Another night in Paradise

Story by Tharimel on SoFurry

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#2 of Sci-fi smut!

Heya! Another smutty one here featuring our "hero" Victor, the cock-hungry little wolf, getting into his daily activities involving dicks, groaning and plenty of splooge! Not sure how I feel about this one to be honest but figured I oughta toss it up here anyway and let you guys be the judge. Don't be afraid to leave a comment once you're done reading!

A wet, lewd slurp could be heard as the wolf pulled his head back to let the spent length out of his muzzle. With a wet pop it left his lips and the wolf couldn't keep himself from wagging his tail as he looked up at the middle-aged badger he was kneeling in front of and who's dick he had just sucked off. The badger was panting, his eyes closed, and Victor could see chubby badger's belly rise and fall some as the older male was trying to compose himself from getting some much needed relief.

"Seems like you needed that, huh?" Victor said playfully as he let his right paw take a hold of the badger's length and give it a few pumps to force out any last drops that might've still been lingering. The badger shuddered and let out a groan at the pumping right before the older male tried to pull himself away as Victor gave his now very sensitive length a few licks to clean it.

"You have no idea Victor..." the badger panted out as his eyes opened and he looked down at the kneeling wolf. A paw reached down to give the wolf some thankful pads on his head. "Been needing that all day!"

The twinkish wolf couldn't help it and let out a playful little giggle as he withdrew his pumping paw and started to get back up on his feet. "Lucky I was here for ya then, huh, Rodney?" he spoke as the badger took a hold of one of his arms and helped him up. The badger nodded and let his eyes look over the wolf for a few moments before turning towards a pair of lockers behind him and started to shuffle through them.

"Heh, you say that kid, but you're always around on work days anyway" the badger spoke as he quickly wiped his slowly softening length of with a towel. Victor watched for a moment before turning and taking a few steps back towards his own locker.

The work day was over for both of them and though Victor hadn't planned on getting into any more fun before getting out of there it had turned out that his co-worker Rodney had arrived to the locker rooms just before him with a rather... obvious need. And since the wolf was always all too happy to help out he had quickly found himself on his knees with his lips wrapped around the badger's length and his head bobbing back and forth. Rodney wasn't perhaps necessarily his type, what with the badger being much older and not packing the wolf's preferred physique, but that didn't stop the wolf from helping him out. It gave him a pretty nice and tasty treat too in the process so Victor really had no complaints!

"Well, I might not have been in the mood to help you out" Victor quipped back playfully as he got out of the jumpsuit he had to wear at work and started to change into his civilian garbs. The badger snorted some at that response and gave a glance back at the nude wolf while changing into his own clothes.

"You? Not in the mood? As if that will ever happen. Don't think I've ever met a kid as happy to suck dick as you before!"

Both of them couldn't help but to laugh out together as there was truth to the badger's words. Victor was a little bit of a cock hungry slut and everyone, or at least everyone around his usual work area, knew it.

"That's true I suppose. Though I'm not ALWAYS in the mood for sucking someone off. I have my bad days too, you know."

Victor was pulling a black pair of snug fitting jeans that did wonders for showing off his "assets". Some might've considered it to be a bit of an "old" style of clothing as they looked much like the clothes of olden days, but the wolf liked them. He had managed to get himself a pair of real denim too rather than one of those synthetic things that were made with the replicators. Though they sure looked like it they didn't really feel like the real deal, and it had cost him quite a bit to get his hands on it.

"Yeah yeah, I suppose. Though I've yet to see that" the badger replied as he put a top on, the badger being dressed in the standard civilian clothing issued to everyone by the World council, the leaders of their world. It was a pair of black, boring looking trousers that came with a few pockets coupled with an equally boring looking grey cotton sweater to keep you warm. It was clothes that everyone got for free to make sure everyone had something to wear that got the job done of keeping them warm, though you were by no means required to wear them. It was in fact encouraged that you adopted your own style though a lot of people, like Rodney, who didn't care too much about looking a particular way was happy enough to just go with the free clothes.

"Well, hopefully you'll never have to!" Victor said as he pulled a white, equally snug-fitting shirt over himself, tucked it into the jeans and then pulled a black leather jacket out of locker and put it on. He joked that the entire attire made him look a bit like the space adventurers and "deliverers of goods" that he'd see when visiting the various pubs and bars, though it was really only half-on-half a joke as he did indeed seek to go out on such adventurers himself. Wouldn't happen yet for a while though as he still couldn't afford getting himself his own ship, and even when he could he'd still have to make sure to save up in case anything happened and he'd need to do repairs or would have to make some kind of unexpected expenses.

