," he mumbled somewhere high above me.

The single blob of his natural lubrication grew to the size of my whole claw, before sliding onto my tongue, and the saltiness, typical with any phallus I ever tasted, was so distinct with him that it filled me to the core. I moaned from the overload of my ill depraved emotions, another thick spurt of need plastering my tongue. The dragon spread his legs wider apart, and I rested my arms on his thighs, leaning forward. His head was slightly grainy on my tongue as I lapped about, up and down along his urethra, coating his underside with warm spit, his incredible heat radiating into my face, and pressing flatly against his whole crown, I curled my tongue about the edge of his head, the dragon giving me his most appreciative whine yet.

"Gosh...you...you love sucking cock...I mean...ah, these cunts really don't measure with you."

Spurred on by his compliments, and one of the girls leaving the bath-hall cursing - slamming the door behind her - I crawled forward, pressing his blunt crown into my thin lips. I wrapped my foxy lips about it's tip and started sucking, when, slurping his whole head in, the edge of his meaty glans popping past, and ridges of his plated foreskin rubbing against my mouth corners, I looked up at him, opening my blue eyes fully. His face was a wreck of pleasure and love. If the massive organ in my mouth allowed it, I would have smiled ear to ear.

And with my gaze on him still, knowing I had only took the fourth of him, I pressed on, his firm skin rubbing at my lips as ridge after ridge popped into my mouth, his throaty moans reaching my ears. The dragon cock, so wide it hurt my jaw and my muscles cramped, nudged at the opening of my throat and I gagged softly. I shivered from the tip of my nose to the tip of my tail, at kneeling there, lewd, slutty, whorish me, with a large, twitching dragon cock, warmer than an inn's fireplace, lodged deep in my mouth.

Glancing down across his flexing stomach, I saw a half of his length still perched before me. It crushed my spirit as much as it incited me. A true challenge. For the time being, I was satisfied with humming in pleasure and travelling back and forth along his length, sparsely timed jets of his saltiness coating my tongue. There were so many curves to explore about his perfectly sculpted dragon pride, all nooks, ridges, crevices, to slide my tongue about, and feel them both against my inner cheeks and my lips, as he widened me with every hastening pass. I resurfaced to rest a bit, his heavy glans slurping from my mouth and his instrument wobbling before me, with several strings of spit and pre ejaculate connecting me to that delicious treat. Not in my life could I imagine a taste as exquisite as him.

Smacking my lips, I smiled in wicked passion and purred a question. "Are you enjoying my soft mouth?"

He laughed and placed a hand on my head, patting me like a good bitch. "...I love your soft mouth. It takes true passion to be this good." And rubbing himself into my nose, he retracted his muscled arm and pleaded me to continue, "...get...get deeper, Tanith...I beg you, I want to feel your throat again."

I took his appeals as my duty, and no later than one inhale of his seedy smell, I was wobbling my head back an forth once more, impaled on his dragon length. The wet squelches of my oral pleasures filled my ears, along with what sexual fluid escaped my contested muzzle, dripping down my chin and smacking loudly against the stone tiles. My tail rose and fanned high in the air, spraying droplets of moisture on my back. My reasons to exist were so simple the moment. Only the dragon, tamed by my vast skill set of kneeling, sucking and tail-lifting, and his swelling crown, bumping insistently into my throat, was everything I could ever strive for.

I leaned over further, straightening my neck to push the moaning man past my throat. My tail had stopped all its happy wagging and every muscle in my body stiffened. His cocktip widened my gullet so wide I gurgled, stopping me dead in my tracks, and I realised how rusty I had grown deepthroating my lone-wolf for the longest of time. The wolf's tip, pointy and ever slimy, had always easily slipped into me. The dragon, on the other hand, was like a battle hammer wedging itself into my throat. It was nigh impossible to push in, but dropping right into the mindset of a goddess of whores, courtesans and sluts alike, I redoubled my efforts. My screams of discomfort were muffled by the intruding phallus stretching me, and his spit coated glans popped in. The sudden ease in resistance caused me to fall forward, and I only stopped sliding by bumping into his nethers and testes.

