Chapter 2: The First Night

Story by silver2075 on SoFurry

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#2 of The Plight of Hunter

Rose has an eventful first night in her new home.

Chapter 2: The First Night

"I am sorry," Hunter apologized again. He seemed to have done it all day.

"Sorry for what now?" Tyberius questioned as he stopped in his tracks.

"For not being... a better pet," Hunter explained despite the disgust for the word.

"Don't you worry about that. I am sure you can do this," Tyberius lied as he continued to lead Hunter to the barn where he would spend his night.

"You... your family is very nice. You must be very happy," Hunter replied as he looked longingly back at the house, domicile, residence.

"I am very blessed," Tyberius replied as he studied the weird pet. Damn, was it going to cry? "Come on, and we will find you a comfy place to sleep," he urged Hunter into the barn while he tried to think of a way to keep the thing from getting out of the barn if he ever did get it inside.

"I wish... I wish it was different," Hunter said as he reluctantly entered the barn.

"You do realize they want you to be part of the family," Tyberius admitted with a sigh.

"I can... I can't even talk... the right words. I don't know what to do... Do you have any idea how hard it was to eat with others around?" Hunter complained with great sadness. "No, no, it will never happen. You know this," he added with a sigh as he accepted his deficiency. Deficiency... lacking...

"I did not get the..." Tyberius began but no, the man... shit it had been a long day. Hunter was correct it was very long odds if it would work out. "Maybe tomorrow, you will have better luck helping me around the farm," he tried to reassure.

"If I can please you... I can stay?" Hunter nearly pleaded as he wiped the dampness from his eye.

"Yeah, you can stay if you can find a way to earn your way. That is a promise I can keep," Tyberius replied with a sigh. He was going to lock Hunter into a stall. He had even considered boarding it shut, but now he just didn't have it in him. "Can you make yourself comfortable if I just leave you to it?" he offered reluctantly as he made for the door.

"I... can I leave the door open," Hunter requested as he looked around him.

"I... you promise not to run away in the night or anything else foolish," Tyberius questioned with a frown.

"I have nowhere else to go," Hunter replied with a shrug of his shoulders.

"That may be true, I suppose," Tyberius agreed as he started for the house and more importantly his bed. "Get some sleep, tomorrow will be a big day for you," he called over his shoulder. However, he paused on the porch and could make out Hunter's white silhouette in the frame of the barn door as he stood there looking at the house.


Sylvy couldn't believe her father made Hunter sleep in the barn. It was not fair. She had made him a bed of extra blankets in her room. Her brother was allowed to let Rose sleep in his room. Her father had no reason to distrust Hunter. It... Her thoughts were shattered as she heard noises from her brother's room, but she couldn't hear well enough to know what he was doing. However, she had a good idea. She couldn't believe the fool was actually looking up porn on his computer, which seemed to be part of his nightly ritual so he could masturbate, while poor Rose was asleep across the room. It would almost be priceless, to witness his embarrassment, when she woke up and caught him. She herself had done it to him twice. He denied it but she had no doubts about what he was doing, when she had opened his door without knocking.

Sylvy made a hasty decision to sneak across the hall to watch the entertainment as the event unfolded. She kicked her covers off her and slid as quietly as she could from her bed. She nearly giggled in anticipation of her brother's embarrassment.

Tyrell had waited until he could hear his father's snores before he began. "Rose... Rose... Are you asleep?" he whispered as quietly as he could. He knew she was not when he noticed her ears twitch in response. His heart raced as she shook her head. "Me neither," he added awkwardly. "Ah, would you like to sit on my bed?" he asked as invitingly as he could while keeping his voice as quiet as possible to prevent waking his nosey sister. "Come on, come here, be a good girl," he coaxed as he pushed his feet over the edge of the bed. "Good girl," he praised as she sat beside him. "How do you like it here so far?" he asked as he tried to act calm.

"It is nice," Rose, answered in a whisper. It was nicer than she had actually hoped for to be honest, but it was difficult to become accustomed to being surrounded by carnivores, which could devour you. Well, the Draconis were actually omnivores evidently, but watching Hunter and the way he could make meat and bones alike disappear was beyond unnerving. However, she had become even more nervous once she learned she was to sleep in the house instead of the barn. She knew it was illogical but she was afraid to be alone with them. It was as if she was afraid they would eat her in her sleep. Then when Tyberius led Hunter away to the barn, she had nearly cried, despite the fact that he was the real dangerous one.

