Chapter 3: The First Day

Story by silver2075 on SoFurry

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#3 of The Plight of Hunter

Rose gets a full examination at the vet while Hunter begins to learn he likes being 'petting' before he has to work around the ranch.

Chapter 3: The First Day

Tyberius rolled over restlessly in his bed to check the time. His exhaustion demanded his return to his slumber, despite the delicious aromas, which had permeated his bedroom. Nevertheless, he rolled out of his bed and proceeded to the shower to start his long day. However, he paused at the door as visions of his daughter playing with Rose played out in his mind, which caused him to shudder.


"Good morning daddy," Sylvy greeted her father with a grin from the kitchen table.

"You appear to have slept well," Tyberius grumbled while he stifled a yawn.

"I slept wonderfully," Sylvy, boasted with a grin for Rose. She had no idea she could have slept as well as she did after her time in the shower with Rose.

"I believe I slept like a baby too," Tyrell announced as he entered the kitchen and smiled at Rose. He really did owe her for her menstrations. He never had any idea it was possible to sleep as he had. He was beginning to understand why his parents always carried on as they did when his mother was home, which always disturbed his sleep. He knew it was his request to have the larger of the two bedrooms between him and his sister, but he hadn't realized what the noises coming from the room above him were until he was older.

"I should probably go fetch Hunter for breakfast," Sylvy offered with a grin as mischievious thoughts of him danced through her head. She could hardly wait to see what kind of fun she could have with him.

"I can do it. I need to check on something anyway," Tyberius, corrected too sharply. "Have him clean up...," he began before he his memories of his daughter's escapades with their other pet in the shower caused him to cut off in midsentence. No, he was sure she would not risk being caught petting Hunter while everyone was awake. He may even have time to take care of himself while everyone else was eating breakfast. "I will send him in and be right back myself. Rose could you fix me a plate for when I get back," he requested with a frown. Hell, the poor girl must have been up awful early to fix all that was laid out on the table.

Sylvy watched her father go with a smile. She waited until she heard the front door before she made her way to the window to watch her father making his way to the barn where Hunter waited in the doorway.


"You slept well I take it," Tyberius inquired as he approached Hunter who stood waiting just inside the barn door.

"I have kept... vigil. Is that the correct word?" Hunter questioned as much as answered as he stepped back to allow the alpha... no... his name was Tyberius.

"You kept watch?" Tyberius replied in confusion and recognized the poor creature's reluctant nod. "You realize that wasn't necessary," Tyberius tried to explain, but noticed Hunter's ears began to droop. "You were supposed to sleep. You have a big day ahead of you today. I didn't want you too tired," he continued but realized his words were just making it worse.

"I did not require rest. I can work. I promise to try harder to please you," Hunter mumbled as he fought the urge to hide in a corner.

"You will be fine. Now go inside, clean up, and get something to eat. I need to check on something, before we start our day," Tyberius instructed with a shake of his head for the big brute's foolishness.

"Everyone is well?" Hunter inquired nervously.

"Well, yes, why do you ask?" Tyberius replied curiously.

"I... I... think I am to guard, but I do not know what. I do not know how to protect if I am to spend my nights here. I could not protect the other side of the house, residence, domicile. I have failed to do it properly," Hunter, answered as he scratched his head in thought. He couldn't remember if this was his memories or desire or was it that thing in his neck.

"Well, we will see if we can give you something more productive to do today. Now, go on," Tyberius urged with a frown. He was wasting time. A sigh of relief escaped him, once Hunter finally started to make his way to the house. He wasted no time of his own to make his way through the barn to the nearby feedlot, while grabbing a cake of hay on the way. He didn't even bother to stifle his grin as he looked over the few livestock grazing nearby. "Come and get it," he declared to get their attention as he began to shake out some of the hay upon the ground. He couldn't contain his delight as the beasts began to meander towards him. He continued to lure one deeper into the barn and into one of the stalls where he closed the door behind it.


Sylvy watched her father enter the barn before she made her way to Rose who had began to clean the mess all the food preparation had caused. "Good morning Rose, and thank you for last night," she declared before she pressed her lips to hers. She reached around Rose to seize her buttocks to spread her cheeks to give her brother a good view, while she worked her tongue down Rose's throat. "You had better eat up, brother. You may need your strength later," she teased before she released Rose to go to him, where she gripped his growing bulge in his trousers. She failed to contain her giggles for her brother's shock and embarrassment. However, she retreated to her seat at the table as the sound of the front door announced Hunter's approach.

"I am instructed to clean up and take nourishment," Hunter announced as his mouth salivated at the scents in the room. However, there was another scent, which seemed to stir his maleness. He began to check the scent in the room carefully before his attention was diverted.

"I will show you the shower," Sylvy announce with a wink at Rose.

"I appreciate it," Hunter replied with a frown. He struggled to contain his excitement as he followed Sylvy through the house, residence, domicile. It wasn't as if the scent was stronger, but the odors of the kitchen were not as strong here. However, the sound of the door to small room closing behind him shattered his thoughts.