My whole body quaked unlike I ever experienced, and however full my mouth felt before, the rock hard dragon cock skewered me farther than any other ever got, bulging me to my limits. I gulped several times instinctively, tears flowing down my cheeks in a warm torrent, when, my shivering fur standing upright and pulling nastily at the skin underneath, all of my muscles clamped down so powerfully my tendons strained to snap. I shattered in an orgasm that had robbed me of both my vision and hearing, and incited such a waterfall of vixen nectar from between my legs, that it had covered both of my thighs and calves. My head reeled for long minutes. Only a spurt of the dragon's precum reminded me of his length bulging my neck, denying me air.

He bellowed in lust, "...ohhhh...I knew...that...that you could swallow me whole. You're the damn best."

I choked again when I moved back, his ridges rubbing against my throat. I felt sick and sore. Any other would have stopped. But not this slutty fox. As soon as his crown, still firm as the hardest steel from which the swords are forged, slipped free of my rubbed raw muscles, I took a deep breath and forced him back in. Each brutalization of my throat granted me a mild orgasm. Only a few harsh breaths, then stretching of my depths so rough that my jaw creaked, and back out, hot cum spurting my throat and my saliva dripping forth, staining the dragons feet. In no time at all my throat was as loose as my cunt, and his imposing girth had no restrictions in its travels. I felt proud of myself, being the queen slut skilled enough to deepthroat a dragon. He twitched deep within me several times and I glanced up hastily, meeting a sight of absolute ecstasy. The dragon was groaning loud, mouth open and tongue lolling to his side, with spit dripping down onto his chest. When, no warning in sight, I felt him erupt within me just as I had him at the deepest point.

His first violent spurt of cum travelled directly into my stomach. It was a powerful twitch of his manhood, pushing against my speared open neck, and pulling him out of my desecrated gullet, his following shots were no weaker. With one single rope of seed he filled all of my mouth, and ejaculating again, the burning hot dragon semen came bursting out through my nostrils. I gagged on all fronts from the volume alone, withdrawing off his rod by flopping onto my back. My breasts were the first to be painted, the thick whiteness slapping into my fur with such force that it splashed all the way under my chin. And following after it was my face, then cheeks, hair, thighs, even ears. All dripping with his essence and marked for his property. I was drowsy, only sitting on my behind and letting that thick layer of heavily scented ejaculate seep into my fur. The dragon, completely out of himself, cum dripping from his half erect member, splayed himself on the bench, aiming his brightly green irises at me. I felt a jolt of pleasure once he smiled.

"Now you smell good." He licked residual spit from his lips, swallowing. "Now you smell like the vixen I know and love."

I chuckled at his remark. His thick dragon seed sloshed in my mouth as I forgot to swallow it down. A mistake I was quick to remedy. I opened my muzzle and softly laughed, and once sure he saw his own mating fluids swimming in my mouth, I closed it again, swallowing with a delighted moan.

"Nothing shows man love more...." He leaned forward and stroked my chin. "...than when you drink his seed. Your words."

His remarks were growing stranger. Whoever his Tanith was, she was awfully lot like me, but I was too ridden with lust to think of it deeper. I rested for long minutes, silent. All of the dragon's cum had dried on me in that time, a perfect decoration to compliment my carnal nature, and once he was rested too, he set out to show me the rest of the castle. We trailed for his bedroom chambers, tapping with our naked feet across the worn out carpets. The dragon was a proud creature, at least as far as his body went - he never wore a single piece of clothing. He was quick to remind me of that, along with something that had, again, started to freeze the blood running through my veins.

His stare was fixed at the end of the hallway, when he stopped by a window. "Hmm...the first time I saw you...his last creation." He scraped his claws against a chest of drawers propped under a large window, forcing my ears to fold. "You know...I felt this, this strange tingle. Like a shudder. And I knew it...."

"His...creation?" I blurt out.

"The old...mage. Back in the day. You don't remember?"

I blinked confused, joining the dragon at his side. "I...well."

He looked at me and smiled, his bony cheeks lifting. "It was ten...or twelve years ago, at most either...ah, no matter." He tapped on the aged wood again, smudged with a wide assortment of colourful stains. "This...yes. The first time...you were my first, right on these drawers...."