"I am glad you like it," Tyrell said nervously as he put his arm around her. "Don't be frightened," he whispered as he began to stroke her long ear when he recognized her flinch. "I don't want to hurt you. I just thought I would pet you a little," he had read during his research that she would love her ears rubbed and he was nearly ready to burst in his shorts as she began to melt in his arms at his menstrations. "Do you mind if I try to pet you somewhere besides your ears?" he whispered into her ear and was rewarded with a whimper as she nuzzled into him. He took that for a green light before he slowly moved his other hand to the thin covering his sister had given her to wear over her soft pink short fur that covered her huge bosom. He could swear his heart would explode as he began to fondle her. He could feel her shudder as his fingers brushed across a nipple. However, he was not prepared for her to turn to him to give him a lick on his cheek and snaked her arm around him to push his head towards hers. He was even more startled as her little tongue darted into his mouth. Her tongue wasn't very long but it was so hot in his mouth and it darted in and out at an incredible rate. However, he wasted no time, before he began to explore her with his tongue as well. Of course, he could feel the dampness begin to spread across his shorts rather quickly. "Please... Please," he breathed as he struggled to remove his shorts. He nearly whined when she pulled her tongue away from his. However, he was dumbfounded when she pulled his shorts off for him. He was spellbound as she removed the thin covering from her breast and pushed them into his face. He nearly lost his mind as she rubbed up against him, while her little tongue seemed to dart all over his head. He didn't know if he was doing it right or not but he extended ever bit of his tongue he could as he strained to wrap it around her breast while he nuzzled at the nipple with his lips. She was so hot and her arms seemed to be squeezing everywhere as she pressed against him. "Please, pet," he begged as he couldn't take it any longer and his hips began twitching while he still remained sitting on the edge of the bed. His hips began to thrust as soon as her hand found its way around his maleness. Her touch was so soft and hot. He couldn't stand it. He thrust harder into her hand until it felt as if his ass was beginning to chafe on his blanket, which was just one more thing to add to his excitement. However, he failed to control his grunts as he thrust a few more times erratically before he became aware of what had just happened. How had his sister not heard all of that? Hell, how had his father slept through it? "I am sorry he began to apologize in his embarrassment. However, he wasn't sure if he was more embarrassed by how quickly he released or by the fact that he had just made out with his pet.

"Sorry... but this did not please you," Rose questioned sadly.

"Oh, yes, it... it pleased me more than you can imagine," Tyrell assured with a grin, before he slipped his tongue into her mouth once more for reassurance.

"That is good. I want to please you... all of you," Rose explained as she began to have doubts, as the male seemed to act differently than she had expected.

"You have pleased me. I just can't put into words, how much... Look at me I am pleased all over the place," Tyrell explained as he was sure his face would split if he smiled any wider. "You are the best Rose," he swore as he wrapped his arms around her and held her tight.

"Hunter told me, it was you who saved me. I can't thank you enough," Rose replied as she clung to him. However, she began to regain her composure slowly. "I have made a mess of you... please let me clean you. You must go to sleep after," she added as she struggled to push him away so she could begin to lick up the mess for him.

"Thanks," Tyrell declared with a grin once she stopped licking him clean and looked at him with a smile that threatened to blow his mind. "I need to go check on something. I will be right back," he promised as he decided to make sure they hadn't woken up his sister.

Sylvy laid in her bed as her heart raced as her mind continued to replay the scene she had just witnessed in her brother's room. It wasn't the best view through the crack of the poorly fitting door in the old estate house, but she had seen enough. At first, her brother had only been sitting on his bed talking to Rose and she had almost gone to bed. However, it wasn't long after he had begun to stroke her ear, when she noticed a change. She couldn't make out what had changed from her poor vantage point. However, there was no missing her tongue as it darted into his mouth. Her heart raced as their tongues entwined. She never even noticed her own hand had made its way down between her legs while she watched her brother as her brother's hand began to make its way to those wonderful breasts of Rose's. Her other hand had a mind of its own as it began to fondle her own smaller breast. She licked her lips as the two undressed. However, she was slightly disappointed in the lack of size of her brother as he stood in his nakedness, but she was even more jealous as Rose pulled him into her beautiful breasts. Sylvy's breaths began to become ragged as she watched her brother's maleness lengthen as more slid out of him. It was now huge and glistening wet. She couldn't stop from plunging one finger in her small slit as Rose began to stoke her brother. She could see his maleness produce small spurts, which oozed over Rose's hand as she continued to stroke him. She was sure this is what would be his pre-ejaculate. Then it was over nearly as quickly as it had started. However, she was amazed at how much and how far her brothers seed seemed to spray. Nevertheless, she had to return to her own bed before her brother caught her peeping in on him like a pervert. Nevertheless, she nearly giggled as she realized she had learned more in those brief moments than her entire sex education class.

