The best kind of stress relief

Story by Tharimel on SoFurry

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Hey everyone! Here comes another story your way! This time we're leaving the sci-fi stuff for now and going into a modern day setting feautering a middle-aged bear getting some much needed stress relief from his favorite tiger. It was a little something that I had on my mind that sounded fun to get on paper and it was my first time ever writing something involving a bear, so there's that! Hopefully you'll enjoy it! As always, remember to leave comments once you're doing reading. I can't stress enough how important it is to be told what was good, what was not so good, what could've been improved etc. It's also just nice to hear someone tell you they enjoyed your story. Anyway, happy reading!

Being in charge of any corporation or even just a small part of one could be taxing on anyone, no matter how large or small it was. The stress, having to shuffle money from one place to another, being forced to fire old staff, hiring new staff; all of it could take a toll on you if you didn't have someone there to take care of you from time to time and help you relieve some of that stress.

For Mr. Hendricks, that certain someone was a particular tiger whom he had set his eyes on the very first day the tiger arrived. The bear had a bit of a rough demeanor sometimes to invoke respect amongst his employees, but inside he really was as kind and nice as anyone. A side that that particular tiger was really the only one to ever get to see.

Being forty years old and still single, Hendricks often longed for closeness with someone. Whether some actual love or just a quick in-cum-out session, he craved the attention of other males more so than perhaps ever before. The bear wasn't bad looking by any means with his brown fur, powerful large arms and a good muscle gut resting underneath his shirt. Often times when out cruising for ass others would even say that he hardly looked forty. Closer to thirty-five, really. With his square glasses on during work hours he gave that sophisticated kind of look too.

All in all, he was, and considered himself, rather good looking. Above average at the very least!

Even so, he had found it hard for the last few years to get anything steady going with anyone. Some romps here and there, a couple of dates occasionally and sometimes something that lasted more a little bit more than just a week or two. But nothing that had gone beyond that.

Not until that tiger, that is.

He had been a fresh employee the first time Hendricks had put his eyes on him. The bear hadn't hired him but rather the tiger had been sent there through an employment's agency that the bear's own higher ups had a contract with. Mr. Hendricks had just been told that they were sending a new guy over to help out around the offices as productivity had slowed down some due to understaffing.

His name was Marcus, and it was one of the hottest pieces of meat that the bear had set his eyes upon since he was assigned as the man in charge of this part of the company! For three years he'd been the boss and though there had been some pretty hot men stepping into the workplace, none had beat Marcus. With the traditional yellow coat and black stripes going along his body, the tiger was simply put a hunk. An athletic body with lots of hot looking muscles that told anyone that he took care of himself had the bear almost pop a boner immediately when he had greeted the tiger and welcomed him to the workplace. The tiger was perhaps a bit young, some would've thought, to even be within the bear's radar as he was merely twenty-five, but that hardly mattered to the bear. With a tall, impressive body and a handsome face to match, the tiger had immediately become the subject of Mr. Hendricks wet dreams.

Doing anything of a sexual nature with your co-workers was generally frowned upon though, especially if you were the boss, and he hadn't much hope at first of pursuing anything with the tiger. Sure, it wouldn't have been the first time as he'd gotten interns and other employees to get down and dirty with him before. Usually after both of them getting themselves rather drunk at Christmas parties. But still, it was risky and he had not pursued it. At first.

See, Marcus made it rather obvious from the get go where his interests were as far as sexuality goes. It's not like he threw it into anyone's face, but he wasn't afraid of telling people that he was, in fact, gay. Which the bear found out the very first day while they were having the introductory chat and learning a bit about each other. And Mr. Hendricks had perhaps not done a great job at hiding his excitement when learning that the tiger was gay. Though Marcus hadn't commented on noticing the bear's excitement, Hendricks knew that the tiger knew. And the tiger had shown later that he knew by picking every opportunity he could to tease the bear! Whether it was bending unnecessarily far down to jut out his ass when doing something with the copy machine, or "accidentally" grinding up against the bear when they'd walk past each other in a tight corridor, the bear had found himself having to retreat to the bathrooms to rub one out several times the first few days.

