Trip to Hawaii.

Story by BDogg on SoFurry

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#1 of Trip to Hawaii.

This is my second story so please tell me if I need editing or something like that.


"Trip to Hawaii."

By ßDogg

The beggining of the trip.

Collage holidays have just arrived and it was the time that me and all of my new friends had been waiting for. During collage we were made plans on going to Hawai for the may holidays. It was me, Jay-C, Derrik and Jaydean who were going. Derrik and Jaydean were both White Tigers. We would use my car to get to the airport and then my mom would drive it back home. So in the first night of the holidays I got all the stuff I was going to take with. I packed it in my car and locked it. I went inside and sat down for dinner. I sat there for a few minutes, while my mom was asking some quetions. Some of the questions were about who I was taking and what are they like or be carful when you are there, when will you return. You know the usual mother questions. My mom finished cooking and served me up some sweat and sour chicken. I had finished the food and put my plate in the sink and walked to my bedroom and switched on my P.C. I totally loved surfing the internet, one of my favourite sites are I normally surf that site. After and hour or so I got realy sleepy and decided to call it a night and turned of my P.C and went to bed. My mom walked past my closed door and said,


I replied sounding realy tired,


The next morning when my alarm went off, I got a fright, because I didn't remember setting my alarm for so early. I sat up in by bed and stretched. I got up and walked over to my shower in my room's bathroom. I took of my boxers and turned on the shower to a nice warmth. I stepped in and washed up. I finished showering, turned it of and stepped out. I went to the basin and brushed my fangs. I then went to my room and looked in my wardrobe and took out a pair of swimming shorts and a white tank top. I slipped at them and looked at my clock. Quater to 5, I hope that they are all up and ready with their stuff. I went to the kitchen and quickely made myself something to eat. Then I went back to my room and went to my draw and too it out and tooke a couple thousond rand out and put it into my wallet and put it into my backpack that I was going to keep with me on the plane. My mom was already awake and waiting for me. I took my keys off the hook and walked out the door, my mom picked up her handbag and locked up the house and opened the garage. I reversed out the garage and stopped, giving my mom just enough space to close the garage. I was so excited, I was going to spend a whole month with Jay-C and the others by ourselves.

"Mom get in the car."

She locked the garage and got into the car.

I quickly reversed and drove down the street. It was about a 15 minute drive till Derrik's house. When I got there he was already waiting on the sidewalk.

"Why are you waiting on the sidewalk in the dark." Well I got up early and I didn't want my parents to wake up from the doorbell."


I got out of my car and took his bag and put it into the boot to keep the space in the car. He got in the car and greeted my mom. I got in the car and started the engine and pulled off. Derrik then directed me to where Jaydeans house was. I stooped the car and Derrik went to fetch her. Once every thing was packed We drove to Jay-C. When I got there I stopped the car, got out and went to the door. I knocked on the door and waited. I could hear someone coming. The door opened and there stood Jay-C only in his towel because he had just finished showering.

"Why aren't you ready."

" Oh shit, I thought the trip was tomorrow."

I was quite angry when I said, "Have you even packed your bag."


he walked to his room and I followed.

"There it i..."

Just as he looked at me when he was just about to show me where his bag was I kissed him. He closed his eyes, I took the towel from him and stared to rub his balls. I pulled out of the kiss and said,

"Don't make me wait."

I picked up his bag and took it to the car and put it in the remaning space in the boot. He walked out a few minutes after wearing a pair of short boardshorts and a and a blue tank top, he was so gorgeous. He got in and greeted my mom, Derrik and Jaydean. During collage me and him confest that we were to Derrik and his grilfriend so the new me and Jay-C were going out. I started the engine again and started to drive to the airport.When we got there we went and got four trollies and brought them back to the car and unloaded our bags onto them. I locked my car and gave my keys to my mom and told her,

"Please look after her."

She nodded and said,


We all walked pushing our trollies into the airport. I took all of our tickets out of my backpackand look at them to see who we were flying with.

"Guys look for Quanton airways."

We walked down the air port searching for the gate we are have to use.

"There it is!"

Derrik exclaimed in excitement. We went to the bagage weigher and the people on duty weighed our bags all of us were under the limit. So they let us through. I gave all of our tickets to the counter lady and she said to us that our flight only leaves at 07:00am. We all said okay and she put our bags throught the scanner which took them to the aircraft. We went back to my mom and told her when we leave, and then we went to a little resterant thet was there. I took extra money so that I can pay for a meal this morning for all of us.