The two left the locker rooms together as they were both dressed and they kept up some idle chitchat as they checked themselves out by the security entrance.

"I'll see ya tomorrow, kid" the badger said and gave the wolf a quick wave as he turned left and headed towards a nearby parking lot.

"Yeah, see ya Rod!" Victor watched the badger leave for a moment before he turned right to head towards the public transit system. The skies were brimming with vehicles heading back and forth towards their various destinations amongst the tall buildings of the city he lived in and at first glance anyone would've likely been very confused as to how no crashes or anything of the sort didn't happen. Victor didn't really know himself, other than that both the transit and the personal vehicles weren't really driven. They were all controlled through a traffic A.I. and lead through some kind of invisible, gravitational force field and all you did to control your vehicle was telling it the desired destination. Or, if you just wanted to have a drive around to explore the city, you'd set your vehicle to "free" mode where it would go wherever it seemingly felt like. You could also choose to have some control over your vehicle by deciding when to turn, to manually switch lanes and that kind of stuff though you could never have full and complete control over it.

Victor would've liked to get his own vehicle as it allowed for more freedom and didn't require you to switch transit system to get to the other parts of the city (not to mention it would've made it much easier for the wolf to bring hot studs home with him), but since he was saving money to head out into the wide universe just waiting for him he was content with using the transit system. It didn't cost anything and he was O.K. with having to switch system and even sometimes having to walk to get where he wanted.

It was Wednesday evening and Victor had decided that he wanted to go out for the night and maybe get dragged home by some nice guy. He took the transit first to one of the many large food courts dotted all around the city and grabbed a quick bite before taking the transit to go to one of his favorite clubs. Though their society had become rather sexualized in the last one hundred years, there were still many different clubs, stores, entertainment centers and parts of the city that would be intended for all different kinds of people. Some were more for the people that weren't so much a fan of "everyone having sex with everyone", some parts of the city were more family friendly, some were rather heavily sexualized and there were even neutral zones where you could find a bit of everything. And though Victor rather enjoyed the more sexualized zones, his particular favorite club was in the neutral zone.

The club was called "Dancer's paradise" and was the most common club for newcomers to their planet to visit when wanting to find out about the rumors of how sexualized their planet was, but still wanted a chance to just hang out and enjoy a drink. In any club at the heavily sexualized zone you'd be expected to end up fucking with someone, and having such expectations was a bit daunting to some newcomers. If you visited Dancer's paradise though you could choose to just sit by the bar, enjoy a few drinks and just observe if you didn't want to partake in any dancing or any sexual activities. Nothing was forced or expected of you other than respecting that a no meant no. It was a place where you could easily find yourself in a heated romp amongst all the bodies on the dance floor or find a paw dragging you off into one of the private rooms or dark corners if you weren't into doing it right out in the middle of dance floor, or if you really just wanted to have a drink and maybe just chat people up, you could do that. There was no expectation of you having to indulge in sexual activities, unlike many of the clubs in the sexual zone.

Their society was perhaps a bit strange to some, but for Victor it had become somewhat second nature to end up having sex in front of others or doing it somewhere where he could get caught, and he'd lie if he said that it didn't incredibly turn him on! He had a bit of an exhibitionist streak to him, something that had just grown stronger and stronger the more he indulged himself, and the "Paradise" had quickly become his favorite place as he could indulge himself there but also easily just try to meet a nice guy to go home with without the expectation of fucking right then and there. Sometimes not even the cock hungry wolf wanted to get reamed right on the dance floor and the Paradise easily offered up opportunities to just chat people up by the bar. A lot of the clubs in the heavily sexualized zone was all about fucking and getting your rocks off and weren't ideal when you just wanted a nice drink and some nice company to talk with, so the Paradise was often Victor's go-to club since it gave the wolf plenty of options!

The transit ride from the food court to the nearest stop to the club didn't take long and soon enough the wolf found himself in front of the club, giving the familiar large bear of a bouncer a smile and a "hey, how's it going?" before he was let in with the bear giving his rear a quick, playful swat and a whispered "good luck in there". Victor merely gave a playful wink in return and made a mental note of perhaps paying the bear back sometime later for the swat to his rear, though his thoughts were shoved aside as he entered the place and he became one with the crowd. There was always quite a lot of people in it as it was not only one of the most popular clubs, but it was also in the neutral zone which happened to be where most visitors to the city found themselves since the space port was connected to it. As if the crowd wasn't enough to keep his mind occupied, the music from the dance floor made him feel all the more pumped and started getting him into just the right kind of mood!