I froze stiff. From a stairwell connected to the hallway blew a sharp draft, and in all the smells meddling in it, was one distinct. The smell of a nervous lone-wolf, clothed in purple attire, toting a long spear, and going by the name of Amand Fallmet.

The dragon sniffed at the air too, and it was clear he felt him. "That...that. I feel that putrid smell again, Ech...I thought I washed that damned, filthy, seedy waft of canine...cock...ugh." He sniffed at me first, and then, turning his dragon muzzle for the stairs, I knew I had to do something lest he'd dart after the scent.

"Listen...." I clasped his hand. "...I want to relive that memory...."

He snapped his gaze at me, deep lust playing in his eyes.

I cooed passionately, "Will you do that for me? I...I don't even know why I left...." I stroked the side of his muzzle, the profound texture of his scales tickling my fingers. "...what made me leave you here...ah, matters not. Do me like back then...I want to feel your hunger."

The dragon kept his bright eyes firm on mine. He whipped his long tail at the free air, the tip crackling akin a leather whip in the confined space, and biting his lower lip, he lifted me by my butt. The claws prickled at my spread flesh, when, the winged man letting out a delighted moan, he propped me on the chest of drawers, bumping my head against the dust caked window glass.

Pressing his muzzle against mine, he hissed dreamily, "You were so sexy...your body, just...screaming of fucking."

The soft glow coming from the iron framed window put his menacing dragon face into an eerie shadow. I felt his pillar of flesh press against my vixenhood, dripping anew, my dragon lover ditching anything resembling a passionate foreplay, and my mind spun into a blank daze, denying me speech.

"Such a young...vixen...." He spread my legs with his arms, lifting one so high up it almost ended up behind me ears. "Only finding herself...and...and...already sucking c-cocks left and right. That bushy tail...beautiful, soft fur. Grey and white, black on limbs...and that lush red sprouting on you here and there...lust. And...and face, as if painted by an artist...."

He pressured his cockhead against my nether lips, compressing them with his massive size. I winced, knowing his oversized intrusion would hurt.

"He really, really put all of his passion into you. All of it. And look at you now...you aged beautifully." The dragon snorted, clasping one of my ankles with his impatiently shaking hand, using his other to cup my chin. "You...you asked for it...back then. Like now...oh...you were my first...my first."

When, with no warning, he arched his back and speared into me slowly. I cried in discomfort, the fleshy, colourless red head of his dragonhood stretching my loose vagina thoroughly. I threw my head back to scream again, just as he pushed the first ridge of him past my lips, my snatch rippling around him.

He oddly bellowed through his nose, the nasal sound forcing my ears to twitch. "...mmm. Familiar...you downright wailed back then. But whenever I stopped...you demanded I continue."

He started bucking his hips erratically, soft squelches masking out the howling wind behind the window. I felt his blunt head withdrew, causing my needy flower to clamp down, and jerking himself right back in, jolts of raw pleasure shot across my body. His rough skin slicked over quickly with my juices, his ragged, shallow thrusts working themselves into a steady rhythm, and I moaned in a high pitch, forgetting what I even was. And all that with just the tip of his length. I swayed my tail limply under me, brushing it across his flexing thighs and slick root of his dragon pecker. My breasts yielded under the lewd gropes and squeezes of my large dragon lover, and me, loving the rough sex, opened fully before him, watching my pubic mound distend with his repeated nesting of his crown into me.

With his eyes hungrily ogling at me from under his half closed lids, the dragon leaned back, throwing more length into his strokes. New parts of my love canal stretched in his firmly delivered rut, and from that point onward, my muzzle was an open crevice of one continuous moan. Even with my eyes fully open, fiery hot tears filled the corners of my eyes and everything blurred before me, only a wide chested dragon silhouette before me.

He snorted in delight. "...loose like that and still a tight cunt...you-" He delivered an exceptionally powerful blow, roaring with it. "-you deserve that fucking goddess of sluts title. You slut."