"Guys I am paying so don't worry."

The waiter came up to us and both me and Jay-C gave out a "Grrrr" He was a realy cute black Panther, he had a broad tail and a very muscular figure.

"Hi I am Raphiel and I will will be your waiter. Are you ready to order?"

"Guys What are you going to have."

They all stopped and thought and they all decided to have the special. A triple decker beef burger withsome chips on the side and we will have some water to drink.

In about 20 mnutes the food was ready and looked very delicious.

"Anything else?"

I grinned,

"No thanks."

We ate like we had never seen food before, that is how hungry we were. It was about 06:30 when we had finished our meal. I went ot the counter and paid the bill and the joined the others by the gate we were going to use to get to the plane.

"Mom we gotta go now, please keep safe and keep my car safe."

"I will, I'm gonna miss you."

I kissed my mom on the cheek and gave her a hug and then I walked to the counter and gave the accountent our tickets and looked back at my mom. We all walked through the hallway to the airoplane.

"Excuse me are you BDogg."


"Iwas told to give these to you instead of the ones you have."

"Wow these are first class tickets."

"They are complimentary tickets from Gizel Strider."

"Hey I know him he is from the F.B.I department how did he know we where on this plane?"

The air hostess showed us to the first class department. They sat down in thier own little compartments. Then the air hostess started to tell us something.

"You can make your chair into a bed if you want to and if you are a couple you can make it into a double sized bed. You have your own doors that you can close and if you want a single compartment their is a curtain that you can pull between your own personal space. It is going to be a long flight, so if you want anything you can just press the buzzer next to the door. Any questions?"

I asked,

"How long is this flight?"

She replied,

"It will be a 16 hour flight so sit back and relax and I will fetch you all some champain okay."

All of us were so excited. We got up and went to sit down by the tables that were in the middle of the compartments. She came back and gave each of us a glass of champain. I stood up and held my glass, "I prepose a toast."

They all picked up thier glasses and raised them.

"To having friends to enjoying this great gift with that that Gizel kindly gave us."

We tapped our glasses together to accept the toast. The hostess came to us and said,

"Sorry to disturb but the flight has been delayed for about 6 hours."

Jay-C said with a huge grin on his face,

"There is no problem there, we can experience more of first class hospitality."

I bent over and wisperred in Jay-C's ear,

"I'm still tired, so I am just gonna go and sleep. If you want, you could join me at anytime."

I got up and told them I was going to sleep for a little bit.

I closed the door and stripped out of my clothes and prepared a double bed. Once it was ready, I got into the bed butt naked. I was faking to be sleeping when Jay-C walked in and locked the door behind him. I could hear him undressing and then I heard a zip get pulled. I new exactly what he was doing. Jay-C reached into the front pouch of my backpack and pulled out a bottle of lube. He walked around the bed and got on the opposite side and snuggled under the blanket. I felt his hand slide over my hips and stop on my shaft that was sticking out and started rubbing it.

"Mmmm...I have been waiting for this."

I turned over and kissed him. We were propably lying there for about 10 minutes just kissing. I pulled out of the kiss and went under the blanket until my muzzle waz right by his crotch. I put my hand on his sheath and started to rub it. His cock started to become erect. His cock was half erect when I took it in my hand and started to paw him for a bit. When it was fully erect I lowered my muzzle and licked around the base and worked my way to the tip. After I reached the tip I put my muzzle over it. Jay-C started to close his eyes and rub my head fur. I started bobing my head and with every desent I engulfed more of the 10 inch cock into my mouth. After a few bobs of my head I had gotten most of the cock into my muzzle. Right there and then I was deep throating the 10 inches of fox cock. I tasted the pre that was dipping out of his shaft and knew he was ready. I came back up and lay next to him and said,

"I think it's your turn to fuck me."

I lay on my stomach and lift my arse up a bit. He took he lube and started to lube his cock. He then put some lube on his fingers and started rubbing my tailhole with the lube. He sank one finger in and fingered my arse hole. He stuck another finger in, I gave a small growl at the feeling of him streching me.


