New Horizons - Chapter 3

Story by tacynol on SoFurry

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#3 of New Horizons

Alex lay on top of Trey and wrapped his arms around the large wolf. Both canines were still a little tired from the night before so they lay on the bed and Alex fell to sleep quite quickly. Trey pulled Alex up to the top of the bed, and placed his head onto one of the pillows. Trey giggled to himself thinking that the naked Husky was cute when he slept. Trey lay down next to Alex and started to fall to sleep as well.

A loud knock at the door woke the two furs. Both furs sat up in bed and looked towards the door. Horror struck Alex's face as he realised he was not dressed. Trey was scared too; he believed shouldn't really be staying at the house.

"Hey, it's just me, Sam's downstairs cooking lunch." said a male voice from the other side of Alex's bedroom door. "Is it ok if I come in Alex??"

"Oh, no, not yet" shouted Alex, he jumping off of the bed and started to get dressed "I just need to get dressed... ok, you can come in now" Alex shouted as he finished putting his shirt on. A blue wolf with a toned white chest walked into the room wearing just a pair of tight boxers which had a large bulge in the centre b'cus of the wolf's large member; which, might I add, Trey found very hard not to stare at.

"Oh, who's this dear" said the wolf's he tilted his head.

"This is our new neighbour. His name is Trey" Alex started "I'll explain at lunch. Is it ok is Trey stays for lunch too?"

"Of course, I'll tell Sam to cook for one more" The wolf said, he turned to Trey who was still sat on the bed "Well, hey there Trey, My name is Zack, and Sam is partner, just so you know" The wolf then walked out of the room, singing to himself. Trey guessed that Sam would be Alex's mother.

"Well, c'mon then" Alex told Trey. Alex sniffed the air and smiled "Mmm... Sam's cooking pancakes. I can smell them from a mile away" Alex giggled and left his room, leaving Trey to follow suit.

When the furs reached the kitchen, they sat down at the table. Trey looked around to try and see Alex's mother. Sam had to be a Husky if she was Alex's mother, b'cus Zack is a wolf. Alex would have had to get the husky genes from his mother if not his father. But that would make him part wolf; wouldn't it? As Trey looked around, he only saw a tall, slim, male fox in an apron at the other side of the kitchen.

Zack walked into the kitchen and went over to the fox. He muttered something to the fox, and then, to Treys surprise, Zack kissed the fox; on the lips. Zack and the fox locked lips for a short while, until the fox pushed the wolf away so he could continue his cooking.

"Y... your parents are a gay couple??" asked Trey quietly in a surprised tone; Loud enough for Alex to hear, but too quiet for Zack to. Alex blushed and nodded. "So that's what you meant when you said they'd understand" Alex nodded and gave Trey a small smile. So Sam was a male Fox, not a female husky...

Sam bought Alex and Zack a pile of pancakes over. He placed them down and walked to the other side of the kitchen. He took the apron off and placed it neatly on a hook. As he did so, Zack walked in - wearing clothes this time, not just his boxers â€" and gave Sam a kiss. The wolf and fox linked arms and walked to the kitchen door.

"You boys have fun, we're off out" Sam said in a very femme voice "Oh and Trey, stay as long as you like. We won't be back until this evening, so you have the house to yourselves... blah blah blah, you know the rest; you need anything? Just call" Sam and Zack left the house leaving Alex and Trey alone, with their pile of pancakes.

"So... what d'ya wanna do" Alex asked Trey. Trey thought for a while and let out a sigh.

"I'll do anything" Trey said. "I just want to take my mind away from the current events of my life" Alex let out a sigh of sympathy, but the giggled and grinned at the wolf. Trey tilted his head, feeling cautious as he knew Alex was up to something.

"You said: that you'll do anything" Alex said with a large smile on his face. Trey threw Alex a funny look, knowing that Alex wanted to get into his sheath "Aww, ok. C'mon, let's go up to my room anyways" Trey followed Alex up the stairs to his room.

As they walked into Alex's room, Alex took his shirt off and stretched his finely toned body. This made Treys member want to come out and play. When Alex saw the bulge in growing in Treys trousers he giggled and blushed.