There didn't seem to be too many off-worlders there that particular night though the wolf still caught a few glimpses of some humans that seemed to be enjoying themselves perhaps a bit too much due to all the sexual energy hanging in the air in and around the dance floor. Victor could only smirk knowingly as he watched one being dragged away by not only one, but two eager sets of paws into one of the dark corners for some sexy fun. By the look of that human's face it would be the first time ever he'd be with one of Victor's kind and the wolf could only think that the human was definitely in for a treat as he'd be having not one but two very skilled natives taking care of him! Turning his attention to the bar, the wolf wanted to get himself a quick drink to warm him up before he'd hit the dance floor.

Five minutes later and the wolf found himself having been chatted up by a couple of guys while nursing his drink though none of them had really been to his liking yet. Besides, now that he was here, he found the dance floor and the sexual activities there calling for him more and more. Wanting to finish his drink before going out there, he found himself perhaps drinking it a bit too fast before giving a sweet looking ram a polite smile and a "maybe later, stud" to deny the ram's advances. As soon as his glass was empty the wolf hurried out onto the dance floor, his nose picking up the smell of sex, sweat, musk, lube and anything else you'd expect to smell in a place where people openly fucked. There were both males and females getting randy out there with each other, some of them making a show of it all and others trying to be a bit more discrete about it. Victor could already feel himself tenting up a little in his jeans from the sexy sights though it would take a bit more than that to make him lose it.

Before long he found himself swaying his hips and his body moving together with various different males, the wolf switching partner as the song occasionally changed. Every now and then he found himself grinding his rear up against a male, whether by accident or intentionally, and he'd feel hands groping and feeling him up. It wasn't until a particularly eager set of large paws though that he found it hard to resist the temptations of just getting it on right there. He had grinded his rump up against a tented bulge by pure accident, though whomever it belonged to must've taken it as an invitation as a moment later two, large paws were tugging and trying to help the wolf get his jeans undone. And rather than trying to stop those advances, Victor had let whoever it was tug his fly down and undo his belt! Not until the button on his jeans had been popped did Victor turn his head to see whom his partner was going to be.

His eyes set upon a sexy hunk of a fellow wolf with dark fur in contrast to his own grey one. The wolf must've been almost two heads taller than he was and he had no top on which exposed a good set of muscles that only made him look even sexier. The black wolf looked imposing and dangerous and was just the kind of guy that Victor found hard to deny.

"Fuuuck..." the shorter wolf exclaimed as his eyes stared at the hunk whom only gave a broad, almost predatory grin as his bold paws tugged Victor's jeans down to expose the shorter male. As if by sheer instinct, Victor found himself raising his tail already for that alpha of a man whom didn't fail to notice and gave a growl before pressing that firm tent up under Victor's tail to nestle in between his butt cheeks.

"Hot little pup" the black wolf spoke in a deep, almost gruff voice while grinding himself into those firm cheeks. Victor almost found himself whimpering like a bitch knowing his place as the tent teased against his entrance and he knew that he wanted, no, needed that tall wolf before the night was through! The tall alpha sensed this as he grinded himself firmly and after a few moments Victor could feel that bulge getting damp as it grinded, telling him that the alpha was getting himself nicely worked up. Without a word Victor pulled himself back some from the wolf and a paw reached back and groped over the wolf's tent as he was searching for a zipper to pull down. Soon enough he found what he was looking for and he could hear a groan of satisfaction and approval as he pulled it down, pushed his paw into the wolf's trousers and fished the alpha's nicely sized length out. It was a bit too dark on the dance floor for Victor to be really able to see just how large the wolf was down there, but he could tell that this guy was definitely larger than the average. Hell, the wolf's dick felt really thick against his paw when he fished it out and he considered himself lucky that he was so used to taking it since otherwise he knew he would be struggling to do anything with that alpha of a male.

"Get it nice and sloppy, pup. You'll want it to be lubed up, trust me."

