LiM Ch4: Love and War 101

Story by Shinkada on SoFurry

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If you don't like guys, girls, furres, sex or love, violence (Not in yiff) or if you're too young (18, 21 in some places, just ask the police "Hey, am I allowed to read sexy bisexual furre stories on the net?") or any of that, CLOSE TEH WINDOW NOWS! All characters are copyright me, Shinkada, and are used with my permission, with the exception of Coda, who is copyrighted to Coro, and used with his permission, and Venter, who is copyrighted to Max, and likewise used with his permission. This story is a bit mushy at times, so if you don't want lurve, buzz off. Anyone who bugs me "OMG MORE YIFF PLOX" will get castrated by Okhami himself. I put in enough of it already to get you off AT LEAST once per every few chapters. If you're still not satisfied take a cold shower. ***'s represent a change of scenery or time. ---'s represent a non-critical yiff scene, fan service to shut up the wailing masses. Please, sit back, relax, and enjoy the story without whining about it. It's a good story. I like it. A sidenote; if you'd like to write a story set in the same universe as this, by all means, feel free. As long as you give me credit for it, as long as you inform me that you're going to do it via e-mail ([email protected]), and as long as you don't try and mess with my, Coro's, or Max's character/s, I don't mind. In fact if someone good writes a story I'd be quite honoured. Just make sure you tell me first, and don't mess anything up. I'll be making a few 'Gaiden' chapters myself, little off-branches in the story, perhaps mini-sections in between bits of the main storyline of unrelated furres and their stories. I've already got a few in mind, but I want to really get the main storyline set up before I do that. The gaidens will mostly be fap material, or sad little tragic bits that I wouldn't be able to do with Okhami himself due to certain complications that happen to the characters of said gaidens (Sickness, depression, personalities, death), so if you need some quick relief, it's best to just skip to a gaiden. They won't have any spoilers, so feel free to just skip to them, or if they're not your think, skip them entirely. (Note: The next chapter will be a Gaiden. CLIFFHANGER'D!) (Note2: I decided to submit this, Chapter 4, early, due to the lateness of Chapter 3. Be thankful, whelps.) -Shinkada * * *