His unforgiving tip rubbing at my womb, I took as much of his length as I could - enough for his provocatively round testicles to brush by my tail and slap against my buttcheeks. Not that I had a say in it. My soft flesh jiggled at the end of his feral humps, the dragon having upped into such a tempo that the whole of me rattled along with the drawers I was pinned atop. The dark wood rubbed against my lower bottom, and my head bumped again and again against the thick glass of the window. I not only moaned, but every time he travelled to the ends of my fucked open pussy, I peppered my ongoing moan with a cry of absolute acceptance. To the heights of carnal bliss the dragon took me, I could not be prepared, and with another throaty grunt, marking the violation of my soft insides, I climaxed in a mixture of deafening screeches and wet slurps of my convulsing vaginal opening. The blissful sensation threw me wildly atop the drawers. I forgot to even moan.

The dragon rubbed into me for all eternity, his body arching, his defined muscles rippling underneath the skin, his pelvis travelling back and forth - all of the force of his thrusts passing into my limp body. My insides burned hotter than the blazing flames of a night time bonfire, and after the fourth orgasm which had turned me into a drooling, whimpering mess of a vixen, the dragon's cock spurted several watery blobs of precum into my sensitive depths, marking his impending finish.

I mustered enough willpower to look at him - tears of lust dripping down my facial fur - and I groaned my only words of our heavenly copulation, "...breed me you bastard...!"

He did not make me wait long, his facial muscles twisting his lust ridden face into a pre-ejaculation grimace. I whimpered softly and bit my lower lip, clawing into the wood we had smeared with a thick layer of fluids, and he swelled even thicker, his fat, dragon member mere seconds before bursting. My ears ringed when he finally shot his first strand of warm seed into me, the sticky substance plastering my womb. My happy gasps filled the air as his rough cock pulsed along the tidal waves of hot cum filling me, and I welcomed it with the timed flexes of my vaginal muscles, coaxing as much dragon juice into me as I could. When, going through another mild orgasm, I saw what my whorish opening did to the man. His muzzle was aimed for the ceiling, eyes firmly closed, and he violently winced with the start of every blast of semen seeping down my cunt, puffs of smoke rising from his teeth gritting mouth.

He eventually collapsed on his hands, slapping his palms against the wood at the sides of my waist. Then, opening his own moist eyes, me reflecting in them, he toothily smiled, sticking his lean tongue out. "...mmm...Tanith. Are you satisfied, my lusty whore?"

I giggled sore. "You roughed me up...bastard. Loved that."

"I counted on that...bitch," The dragon said with a self assured smirk.

Flashing my fangs, I pulled him close by the back of his neck. When, digging my claws into his scales - for him most likely playful prickles - I hissed, "This bitch can take her tail elsewhere. Want to spend the rest of your days with those unskilled wenches?"

"Oh...c-come on. I only j-joked."

It felt good seeing him so easily swayed by my words - as good as the trickle of thick, sticky ejaculate that cascaded down my exposed ass and buttocks, the dragon withdrawing from me meekly. "If you want to live...." I wrapped my legs behind his back. "...then shove yourself right back in, and carry me somewhere where I don't end up with a splinter in my ass."

He licked at my nose in apology. "My room? And...and...," the dragon stammered. "Can I call the girls over? They'd love to see you."

"Soft sheets and big bed?" I expected no less from such a self-indulgent 'god.' "Lead on! And I loved this...you big, mean dragon. Only show me at least that respect, I beg you, of not calling me a filthy dog cunt."

He pushed his softening erection back into my ravaged love hole, already lifting me up. The chest of drawers, slippery under my fur, creaked at my departure, and the strong, winged creature strolled along the castle hallways.

"I called you far worse...but as you wish, love. And the girls?" He repeated his question.

I lumped on his shoulder, his heat and sweaty musk of deliciously deprived qualities rising from his slick scales. "I bet...you rough bastard. Call them over...and let them watch."

He brought me into his chamber and we spent the rest of the day there, fucking each other senseless and staining every single piece of furniture we could find. His harem watched, but I disallowed them from any form of interaction. I wanted the dragon for myself, and for whatever reason, their jealous stares tingled my libido just as much as his sexy slab of cock, that had vigorously explored my orifices until I took him with the slightest of ease. In defence, I could say I did it for Amand, so that the wolf could search the castle unhindered. But that was a filthy lie. I enjoyed every second of my screaming, of the dragon mating me, putting on a show for his servants, yet even at the deepest of my bone shattering climaxes, the lone wolf lingered in my mind.