And that's how it all had eventually started.

During the Friday of the tiger's first week Mr. Hendricks had found himself, yet again, having to rub one out due to the tiger's antics. And he had gotten a little bit too much into it as he had sat on the seat of the last stall in the row of toilets in the men's room. His ears hadn't picked up the sound of someone opening the door to the men's room or the sound of steps walking up to his stall. Huffs and groans had escaped him as he rubbed and stroked his hard, thick eight inches of meat. The poor bear had almost had a heart attack when there had been a knock on the door to his stall and in his panicked state he had almost whimpered out a "w-who is it". The tiger's voice hadn't calmed him done when he heard the feline respond and it seemed like the seconds took years to pass as he sat there in silence. He knew that Marcus knew what he was doing in there.

"Open up, Mr. Hendricks. Don't be shy."

The tiger's voice was like music to the bear's ears despite his panicked state. It even calmed him down some as he thought about the voice. Before he knew it, before even actually thinking about it, the bear had reached forward and unlocked the door to his stall and pushed it open. As it sprang open, the tiger was greeted to the sight of the large bear with his pants down by his ankles, shirt and tie undone, the smell of sweat, precum and male musk and the bear keeping a firm grasp around his drippy length. A clear bead of pre could be seen forming by the urethra, ready to trickle down over the bear's knuckles at any moment.

Marcus had merely smiled at the sight before him and before the bear got a chance to object he had invited himself into the stall. It was crowded as he closed and locked the door behind him, but they were both able to fit. The tiger's eyes had met Mr. Hendricks and a playful grin had spread across the tiger's lips. Mr. Hendricks had swallowed nervously while his heart was thumping hard against his chest, and he found himself unable to say or do anything to stop the tiger as he watched Marcus get down on his knees in front of him to come face to face with the bear's throbbing hard-on. The bear was simply too mesmerized to see the subject of his dreams get down like that to react in any other way than to moan out as the tiger had reached a paw out, tugged the bear's own paw away and then taken a firm hold of his needy length.

"I know you want me, Mr. Hendricks" the tiger had softly whispered to the bear as his paw pumped the throbbing length gently. Mr. Hendricks eyes had gone shut for a brief moment and a shudder, followed by a moan, had escaped him. "I know the way you look at me, how you stare when I drop something and have to pick it up."

His words teased the bear and Hendricks found himself feeling strangely vulnerable. It wasn't something he allowed himself ever to do when dealing with his employees as he believed a boss should stay strong and show to everyone that he is strong. But the tiger's look and those whispering words had him give in to his desires, made him feel a bit weak to his knees. It sent a strange kind of warmth through him, one he'd only ever really feel when together with someone he cared for. Before he knew it, words had slipped past his lips and he had hardly even realized it.

"I want you..."

Unlike the tiger's whispering, it was a rumbling voice filled with desire. The tiger had merely smiled as the bear confessed what had been on his mind throughout the last week. Mr. Hendricks had watched as the tiger leaned forward, watched the tiger's lips part and then felt the feline's hot maw engulf the first few inches of his needy length. He had moaned out deeply, unable to suppress it, as Marcus started bobbing and going down on him. The tiger had reached a paw up to the bears muzzle, muffling him as the sound of the door to the bathroom could be heard opening. The tiger hadn't stopped bobbing though! Marcus had stared right into Mr. Hendricks eyes as his head bobbed up and down and his tongue flicked across the bear's length. Whoever had entered had done their business and left without noticing what was going on in the last stall.

It didn't take long before Marcus had pushed the older male over the edge and he had been rewarded with a nice, salty, creamy treat. Marcus had even made a little show of it as he had let it all gather inside his mouth before swallowing it, drinking it down and making a loud swallowing sound for the bear to hear. Mr. Hendricks had been left panting and groaning as he watched it and Marcus had helped the bear get properly dressed again and stuffed the bear's cock back into his trousers before getting up and opening the stall door.

"I'll still be here after hours if you want to grab a bite or something, Sir."