"Would you like me to give you a hand with that?" Sylvy asked as she stared at his pink male member, which seemed swollen in its hairy sheath. She could see as much as her longest finger already poking out of his sheath. She was sure it was thicker than it had been yesterday, when she had first noticed it.

"I... I..." Hunter began to stutter as his mind raced. However, his words cut off as her hand slipped around his shaft with a firm grip. He wanted to pull away from her, but the feeling was... wonderful as she began to move her hand up and down with his sheath. All he could manage to do was to close his eyes, and steady himself with one hand on the nearest wall as his legs began to quiver.

Sylvy wanted to touch it. She wondered if he noticed how she shuddered as her hand wrapped around that thick shaft. She began to slide his sheath back to reveal more of that beautiful meat. She licked her lips as her hand finally hit the base of his member, which seemed to force him to reward her with a squirt that landed on her nose. Her tongue darted out quickly to lick it up as her hand began to pump him for more of his nectar. She was simply amazed as more and more of him began to slide from that furry sheath. Her hand pumped faster as his hips began to buck and thrust into her grip in a furry. She thought she might have hurt him when he let out a whine as the huge mass at the base of his member slid from its covering. However, she could barely hold her hands still for him as he continued to thrust into her hands frantically, which were trying to hold his massive member. She was convinced the mass should not have come out and she tried to grasp it to push it back. However, no, sooner than she grasped that massive bulge in her hands and Hunter's maleness began to spray forth his essence. This was not as she had seen from her brother. This was long thick ropes, which almost appeared as streams, and they seemed to splatter with force where they hit. At least, Hunter had stopped hunching his hips into her hands so wildly. She was mesmerized as he would barely twitch his hips and another thick rope would shoot from the end of his meat. However, she began to panic once she recognized his thick seed was now dripping from his massive chest and there was quite a puddle beginning to collect on the floor. She reluctantly released her grip on that magnificent hot rod and stepped back to regain her composure. However, the thick streams continued to shoot on her as Hunter slowly thrust his hips at the air. She was sure he was nearly done once she realized the stream of his seed no longer had the force or volume it had when it had started. She couldn't contain her grin as his eyes began to flutter and focus on her.

"I... I am sorry," Hunter apologized as he wondered how he had made such a mess. "I will clean it up," he promised as he leaned forward and began to lick the thick fluids from her face.

"I... we..." Sylvy began to protest until his huge tongue slipped into her mouth. It was so wide and rough. She was sure it would feel just that much better than Rose's had. However, she didn't have time for this now. "You must get in the shower," she instructed as she began to push him toward the shower.

"I am..." Hunter began to apologize again until he was interrupted.

"You have nothing to apologize for. I... you have done well. You have pleased me greatly," Sylvy lied as she adjusted the water for him. "You promise to do your best for father and work as hard as you can and we will do this more often. I think I can find a few other ways to pet you to make you feel better too," she teased as she began to lather him with soap.

"I... I promise... That felt so good. I am beginning to like this petting," Hunter replied as his mind still tried to comprehend what had happened.

"Let's get you cleaned up and fed. You have a big day today," Sylvy urged as she wondered how much time had passed.


Tyberius retrieved the lube they used for artificial insemination from the cabinet and was surprised how low he was on the stuff. He suppressed a shiver as he worried about anyone noticing how much of the stuff he used on a ranch, which seldom relied on artificial insemination. However, his hesitation was brief. He took the dispenser of the super slick gel to the stall where the cow munched away carelessly. He squirted a small glob on his hand and worked it around until his hand was covered before he used his other hand to lift the cow's tail. He had to stretch out to reach her over the half door, but he knew that would not be the case for long. He slid two of his lubricated fingers inside of her with ease. Then went a third and fourth. Soon he had his whole hand slipping in and out of her. Then as if clockwork she began to back up to the half door. This was what he was anticipating. He retrieved the small bench he kept handy for such occasions and stepped up behind her. He began to unzip his trousers when he heard the door to the barn open. A sigh of disappointment escaped him as he stepped off the bench quickly, before he went to see who was there.

"I brought you some... some... black water. It smells odd, but Sylvy said you would be pleased," Hunter announced as he approached Tyberius.

"Yes, that is quite considerate of you," Tyberius replied with frustration. "Did you eat?" he asked as he wished the beast would return to the house.

"I brought my plate out here. I thought it would be easier to eat without others close to me," Hunter admitted reluctantly.

"That is fine," Tyberius grumbled before he released a sigh of resignation. He would have to find some other release later.

"What are you doing," Hunter asked as he sniffed at the air. It had a strange scent to it.

"I was... I was giving a cow an examination," Tyberius lied as he began to make his way to the door. However, he paused as he saw the plate piled high with slabs of meat on a workbench. "Do you have enough to eat there?" he teased.

"Sylvy said I could eat any scraps after everyone else has eaten," Hunter replied before he began to eat the hunks of meat from his plate. It was saltier than he was used to be quite delicious.