I ended my day mingled in a mess of creamy yellow sheaths, covered head to toe in a thick, drying crust of dragon cum, and my eyes bloodshot from the stray globules of his white seed, which the man delivered onto my face in one of his many sizeable facials. The pillow soaked my tears of joy and I fell asleep, the green dragon coiled about me. A dream come true.

Saturday, 9th July 830 / Mountain side stronghold, Village Silhania

I had one of my vivid nightmares the night. The sort that makes you wish you never dream again, yet stays on your mind, drawing you right back in.

I was lying in my bed back home, a lantern illuminating my room enough so I could see my mother, a short muzzled, weary eyed red-fox, but not the walls of the room shrouded in impenetrable darkness.

"The vixen was cold and scared, the rough, bone spiked dragon advancing on her with intents of malice." She read from the book calmly, like she had done hundreds of times before. Darting her brown eyes over me, she leaned in and kissed my forehead. "You enjoying the story so far, hon'?"

I answered, but my voice felt not my own, "Yes. Go on, please...I have to know how it ends."

And the red-fox continued, her muzzle a combination of love and tiredness. "He was just over her. Hanging his thick flesh sword about her nose, when that monstrous being bellowed, 'Little little vixen. Trespassing into my castle. I will show you what I do, to mischievous girls like you. Breaching your locked backdoor is what I do.' His words scared the young vixen."

She shuffled to the edge of the bed, stroking a paw along her long, cotton dress.

"But the knight would see none of that. He barged into the room, and confronted the dragon. 'Your head will roll for this!' The wolf shouted firm, removing his glistening helmet."

I spied something moving in the shadows.

My mother continued, "The wolf, of long pointy muzzle and strong, athletic body, approached the princess. 'I climbed all the way here for this loose whore?' He snorted in disdain, turning for the dragon. 'You can have that overfucked hole.' The dragon smiled, his penis rising to full attention."

From the darkness stepped out the dragon from the story, a true abomination of ragged flesh, curved teeth and bat like wings, his cock bigger than my forearm, at full mast and pulsing, and what was most horrifying, with small, bony protrusions rising along his length.

My mother stood up, yanking the sheet down from my bed.

She read onward, "The young vixen was heaving scared, the dragon having closed any distance and already grabbing at her thigh with his grotesque hand. He mocked her obscenely 'Little vixen. Little vixen. Ever had a man in your tushy?'"

The monstrous dragon took a stride towards me, grinning lasciviously. I tried to shuffle away, but to no avail, as my wrists were tied to the bed frame by iron shackles. With him moving closer, I threw myself against the restraints desperately, hoping to break free, but I only rattled the chains.

I took a pleading look towards my mother, the caring red-fox, and in the flickering light, her soft face seemed oddly wolfish. She continued reading from the story. "The young vixen screamed in pain, the dragon having penetrated her virgin colon. He thrust in and out of her violated body with brutal fervour, all the while the dark wolf laughed and mocked her, 'Something more your size, you cheating cunt? Better enjoy yourself, I think this is your last fuck.' The dragon's member cut into her flesh, ripping her untouched inner walls and drawing blood."

I froze stiff, the hulking dragon climbing onto my bed and turning me around with ease, almost dislocating both of my arms. My terror manifested into tears that rolled down my cheeks in heavy drops, and I cried for my mother for help. But her muzzle suddenly grey, eyes green, hateful, and sharp, and her hair turning the colour of raven black, I gasped at the unforgiving sight of the she-wolf Lilith.

She grinned into my face, continuing the story, "The dragon, smacking his lips in delight, withdrew from the broken young vixen, his long, powerful member coated and dripping with her crimson red blood. He forced her to look at the massacre and she wailed, when the wolf knight rammed his pointy dog cock into her muzzle. 'Shut up! Like you haven't had worse in there.' He howled, forcing himself well past her delicate throat."

