Shot Down (Vore Ending)

Story by FatalTragedy2004 on SoFurry

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Same as the other story, only with a vore ending! Wee! All characters are (C) Nintendo

  • * * Shot Down By FT2k4 Fox sat next to the destroyed Arwing in the snow on Fortuna. He cursed and looked at the battle in the skies between his team and the StarWolf team. Somehow, Wolf had caught him off guard and shot the young vulpine down. He sighed and just watched, hoping someone from his team would come to his rescue. He looked over his Arwing. The damage wasn't so bad thanks to Wolf's precise aiming and the snow bank he crashed into. His engines and weapon systems were completely trashed, the burn marks of Wolf's lasers were the only remains of his engines. He piled up a snowball and sunk his teeth into it, chewing it up in order to get some kind of a drink. He shivered as the cold wind whipped through his fur, looking up at the sky and seeing Pigma flee the area. He smirked and stood up, looking over his Arwing. Leon's Wolfen had a smoke trail, Peppy was looking heavily damaged, Slippy was no where to be seen, as was Andrew (Fox had shot him down moments before he was shot down himself). And Falco seemed to be holding on, but had some sparks flying off his wing. The only ship without any damage was Wolf's. After shooting down Fox, the rest of the team was afraid to engage him. The war had been raging on for years, ever since Fox's father was captured and presumed killed. Fox wanted to do something, but he was too young to do anything. Five years later, he finally turned 18, but having quit the air force academy, and was now in command of his father's mercenary team 'StarFox'. He sighed and looked up at the sky. "Father, I've failed you..." His ears perked up as he heard a ship landing. He reached for his blaster and shook the snow off it, then peaked over his heap of an Arwing. There, no more than 5 feet away, was a Wolfen. Fox whimpered softly as he saw Wolf climb out. The lupine was only a year older than Fox, but his appearance made him seem much bigger than the fox. He started to charge up his blaster and listened for Wolf's footsteps crunching the snow. They came closer and Fox began to shiver more, his heart pounding. He muttered to himself and looked down. The shadow of the wolf was coming closer, so he spun around and aimed his gun towards the lupine. He closed his eyes and fired three shots. He opened his eyes and gasped as Wolf stood there, his own gun aimed right at the head of the vulpine. Three smoking holes were in the snow next to him. "If you're going to shoot someone, do it with your eyes open, pup!" He said, Fox staring into the barrel of Wolf's gun. Normally, he would have shouted at Wolf for calling him 'pup', something they fought about as kids when they were still friends. Fox gulped and looked for mercy in Wolf's eyes. "D-D-D-don't kill me....please..." Fox squeaked out, shaking in the snow. Wolf grinned. "If I wanted to kill you, I would have destroyed your ship before you even hit the ground." Wolf said, lowering his gun. Fox sighed and then shook, collapsing softly on the ground. Wolf sat next to him and sighed. "Shooting you down was enough to quench my thirst for revenge." Wolf explained, Fox curling up to keep warm, the wind picking up. Fox stared at Wolf's eye patch, knowing that he himself was responsible for what happened to make Wolf have to wear it. He whimpered and rubbed his arms. "Cold?" Wolf asked, his fur much thicker and his flight suit made of a heavier material. Fox nodded and looked over Wolf. The lupine reached down and pulled the young fox into his arms, then hugged him tight. Fox found himself murring and then caught himself, smiling weakly at Wolf. "T-Thanks..." Wolf nodded and rubbed over the freezing fox. "I had a feeling you were gay..." he heard Fox say. He stared at Fox and growled softly. "What makes you think I am?!" Fox's ears fell flat and he nuzzled under Wolf's chin. "It's alright, Wolf...I'm...bisexual myself...I knew you...had feelings for me...even when we were younger...I had a feeling you were gay...and the fact that you've pulled me up to snuggle with you only confirms that." Wolf scoffed. "This is only to keep you warm! I'm not letting the cold kill you! That's my job!" Wolf shouted, hugging Fox even closer as a large blast of wind sent shivers even through Wolf. "Thought you didn't want to kill me!" Fox teased, stroking Wolf's chest. He groaned and stood up in the snow, grabbing Fox and holding him close. "C'mon, let's go to my Wolfen." The stronger lupine set Fox down as he reached his ship and opened up the cockpit. Fox quickly climbed up, but was pulled back down. "I get in first..." Wolf said, climbing up. Fox nodded and looked up at the sky as Wolf climbed up. The sky was clear of fighters, but the base hadn't blown up. Fox figured they had won. He looked back to the ship and saw that Wolf was sitting down in the seat. "Climb on up." Fox nodded and started to climb up, sliding into the cockpit. It was big enough for the two of them, but Fox had to sit on Wolf's lap. There was some space for him under the seat, but sitting on Wolf's lap kept him warm. The canopy closed around them and Fox placed his head on Wolf's chest, listening to his heartbeat as he felt Wolf's warm paws caressing him. "I have an idea on how to keep warm..." Fox said, a glint in his eye that made Wolf