Tyrell was pleased to find his sister was still in her bed, when he peered though the crack in the poorly fitted door. However, before he turned away to return to his room, he noticed she was moving. He froze instantly. He didn't dare make a noise. He couldn't bare the embarrassment if she caught him spying on her. However, she didn't roll over as he had expected her to do. She was beginning to writher under her covers. His heart began to race as her blanket slid to the floor. He licked his lips as he watched her caress her tight perky breast with one hand while her other hand was moving between her legs. He never even noticed his hand slip to his manhood, which was now sliding out once again. He began to stroke himself as her hips began to buck and thrust into her hand. He could hear her slight moans. His hips began to thrust into his hand as his sister began to grunt, while her tail thumped on the floor. He nearly panicked when she stopped to retrieve her blanket, which had fallen to the floor. He knew the show was over and he snuck back to his room, where Rose was waiting on him, with those beautiful green eyes as she knelt on her bed of blankets laid out on the floor.

"Again already," Rose whispered with a grin as she licked her lips and looked at his magnificent male member.

"I... no... you need your sleep. You have a big day tomorrow," Tyrell replied but never stopped stroking his aching member. He knew he wanted to but he felt guilty. She really did need to sleep. He had set her update to download once she fell asleep and she would have to...

Rose had been nervous when he had asked her to join him at his bed. She had no idea what he wanted from her. However, it became more obvious as he began to reveal his intentions and she couldn't be more thrilled. She was sure she would be able to please him. Her old memories were nearly gone but she was sure she remembered what drove males. Why should it be any different just because he looked different? She realized he was not of her kind but it wasn't as if he was unattractive. Actually, he was quite the opposite. She had watched him undress as he prepared himself for bed and that had been exciting in it. He was as sleek black as his father was but he had slivers of blood red streaks down his fit figure. However, she was rather disappointed when he didn't remove his shorts. She was curious as to what he hid behind his britches. Nevertheless, her excitement grew as he caressed her ear. She could feel her own dampness as her body responded to his menstrations. However, he was taking too long for her she wanted... She had no idea when she had decided to lick him. However, she couldn't stop her arms from wrapping around him as her tongue mingled with his in his mouth. However, she nearly panicked as his tongue entered her to snake down her throat. She couldn't believe the length or size of his tongue as it explored her mouth and throat. She knew she wanted his tongue, but she knew as well it wasn't about her. She wanted to please him. She finally managed to rid him of those britches, but she had forgotten about her prize, until he had requested her to pet him. She nearly fainted when she managed to reach between his legs for her prize. It was so thick and long. She couldn't remember if she had ever been with a male of her own kind or even if she had any experience to compare with him. However, she couldn't deny her excitement over the feel of his thick member in her hand. She was nearly as shocked to realize he was already leaking fluids as she began to stroke him gently. She was even more pleased when he began to thrust forcefully into her hand. She was sure she had never wanted anything as much as she wanted him at that moment as she imagined him driving his magnificent flesh deep into her. However, she was shocked when his grunts signaled the end, which had come too soon. Nevertheless, she continued to stroke him as he finished. She milked him of everything he had to offer as he sprayed on his defined belly and chest. She was more than disappointed when he didn't seem to know what to do next. She began to doubt her actions. She had no idea how old he was. Maybe he had never been with a female previously. Maybe it was his first time or he was too young? What if... No, none of that mattered. All that mattered was that she pleased him. He had saved her life and she would make him happy. She could wait until he figured out the rest.

Rose didn't know what he had gone to check, but she become more nervous as time seemed to stretch on forever. However, she was delighted to see him return with his manhood in his hand and ready for her. "Please let me help you with that?" she nearly pleaded as she moved closer to him while remaining on her knees.

"I... I..." Tyrell tried to decline. However, she stole away his ability to form any cognitive thought by her actions.