The she-wolf's menacing grin only widened, when I felt the dragon push his monstrous crown past my trembling buttcheeks, knocking down at my back opening.

It was the deepest night and I woke up with a start, gasping at the air and feeling pressure rising from my stomach. I gagged several times and nearly hurled, a globule of bile mixed with dragon semen - which I had digested plenty of during the evening before - coating my tongue. The green-grey dragon stirred next to me on the large, luxurious bed, with two of his girls coiled about his body, sandwiching me between them. I couldn't hope to sleep after a nightmare like that. Their bodies brushed my fur as I shuffled off the bed, the sheets and their skin stuck together by a generous amount of mating fluids. I had to take a walk. Before leaving, I took hold of a small, clean pillow, smearing my scent into it and placing it under the dragon's muzzle. A small precaution to block out any other smell, like my lone-wolf Amand still sneaking about the castle.

The wide stone corridors were twisting left and right, submerged in dimness and hollow silence, and only my heart felt emptier than them. I swished my tail softly to improve my mood, and my thoughts adrift, touching upon nothing in particular, I followed the tangy scent of wolf lingering in the air. And sooner than later, I found the lovely wolf in one of the more secluded basement corridors. Or better put, he found me.

All I could see were his teeth appearing from under his lips, when he softly enveloped me and pulled me into a small room nearby. He said happy, "I'm so glad to see you intact...I could hear your screams all across the stronghold. You...you are all right, yes?"

The room, no bigger than a broom storage, was submerged in a strange red light emanating from a glass jar, propped on a wooden shelf. Amand locked the door and cushioned himself on a barrel, his tail wagging crazy and slapping the wall. I attempted to sit on a table next to him, but my naughty vixen bits hurt so much I rather opted to remain standing.

Then, lovingly stroking the back of his paw, I said in a low voice, "I'm well, skimpy tail. You know, I'd think that after being this long with me, you'd know when I scream in pain, and when in lust."

He countered playfully, "None can ever be sure with you. Did he at least pay you?"

I giggled, licking my nose obscenely. "Hmm...he did...in large, creamy deposits."

"Gosh...why I even asked." He whiffed at me, his pointy muzzle furrowing in disgust. "It's...I mean...all over you? How could he shoot this much!?"

"Very virile dragon, that one...those legends were at least half true. But I kept him off your back, didn't I?" I exclaimed, almost prideful.

Amand growled in a husky tone, not giving away if he was angry or not. "We are not pretending here that you shagged him for that reason...huh? But...yeah...courting a dragon to your side...." His eyes flashed oddly bright, when he recoiled and changed topic. "Never mind...I love you no matter what. So, I explored the castle, and I mean, all of it, and I found quite a lot of strange things."

I leaned closer, extending my ears. "F-found anything about my old fox? This place is really lopsided...the dragon is calling me Tanith, for one. And he said plenty of other twisted things."

"That's...the fox goddess you so much like?"

"I don't know if he means her...but who else? He...he said, I'm created, and...that I was his first love. It makes no sense." I sighed.

The lone-wolf kept his bulged eyes fixedly on me. "Did he hump your brain out of you? Literally?" I gave him a scornful look, and before I could scorn him in words as well, he continued. "I'm not implying...sorry. Sorry."

"Leave it be...I think he's mad in his head. Anyway, what have you found?"

Amand hopped off the barrel, tapping about the tiny chamber. "Oddest of stuff. I'm sure he was eager to show you his personal harem of whores...well, the oldest of them is actually a darn good magician. And she has these casting books in her room, with teachings on how to transmute...." He inhaled first, then hissed excitedly, "...living flesh."

"What are you saying?"

"I think this is the place. That Abretius fellow you seemed so irked by? It's all in her room...transcripts of his original journals, study materials...even a damned painting of him. Wretched looking human."

My heart picked up pace. "Are you serious? How can you be so calm about all this!?"

The wolf tried to comfort me, squeezing my shoulder. "I can't really say...it just all makes sense, you know? Besides...it's not like we ourselves were other than born. All this took place hundreds of years ago...and most of the knowledge is lost. I found what I think is an old lab, too. Well, it's all just charred stone and twisted iron now, but I recognized some equipment. And the whole castle...someone swept this place clean - with fire."