I said in pleasure. He pushed another finger in and started fingering me with 3 finger. He could see me wanting more in me, so he put a last finger stetching me wide. He pulled them all out and rubbed around my hole one more time. He pulled his hand away and kneeled behind me and stared to rub his cock around my tail hole. He started to push gently against my hole to wait for me to relax. My arse was relaxed and when he felt that he pushed hard. I gave a grunt in the sudden pain of my arsehole stretching rapidly. The head popped in and as soon as it happened I threw my head back and gave a loud grunt. The air hostess got such a fright, when she heard it. She came and knocked on the door and asked,

"Is everything ok?"

Jay-C stopped pushing himself in and answered,

"Yes, there is nothing wrong."

He then started to push again. The air hostsess walked away confused. Jay-C was pushing hard sinking more and more of his cock into my arse. His thighs stopped and rested touching mine. I knew to myself that he had sunk all of his cock in to me. He started to thrust deep and slow to try and waste some time that they had, because of the delay. With every one of his thrusts, he got a grunt from me. The pain of entry was now gone and all there was left was pleasure. Every second thrust he would only sink half of himself into me and then on the next thrust he would sink all of himself into me. Every time he wnt in deep I would give out a grunt. He stopped thrusting and pulled my legs so that I was now laying flat on my stomach. He then started to thrust again, but this time it was faster and with more force.

"Aaaah aaaah aaaah aaah yes faster."

I was saying. I could feel him moving inside of me and it made me even more horny.

My tail was around his leg tickling his balls from behind. He was thrusting hard and I could feel that he was getting close and I was to. He started panting because he was getting very tired. I felt his thrusting get faster and harder. I was panting in time with every thrust he gave. I felt his shaft harden in side of me and that pushed me over the edge of pleasure. I hit my climax and started spraying my wolf seed between my stomach and the bed. He thrust his cock deep within me, all 10 inches. I felt his balls resting on mine. He arched his back when he thrust himself deep and gave a long, "Aaaaaaaaaaaah."

He shot his warm fox seed deep within me. I was very tired from waking up so early and now I was even more tire from the hot sex me and Jay-C had. He was just as tired as me, he just callapsed onto my back and kiss my neck. We just lay there me and him still tied together and fell asleep. 5 hours later the hostess banged on the door and woke us up. I felt that Jay-C's shaft was still in me. I turn my head a bit and said,

"I love you and I can't wait to get to Hawaii."

He gave me a horny smile and replied,

"Why? What do you have in mind."

He pulled away from me and his shaft slipped out.

"Mmmmm that was great, I can't wait for the return trip when it is my turn to fuck you on the plane."

I got up and picked up my clothes and got dressed. Before I put my shirt on I took a face cloth from my backpack and wiped my stomach clean. We packed the beds and made them back into chairs. I unlocked the door and opend it.

"lets go grab a cup of cofee!"

He nodded as he pulled the string on his pants to tighten them. I walked out and he followed. Derrik had just walked out of his room 2 minutes before us.

"So BDogg did you and Jay-C have fun."

Jay-C shouted,


Derrik started laughing.

"We are going to get a cup of cofee do you and Jaydean want a cup?"

Derrik look at Jaydean,

"Babe do you want a cup of cofee."

She replied smiling,

"Yes please hun."

Me and Jay-C walked to the air hostess and asked her if all of us could get a cup of cofee. She told us that she would bring it to us at our rooms. We walked back to our room and sat down on our seats. I leaned over and switched on the air cooler, because it was heat in there from all of the sexual comosion that went on in there.

The hostess came to us and told us that she will only be able to give the cofee to us once we were in the air becaus we will be taking of now. I accepted what she said and sit back and put my hand on Jay-C's leg. He turned to look at me and I licked the side of his muzzle,

"I'm glad you are with me."

We strapped ourselves in and Sit and wait. I leaned my head out and saw the air hostess strapping in and then sat straight again. We heard the engines starting, I grabbed his hand and held it tight.

"Is this your first time flying."

"Yip, thats why I'm so nervious."

"Just keep your mind on what you and me are going to experience together in Hawaii and you should be ok."

"I will keep that in mind."

Thoughts started to go through my mind. It wasn't long until my mind was taken of the take off of the plane. My grip eased up on Jay-C's hand. The plane started to move. In a matter of seconds we were traveling at about 90 Km\H. All of a sudden we took of and I got butterflies in my stomach. I kept my mind busy thinking about Hawaii and how amazing the experience is going to be with the person that I love. I am spending a month with him by ourselves, my first time in another country. We ascended so much, staight through the clouds.