"You can eat more," Tyberius exclaimed in disbelief.

"I can," Hunter, answered as he studied Tyberius. However, he felt compelled to explain further. "I can eat large sums at one time. However, I do not usually eat every day. I will eat if my hunting is successful until my catch is gone or I can eat no more. However, I will not hunt until I require it. I thought I should make sure I am well fed. I am told today is a big day. I do not know what that means, but I feel compelled to be prepared," he tried to explain.

"Oh, I see," Tyberius lied again. "You should keep in mind that we usually eat three times during the day, unless we are real busy. We will still eat twice at the bare minimum," he explained with a frown.

"I will try to remember that," Hunter said as he began to lick his plate clean.

"Well, I am going to the house to get something to eat before it is all gone," Tyberius said before he exited the barn, while he wondered just how much was left for him.

"I should go and toss shit before we start working," Hunter announced as he followed Tyberius.

"Use the restroom," Tyberius corrected with a sigh.

"Yes, I bathed. I like that a lot," Hunter replied with a grin at the memory of how good Sylvy had made him feel.

"I am going to have Tyrell see if he can figure out what is wrong with your interface," Tyberius declared with a shake of his head. His mate was sure to kill him for this. If Hunter's strange behavior wasn't enough to make her angry, he still had to deal with the fact that she had always been an outspoken proponent of the ill treatment of the lesser species.


"Get in and we will start cleaning the southern barn, until Tyrell can catch up," Tyberius instructed as he opened the door to his buggy. "Come on, you should start learning to drive these things," he urged as he tried to understand the horrified look he received.

"I can't... will I even fit?" Hunter protested as tried not to panic at the idea of squeezing into the small confines... confines... That was new.

"Of course..." Tyberius assured until he began to reconsider. It was difficult enough for him to squeeze into the little thing. He could have purchased a larger one but he had picked up both his and the one his son normally drove for the price of one of those. One of these days, he was going to learn that sometimes 'you get what you pay for'. "Do you think you can keep up?" he questioned as he began to consider the big brute might actually be able to do just that.

"If I can't I will follow your scent. I will not get lost. That I can promise," Hunter declared with confidence.

"I suppose that will be fine. We are not going that far anyway. I need to get the tractor and manure spreader before we head to the southern barn. That is a little farther. You can ride in the spreader if you can't run that far," Tyberius suggested after a little thought.

"Running will be good for me," Hunter assured with a grin of anticipation for a good run. He felt much better than he had the previous day. He was sure he could nearly run the whole day. Well, maybe not that long but he was sure his strength was returning quickly.

Tyberius drove off while he watched to see if Hunter faltered or began to fall behind. However, he was surprised to see the large brute loped along with long strides that ate up the distance. His buggy was little more than a set of four wheels with a small motor. It had a seat for two and a protective wire mesh cage around the passenger compartment, which was essential for protection from some of the more ornery bulls in the herds. Nevertheless, he didn't notice Hunter fall behind more than one or two steps even when he pushed the small buggy to its limit. However, it wasn't really that far to the equipment storage facility.

"We will need to hook this up to that tractor," Tyberius explained before he began to climb aboard the near antique tractor. However, he was startled as a clang rang behind him while he was still setting the choke of the relic. He turned quickly to identify the sound and was shocked to watch Hunter slam the safety pin home. Then the beast continued to hook up the coupler. "How...," he began as he tried to figure out what had just happened.

"What?" Hunter replied as he scratched his head. "Did I do it wrong?" he asked as he checked the connection again.

"No, I just don't know how you knew how to hook it up... or how you... Did you drag that over here?" Tyberius stammered in disbelief.

"I don't know either," Hunter began as he tried to understand what was happening to him. "It is on wheels," he added to explain how he had pulled the spreader to the tractor.

"Yeah, it is on wheels but I can't even pick up the tongue. That is why it is on a jack," Tyberius protested as he looked over the large Canis. He looked strong but this was not possible was it?

"It is heavy, but it is what you wished. Is it not?" Hunter questioned in his confusion.

"Yeah, but I was going to back up to it," Tyberius replied with a shake of his head.

"I can put it back if it pleases you," Hunter offered with a frown.

"No, you did fine... I just... I think it will be interesting to see what else you can do," Tyberius replied as he began to consider what Hunter's capabilities were. "Do you wish to ride or would you prefer to continue utilizing your legs?" he offered with a grin, but he was sure he knew what the answer would be and was not disappointed. The tractor was not nearly as fast as the buggy and he thought Hunter appeared bored as he trotted beside the spreader. It took a little while to reach the southern barn and he couldn't fail to notice Hunter wasn't even winded. "We will shovel all of the bedding in this barn into the wagon. Then I will take it and spread it on one of the pastures. If we get that done, we will try to move the herd to this pasture and barn. I should have already done it. They have the northern pasture grazed down to nothing and as you can see there is plenty of grass here," Tyberius explained as he led Hunter to where the shovels were kept.


"What are you doing today?" Tyrell asked as he carried his dishes to the sink.