tilt his head. Fox's paw slipped into Wolf's pants and searched for the lupine's cock, which made Wolf's eye go wide and his body to shiver. "I'm not gay..." Wolf said, digging his paws into Fox's fur. "Yes you are, Wolf...don't deny it...what's the problem with denying it to ME, who's currently trying to grab your cock?" Fox asked, giggling. "Fine...I happy now?" Wolf asked, licking Fox's cheek. Fox nodded and grinned. "Yes. Ah, there it is!" He said as his paw wrapped around Wolf's erect cock. His paw slipped out of Wolf's pants and he got down into the space under the seat. He unzipped Wolf's pants and pulled them down, revealing the wolf meat. "What are you doing?" Wolf asked, staring at Fox. "I might as well lube you up!" Fox said, giggling before opening his mouth around Wolf's cock and sucking up and down on it. Wolf gasped and grabbed Fox's head, forcing it down on his cock. His eye closed and his mouth stayed open as he moaned from Fox's tongue licking at his cock. He gripped the head fur on Fox and made him bob up and down, Fox's tongue slurping over his cock. "Oh...Fox!" The vulpine closed his eyes and wrapped his tongue around Wolf's cock, getting it nice and wet. He tasted pre-cum and pulled his mouth off the cock. He smiled up at Wolf, then went to work on pulling his own pants down. "Let's see how good your cockpit is, Wolf!" Fox said, giggling. He got back up and sat down on Wolf's cock, his own pressing against Wolf's chest as his arms rested on his shoulders and his legs stuck out behind the seat. He gasped and moaned as he felt Wolf's large meat slide into his tailhole, stretching it open. Wolf shivered and gripped Fox's hips as more pleasure shot through him. He wiggled inside Fox's rear, causing the vulpine to moan louder. "You're not as tight as a virgin,'ve been taken before?" Wolf asked, keeping his eye closed. Fox nodded and stopped lowering himself once Wolf's length was inside his rear. " Bill and Falco...Bill was....well, bisexuals who prefer females aren't really good yiffers...Falco was too rough with me..." Fox replied, the 18 year old already a slut. Wolf chuckled and opened his eye, seeing Fox smile weakly at him, almost ashamed to admit to the wolf he fell in love with that he was a slut. "So, you find yourself under people than over them?" Wolf asked, stroking Fox. He nodded. "I prefer it." Wolf grinned and then began to pull out of Fox, which caused him to shiver and clench around his cock. Fox yelped in pleasure as Wolf thrusted back into Fox. Fox closed his eyes and rested his head on Wolf's chest, his cheek sliding up and down the lupine's chest as he was bounced up and down on Wolf's cock slowly, moaning and gripping the lupine. It almost felt as if Wolf was making love to him, rather than just fucking him for the hell of it. "I've been wondering why you were so eager to do haven't even asked or anything, you just hopped on me!" Wolf set, patting the back of Fox's head, pushing in and out of Fox's tailhole, the pre and saliva lubricating the young fox's innards. "Well...Wolf...for a while...I realized," he began, looking up into Wolf's eye. "That I love you..." Wolf formed an o with his mouth as he stared into Fox's eyes, which reflected his feelings for Wolf. "I...I..." Wolf tried to speak, but couldn't. His feelings for Fox were the same. Ever since he spent countless nights in Fox's bed so the poor vulpine could get to sleep after his father was presumed dead, his feelings for Fox grew. He thought back to those moments and smiled, forgetting the fact that Fox had sliced his eye with the wolf's own knife for a moment, and finally replied to Fox. "I love you, too." Fox smiled and moaned again as Wolf resumed thrusting into him. His furry rear cheeks ground his crotch as he bucked his hips, Wolf pushing his white vest off and pulling Fox's green shirt off. He rubbed over the fur on Fox's now bare back and pumped harder, the fox moaning louder and hugging Wolf's back. He loved the feeling of Wolf's paws caressing and rubbing him. He closed his eyes as the pleasure built, Wolf's thrusts increasing in speed. He clenched as hard as he could around Wolf's cock, then heard a growl in Wolf's throat. He looked up at him, but gasped as Wolf tilted his head and took Fox's neck in his throat. He felt the tongue licking at his throat, Wolf growling like a hungry animal as the thrusts increased, more pre leaking from it. Fox shivered from the mating bite, which ended with Wolf pulling away with slobber dripping down his chin, while some of it dripped down Fox's neck. Wolf murred, as did Fox, and licked his lips. Fox placed his head on Wolf's chest and moaned. "I'm gonna...cum..." Wolf said, gripping Fox hard. Fox pressed his ears back and clenched his teeth. Wolf took one last thrust and howled as his cock exploded in Fox, his cum blasting away at the fox's innards. Fox gripped the wolf hard and moaned deeply as he felt the wolf cumming inside him, his tailhole clenching hard around Wolf's cock. His tailhole milked Wolf's cock of its thick, rich spooge. "Oh, Wolf!" he cried out in pleasure. Wolf chuckled after his howl died and took small thrusts into Fox. His spooge splattered out with each one, and then, it stopped. He was about to pull out, but Fox shivered and clenched hard. "No...keep it in...I like it..." Wolf said as he panted on Wolf, one of his paws playing with the fur on Wolf's chest. Wolf smiled and wrapped an arm around