Victor was all too happy to comply and moments later he had turned around and found himself down on his knees and facing that beast of a cock. It wasn't the biggest he'd ever handled before, he knew that much, but he could tell that if he wanted to cram all of that inside his muzzle he'd have his work cut out for him. Not one afraid of a challenge however the wolf eagerly got to work. With his right paw he held the length steady as he leaned forward and just inhaled that manly scent of an alpha's dick for a few moments. The scent of sweat, male musk and pre-seed hit his nose hard and it caused the small wolf to groan out in approval and arousal. He was a sucker for that kind of sexual, manly scent and he could've probably gotten off on just smelling that alone if he was allowed to do it for long enough while stroking himself.

"Like the smell of a man, do ya, pup? Go ahead and sniff, just make sure you get that mouth to work soon."

The small wolf almost whimpered as he nodded and he pressed his muzzle up against the thick, long length and inhaled deeply while he dragged his muzzle along it, almost as if he was worshipping it. He wanted that manly smell to linger on him for a bit so that he could keep enjoying it, and he dragged his muzzle all along the alpha's length and even let the alpha wipe some of his pre off on Victor's snout. The tall wolf let out a deep, dominant growl of approval as he watched Victor nuzzle against his length and he reached a large paw down to Victor's head and guided Victor for a few moments.

"Come on, get to sucking" the black wolf finally said impatiently after a few moments. Getting that he was tired of waiting, Victor happily dragged his lips up to the tip of the alpha's length and then parted them and pushed his tongue out. He gave the tip a couple of flicks and the taste of the pre that was oozing out almost made him growl out in arousal. After giving a glance up at the alpha wolf and feeling those eyes stare right back down at him with a powerful gaze, he felt his cheeks flush some and his ears folded back against his head in submission as he finally pushed forwards and let the wolf feel his muzzle start enveloping that powerful length.

Victor didn't know how many cocks he had sucked off before, but no matter how many he sucked he always loved nothing more than sucking on a brand new one for that very first time. To feel how much it would fill up his muzzle, to trace his tongue along it and explore, to feel the veins pulsing as his tongue grazed over them, to have it give the occasional twitch as he did something that it's owner particularly liked and even, if he got lucky, to feel it throb powerfully moments before he was given a thick, warm, tasty treat to swallow down. Even though plenty of dicks were similarly shaped or were similar sizes they all had their own little things that would set them apart, and Victor loved exploring and finding those out. With the size of this particular cock though he'd have some work to do before he could figure all of that out. And, unfortunately, it didn't seem like he'd get to feel that throbbing against his tongue this time.

He started with just suckling gently around the head and moving his tongue up to flick against the urethra. A grunt of pleasure from above him told him he was doing well so far and ever so slowly, to tease the big guy, he started to lower his head and taking more of that big length past his lips. His tongue switched from flicking to swirling around the head as more pushed past his lips and eventually he could even start bobbing back and forth while making noisy slurping sounds for the big wolf to hear. Ever so slowly he let inch after inch past his lips and it wasn't until he had taken several inches into his muzzle that he started to realize just how big the wolf was! Not only was it definitely a rather thick one, but it must've been even longer than it had felt like when he had just been nuzzling and stroking it. Victor estimated he had taken five or six inches and could already feel it start pushing down his throat, forcing him to have to suppress his natural reflexes as best as he could, and as he stroked what was still outside of his muzzle with his paw he estimated that there was several inches left to go!

Not one to disappoint or chicken out though, Victor was determined to try to cram all that the big alpha had to offer down his throat if even just for a second or two. Swallowing around the long, thick length and doing his best not to gag (although it was impossible for him not to cough or give in to the natural reflex for a moment or two) he pressed onwards. The short wolf didn't have to do it all on his own though as seconds later he felt another paw on his head and the hips of the alpha press forward. Seemed like Victor wasn't the only one looking to get all of that fat length down his throat! It caused Victor to cough and almost gag as the large alpha practically forced himself down his throat now and Victor could do little but to just let it happen while doing his best to relax and take it. Though it was an unpleasant feeling to have his throat getting crammed with dick, the knowledge of what it was making the big alpha feel made it all worth it, especially if one considered the fact that it was getting Victor all worked up as well which was made apparent by the growing length between his legs. He had almost grown fully hard himself and was even starting to dribble down onto the floor, pooling a little. If they weren't careful he'd get his black jeans stained with the pre dripping down, though the twinkish wolf, being the proud little slut that he was, wouldn't have minded to walk around with stains on his jeans to show off what he had been getting himself into!