"Well, I still have to figure out what you are going to do for me to repay me for my silence. However, dad asked me to take Rose in to the vet and have her checked out and buy some proper clothing for her," Sylvy answered with a mischievious grin.

"I can't believe you are going to black mail me. What if I told him you were playing with her too," Tyrell protested as he tried not to panic.

"Who would believe you?" Sylvy replied with a grin as she stepped closer. She reached down and began to stroke his emerging member through his britches.

"Oh..." Tyrell groaned at her touch. He couldn't believe this was happening but he didn't care at this point either. It just felt too good. However, his eyes snapped open in disappointment when she stopped stroking him. "That is not nice," he complained at her teasing.

"Sorry but we must be going," Sylvy teased with a chuckle as grabbed Rose's buttocks and give her a tender kiss. She was not disappointed when Tyrell continued to stare lustfully.

"I will please you later, when time allows," Rose promised as she left the poor Tyrell staring at her tail as she followed Sylvy out of the house.

Tyrell was speechless. His world had turned upside down. The only pleasure he had know until the night before had been his hand while he looked at porn on his computer. Now, he had... hell he had no idea what he had. Nevertheless, he was looking forward to his time with Rose after every one turned in for the night. Well, maybe he would look at some porn while he tried to work on Hunter's interface. He had already initiated a self-diagnostic. He should probably check on that and the test he had set to run after the diagnostics were done.


"Are you sure you don't want to take a break?" Tyberius offered with concern.

"No, I can do this. I wish to please you," Hunter replied as he continued shoveling.

"Well, I suppose it is moot at this point anyway. This is the last of it. You will have to take a break after this. We will stop in at the house to see what is taking Tyrell so long," Tyberius suggested as he sat on the tractor while Hunter shoveled as if his life depended on it. He hated to admit the brute was... well unbelievable. He was as strong as he was tireless and Tyberius could swear he could notice a difference in his muscles. Hunter had already appeared fit, but somehow he seemed to have gained mass during the hours of labor. "Well, speak of the devil," he announced as he recognized the far off whine of Tyrell's small buggy.

"I spoke of nothing evil," Hunter corrected without pausing in his labors.

"I meant... never mind," Tyberius replied with a sigh.

"I think I..." Tyrell announced as he entered the barn. However, the fact that they had nearly cleaned the whole barn out was as hard to believe as what he witnessed Hunter doing. "Hunter, this isn't a race. Slow down before you hurt yourself," he urged with genuine concern.

"I must do well. I will please you," Hunter corrected without pausing as he moved to the last corner of the barn.

"It is of no use son. I have tried to explain to him, but damn it, watch him go," Tyberius replied with a shake of his head. Hell, he figured he would have fallen over dead hours ago if he had tried to keep that pace.

"Have you been watching him go all morning?" Tyrell teased with a grin for his father who sat the tractor watching.

"I didn't start off watching. However, Hunter broke the two wooden shovels and I had to give him my carbon shovel to use," Tyberius tried to explain.

"Yeah, because we don't have a carbon shovel in every barn," Tyrell continued to tease.

"Well, yeah... but I just felt like I was getting in his way," Tyberius replied defensively. "What have you managed to do this morning?" he added to redirect the conversation.

"I have figured out what is wrong with his interface," Tyrell explained proudly.

"Really? Can you fix it?" Tyberius questioned excitedly.

"Well, no... not exactly, but I think I have made it better," Tyrell began to explain.

"Really? How did you do that?" Tyberius questioned skeptically.

"I was getting to that. You see the interfaces are set to a prearranged band or frequency designated for every species. When I ran the diagnostics, I noticed Hunter's was running at the highest limits of its range. Apparently, that was as far as it would go and it didn't quite match his brain waves. However, I couldn't get it to go beyond its preset range. Therefore, I recalibrated it wrong so it can't tell it is out of its range. It still isn't a perfect match. I think it might be at its limits of its capability or it is because it is now calibrated incorrectly. However, it should be working better now. I have even downloaded some sample programming to him. Well, I did earlier, but I have no idea how it worked. Has he shown any new knowledge that he didn't know before?" Tyrell explained with pride.

"I don't understand why they didn't do that before?" Tyberius questioned. Well, he didn't really understand much of it, but he would have thought the professionals should have caught it if his son had.

"I figure they were looking for a malfunction, but it wasn't a malfunction as much as Hunter doesn't appear to be your typical Canis," Tyrell suggested with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Lupus... I am Lupus," Hunter tried to explain again as he looked around to see if he missed anything. "I think I have finished," he added with a nod of satisfaction.

"Yeah, right," Tyrell replied with a grin. He still found it amusing poor Hunter didn't understand than his name for himself was no more than poor understanding of their language.

"I will go ahead and empty this load while you rest. Then we will grab my buggy and start moving the herd," Tyberius suggested despite suspecting Hunter would still refuse to rest.

"I can run still. I have not exercised my legs much during this labor," Hunter corrected as he wondered why he had strange thoughts for a moment.