Rose didn't have any desire to allow him to deny her as she crept closer until she was nearly touching her prize. She could remember how much she liked the taste of him when she had licked up the mess she had caused and she wanted more of his sweet nectar. She let out a deep exhale before she let her tongue dart out to lap at the pointy end of her prize, while she looked up into his eyes. She grinned as he shuddered uncontrollably. With another dart of tongue, she was rewarded by wetness as it began to drip from him onto her nose. She knew he couldn't deny her when he closed his eyes and threw back his head as his hands found their way to her sensitive ears. "Oh, Rose, you are the best," she heard him moan and knew what she wanted to do. She started her tongue at the base of his meat where the slight bulge was and ran it the full length of his manhood. She continued to run her tongue the length of his shaft until he began to emit a steady stream of thin wetness, which dripped onto her nose and face. She directed her attention to that bulge at the base of his shaft next. She tried to put her mouth around it while her tongue continued its caress, until he began to moan, "Oh, oh, Rose," to her. She knew it was time for her to take her prize from him. She placed her lips at his tip with a gentle kiss before she plunged her mouth down his shaft. She moved to the tip before she forced herself back down. She struggled as his meat hammered the back of her throat. She paused a moment as she took deep breaths through her nose, before she tried to force herself to take more of him. After a brief pause, she finally pushed harder. She gagged slightly as his meat began to slide into her throat. She held her self there while she tried to become accustomed to his massive meat being wedged into her tight passage. She returned her lips to his tip before she plunged back down his shaft with a groan of her own as she forced more into her to narrow passage. She began to swallow as her instincts demanded with something wedged so deep in her throat. She returned to his tip once again and smiled up at him as he continued to stroke her ears with hands that shook as a leaf caught in the breeze. She forced herself back down his shaft and was shocked as his member slid further down her throat once his hips bucked into her face. She returned to his tip once again as she grabbed his buttocks and forced herself back down into his thrust. Tears formed in her eyes as her throat was stretched beyond its capacity. This time she noticed he withdrew as she pulled away. Then once at his tip she matched his thrust and she was rewarded with more of him inside her throat. She could feel her whiskers on his flat belly this time. There was no pause at his tip this time as he thrust his meat as deep as he could force it and she continued to swallow. Her lips met that slight bulge at the base of his manhood in his next thrust. She tried to open her mouth further but there just wasn't any more for her to give. She prepared for his next thrust and wasn't disappointed as he forced his beautiful meat into her. She struggled to breathe as his pace quickened. She began to twist her head slightly as he plunged into her mouth. She knew she would be rewarded with her treat as he began to moan and form unintelligible words in grunts and whines, while he continued to thrust into her mouth. She no longer even noticed her swallows. Nor did she notice how full and stretched her throat felt. Then with one final thrust, her lips slipped past that swelling at the base of his meat. "Oh, Oh, so, so, good," she heard him chant as his meat jumped in her throat as sprayed her treat deep down her tight passage with throb after throb. She swallowed and swallowed as he filled her, but she could still feel dampness slide down her chin to drip onto her breasts. For the first time she realized her own wetness had begun to run down her thighs. Her desire for her hand to find its way to her opening was only overridden by her desire to hold to his buttocks to keep him from denying her from her treat. "Rose, Rose," she heard him declare with panic in his voice, which caused her to open her eyes. She reluctantly pulled her mouth from his still spitting meat to look up at Sylvy who stood in the open doorway. She didn't know what to say. Sylvy's glares said she was angry but Rose could easily make out the dampness running down the inside of her legs as well from her vantage point. Nevertheless, she was still too stunned to notice Tyrell was still dripping and spraying his seed on her face until one landed close to her eyes. "I... you are pleased," she questioned as she looked back to Tyrell.

"Rose, you can sleep in my room," Sylvy offered as she took her by the hand and began to drag her to her feet and to her room. However, she paused at the door of her room as she examined Rose's condition. The sight of her brother's seed as a drop threatened to drip from her short muzzle was too much temptation for her. "I suppose we should clean you up a little first," she declared before she leaned forward to lick up the drop of his seed before it could fall to the floor. She had taken only one step before she noticed Tyrell still stood dumbfounded in his doorway. She took a step towards him before she gripped his disappearing manhood and declared, "I will think of a way for you to repay me for not telling father later," before leading Rose down the hallway. She had intended to take her to the bathroom she shared with her brother for a quick shower.

However, Sylvy decided to take her upstairs to her parent's bathroom, because it was more accommodating for two. "Sshhh," she warned as she crept past where her father was sleeping and into the large bathroom. She slid the door shut quietly before she turned to Rose and proceeded to lick her muzzle clean. "I never knew he tasted so good," she offered with a blush.