At long last Victor's lips kissed the furred based of the alpha's crotch and he did his best to try and suppress all his natural reflexes and instincts. He couldn't breathe as the thick cock down his throat was making it impossible for him to draw any air, but he wasn't too worried about it. His eyes were closed and there was even a tear trickling down from his right eye due to the strain his body had to endure and since he always got a bit teary-eyed when the gag reflex would hit him. But even with his eyes closed he could feel the predator's gaze staring down at him accompanied by the huffs and grunts of pleasure, approval and primal lust. The large alpha gave a growl at the hot sight below him and he kept Victor's head pushed into his crotch for a good few moments to savor the intense feeling of being fully inside a willing bitch's muzzle. Moments passed as the large alpha just savored the feeling and Victor almost started to get worried that he would be getting carried away, that he wouldn't realize that the shorter wolf needed to breathe! Just as he was about to try and pull himself back however the large wolf slowly pulled himself out of that willing muzzle, causing Victor to cough and try to catch his breath as his airways were free again.

"Not bad. Not every pup I've been with can take all of me!"

While catching his breath Victor looked up at the alpha as he heard him speak and he could see the large wolf give an approving smile down at him. It was the first time he had seen the alpha smile rather than grin that predatory grin of his, and a strange sense of pride hit the small wolf.

"I've had plenty of practice" Victor said before able to stop himself and that smile on the alpha's lips turned right back into that predatory grin. The black wolf's hips jutted forward and Victor could feel the messy length press back up against his muzzle and mat his fur with the mixture of pre, spit and throat slime that was coating it.

"Yeah? Show me just how much practice you've had!"

Victor's attention turned back to the impressive length at those words and he only got a quick moment to prepare himself before the large wolf reached down to angle his dick so that the head pressed perfectly against the small wolf's lips. A moment later and Victor found himself groaning out in surprise as his muzzle was stuffed, almost all the way to the throat, before being left emptied the next second. One of the paws on his head hold him firmly in place as the large wolf thrust himself right back inside of the willing muzzle and before long the alpha was facefucking the little wolf, practically just using the twink's maw as a sex toy for his own pleasure. Victor didn't complain though, the erection between his legs told anyone looking their way how much he was enjoying and even getting off on having the large alpha use him for his own pleasure. While the alpha pumped himself in and out of Victor's muzzle, even going so far as to push deep down his throat every now and then to really test how much the twink could take, the small wolf concentrated on sucking and using his tongue to pleasure that fat length being forced into his maw over and over. His lips suckled hungrily and his tongue swirled, flicked, pushed and massaged and whenever he'd feel some precum ooze out over his tongue he'd shudder in delight and moan out for the alpha to hear.

"Mmrrrrff, hell yeah! Good little slut, keep taking it just like that!"

Even though most of the other dancers on the dance floor were busy taking part in their own carnal activities, there were a few that were looking their way and enjoying the nice show that the two males were putting on. A couple of felines that were getting frisky and getting ready to fuck each other was openly checking them out, seemingly using the show as an added extra to get themselves riled up. A human who, by the look on his face, couldn't really believe everything going on so openly was stroking himself, though he didn't had to do it on his own for too long as a playful fox soon enough snuck up on him and offered a willing muzzle to help the human out. To anyone, like the human, who weren't used to things like this happening it might've even seemed bizarre that practically an orgy was going on in the dance club, but to the people of the world it was as normal as anything else.

Minutes passed of the large wolf just pumping himself in and out of the willing maw and as much as Victor was enjoying himself, he was getting just a little bit impatient at not getting any stimulation of his own. Reaching down with one paw, he started to pump his own length slowly, the stroking causing him to moan out around the alpha's length. The large wolf had had his eyes closed for a minute while just enjoying himself, though they opened back up as he could hear the sounds of pleasure coming from his partner.

"Little bitch getting, mmmrrrf, all worked up?"

The thrusts of the alpha's hips slowed down some and Victor's cheeks reddened some as he gave a small nod while he stroked himself slowly. To his surprise the alpha gave a deep groan before pulling himself fully out, the fat head of his cock leaving Victor's lips with a lewd pop.

"Get up and turn around, pup."

Victor's ears perked up and he couldn't stop himself from giving a tail wag as it seemed like things were about to pick up yet another pace. Letting go of his own length, the short wolf eagerly did as he was told and got back up on his feet before turning around. He even made sure to bend forwards a little to make his rear jut out and to give the wolf a nice, hot view he made sure to raise his tail and reach back with his right paw to spread his right ass cheek. With his other paw he pushed his jeans further down, letting them fall down to his ankles, to leave himself fully exposed to his current partner. The black wolf growled loudly at the hot sight presented before him and he took a step forward and reached down with both paws, swatted Victor's own paw away and then helped himself to two handfuls of Victor's bubbly cheeks.