"Is everything alright?" Tyrell questioned when he noticed Hunter's strange expression while he rubbed the back of his neck where the interface was located.

"I had strange thoughts... Is this moving the herd similar to a crop rotation?" Hunter questioned as other concepts invaded his thoughts. "Animal husbandry... I think I am...Whoa...," he continued as he staggered a little.

"Huhm... I hadn't thought of there being complications of running his programming while he was awake," Tyrell declared with a frown. However, the scowl from his father told him he should have. "Jeeze, dad... it isn't as if we have ever had a pet before," he protested in his defense.


"Where are we going?" Rose asked nervously.

"We aren't going anywhere. We have arrived," Sylvy, joked as she exited the vehicle. "You realize you can open the door yourself," she instructed once she had circled around to let Rose out of the shuttle.

"I... I... suppose I am a little nervous," Rose admitted reluctantly.

"Don't be silly. Every girl should enjoy shopping," Sylvy joked with a giggle as she took her hand and began to lead her to the store.

"Good morning is there anything I can help you find," the store employee asked the new unfamiliar customers.

"Yes, she needs a full check up, and I will want to pick out some proper attire for her as well," Sylvy declared as she scanned the large store for anything that would fit Rose.

"I would be happy to give her a complete physical," the store employee declared as she began to examine the fine specimen.

"I can take care of her Clarisse," another employee announced quickly as he made his way toward the striking pet.

"I am sorry, allow me to introduce myself. I am Dr. Clarisse Krinshaw and this is my husband Dr. Carl Krinshaw," Clarisse introduced as she frowned momentarily at her husband.

"I am Sylvy and this is Rose. She is new and quite nervous," Sylvy introduced with pride for her beautiful pet as the two vets inspected her.

"That ear is a shame but I may have something for it," Carl observed as he began to stroke her long ears. He felt her shudder under his touch and knew the specimen would be a pleasure to examine.

"You can have this one but I get to pick the next one," Clarisse conceded reluctantly. "I will show you some choices that will just look wonderful on her," she added in an effort to give her husband time to have his fun. She would make sure she made the most of her turn examining the next pet.

"Please come with me," Carl coaxed with anticipation as he led the way.

Rose hesitantly followed, after receiving a nod and grin from Sylvy.

"Please take a seat on the examining table," Carl instructed as he patted the padded table. "How did you injure your ear?" he asked as he began to stroke it gently.

"A carnivore... huhg... in transport," Rose answered with a moan and shudder at his touch of her sensitive ears.

"Please lie back and try to relax," he instructed with a smile as he helped her into position. "Are or have you been sexually active?" he asked as he spread her legs and placed them in the stirrups.

"I... huhg," Rose began to reply until the man's finger sliding over the nub of her slit shattered her thoughts.

He didn't require an answer. He didn't care if she answered. All his attention was consumed by that soft pink fur that covered her intimate areas. He ran his hand over her sex and gently brushed her clit. It was pure delight to see her arch her back and moan in return. He gently leaned over to suckle on those huge breasts. He was surprised to find her nipples were already hard and protruding through her short fur. His mouth continued to tease her nipples while he continued to rub her small slit. He could feel her dampness that had begun to drip down between her buttocks. It took a few deep breaths to calm himself before he exploded. He circled the table and was delighted at the sight of her glistening and puffy lips while her juices ran down and covered her pink tail hole. "My, my, we are a little messy. I should clean a little of this up," he announce as he leaned in close to take in her scent. Damn if this species wasn't the most beautiful in their frail form of the lesser species. His tongue flickered out to tickle her opening, and decided this specimen was particularly tasty. He began to lick her from her tail hole to her slit as she arched her back and began to buck her hips at him. His tongue stabbed deep into her slit and felt her muscles immediately begin to squeeze and milk his tongue as if it was a cock. He continued to work his tongue deeper into her until he was able to nibble and suck at her small but swollen clit with his lips. It only took a brief moment of this before she grasped his head and began to thrash into him. He nearly whined when her muscles clamped down painfully on his long tongue. He let her continue to grind away with his tongue stuck deep inside of her while her sweet nectar spewed forth. He tried to catch as much of the precious juice with his mouth as he could but she wouldn't release his tongue. However, he was actually relieved by the time he was finally able to slide his tongue free. "You liked that didn't you?" he observed with a grin between flicks of his tongue to savor her juice which had collected on the table as well as sprayed all over her inner thighs, tail, and most importantly tail hole. "I have a special treat for one as gorgeous as you," he assured before he began to run his tongue around that precious little puckered prize nestled tight next to her now dampened tail. Then without warning, he plunged it as deep into her as he could manage. He ignored her squeals as he continued to force it deeper into her, while she her tight muscle threatened to cut off the circulation to his tongue. She began to wither and wriggle immediately. His arms wrapped around her hips for leverage. He pulled her towards him as he worked his tongue into her depths with as much force as he could. He was not concerned with hurting her. His only thoughts were of forcing his tongue into a place she had never been touched before and would not likely be soon again. He would make her tail hole his as only he could with his long and experienced tongue. When he could not force it any deeper, he withdrew his tongue to watch the muscles of her tail hole twitch as it tried to close. Then he plunged it in once again to her squeals. He continued to work his tongue in and out of her as her squeals turned to moans of pleasure. It was not long before she began to grind back into him and his lips were finally at that wonderfully tight opening. However, it was his turn to moan in pain as she began to writher once again and her tight tail hole clamped down on his tongue hard enough to bring tears to his eyes. This time he was able to open his mouth wide enough to catch nearly all she had to offer as she squirted into his gaping mouth. Nevertheless, he was more than grateful when he was able to retrieve his tongue. She had been much tighter than he had anticipated and her muscles were stronger than he had ever encountered previously in his many years of practice. Of course, he didn't always have these opportunities despite his open relationship with his mate. He hadn't even realized he was still standing there with his head tossed back and eyes closed while he savored her taste, until he felt something rubbing him through his trousers.