And with that Mr. Hendricks had been left alone in the stall. He had sat there for a good few minutes, mind going all over the place of what had just happened, wondering if the tiger really liked him or if he, like so many others of his workers trying to get into his pants, was up to something. Eventually he had to leave and he retreated to his office where he stayed until it had gotten late and everyone had left. The bear had found the tiger waiting for him, a playful grin on the hunk's lips, and that night had been the first of many that they'd shared together and moaned out their lust for one another.

Ever since, nobody had failed to notice that the tiger was called into the bear's office several times a day. Nobody said anything as they all valued their jobs more than the gossip of the two getting it on, but they all knew what was going on between the two. To Mr. Hendricks surprise, the hunk was quite the bottom despite his muscles and tough look. Marcus thoroughly enjoyed sucking, riding or doing anything the bear wanted him to do, though it did go both ways as the older male had his own butt related cravings.

Now, today had been a particularly stressful day for the bear as things weren't going to well for the company and he had been chewed out by his own higher ups. Mr. Hendricks could feel a headache coming in from the stress and angry phone calls he'd been receiving and to his demise his personal "stress-reliever" actually had a day off today! They had been going at it for months now, the tiger being called in to relieve the bear of his stress, and he was so used to it that he didn't know what else he could do to deal with what was going on. He had gotten so reliant on Marcus to be there for him that he was actually feeling a bit dumbfounded about it all.

"Mark, cancel my phone calls and meeting for the next hour. I need a rest" he had finally said to the intercom and gotten a "yes, Sir" in response from his secretary. After that the bear had gotten up from his seat, gone to close the blinds to his windows to dim his office down some and went to have a lie-down on the visitor's couch, hoping that some rest would at least help with his headache. Rumbling to himself, he closed his eyes and moments later he was already falling into slumber.

And then he had woken up with a startle. He didn't know how much time had passed but what he did know was that it had gotten darker and that he had been woken up by some rather pleasant dreams involving a particular tiger doing dirty things to him. A groan escaped him as his mind started to gather his surroundings and what was going on as he could feel a familiar pair of lips bobbing up and down over his cock.

"Marcus! What're you doing here?" he had asked out of shock of finding the tiger bobbing happily up and down and sucking him off. The tiger's eyes had been closed, though he opened them and pulled his head up with a wet slurp, a lewd little pop being heard as the bear's length left his lips.

"Was feeling a bit... needy. Thought I'd stop by. Want me to leave?"

The tiger was obviously teasing Mr. Hendricks with that question as they both knew the answer far too well. The bear shook his head and grinned as his right paw reached down to the tiger's head.

"Hell no! Keep going, stud. I've had a rough day."

The two grinned at each other for a few quick moments and exchanged knowing glances before the hunky tiger let his lips wrap back around the thick head of the bear's length. Mr. Hendricks' eyes closed as he groaned out in pleasure and his hips gave a few, teasing bucks up into that hot, familiar maw. Marcus must've sucked him off a hundred times by now but he still never grew tired of that skilled maw working its magic.

"Mmmmff... fuck... been so much shit from above today..."

The tiger's ears perked some as he listened to the bear start to vent his frustrations. His head didn't stop bobbing though and his tongue started to circle and rub along the bear's thick length while occasionally stopping to let some precum gather up on it so that he could swallow it hungrily. He knew that the bear got off on knowing that Marcus enjoyed swallowing his seed, whether it was just pre-seed or a full, thick load, and sure enough the bear let out a growl of approval as he heard the tiger make some swallowing noise.

"Says we need to cut down on employees... mmm, right there... as if that's gonna do any good. We're gonna, aaah, have to rehire them within a month... fuck... anyway!"

The tiger noisily slurped all the way up to the fat head of the bear's length and let go with another playful, lewd pop before just looking at the bear, his paw pumping that hot cock slowly.

"You gonna fire me?" he asked, feigning worry before pushing his tongue out and letting it drag down a long Hendricks' shaft, all the way down to the balls. The bear shuddered and gave an instinctive buck with his hips as he shook his head.

"Not up to me, you know that. But I'll be damned before I let them take you away from me!"