"Mmm, you're just a perfect little pup, huh? Hot, good cocksucker and you've got an ass to get any guy riled up..."

The large wolf's paws kneaded and squeezed at Victor's cheeks, played with them some, and he'd make sure to spread them good every now and then too so that he could get a good look at the pink flesh that he was going to claim soon enough. Victor shuddered and moaned softly for the alpha to hear as fingers teased along his cleft, a particular playful paw even reaching down to cup and fondle his balls for a few moments, the fondling making Victor tense up and let out an eager moan. Fingertips trailed and teased up along his crack, all the way to his sensitive entrance, and the small wolf tensed up and let out a gasp as he could feel a finger finally prod and inspect his entrance. It didn't really push too much yet, just curiously prodded and rubbed as if to find out how ready Victor was for what was bound to come soon enough, and Victor silently wished it was the alpha's messy cockhead pushing up against his hole instead and teasing it rather than a dry finger.

Victor was about to get something he definitely had not expected though. He wasn't looking back at the wolf but could hear the alpha take a step back and just as he was about to look back to see what was up he felt something wet and warm push up and give a firm lap over his entrance, the sensation making him moan out and his body tense up in surprise. He had expected to just receive some spit and finger fucking, maybe even some lube, from the large alpha to get his hole ready. What he hadn't expected was the black wolf's large tongue hungrily lap over his entrance and get it nice and sloppy as preparation for the fucking! The alpha's two, large paws were spreading Victor's cheeks wide and that hot tongue was flicking and lapping almost hungrily away at his hole. Every now and then it would even push firmly, almost as if trying to spread his ring open, and it had Victor groaning and grunting out in pleasure.

"S-shiit... didn't... didn't expect that!" he groaned out, his toes even curling as the alpha showed off some of his own oral skills. Victor didn't always get the pleasure of having a hot tongue under his tail and he liked to savor the moment every time someone offered to eat him out or just outright dove under his tail to give his pink flesh a nice tongue bath. This particular wolf that was eating him out right now proved to know what he was doing as that tongue flicked, lapped and teased in just the right kind of spots over his flesh and seemed to know just how to make the short wolf moan out like a bitch in heat! Which was just what Victor ended up doing as that skillful tongue lapped and flicked just right against his flesh and put just enough pressure to teasingly make his rim spread apart a tiny bit whenever the large alpha's tongue got a bit rougher. It had Victor panting and moaning for all to hear and he'd even reached back with a paw to the large wolf's head and put some pressure to keep him there. He had little else to hold onto though and as the black wolf's attempts at making him moan and getting him ready for what was coming just got increasingly heated, Victor felt like he was starting to get weak to his knees and fall down on the floor soon! Which may have very well been the alpha's plan all along...

Just as Victor thought he was going to lose it and slump down though the big wolf pulled back with a lewd little slurp and straightened himself up, those big paws taking a hold of Victor's hips in the process and pulling him in closer against the large wolf.

"Think you're just about ready, pup" he spoke in that deep voice of his right into Victor's ear, causing the smaller wolf to let out a whimper of longing and submission. The hot breath of the alpha tickled Victor's furs, almost made him shudder, and he knew that at that moment he wanted nothing more than to feel that hot breath panting against him as the black wolf took him and used him as his bitch for the night. The alpha pressed his length in between Victor's cheeks and grinded himself between them for a few moments as if to give Victor an idea of just what was about to make its way inside him, and though some of the mess that had been made earlier had managed to dry up a little bit the small wolf could still feel his cheeks getting matted and messy by the messy combination of fluids. It made him want the big alpha even more, wanted to truly submit for him like a bitch in heat. Turning his head, Victor gave the alpha a sultry look.

"Take me, big guy" he whispered out only for the wolf to hear and the alpha merely gave his same predatory grin before pulling his hips back. One of the black wolf's paws reached down to keep his own length in position and Victor made sure to raise his tail high so that it would keep out of the way. The messy head of his partner's cock pushed and prodded against his entrance moments later and Victor could only consider himself lucky that he was used to taking it up the rear cause otherwise he didn't think there'd be any way for him to take something that thick without a good half hour of foreplay and preparation first! Right now he knew it was still going to be plenty rough at first, though he was sure he could take it if the large male made sure to start of slow.