I whined under his touch, starting to accept the possibility. "Amand...it just seems so cruel to me. That my fur...might not be my own."

"No one is taking your soft coat from you." The fluffy wolf hugged me.

His body, wrapped closely about mine, brought back some of my mischievous nature. "It's...it's all right. Hey...how did you figure out she's a magician?"

The wolf smirked. "I knotted her into submission and she told me...." Waiting for his words to settle in, he burst into a self-amused chuckle. "I wish. I wish I did, love. But no. She was quite adorable, trying to catch a whiff of me. Nearly found me too. When that torch sparked ablaze next to my head, out of nowhere...close call."

"Anything els-"

"Wait, that is not the best part yet!" Skimpy tail wagged his brush. "There is this half-god...the wolf Arazus. She is writing some sort of history book on him, and, while plainly usual stuff - her room is full of books on gods, even Tanith - some of her personal notes in the journal are...well, deliciously carnal. Simply put, she craves for a knot."

"Where are you going with all this?" I raised my eyebrows.

He grimaced, sinking his eyes. "Well...hah...nowhere, really. I just found it amusing, that the woman is fantasizing about a knotty wolf...." His voice dropped into a sultry growl. "...while one is sneaking right under her nose."

I tapped him on his nose. "Oh you vile man...go and knot her then! Sway her to our side."

"You...wouldn't that be dangerous? Those are just fantasies."

I giggled at him. "You brought it up yourself. Embody her god, sneak into her room at night...I bet she is starved to the bone. Oldest of his harem, with all those innocent virgins waiting to be violated, I doubt she's getting any."

With the red light on his cheeks, Amand's hungry smile was downright terrifying. "Good points...but I'd probably alert everyone to my presence, with how loud I'd make her scream with my knot inside." His pants bulged slightly. "When do you plan to leave, though? As I said, I scoured the whole place, and bar the gold vault, storage room, and armoury...." He grew silent, only growling on a barely audible level.

"What is it, love? You don't have to fuck that bitch, if you don't want to."

"It's not that." He looked into my eyes, a sincere worry looming in those brilliant brown orbs. "I...I better show you first-hand. We're certainly not the first to try our luck here."

We left the room and the wolf led me deeper into the labyrinth of dark hallways, his feet soundless even against the cold, flat stone. I held onto his hand and trudged wearily after him, the whole day of rough mating having taken it's toll on me. In hardly a few minutes, we arrived next to a small door built into a stone arch, and the wolf, unlocking them with a key, pulled me in.

A question slipped my lips. "Where are you pulling all those keys from?" I was so careless that my voice echoed in the pitch blackness.

"Shhh!" he groaned. "Stole them, right off of the butt of one of the girls."

"Don't you think they will notice a whole keyring missing?"

Amand locked us in, rattling with the lock for a bit. He then asked me to light a torch, which I did by snapping my fingers and the flame revealed a mid sized chamber, the ceiling curving into small supporting pillars, with all kinds of battle equipment piled carelessly about.

The wolf mumbled, "You learn a lot when just idly listening by. She loses them all the time...it will be a few days before they actually notice them gone." He pointed at a neatly packed pile, tucked next to a solitary table. "Your things. I was so nice as to haul them all the way here." He paused to chuckle. "Cockiness aside...I'd prefer if you had your bow with you."

"I felt a bit naked without it myself. Thanks."

"Naked? I wouldn't have noticed, my dear," he shot sarcastically.

I fastened the belts onto my bare fur, the leather feeling a bit loose without my sturdy jacket under it, and my recurve bow, quiver of arrows, and custom made short-sword clicking into their respective places, I bent over to slide into my boots, finishing my overly revealing attire.

"Marcella?" Amand asked nervously. "Err...two things...why not clothe fully? And second...by forest spirits...I don't remember you parting this wide."

I remained in my revealing pose. "Wouldn't want to waste time stripping again. And second, you should be the last one worried of me getting looser." I lifted my tail to arc my back even more, when, sliding the tip of my claw into my pucker, I pulled my ass cheek to the side. "You're the only bad boy who is allowed to use this sacred passage...."