Rose hadn't been sure what Sylvy wanted of her. However, she was becoming more confident as she let her clean Tyrell's seed from her face. She heard her words, before she made her decision to take Sylvy's head in her hands and pulled her closer. She pressed her lips to Sylvy's before she opened her mouth to share her treat. She was rewarded by Sylvy's wonderfully thick and long tongue as it explored her mouth and throat to retrieve any of his remaining seed.

"You kept that in your mouth the whole time," Sylvy declared in disbelief once she regained her composure from the kiss. She shared a smile with Rose before she led her to the shower, where she undressed. She ushered Rose in and adjusted the water as her heart pounded in her chest. Once the water was warm, she began to wash Rose with her tongue as she searched to the remnants of her brother's seed. She was licking at Rose's nipples when Rose unexpectedly went to her knees. "What are you doing?" she questioned with a frown at being denied those wonderful breasts.

"I will do for you as I have done for your brother," Rose declared with a lick of her lips as the warm water washed down her back. "Please allow me to please you," she begged and was nearly heartbroken at Sylvy's indecision. "Please turn for me," she continued to beg and was delighted when Sylvy reluctantly turned away from her. She lifted Sylvy's long tail before Sylvy slowly bent over to reveal her small slit and pink round tail hole. She moved her face forward to that small slit with the little nub. She hesitantly began to lap at the small slit and nub and she was rewarded with moans of ecstasy. Rose noticed her round tail hole would pulse and twitch as she licked and sucked at the nub at the small slit. She decided to give her tail hole a few licks before she started rubbing her thumb across it. She returned her tongue to Sylvy's tight slit and nub as she began to work her thumb inside her tight tail hole. She was nearly startled when Sylvy's hips began to buck as she pushed back against her tongue and ground her tail hole on her thumb. It was all she could do to hold her tongue and muzzle against Sylvy's grinding backside. However, it didn't last long. She was even more shocked as fluids began to flow from Sylvy's slit with force and an alarming volume. She opened her mouth and tried to swallow all she could but she knew she was wasting a good amount of the sweet nectar.

"Oh, Rose... that was...," Sylvy, declared breathlessly as her legs, threatened to buckle beneath her. She seized their new pet and urged her to her feet, where she could explore her mouth for her own taste. "I... if you don't mind... I will return the favor," she offered awkwardly.

"That is not neccess...," Rose began to decline before Sylvy began to turn her by the shoulders. She leaned over as Sylvy knelt behind her. She waited nervously as Sylvy's tongue flicked at her entrance.


Sylvy wasn't sure what she expected from Rose, but she had not been disappointed nevertheless. She had been reluctant to turn for her and the chills that ran down her spine as Rose had lifted her tail had nearly forced her to stop. However, it almost felt natural to bend over with her tail hiked as it was. She was even more startled when she felt Rose's tongue at the entrance of her small slit. The sensations that ran through her as her small but rough tongue entered her and lapped at her nub of a clit made her bite at her lips as she restrained her moans. However, once Rose began to lap at her tail hole she could not contain her moans as she her hands squeezed and teased her own breasts. She failed to stifle her gasp as Rose began to force her thumb into her tail hole. She never imagined it could feel as erotic as it did. She tried to control herself, but failed miserably as her hips betrayed her. She began to buck and thrust her hips as she ground her slit across that wonderfully coarse tongue and her tail hole onto Rose's thumb. She lost track of time as her body began to twitch and whither from contractions of her insides as her tail hole clamped down on that thumb and she gushed forth her nectar. She could hear Rose's swallows, which seemed to encourage her to grind her backside onto that wonderful short muzzle. With week knees and shaky hands, she decided she would return the treatment to their wonderful pet.