Rose had been nervous the whole time she had rode in the vehicle at a speed that seemed unnatural. Her nerves hadn't settled any as they entered the store either. However, the two dragons that circled her as they examined her made her feel even worse. She felt as if they were sizing her up as a meal. Her tail had been tucked in fright and she was sure her hands shook. However, the male's caress of her ears had its effect on her. She hadn't even noticed her tail rise to reveal its treasures until she caught both the female and the male eyeing her round buttocks. She raised it a little higher and could swear the male nearly drooled.

She hated to be separated from Sylvy, but she would obey. She only wanted to please. However, she was confused as the male began to massage and rub expertly at her ears. She knew her breaths were ragged and she could hear her own juices as they began to drip from her small slit. It was nearly too much when he began to rub her nub of a clit. The wait and anticipation as he moved between her legs was nearly too much for her to bear. She watched as his tongue darted out to her slit. She remember the heavenly feeling of Sylvy's tongue as it had worked in out of her and she wasn't sure if she ever wanted anything as bad as she wanted that tongue inside of her. However, she couldn't contain her squeals as he brutally plunged his long thick tongue deep inside her. This wasn't as it had been with Sylvy. It hurt and it hurt so wonderfully. She felt her body responding to the ravaging she was receiving from the invader. She could feel her muscles pulse rhythmically as her tight orifice tried to milk him as instincts demanded despite how brutally he forced his tongue deep to explore her depths. It became too much for her too quickly as she felt his lips meet of her stretched slit and engorged clit. It only took one nibble at her nub while his tongue was still trying to force itself deeper, and she lost all control. She couldn't stand it any longer. She couldn't lay still for him. Instead, she grasped his head with both hands and began to grind herself into his snout. She knew she was out of control and didn't care as she felt her muscles contract on his wonderful tongue. She continued to grind against his snout as she squealed in delight and pleasure. She struggled to open her eyes. She wanted to see his tongue stuck deep inside of her. However, she was rewarded with a sight worth watching. She could see him trying to catch her juices as it squirted around his tongue and into his gaping mouth. She didn't even bother to restrain her groans of pleasure that escaped her lips every time her muscles would pulse and spew forth another thin stream of her nectar. She was still panting heavy to catch her breath when his tongue finally slid free of her gripping muscles.

Rose was finally able to lay back and relax in the warmth her ecstasy brought. She heard him talking but she paid no attention. Her whole body seemed limp as he resumed what she thought was his cleaning of her. His attention to her tight and tender tail hole sent lightning bolts up her spine. It felt nice as he... Her mind seemed to shatter as he rammed what felt like his whole tongue into her tight tail hole. This time she didn't squeal in delight. This time it was nearly screams of alarm as his invading tongue tore he poor hole apart. She didn't buck and thrash in pleasure. She withered and bucked in fear and pain. She tried to push his head away but he wrapped his strong arms around her hips and pulled her back on to that huge tongue. She nearly cried as he continued to push and wriggle his thick tongue into her depths. By the time, she was convinced he was going to tear her he had withdrawn. She found a moment to breath deep to catch her breath. She saw him grin with pleasure while he stared at her tail hole. It was only then she felt her tail hole muscles were still twitching painfully. She didn't even attempt to stifle her cries as he unexpectedly plunged his tongue back into her depths of her tail hole mercilessly. Then he withdrew once again. She didn't know how long he had that cursed tongue wedged in her forbidden tight passage but she tried to catch her breath quickly. However, her reprise was too short. She cried out and was nearly as shocked that she had once again arched her back and bucked her hips, as she was to find he had plunged that thing back into her abused tail hole. It was a struggle to form coherent thoughts as his pace quickened. She didn't even realize she had quit screaming in agony. She didn't realize she once again grasped his head in her hands. She couldn't recall when she had stopped trying to push him away. However, she realized she was now trying to hold that tongue deep in her sore tail hole. Without warning, her vision left her, as her whole body seemed to convulse in what she was sure was a seizure. It was impossible for her to force her eyes open as he body betrayed her. She couldn't breathe. She feared her guts were twisted in knots, as her body seemed to cramp up. She didn't know how long it lasted, before she finally regained enough control to take a breath or open her eyes. Nevertheless, she was amazed at the amount of her juices that sprayed from her slit into his gaping mouth. She could see him pulling on his tongue and she didn't know how to let go of him. It was as if she was numb from the waist down... but it still felt... wonderful. She barely noticed her own hands were teasing her sore nipples, but she didn't care. She almost felt disappointed when his tongue began to slide from her destroyed tail hole. It left her feeling so empty. She watched as he worked his tongue back into his mouth while she continued to squirt more nectar across his muzzle occasionally. She was relieved and somehow disappointed when she saw him stand. She couldn't imagine taking any more abuse from that tongue but she knew she wouldn't have the strength or will to resist it. She almost wished he would lean back down to continue one more time. Nevertheless, she couldn't decide what he was doing either. He seemed to stand there working his tongue in his mouth as if she had hurt him. That thought sent her hand to explore herself to make sure she hadn't been injured as well. She nearly gasped when she discovered her tail hole was still gaping. She slipped two fingers inside her open hole, but failed to repress a wince for the pain. It wasn't a sharp pain but she was rather tender to say the least. However, she was still nervous as she examined her fingers and was pleased to find there was no blood. She was not injured and she felt... wonderful despite how sore her holes felt.