Toes curled and his jaw clenched when the initial, hard pressure finally started being made on his entrance. The black wolf growled out as Victor's hole resisted the pushing, refused to gave way, and he pulled back only to push right back up against that hot, tight hole. Again it didn't give way, but after a third, hard thrust and a yip of mixed sensations from Victor, finally the tight rim opened up and the black wolf could practically feel the first half inch or so being sucked into that hot hole. The alpha stopped there for a few moments, giving Victor some time to adjust to his size, and Victor panted and groaned out between his clenched teeth while doing his best to adjust. It hurt, as he knew it would without proper foreplay, but soon he knew it would feel so much better. Taking that moment to get used to the alpha's size, Victor gave a nod to signal to the big wolf that he could keep going.

With a dominant growl the black wolf pushed forwards, slowly sinking himself inside Victor. It left the small wolf panting and moaning out for the people around them to here and he could feel himself getting plugged more and more by the second. The wolf was big! He didn't know how long it took until he felt the large balls of the alpha press up against his own, but when it finally happened he let out a sigh. The short wolf was surprised there was even room to fit all of that fat cock inside him, and it made his passage feel fuller than it had in a long, long time.

"Tight, sexy little pup... perfect cocksheath..." the alpha growled out into Victor's ear, making him blush a little. Being the cock-hungry little slut that he was though, Victor smirked a little as he glanced back at the alpha with a mischievous look.

"Show me what you got, big guy. Take me like you would take a bitch in heat!"

Victor knew that asking for something like that would probably leave him walking funny before the night was through, but he didn't care. Having gotten used to the size of the alpha's length, he wanted to get what he had gone out on the dance floor to hunt for: a hard, rough, toe-curling fuck that would make him moan out for all to hear! It was going to be rough, sure, and probably going to hurt some but that's just what he wanted.

The alpha's ears perked at the small wolf's words and it was all the encouragement that he needed to take a good, firm hold of Victor's hips and start to pull out. Feeling the large alpha pull out of him caused Victor to groan out, and as merely the tip remained inside him the alpha thrust hard back inside, going all the way to the hilt in that thrust. Victor moaned out and his own cock throbbed at that feeling, and moments later the large alpha began his rhythm of moving back and forth roughly as he started to give the small wolf what they both wanted.

Victor's body rocked as the alpha's hips moved back and forth and smacking sounds could be heard whenever the alpha's hips made contact with Victor's rump. The cock-hungry little wolf could feel a wet, sticky substance, the alpha's pre, dribbling into his passage and the good amount of it helped in lubing his passage up some to make their fucking a bit easier. As he was being taken by the large male Victor made all kinds of moans and grunt from various sensations, ranging from pleasure to pain, and they had the attention of several other dancers that were enjoying the show whilst in the middle of their own sexual "dance". Victor could feel those eyes on him and they only helped in turning him on even more! His own cock was dribbling onto the floor from the excitement growing inside him and he knew he'd have to try and calm down and be careful or there'd be a risk that he'd blow before the big alpha was even anywhere close to finishing!

Hot breath suddenly washed over his neck, making him shudder lightly, and he could feel the alpha's big, strong arms wrap around him and pull him up close. Without missing a beat in his thrusting, the alpha pulled Victor up against him so that the small wolf's back rested against his chest, and soon the small wolf could even feel that big nose roaming across and sniffing at his neck. The nosing turned into kisses trailing across his neck and Victor let out a soft sigh as he leaned his head some to the side to expose his neck some more to the wolf. He could hear a passionate growl in his ear and the large alpha took the invitation eagerly as lips kissed, nipped and places the occasional love bite. Victor hadn't quite expected the large alpha to show such a passionate side to him, having expected the big male to just be out for a good, hard fuck, but he was pleasantly surprised and moaned out softly for the large male to hear.

He didn't know how much time passed with the two going at it like that, with the alpha's hips going back and forth without stopping and those nice lips trailing over his neck, but it felt like it must've been minutes. They hadn't said much to each other and mostly just communicated through their moans and grunts of pleasure, letting each other know when someone did something particularly good through a loud moan of pleasure. Victor was left gasping out in surprise though as he suddenly felt the alpha pull all the way out of him, leaving his hole gaping for a few moments before it started to close up and leaving Victor feeling strangely empty. He was just about to ask why the big male had pulled out when he felt himself being spun around to face the wolf before those big hands reached down to hook behind his thighs.