"Jay-C I feel a bit dizzy."

"Yo do? Thats what I was afraid of what would have happened to you because you are afraid of heights. When we reach the cruising height we will make these back into beds and you can sleep the rest of the way."

We reached the cruising height and Jay-C got up and went to the air hostess and asked for a cloth or towel. He came back and helped me set up the bed. he took the towel and dried the place where the cum was. When it was dry the hostess brought us a blanket. We put the blanket over both beds. I took of all my clothes and got under the blanket, I was watching him while he undress. He locked the door and dropped his pants to the floor and got into the other side of the bed. We cudled close together, he was laying on his back. I put my head on his chest and we fell asleep.

8 hours later I woke up and felt that Jay-C was gone. I leaped out of bed and ran out the door totally forgetting I was naked. I saw Derrik by the hostess, so I ran to him.

"Derrik have you seen Jay-C anywhere?"

"Man put some clothes on!"


I ran back and grabbed my shorts and put them on and tied them. I ran back to Derrik.

"Now can you tell me where he is?"

"Yeah he is right through here."

He opened the door and I walked down the staires and started to hear music. I got to this well built rhino that was gaurding the next door.

"Excuse me may I go through?"

"Is your name on the list."

"I-I don't know is it?"

"What is your name?"


"Oh, BDogg it's you please go on through he is waiting for you by the bar."


He opened the door and let me though.


It was the most coolest thing I had ever seen in my life. They were having a party in a part of the bagage department that from the looks of it hasn't been used for bags ever. They had transformed it into a disco room, it even had a jacoosy. I looked over at the bar and saw someone waiting by the bar , it wasn't Jay-C. I walked through the croud and sat down next to him. He was also a rhino but he was aout my size in his build.

"Hi I was told someone was waiting for me here, are you that someone."

With a demanding voice he said.

"Follow me."

I thought he was going to lead me to Jay-C so I followed him. My hunch was right the did lead me to Jay-C I only saw his head, I suddenly got a funny feeling about this. As I stepped around the last wall of bags he grabbed my arms I saw that Jay-C was tied to one of the poles.


"I'm here."

"What are we gonna do?"

"Lets just do what they want."

We heard a voice come from behind some bags,

"Oh you will do what ever we want."

He stepped out. It was the biggest Pit bull we both had ever seen before. He was about 7 foot 3 and very well built. He walked over to Jay-C, "Gizel if you hurt him I will personally kill you even if you are an F.B.I agent."

He laughed when I said it, he still walked towards him. I kicked the rhino in the stomach, knocking the air out of him. I ran straight at the pit bull and knocked him through a pile of bags. I untied Jay-C as fast as I could, grabbed his hand and ran for it. We ran back the way I came and into the crowed, we went to where people put their clothes so they can chill in the jacoosy and grabbed a couple of things and slipped them on. We went straight back into the crowed and tried to blend in. We kept watching for them to come around the corner. We must have been staring for about half an hour or so and still didn't see any thing. I felt a tap on my shoulder and it was one of the hostesses, she said the owner of the plane wanted to see us so we followed her. She showed us to a room and opened the door. We couldn't believe it it was Darren from the disco room. I walked in,

"You are the owner of this plane?"

He looked at me and nodded his head. Jay-C spoke up,

"Then why did you grab us."

His answer was straight forward,

"I heard a rumor that you and your..."

I said to him,


He carried on speaking,

"You are gay. Well that was a Surprize to hear. Well back to what I was saying. I heard a rumour that you 2 were terrorists and were preparing to highjack my plane."

"Where did you hear this."

"I heard it from one of my staff members. She heard a strange noise come from your room earlier."

"Oh sorry about that, but when the flight was delayed. We both got very horny and couldn't stand not being together as we got into a realy intimate situation.

"You had sex on my plane?"

"Yeah, but we are realy sorry and won't d..."

"Hey my plane isn't called the love plane for nothing."

"So now that this is sorted out, can I apoligize to you for kicking your friend and pushing you through the bags, with a beer."

"Sure why not."

We settled the problem thats all I was thankful for. We wnt back to the disco and went to the bar, "Can we have 2 'Black labels' and two 'Double Brandy and Coke' please."

"Here you go sir."