"Hey, it's your turn to take your shirt off" Alex giggled "I know you work out, I saw all that exercising equipment when we were unpacking some stuff yesterday." Trey giggled and blushed, then did as the husky commanded revealing and six pack and his large muscular lupine arms. Alex walked up to Trey and wrapped his arms around the wolf. He held him close and ran his hands down the wolf's sides. As he got too Trey's trouser line, he giggled and slowly pulled down Trey's trousers. Trey was aware of this and let the husky do so.

"Hey, it's your turn to take your trousers off" Trey said mocking Alex. Alex smiled and let go of the wolf. He pulled down his trousers so that both furs were wearing nothing but a pair of boxers. Trey sat on the foot of Alex's bed and Alex sat on top of Trey's lap, facing Trey. The two furs kissed a little and lay on the bed. This was a little too much for Treys manhood, and his large cock had caused the button on his boxers to break, allowing his member to poke right out at Alex. Alex was unaware of this until Trey rolled over so he was on top of Alex.

Alex giggled and slid of his boxers revealing his own hard member. Trey towered over Alex, with one foot paw on the floor and another on the bed. Trey put his front paws beside Alex's head. Both furs smiled as trey pressed the end of his long canine cock against Alex's tail hole.

Trey slowly pushed his member up into the husky. He was unable to go all of the way in b'cus of the position they were in, but none the less, it went in deep enough to make the husky whimper in delight. Slowly, Trey started thrusting; his chest was rubbing against Alex's member. Trey continued pumping, using the pre-cum as a lubricant. They continued love making, and pre-cum dripped from Alex's cock on to his chest. Trey pumped harder and faster as his knot began to form.

Alex groaned as he reached his climax and covered himself in cum. A few moments later, Alex's moans were followed by a loud groan from Trey as he began to fill Alex with his seed. He was unable to tie the two canines but it felt just as good. Trey pulled his meat out of Alex slowly and stepped back. Trey licked the bottom of Alex's sheath and licked up to the end of Alex's cock. He then licked the cum off of Alex's chest in one long lick. He climbed on to the bed and began kissing Alex, sharing the salty cum. The kissing went on for a short while, but both furs were a little too exhausted.

Afterwards, the showered together, washing the cum off of each other's chest. The held each other for a long time while in the shower. It felt as though both canines were being melted together by the hot water. Afterwards, they both got dressed and went down stairs.

The cuddled on the couch until Zack and Sam came home. By now it was quite dark and Alex's parents would be going to work soon enough. It turned out that both parents were interior designers, and worked nights as not to disturb people during the day.

"Is it ok if Trey stops the night" Alex asked "His parents said he could as long as it was ok with you didn't they?" trey nodded in agreement. Zack thought for a while and then smiled.

"Ok then, do you have a house key Trey? Just in case you need to run home" Zack asked. Trey dug into his pocket and pulled out a small gold key his father had given to him a few days before. Trey had forgot about the key for quite some time. "Well, that's all good then, we'll be going to work" After this, Zack and Sam left for work.

"You have a key" Alex asked "We should sneak back there and get you some stuff" Trey thought for a while, he knew it would be too risky.

"Maybe" Trey said, feeling unsure

"Well, I'm sure you can wear some of my boxers" giggled Alex grinning. He began to like the idea of sharing underwear with Trey. The two finished watching the movie on TV and then they went up to bed.

Both furs wore no clothes to bed and cuddled each other. They spooned with Trey on the outside. Trey pressed his sheath against Alex's tail hole and closed his eyes.

"Hey, do you remember when we showered that once" Alex asked

"Yeah" Trey replied "What about it?"

"You know how you pushed your cock into me, but never tied us"

"I do"

"Will you do it again please? But tie us this time. I don't care if it hurts; I just want you inside me when I sleep tonight"

Trey smiled and began rubbing his sheath until his black wolf cock was sticking out of his sheath. He then pushed his cock up into Alex via his tail hole, and let his knot form slowly, with no thrusting involved. When Trey thought his knot had formed, he tugged on his cock to make sure they were anchored together

"There, we're tied together" Trey told Alex

"Tied in love" Alex said drifting off to sleep. As he did so, Alex rubbed his chest, trying to feel the many inches of wolf inside of him.

There we are, a bit of a rubbish chapter, but... a lot more yiff this time ^_^

I know it's not a TV show, but I can't resist:

"To Be Continued... So Stay Tuned"