"Wrap your legs around me, pup" the wolf told him while staring right into his eyes, giving him a powerful, dominant look. Victor smirked a little and nodded and with the help of the strong alpha lifting and holding him up he wrapped his legs around the alpha's waist and took a hold around the alpha's neck with his paws so that he'd have something to hold on to. They looked into each other's eyes, saw the lust and need that they both had. The wolf's large length throbbed and prodded at Victor's entrance for a moment before, by pulling Victor down, that fat meat slid right back inside the small wolf, causing him to moan out as their gaze was broken by the small wolf's eyes going shut from the strain of taking that large thing so suddenly. Before long Victor was bouncing up and down and moaning out as the wolf resumed taking his little fuck toy for the night and the large alpha growled in-between his own groans of pleasure as he watched the short wolf's pleasured expression.

With the wolf holding Victor like that he was close enough so that his own length would rub against the wolf's stomach with every bounce, and that added friction was almost enough to push him over the edge after a minute of relentless thrusting. A nice mess had been made by now of the alpha's belly fur and a sheen of white pre was visible in the alpha's black fur. The alpha could tell that his little bitch was being pushed close to the edge and the knowledge made him growl deeply in his own arousal.

"I know you're close. Why don't you just cum for me, my little bitch?" the alpha growled out into Victor's ear after leaning forward. The words caused Victor to whimper out like the good little bitch he was trying to be and a moment later he felt one of those strong hands of the alpha move away from his thigh and take a hold of his length instead. It didn't take much to push Victor to climax and after only a couple of pumps by that strong paw he tensed up and almost howled out as his balls drew up and his cock let go. Jets of white shot out in nice, long streaks and made a mess of the alpha's chest and belly, leaving long strands of white on his black fur, and the alpha growled out in approval as he watched his bitch cum. Victor's body tensing up left that nice passage feeling even tighter too, and the alpha had to slow down so that he wouldn't hurt Victor and to make sure he wouldn't push himself too fast to his own climax. When the small wolf was finally done spewing his seed out he almost slumped down against the alpha's messy chest as he panted and groaned out softly.

The large wolf looked down at the mess that the smaller wolf had made and he grinned at the sight, the hot sight of the streaks of pearly white across his black fur making his cock throb hard inside the small wolf. As Victor relaxed a little from his climax and his body softened up a little again, the alpha got right back to work, even picking up the pace now. It surprised Victor and once again left him grunting and moaning out as the wolf took him even harder than he had before!

"Gonna, rrrr, breed ya good, little pup. You want that?" the alpha spoke while grunting in pleasure as his hips moved quickly back and forth. Victor could tell that the alpha was working himself towards his own climax and his eyes opened slowly and looked up at the alpha while he gave the big predator a wide grin.

"Give it to me, big guy. Breed like you would breed a bitch in heat!"

The words spurred the alpha on and Victor could feel those large, strong paws take a good hold of each of his thighs to bounce him hard and quick. Had he not already been pushed to his climax, this might've been enough to do just that as it left him moaning as deep as ever before and his spent cock even to throb some as the alpha's own, fat one quickly moved in and out of his passage. Victor whispered out words to the alpha, urging him to keep going, to fuck him and give him every drop of cum that the alpha had stored in his large balls and every word helped in spurring the alpha on. Soon the big male's thrusts got more erratic and less focused and Victor could feel the fat length inside him throb with need. He wasn't given a warning before the alpha suddenly gave a final slam inside him and buried his length as deep as it would go, and Victor watched as the alpha threw his head back and let out a howl of pleasure as jets of virile, thick spunk was shot into the small wolf's passage. Victor groaned out in satisfaction as he felt himself being bred by the large alpha, felt those thick strands of warm cum fill up his passage before it would start to dribble out. A sigh escaped him as the streaks of cum started to slow down to a small dribble and the small wolf had a smile on his lips as the alpha came out of his state of pure bliss and looked down at his bitch.

"You got any place to be after this? Think I could use somewhere to clean up" Victor murmured out for only the black wolf to hear. The alpha panted a little as he listened to his bitch and a grin formed on his broad muzzle once more.

"You can come over to my place, pup, to shower up. But don't think you'll be alone in the bathroom!"

The two grinned knowingly at each other as it seemed like their night together was far from over!