Mr. Hendricks' eyes opened up as he stared down at the tiger, giving him a little smile. Only now did he notice that the tiger had somehow unbuttoned his shirt during his slumber without causing him to wake up and managed to shimmy both of his trousers and boxers down, almost leaving the bear naked in his office. The tiger's tongue had reached the bear's large pair of orbs and was eagerly lapping over each one while he imagined that he could hear the cum sloshing around inside. His lips wrapped around one of them and gave it a good suckle before letting go with that same lewd pop.

"No one's gonna be taking me away. I'll stay here to help you out when you need me."

The tiger winked up at the bear before giving the other large orb the same suckling treatment. With another pop the tiger pulled back and straightened himself out and Mr. Hendricks couldn't fail to notice the large bulge that Marcus was sporting inside his jeans.

"Want some help with that?" Hendricks asked with a playful grin and made a move to sit up and reach for the tiger's fly. Marcus snickered playfully and put a paw on the bear's chest to push him back down onto the couch.

"Maybe later. Right now, I want something else."

Marcus got up from the couch and winked down at the bear as he made a little show of unbuckling his belt and unzipping the fly. Hendricks idly stroked himself as he watched the tiger pull his jeans and boxers down to reveal his own, hardening length. Marcus gave himself a few strokes as he stepped out of his jeans and boxers, leaving him only dressed in a tight fitting t-shirt.

"Got a craving that only a certain bear can fill."

Marcus walked back up to the couch and got on it, his legs moving to either side of Mr. Hendricks' hips. The tiger sat down and let the bear's cock grind up into his cleft, causing the older male to groan out in appreciation as he felt his cock settle snuggly inside it. His hips jerked instinctively and the bear's paws reached up for Marcus' hips as he started to grind into that familiar, nice, hot crack. The tiger purred and grinded back against that thick length, a slight shudder going through him as he could feel pre that was dribbling out of the bear's length starting to mat his fur a little bit.

"Just lay back and let me take care of you, handsome."

The tiger winked down at the bear as he reached back to take a hold of that dripping length, a low grunt of approval escaping the bear as that familiar paw gripped him firmly. Holding that thick length in place and poking at his entrance, Marcus grinded himself back against the head for a few moments while he gazed down at the bear with a lustful look on his eyes and slightly flushed cheeks. He groaned softly as the sticky head teased over his entrance, as it prodded lightly, and after letting the pre coat his hole nicely he thought it was finally time.

Gritting his teeth and letting out a hiss of mixed sensations, the tiger lowered himself down onto the thick head slowly, taking his time to let it spread his tight rim open. The bear didn't know if it was the tiger's own natural talents or if his lover had prepared himself beforehand, but that hot ring spread open surprisingly quick and moments later the bear was left letting out a moan of pleasure as within seconds he was fully inside the tiger. Marcus huffed and groaned as he felt that familiar, hot, fat cock fill up his passage like it had done so many times before, and he just sat still for a minute and grinded himself, his hips doing circular motions as he tried to get his body to properly adjust to the bear's size.

"Mmm... you always... m-make me feel so... full..." the tiger huffed out between pleasured groans, his eyes locking with the bear's in a lustful, loving, passionate stare. Mr. Hendricks' paws on the tiger's hips stroked gently as he smiled up at his lover, the bear letting the tiger take his time and go at his own pace.

"And you always make me feel twenty years younger" the bear replied with a low grunt of pleasure as the tiger kept grinding down against the bear's crotch. The tiger couldn't hold back a loving smile and he leaned down until his lips hovered a mere inch above the bear's own.

"You'll always be my daddy bear though, no matter how young."

With a wink the tiger put his lips to the bear's own and kissed him with a soft, loving moan. The bear let out an equally loving grunt and his paws quickly moved from the tiger's hips to embrace the hunky man instead and pull him in closer. With their eyes closed they shared one of their many, passionate kisses and before long lips had opened up some and tongues were dancing and rubbing up against one another to share spit and get a good taste of each other. This was the moment the tiger decided to start moving too and both of them groaned out in pleasure at each other as the tiger lifted himself up until only the head of the bear's length remained inside him, only to come crashing down hard with a loud smack as their bodies met, followed by loud grunts from both of them.