He growled joyfully, panting for almost a whole minute.


The wolf snorted and gulped noisily. "Sorry...it's hard to concentrate when you do this. Can you...." A strong puppy whine pierced the silence. "...can you pull your butt wider? Pretty please?"

I could only chuckle, when I hid my delicacies with my vixen brush. "You wanted to show me something, remember? Sorry to sway your mind off track." I then mumbled for myself, "I hope it's not just your cock."

My words quickly wiped any arousal that had been building up in his expression. "Right...I wanted show you...I don't think I even want to...really." The wolf exhaled akin a rasp groan. "Okay...you might recognize something here. Mainly because I wasn't sure myself."

He lifelessly trudged to a pile of sharp swords and dented shields, tugging something from it. It seemed like a leathery, torn to shreds jacket, something glistening about it. Amand lifted the ruined armour fully, a short sword hanging on it by a belt, and I started to recognize it slowly.

"I mean, this looks like your...." The wolf closed his eyes. "...your father's gear. At least, judging by the sketch Aden showed me."

And he was right. The dark leather jacket was exactly the same my father had used to wear during his mercenary days, several years before I was born and he joined the town guard. I expected to feel anger, but at the sight of the attire, the tapered short sword, richly engraved near the hilt, freely dangling in my lover's hands, I only grew sad. The feeling crushed me, twisting my insides.

"Marcella...I'm so sorry. I never hoped to be a bearer of rotten news like this."

And soon, even the sadness left, only a strong feeling of hollowness remaining. "Bring it here."

I gently lifted the chain-mail reinforced leather, pushing it against my nose and whiffing. It smelled of old fox, grilled ribs, vast, green meadows, and long nights of archery training. It accompanied all the scents that had kept so strongly with me for years. Smells and memories that had kept me going even through the hardest of times. It was my father's, and seeing patches of rusty red blood speckled about where the jacket was torn, I could feel my claws extending, scraping against the leather. Heads were to roll.

My lover placed his shaky paw on my muzzle, hesitantly. "Please...say something. I'd want this to be different...maybe...maybe...."

I forced my eyes open to look at him. He was so beautiful, with his brow clouded in compassion, and wolfish eyes breaming with love. He was my everything, and it hurt me that I needed such a rough slap from the world to realise that fully. I leaned closer to nip at his nose. "Amand...I wished he'd be alive...I wished for it so much...."

"Maybe he still is...this is just his gear."

"Does that really matter?" I removed my father's sword from his attire, trying to tie it to my belt. "I've spent so long looking for him...when you could really say, I was looking for...you."

The wolf whined, gripping me passionately.

"My father would have really liked you...a sensitive, caring wolf...."

Skimpy tail started to shake, his chin fluttering, and his cheeks moistened under a barrage of tears. I pressed myself against the lone-wolf, who was more taken aback by the events than I.

I kissed him deeply, his rich, musky taste washing over my tongue. "What do you say we end this fucked up fairy tale?"

He whispered back, "I'll follow you to hell and back...you know that."

I unfastened the belts to gear up properly, my will and strength rising with my clothes and leather armour falling into place - it was time to brush up on my mercenary skills once more, and bring this battle hardened vixen to my foes. Fully prepared, ditching my sword by throwing it into one of the piles in favour of my father's one, I lifted my bow, nocking in an arrow as if readying for a round of late night training with the old fox. I was scared, there was no denying in that, of going head to head with a dragon. But there was no other way, unless I'd choose to become his number one slut. And looking at Amand, who double checked his own gear, I was very sure that a choice like that would have led to the demise of both my mind and body. Personal hell.

I took a ragged breath, my nostrils sore from breathing alone, and giving Amand a determined smile, I chanted an encouraging war cry, "Prepare your spear, love. I'm going to ask that winged bastard several arrow shaped questions, and I'm not stopping until I have my answers."

Somewhere above us, resonating through the thick, stone walls, boomed a drawn out dragon roar, and my lover unlocking the door, we set out upstairs, intent on marching into a perilous bloodbath.