Rose still didn't understand why he still stood there as if frozen. However, as she examined him, she noticed the bulge in his britches was accompanied by a rather large wet stain. She didn't know why but she wanted to taste him. She had to taste him. She watched him closely as she slid from the strange table to the floor in front of him. He didn't even seem to notice her, until she slipped her small hand around his captive meat. "I can help you with this," Rose offered as she looked up into his eyes.

"I... I..." Carl stammered as he wondered how long he had already taken. The owner of this specimen would become worried soon.

"I can fix it... make it feel better," Rose promised as she began to unfasten his trousers, which nearly fell open once she was done. She continued to pull his britches and small clothes to the floor and off his tail, while she watched the rest of his captive meat slide from its hiding place from within his body while it continued to drip. She moved her muzzle underneath him so he would drip on her nose and face, which was now quite wet. She began to use her small tongue to lick it off her nose to keep it from dropping to the floor while she held his gaze. "That is if it would please you," she added with a pout before she ran her little tongue from the slight bulge at the base of his shaft to the pointy tip where she kissed its leaking end gently.

"For the love of Petra, yes please yes, I am begging you," Carl replied as he nearly cried for release.


Sylvy had noticed the way the two docs had eyed her pretty pet and had began to wonder if they were looking at her the same way she and her brother had. However, what doubt she had, didn't remain long as they nearly drooled over the sight of her small slit and pink tail hole as Rose flicked her tail up. She would never admit it to anyone but it did excite her as well. "Well, let's see what you have in stock," she suggested as she watched Carl begin to lead Rose to one of the examination rooms. She nearly laughed as she thought she detected a slight bulge in his britches, which hadn't been present previously as he turned to hold the door open to Rose.

"I have plenty in the back," Clarisse declared as he took the girls hand. She was sure her husband would waste no time and she would make sure the owner was rather distracted.

Sylvy followed Clarisse to the back of the store reluctantly. She looked at the choices of clothing as they were presented to her, but failed to listen to the woman's words. She couldn't. Her thoughts were of Rose as she listened to her muffled squeals of delight from the distant examination room. Her tail seemed to twitch and writher of its own accord as her sex became moist. However, it was what she was sure was Rose's screams that caused her to worry. She didn't know these people. What was he doing to her? "I would like to see how these look on her," she declared as she chose a few items at random and began to make her way to the examining room. However, she was intercepted by Clarisse.

"Let him finish his exam first. Your pet could become agitated if interrupted," Clarisse protested nervously.

"Rose is a good girl. She will not mind if I watch," Sylvy replied with frustration. However, she was nearly as frustrated with her choice of words as she was at being intercepted. However, she realized Rose's screams had stopped.

"It sounds as if the exam is nearly over," Clarisse tried to reassure.

"One way or another, it does," Sylvy agreed before she pushed the woman aside. She was even more concerned now that the room seemed silent. However, she found herself hesitating at the door to the exam room. She took a deep breath before she opened the door.

"Carl!" Clarisse exclaimed with faked shock.

Sylvy didn't even attempt to hide her smile of approval as she took in the sight before her. Rose had the man's meat buried to the root down her throat, until she had interrupted. Of course, her rude interruption had startled Carl who withdrew with surprise, embarrassment, and shame written on his face. "Rose?" she questioned as she recognized that Rose was just as embarrassed or ashamed. She couldn't decide which. "Is that man giving you a treat?" she added with a grin and she was rewarded with a smile from her wonderful pet. "Well, go ahead and collect your treat like a good girl, but do not take too long. You need to try some clothes on when you are done," she encouraged and was delighted when Rose buried her face onto Carl's meat once again. She watched as Rose began to bob her head up and down his thick meat and was amazed she could fit it in her small mouth. She found herself wondering how much was making its way down her tight passage. She couldn't resist stepping closer for a better view. She could swear she could see her throat expand slightly as his meat stretched her small throat. "Give it to her real good," she instructed with a frown for the fool man who still stood there in shock.