With their lips in heated battle the tiger set the rhythm of his hips, the tiger going at a slow but hard pace at first, just how he knew that the bear liked it. The smacking sounds of tiger rump meeting bear crotch soon filled the room along with the telltale scent of male musk, pheromones and sex and they both knew that if they weren't careful then somebody walking past the office would surely hear. Not that either of them cared particularly, they were both getting far too into things to care if someone heard what was going on.

Pulling back after a good minute of just bouncing and kissing, the tiger straightened himself up a little bit while moving his paws to the bear's chest so that he'd have something to steady himself against. Mr. Hendricks had gasped out as the kiss was broken and his eyes opened up to see the sight of his hot, buff lover smirking playfully down at it. His eyes trailed along the hunk's body, took in the familiar sight of every muscle, every ab that was being seen through the tiger's snug fitting t-shirt. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to have found such a hot lover and he found it impossible to not let his paws start touching and stroking, exploring the familiar body that he'd explored so many times before. His paws roamed over the familiar muscles, squeezed at the firm abs and every nice squeezed coaxed a purr out of the tiger. Marcus had grown accustomed to those big, firm paws and he always loved feeling his lover's paws roaming and feeling him up.

With his paws on the bear's chest helping to steady him, the tiger started to pick up the pace some and bounced a little bit faster on the thick cock going inside him over and over. The increased pace had both of them tensing up a little and moaning out for one another, and it especially had a nice effect on the bear. Marcus could feel the bear throbbing inside him and he could feel his passage get slicker as the bear pumped a steady trickle of pre with the tiger's movements. One thing Marcus had always liked about the bear was how drippy his length got when worked up and he always enjoyed using that to his advantage in the form of a fun way of getting some natural lubricant for their ass related fun.

The bear's length wasn't the only one throbbing though and as bear paws explored the tiger's hot body they eventually found themselves reaching down to start squeezing and pumping a familiar, nicely sized length that was bouncing and causing a small, sticky mess on the bear's belly fur. Marcus hissed and tensed up as his own length was squeezed and his eyes went half-lidded as he gazed with flushed cheeks down at the bear.

"C-careful... you know how sensitive I am..."

The bear merely grinned mischievously as he gave the tiger's length another firm pump, the action coaxing a pleasured moan out of the big cat. He had learned quickly that the tiger was rather sensitive and a bit of a quick shooter, and he figured that was perhaps why the tiger preferred to be the "bottom" when it came to sex as Marcus didn't have to worry himself about shooting to quick when he wasn't the one doing the thrusting.

"But maybe I want to get some of my favorite cream!" the bear teased as his paw gave another firm pump, the action making the tiger tense up around the length lodged inside him. The tiger's chest was rising and falling as he panted while gazing down at the bear and a small smirk crept up on his lips.

"W-well if you... if you insist... I won't stop you..." he purred out and as if to pay the bear back for teasing and stroking him, the tiger started to pick up the pace even further. Up and down he bounced quickly, forcing the bear to grunt, growl and moan out happily for his lover while the bear forced the same kind of sounds out from his tiger as his firm paw worked the tiger's sensitive length.

"Mmmff... n-not gonna... last..." the tiger huffed out and his cock throbbed hard in the bear's grip. Mr. Hendricks could tell by the tiger's expression that he was doing his absolute best to hold it in, but the bear wasn't going to have any of that as his paw worked the tiger's length quickly. His eyes looked down to the throbbing shaft in his paw and he licked his lips.

"Give it to me Marcus. Don't hold back!"

With a loud "Uuuhn!" the tiger completely let go and the bear growled out in approval as he watched the streaks of white shoot out and make a mess of his belly and chest fur. The tiger must've been pent up, too, as he was even able to shoot a strand right onto the bear's lips, which the bear welcomed happily by hungrily lapping the sticky, warm substance off. The tiger's orgasm had his whole body tensing up though, and the bear could feel that hot passage clenching firmly around his cock. It wasn't enough to set off the bear's own orgasm but it certainly pushed him a bit further on the way, and knowing that the feline had been pushed to his own climax definitely helped spurring the bear on as well.