Fox's back, licking at the white stripe of fur on his head. "Where's your headset?" Wolf asked, scritching Fox while wiggling his hips. "I got rid of it...looked ugly and my fur kept getting messed up." Wolf laughed and kissed Fox on the cheek. He smirked as he noticed the windows of the canopy were fogged up. "Looks like your plan worked, Fox." He said, pointing at the windows. Fox giggled and nodded, his eyes looking at his clothes on the floor of the cockpit. "So what now?" Fox asked, his ears twitching. Wolf grinned as he sniffed over Fox, licking his lips slowly. "You know...I'm kind of hungry..." Wolf said, licking Fox's forehead. Fox nodded and looked up at Wolf, seeing a hungry look in his eyes, feeling Wolf inhale his scent. Once he saw Wolf lick his lips, he knew what he wanted. "You want to eat me, don't you?" Fox asked, blushing a bit. Wolf nodded. "You smell and taste delicious, Fox...I just...want to feel you inside my stomach, curling up and squirming around..." Wolf replied in deep desire. Fox shivered and saw a bottle fall out of Wolf's pants. He reached down and picked it up, looking at the contents. Inside were many strange colored pills. "Those hold back my stomach acids. Andross gave every pilot serving under him one of these bottles and a special shot. The shot made it so that our bodies, from our jaws to our stomachs could expand. They're to be used to capture and transport enemy soldiers and pilots back to him in our stomachs, so we could have room to fly..." Wolf explained, stroking over Fox. "I'll be ok, right? You ARE my mate, right? You're not capturing me are you?" Fox asked, looking up in Wolf's eye with fright. "Yes Fox, I am your mate now...and what I want to do with you is out of love, not an enemy scheme. Eating your mate is kind of romantic in my eyes...I'd love to feel my mate sleeping inside my stomach." Wolf replied, taking the pills and popping on in his mouth. He swallowed it down and looked at Fox. "Do you want to be eaten by me?" Wolf asked, licking Fox again. Fox thought for a moment. Even though he was a predator creature, he always felt that it would be fun to be the prey in a hunt. He loved the thought of a hungry predator hunting him down, like a snake or something bigger, then just swallowing him whole and alive. Of course, being a fox, he loved curling up in small, warm places, and there was no better place around than Wolf's stomach at the moment. So, he smiled and nodded. "Eat me up...I'm ready." Wolf grinned and kissed Fox deeply, licking inside his mouth. They shared the kiss for a few moments before Wolf's muzzle opened around Fox's. He stared excitedly into Wolf's maw as it stretched over him, the tongue shooting out to taste his sweet, ripe fur. He watched Wolf's teeth slide past his eyes as his head was taken into Wolf's mouth. He closed his eyes and murred as the wolf's slobber drenched over his head, the tongue wrapping around it to taste it all over. Wolf moaned in delight around Fox as he absorbed his delicious flavor. "Yummy..." His mouth pressed down over Fox's neck and began to stretch over Fox's succulent shoulders. His tongue unwrapped Fox's head and slid down over his furry chest, tasting the fur down there. Fox moaned as he felt his muzzle and head slide down Wolf's throat, stretching it open a bit. He opened his eyes and watched the throat muscles pulsate and pull him down. Fox felt his elbows becoming wet and his shoulders wedging through Wolf's throat. He shivered as the wolf's cock was pulled from his rear as Wolf lifted Fox up off it, devouring him in utter pleasure. "You're so delicious, McCloud!" Wolf exclaimed, his voice muffled by Fox McCloud's body. To the outside world, it looked like Wolf was chewing on Fox, but the massive bulge traveling down his throat and chest said he was swallowing the delectable vulpine. Both tails wagged happily as Wolf continued to feast on Fox, stroking his cock as he found eating the vulpine was rather arousing. His teeth pressed over Fox's rear and his tongue teased his tailhole. He tasted some of his own cum and chuckled, grabbing Fox's legs and beginning to push them inside. Fox murred as the stomach ring opened around him and he was pushed inside, beginning to curl up inside and stretching the wolf's gut. His shoulders pressed close as his lower body began to fill the warm, fleshy sac. Soon, his legs began to enter as Wolf slurped up his bushy tail, and finally, Fox was contained deep into Wolf's warm, cozy stomach. He curled up into a comfortable ball and smiled, wiggling around inside Wolf. The lupine licked his lips and patted his gorged stomach, feeling Fox inside him. " were delicious, Fox! I have to do this again with you some time!" Wolf replied. Fox giggled inside him. "Please do! This was fun, and it's so nice in here!" He replied. Wolf let out a massive belch as he settled back in his chair, full and content with the 18-year-old Fox McCloud tucked safely away inside his stomach. He started up the Wolfen and looked down at his stomach. "We're going back to the Great Fox now, ok?" Wolf said, lifting off the ground. Fox nodded softly and yawned, drifting off to sleep in his mate's belly as he flew off to the Great Fox. It wouldn't take very long, but he couldn't wait. His life was beginning to turn back to the good times and he knew he was going to have many good years ahead of him with Wolf at his side, and himself inside Wolf. The End