Jay-C and the other 2 went and joined in on the dancing. I realy couldn't dance so I sat down by the bar. I was sitting there watching everyone having fun, I thought to myself 'Fuck this' and I orderred 10 shots of tiquila. Derrik came to me,

"What are you doing?"

"I am joining in on the fun."

I grabbed the first shot and looked at him.

"Jay-C here I come."

I started to down each one of them, one after the other. I had finished of all of the shots I felt the rush to my head. I sat there for about 5 minutes. My head started spinning. By now I was drunk. I could feel it, and plus I couldn't see straight. Derrik saw and grabbed my arm and pulled me to Jay-C. "Yo Jay-C he's all yours." He pushed me to him. Jay-C grabbed me and looked at me and got a surprise. As I leaned forward and kissed him, not minding that people were watching me. I pulled him close to me as I heard the song change from a song to go crazy to, to a slow song.

"May I have this dance Jay-C?"


He took my hand and I pulled him close to me and I put my paws on his arse and he put his around my neck. We started dancing, Minutes seemed like hours during the dance. It seemed like we were getting a taste of Heaven. When the song finished, our dance finished with an intimate kiss.

"I love you B!"

"And I you Jay-C."

We walked of the dance floor and up the staires to the first class floor.

"I know what would make this night, a night to remember forever B."

"I think I know what you are talking about meet you there. I just need to go and wet my snout and get a little more sober."

"Anything you want lover."

I went to the toilet room and went to the basin. I leaned down to wet my face with some water. I heard someone come out of the toilet, so I quickly stood straight and look into the mirror to see who it was, but I saw no one. So I dried my snout and walked out and walked to our room. I walked in and saw Jay-C already naked laying there wearing only a black thong.

"I see you are one step ahead of me."

"Seems that way doesn't it hun."

I walked in and shut the door behind me and locked it. I was pulling my shirt off when it got tangled around one of my arms and I couldn't see anything. I felt my zip get pulled down and my already hard cock get pulled out of my boxers.

"Can't wait can you?"

He started licking around the base of my cock and worked his way to the top. He did this about 3 times and on the 4th time he took my shaft into his mouth. I was still trying to untangle my arm, but couldn't. He started to work my cock around in his mouth.

" give the best blowjobs."

I finally got my arm free and threw my top on my bag. He pulled me onto the bed and pushed me onto my back. He came up and kissed me before going to work again on my cock. While he was sucking I saw his hands working at the straps of my shorts. He got it free and pulled off of my cock and pulled them off. He pulled my boxers off straight after and then crawled up and lay ontop of me. Our shafts were touching he licked my cheek and said,

"I think it's your turn to fuck me."

He put my shaft by his tailhole and I felt that he had already taken the liberty to lub his hole. Still laying chest to chest he pushed down on my cock. I thrust up and bore my dick deep within him. I keep thrusting and he kept pushing down, my shaft was pushing deeper and deeper. I put my head up and took what ever of his cock I could into my muzzle so I wasn't getting all the pleasure. He started arching his back and put his head back with all the pleasure. I withdrew from the blowjob and replaced my muzzle with my paw. I started to paw him off. He leaned over and kissed me. Still thrusting and my paw still working at his shaft. I again replaced my hand with my muzzle and took whatever I could into my muzzle. Both of us giving deep moans of pleasure in our throaghts throughout the whole sensational period of intimacy. Without notice he hit his climax and grabbed my head and held it tight in place and released his warm fox seed straight into my muzzle. 'Mmmm I love the taste of him' I was thinking to myself when he released. I started thrusting again, but this time with more speed and force. With every thrust I gave he would grunt. I thrust hard one last time sending my member deep in him and shooting my husky seed deep within him filling him up full. "Mmmmmmm"

I lay back.

"This is a night to remember."

He lay down on me, my shaft still up his tailhole. He licked me on the cheek and pulled off my cock. When it sliped some cum ran down it, Jay-C saw this and lowered his muzzle and licked from below the cum all the way to the tip of my length. Licking my whole shaft clean. When he was done he came and lay next to me. I put my head on his chest. felt my cock slip back into my sheath, and I knew his must have done the same now that the heat has gone. After that we fell asleep and slept the rest of the way to hawaii.

To be continued...

That College Hunk

"That College Hunk" By BDogg It was a monday morning and I was just getting out of bed at 06:00 am, I walked to the bath room and turned on the shower to a warm comfortable heat. I loosend my boxers and dropped them to the floor and got into the...

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