It wasn't until a minute or so that the tiger started moving again, having collected himself from his orgasm and started feeling able that he could keep working his lover to his climax. His eyes opened as he started moving and he looked down at the mess he had made of his lovers fur, a playful smile creeping up on his lips at the sight.

"Seems I needed that a lot more than I thought" the tiger huffed out, a low groan escaping him a moment later as he once more bounced on his lover's cock. The bear chuckled to himself and nodded as he looked up at his lover to give him a grin.

"Hope you're planning on helping me clean that up. Can't be walking around with my fur all cum stained!"

They both snickered at each other and Marcus nodded. The tiger would be all too happy to lap up the mess he had made, but it would be on one condition.

"Only if you clean up the mess you're going to make!"

The tiger grinned and the bear growled out lustfully at those words. Oh he certainly had no aversions to sticking his tongue up underneath the tiger's tail and cleaning his lover's hole up nicely after a hot session! It wouldn't have been the first time he'd done that and certainly wouldn't be the last.

"That's a deal then. I do you and you do me" the bear growled out lustfully. Marcus' grin grew some and he leaned down some to whisper seductively at his lover.

"Gonna have to make you cum first, handsome."

The bear growled out deeply at those words and his paws instinctively reached for the tiger's hips and took a firm hold.

"So what are you waiting for?" the bear spoke with a grin of his own and his hips gave a teasing thrust up into that hot, by now well-lubed, passage. Marcus growled out playfully at that thrust and he lifted himself up so that merely the bear's messy head remained inside, and with a fall that caused them both to grunt out he fell back down and then repeated the act. He knew that while the bear certainly enjoyed fast fucking, it was the hard, slow ones that would get the bear to lose it. Mr. Hendricks' eyes went shut and he groaned out loudly as he knew what the tiger was doing. Up the tiger moved, only to come smacking right back down. Up, and then down again. Hard and slow he went and if it wasn't thanks to him being used to what his lover liked, he surely wouldn't have been able to sit properly in the following days.

"F-fuuuck... keep going..." the bear groaned out deeply and dug his fingers into the tiger's hips. The tiger simply smiled to himself, knowing how he was making the bear feel, and he kept going, made sure that he'd fall down hard over and over so that the smacking sounds couldn't escape his lover's ears. He could feel the bear start throbbing harder and harder inside him and he could tell that his lover was close, so close. The bear's body was starting to tense up as he was worked closer and closer but was trying to hold it in some, and the tiger could tell that his lover, too, had a nice fat load stored that was just begging for release.

"Aaahn... rrrrrf... g-gonna... f-fuck!"

The bear groaned out loud enough for anyone in the office complex to hear as the tiger pushed him over the edge by clenching tightly around his lover, and with a final smack the tiger sat down on his lover's crotch and let the bear unload inside him. Hot jet after hot jet of cum shot into the tiger's passage and while the bear groaned out his pleasure, the tiger sighed contentedly as he felt his lover's seed fill him up. The tiger wasn't one to bareback with just anybody, but with the bear he felt safe and wouldn't have it any other way. Moments passed as the bear emptied himself into his lover and just as he felt himself calm down some he sensed the tiger leaning down. Lips suddenly pressed up against the bear's and he rumbled out as he eagerly kissed his lover back...

A sudden knock on the door had the bear's eyes go wide. Disoriented, he looked around and tried to gather his surroundings. A painfully hard tent and a wet spot by his crotch told him a disappointing truth: it had all been a dream. The bear yelled out an annoyed "what is it" at the door as he sat up and ran a paw through his head fur while trying to come back to reality. His eyes glanced over at a clock on the wall which told him he'd only been out for twenty minutes or so.

"It's Marcus, Mr. Hendricks. Let me in?"

His ears perked at the familiar voice. What might've just been a dream seemed to end up becoming reality. With a wide grin on his lips, the bear got up to open the door for his lover.