Sylvy was a little nervous as she began to push her nose towards Rose's round rump. She felt awkward as she tried to position herself for her small pet. She hesitated as her nose hovered next to that puckered round tail hole. However, she was confident she could do this. She closed her eyes before she flicked her tongue out to find her target. It only took a couple flicks before she located Rose's treasure. Then with a sigh of reluctance, she plunged her tongue deep and was as surprised by the wonderful taste as she was startled by Rose's stifled squeal. She began to work her tongue in and out of Rose she listened for sounds of approval. She was sure she was doing it right as Rose began to press back toward her muzzle. She tried to ignore Rose's tail hole as Rose pressed it back against her nose. She was sure her tongue was getting as deep as it would go once Rose's slit began to squeeze on her tongue as she worked it in and out of her wonderful tasting pet. However, it was when Rose's hips began to buck and grind that tail hole across her nose, which prevented her from ignoring it any longer. However, the memories of how wonderful Rose's thumb had felt in her own tail hole, gave her an idea. She repositioned her tail over her head and aligned it with that small puckered opening, which also allowed her to squat a little lower. Then she began to work it into the tight opening while trying to match Rose's thrusts of her hips. However, she hadn't even worked in the third joint of her tail when Rose's squeals and grunts, which were accompanied by rapid and almost frantic thrusts of her hips, began to frighten her. She was nearly convinced she had hurt her wonderful pet before Rose's tail hole and slit clamped down on her tail and tongue so hard it hurt. She couldn't work her tongue out of the tight grip of Rose's slit and her pet continued to grind her hips despite the fact that her tongue was essentially stuck. She had lost track of time, before Rose's grinding and thrusting began to diminish as she began to loosen her grip on Sylvy's tongue. Sylvy was relieved when her tongue began to slide in and out of her wonderful pet once again. She even took a moment to relish the new flavor of her pet as her fluids leaked out around her tongue. She finally slid her tongue from that wonderful slit as she dislodged her tail from her pet's tail hole. However, she nearly panicked as her pet faltered. She quickly reached up to steady Rose, before asking, "Are you okay?"

"I am... that was... I hope we can do this again," Rose replied shakily between ragged breathes. She had thought that tongue was long and thick as it had explored her throat, but that was before she had felt it invading her slit. She had felt so full. She couldn't take any more. She was sure she had stretched to her capacity and it made her think of Tyrell's thick meat. Would she even be able to accommodate him? Then when Sylvy's tail forced itself into her tail hole all thoughts shattered. There was only the pleasure her thrusts at the intruders of her openings on her mind. She could not think. Her body took over as he clamped down and milked that wonderful tongue and held that invading tail tightly in place. By the time, she came to her sense enough to form coherent thought, her legs threatened to collapse beneath her. She was grateful for Sylvy's assistance as she teetered on her wobbly legs.

"I better get you dried off and back to bed," Sylvy replied before her tongue playfully darted to Rose's slightly gaping tail hole. She was surprised it didn't taste too bad. Maybe, she could do more with that next time.


Tyberius had heard his son in his room below. It was normal. The boy was typical for a male of that age, but the thoughts of his son's masturbation to pornographic images on his computer always excited him. He wasn't sure if that was normal. It just was not something males talked about freely. Nevertheless, he was not sure if it was fair to poor Rose who had opted to sleep in Tyrell's room. Maybe she would understand the males need to release pent up seed, but it still seemed unfair to interrupt her sleep any more than it was fair to disturb his. He supposed he should find her another place to sleep tomorrow if she appeared too tired in the morning. However, the sound of the shower in the master bath was not acceptable. The boy was not going to use his shower for a jerkatorium. That was going too far. He kicked his covers back as he prepared to stand but his own maleness was showing through his britches. He hesitated only a moment before he grabbed his robe. He could hide his condition long enough to berate he overactive son. Nevertheless, he was unprepared for the scene as he pushed the door to his bathroom open.

It was not his son, who was making use of the master bath. He could clearly make out his daughter through the steam of the shower as she bent away from him. Rose was squatted behind her while she lapped at his daughter's slit. His breath caught as he watched Rose begin to work her thumb into his daughter's tight tail hole. He was spell bound as he watched his daughter grind her sex against their new pet's muzzle. It was her moans and twitching tail that brought him back to his senses. He barely had time to close the bathroom door before his daughter had caught him peeking in on her like some pervert. He had taken a few deep ragged breaths before he even noticed his hand continued to stroke his manhood. What was wrong with...? Sounds from the shower shattered his thoughts. He should sneak back to his room before he was caught. No, this was his bathroom. He could just claim he woke to the call of nature... However, how would he explain his meat in his hand? He... he... had to look one more time. This time he just cracked the door wide enough to allow him a quick peak. He wasn't disappointed with what he witnessed. Rose was bent over and his daughter was working her tongue in and out of their pet. The sight was enough to cause him to drool. He wanted to have a taste of his own. If he could only find an excuse to get Rose alone... his thoughts were shattered as his daughter repositioned herself and began to work her tail into Rose's tail hole. He didn't know when his hand had resumed its stoking of his meat, but he was disappointed when Rose began to whither, grunt, and squeal. The show was over before he could finish. He chastised himself as he closed the door and returned to his bed, where sleep eluded him. Damn, he wished his mate didn't have to travel so much for her work. He was going to have to relieve himself with one of the livestock again... No, he wouldn't be able to do that if Hunter was going to spend the whole day with him working their ranch.