"You heard her. You get busy fucking that tight throat or I will see that you have some real motivation," Clarisse instructed as she stepped over to massage Rose's sensitive ears for her pleasure as only her experienced and expert hands could.

Carl had nearly lost control of his bowels at being caught with his member wedged deep down her pet's throat. It took him quite some time for him to realize the owner actually approved. However, once he did it added a new thrill to his act of depravity. He grabbed her head in both hands and began to thrust savagely into her mouth and she took it better than his mate could have. He pushed in until his glands stretched her mouth tight, but not for long. He didn't want to finish quite yet. He pulled out until his tip rested on her lips and thrust back to his root once again. He was thrusting as fast and hard as he ever had. However, he realized his mate was determined to motivate him, as she loved to do when she seized the owner's tail and began to lick its end. He nearly panicked as she began to run her mouth down the young girl's long tail. He knew what was to come next. He longed for it as much as he dreaded it.

Sylvy had stepped even closer to massage Rose's ears as she observed Clarisse doing. She realized how much Rose liked it as she moaned and shuddered. However, it was the man's meat slamming in and out of Rose's throat, which held her attention. She barely noticed Clarisse had grabbed her tail until she felt the dampness from Clarisse's tongue on the tip of her tail. She was spell bound as she watched Clarisse mimic Carl's thrusts as she thrust her tail into her mouth.

"Please bring your tail around this way," Clarisse instructed as she released the owner's tail and grabbed her husband's. She looked into his eyes and dared him to deny her, before he bent over slightly and raised his tail for her.

Sylvy didn't understand why but she complied with the woman's request. However, she was nearly horrified as the man bent and raised his tail while he continued to pound his meat into Rose's small muzzle. Nevertheless, she just watched in amazement as the woman took her tail in hand and lined it up to his tail hole. Then without warning, she thrust it deep into his bowels. Sylvy was stunned as she watched the woman piston the end of her tail in and out of the man, who was grunting loudly with every thrust. She didn't even realize this could stimulate a male but it did. She could tell it was having its desired effect as he began to thrust into Rose's mouth with renewed vigor. She didn't even notice when the woman had released her tail or when she had begun the thrusting on her own. However, she seemed obsessed to drive more and more into him as she began to work her tail frantically. She could swear the man was nearly in tears as she stretched him farther and farther. Her attention was drawn back to Rose who began to moan and whimper once again. For the first time, she noticed Clarisse's tail was tucked between Rose's legs. She wished she could see it being worked in and out of her tight slit... or was it in her even tighter tail hole. "Aaauughh, aaauuughhh," Sylvy wailed as her body betrayed her. She felt her juices squirting on her fingers, which had at some point, found their way to her own slit. However, her attention to her own sex was shattered as Carl began to grunt. However, his grunts changed rapidly until it was nearly a scream of agony. She thought she had injured him. Her tail was thrust to an impossible depth in his tail hole. She nearly panicked at the thought of losing control during her climax and hurting him, but the sounds of his continued grunts, which was followed by Rose's loud swallows and quiet moans of her own told her all she needed to know. The man barely moved at all, as tears ran from his eyes and Rose continued to nurse on his meat. Sylvy let out a sigh as her tale slid from the poor man's now gaping tail hole. Hell, she could nearly put her whole hand in him. Then she noticed something else. She could see his hole twitch with every moan when Rose swallowed him.

"I think you have had enough little girl," Clarisse declared as she pulled Rose off her husband's shriveling meat. She knew he would be rather tender and sore from that on both sides and she smiled with satisfaction. However, she also knew he wouldn't be worth a shit for the rest of the day, but it was worth it. He would make this up to her... one way or another. "Come on, let me get you cleaned up while he tries to recuperate," she urged as she licked some of his seed off the gorgeous pet's chin. She was rather disappointed at how little the girl had let escape her lips. There was hardly any of her husband's seed to lick up. That girl had done exceptionally well to swallow as much as she had. This girl had skill.

"I... I think I would like to bring in my other pet soon as I can afford it," Sylvy declared with a grin for the idea that formed in her head.

"You have another as gorgeous as this wonderful girl," Clarisse questioned in disbelief.

"Yes and no. He is gorgeous in his own way," Sylvy teased with a grin.

"Equine?" Clarisse nearly begged.

"Unaltered male... Canis," Sylvy teased, but was troubled by the woman's obvious disappointment. "He is the largest I have ever seen," she added quickly.

"Big as in..." Clarisse asked for clarification.

"Big as in... he stands at least a head taller than your husband and he is proportionate in every way," Sylvy boasted with a grin.

"Oh, that may be interesting," Clarisse, replied as she continued to clean Rose.