  • * * ***CHAPTER 4: Love and War 101*** February 5th, 6am. I woke more calmly this time. Not to say I wasn't still denying my dreams, but I was half getting used to them. It had been 11 days since the first dream of Coda, and I really mean first, I'd dreamt about him almost non-stop since I met him. I wasn't so much repulsed; I didn't care if someone was gay. I just knew that I wasn't. Although this particular morning did give me a fair haul to think about. I slowly opened my eyes to see one thing; Coda's fluffy face. As my senses returned after sleep, I felt him on me. His warm body was straddling mine, his eyes were closed, and he was mere inches away from kissing me. I wanted to stop him, I wanted to just reach up and shove him off my bed for kissing me without asking. But I couldn't. I was completely paralyzed, rendered unable to move at all by the look of the pup above me, the feel of his body against mine, and most of all, the feel of his arousal, pressing against my own. The fact that I was aroused at all made me whimper a bit too loud. Coda's eyes flashed open instantly. A blush spread rapidly through his cheeks, turning him near-pink even with the fur, before he quickly rolled off my bed and onto the floor, quickly spinning around to sit up. I could see tears forming in his eyes, and I instantly felt sorry for him. Regardless of what he did, it was obvious the pup was head over heels for me; thismorning had only enforced that. "I... Wasn't... I didn't... I just... Tripped! And... I'm so sorry!" he stumbled to get out, trying desperately to cover for himself. The noise of Coda's protests were enough to wake up Ash, who had rolled over to look down at us. "You'd think you two could at least sleep quietly?" he said, more than asked, as his eyes moved between us. Coda was about to talk, but I interrupted. "Coda just tripped over and woke me up," I said before turning to Coda. "It's okay man, not a big deal. Relax." Coda just stared at me, his blush remaining heavy. Ash blinked slowly, before shrugging and turning over in his bed. 'I really hope he doesn't expect me to buy that,' he thought to himself, chuckling softly before closing his eyes; only for a split second though, as the 6am alarm sounded, and a booming voice began over the loudspeakers. "Rise and shine, maggots! Time for the first class of the year!" before shutting out quickly. A collective groan escaped the entire male (and probably the female) dorms, as we all got up and got ready for our first class. *** We'd already applied for our classes, shortly after orientation. Supply for certain classes were high, so it was best to get in early; thanks to this, we'd all gotten exactly what we planned for. Mondays were Survival classes, which we all ended up having together. Me and Ash joked a bit on the way to one of the training halls, looking over the campus. Ends up there were more buildings than I had originally thought. There were a bunch of training halls underground, so many that the entire space under the campus was almost 100% training space. My mind returned to mum again, how much she must have paid for all this. I broke out of my trance with a jolt as I felt Coda lean against me. He only did it a little, more just walking beside me, but I could feel him against my side. I looked out from the corner of my eyes with a glare; I didn't want to be harsh, but I also didn't want him to think I was interested in him in return. He instantly lowered his head and moved aside a bit, and I returned to joking with Ash. Coda never said a word the whole trip. We finally got downstairs and into the hall at 6:15, just on time. Everyone was scattered. Messy hair, messy clothes, and messy formation, everyone was just in their own little dorm groups chatting amongst each other. I must have seen one of almost every type of furre there; I think I even spotted a dragon girl. And, I noted, I'd originally thought that there wouldn't be many attractive femmes, being a military school and all. I was right. There were a LOT of VERY beautiful girls. Both me and Ash were staring wide-eyed and slack-jawed, Ash's glasses slipping down. These were the pick of the litter, in a military school? "ATTEN-TION!" a voice yelled, and instantly everyone shut up and looked to the source. In front of us was a young woman, early 30s at the most, wearing a typical female soldier's uniform. She looked more like someone out of a porn mag to me, her hat was lop-sided, large belt also lop-sided, loose forest camo tank top (That, may I add, left almost nothing of her D cup to the imagination), and baggy forest camo pants. She was a wolf, and had that level of slyness right off the bat that only wolves and rodents can achieve. Her, alone, rekindled my argument with myself of not liking guys. She was, on one sight, an obvious tomboy, as if her typical military female, rough voice didn't make that obvious enough. "I said, ATTEN-TION, worms! When I say that, that means you get into formation, you stand straight, and you salute me as your obvious superior!" Another instant reaction as everyone rushed to get into a line, standing perfectly straight, and staring out ahead as they saluted. I, however, have always been an observer; waiting until everyone was already shoved out of the way and in-line was usually the easiest way to work, so just after everyone was lined up, I quickly ran to one end of the line and stood straight, saluting; the Captain watched me the whole way, and quickly strut over to me. "You... You're the one the General made an example of. And here you are again. 30 pushups," she said, looking down on me. I raised a brow and almost broke my salute. "Keh? Why?" I asked, genuinely confused. With no hesitation, she kicked me in the gut; not enough to really hurt but enough to wind me; and darted behind me, grabbing one arm and twisting it back, before forcing me to the ground. It hurt, but as far as I was concerned, having her body against my back was a pretty big upside. "I know your type. You think you can outsmart everyone by being calm, cool and collected. By sitting back until the opportune moment then pouncing on it. That's not how the military works. You do the same work as everyone else. When I tell you to get into a line, you do it as fast as you can, you don't wait. Now give me 30," she said, smirking. Half of the rest of the class was grinning, watching from the side of their eyes. Now, I was pretty damn fit then. Not buff or anything, but fit. Pushups were nothing. But with only one arm and the Captain leaning a fair bit of weight onto my back, they were not easy. I finally finished and half collapsed, panting loudly. The Captain grinned and, as she got up, licked one side of my neck, so the others wouldn't see. My eyes widened a bit as I felt her hot tongue over my fur and skin, and her breath cooling where she'd licked. I pauses a moment, both collecting my breath and letting the arousal cool down, before I stood up and went back into salute. "I hope you all learnt something, class," she said. I rolled my eyes at once again being used as an example. "Now... My name's Kitsu Rabame, although you'll be referring to me as Captain Kit, or you might just lose your offspring like Okhami here." More muffled giggles and grins, and another annoyed huff from me. The guys outnumbered the girls pretty badly, and if this demoralizing continued, I'd never get a lay in here. Kit caught my huff again and grinned widely; I could hear the chuckles already. "More protests, maggotboy? Get out here," she commanded, pointing beside her. I groaned to myself and jogged out beside her, standing, facing her, saluting still. "Now, Survival classes are just that; Survival. Even an Intel Officer needs basic Survival abilities, just in case they're sent on a mission to accompany a crew and are seperated, or if someone attacks you. Assassinations are attempted on major intel officers, even in their own office," she finished, and to proove her point, spun and aimed a kick at my gut. Having been facing her, I was just a bit too quick and stepped back, avoiding her boot. The group almost couldn't contain themselves at the Captain having been bested. Growling a little, Kit took a step forward and feigned a kick, before spinning around again and kicking out again. I was fooled by the first, and only just blocked her second kick, grabbing it in one paw and spinning around to counter her. I almost fainted when I felt it impact into her gut; I actually hit the Captain? I grinned, picking up the opportunity, and pounced onto her fallen form, about to draw my claws and put them to her neck to claim victory, before I felt something press between my legs. Grinning widely, the Captain had the barrel of a handgun pushed between my legs, finger on the trigger and on the verge of pulling it back. My eyes went wide, and I whimpered, frozen in my place. The class was howling in laughter by now. "And sometimes, you'll even have to beat someone with a weapon, when you're unarmed..," she said, pushing the gun a little harder. In a movement I couldn't even trace, she brought the gun up and slammed it over my face from the side, knocking me off her, before spinning around to get up and pointing the gun at my head. The group stopped laughing instantly as she fired the gun, and I blacked out. *** I woke up to a dark blue ceiling. My vision was blurry. What happened? All's I remembered was the sound of the gun, then... Nothing. I slowly sat up, looking at my surroundings, and spotted Captain Kit grinning at me from a chair at a desk. "Finally awake huh? You took your time," she said softly in that sly voice, spinning around to push off her desk, her chair rolling over to rest just in front of the bed I was on. "You passed out when I fired a shot next to your head. Been out since class, a few hours ago. It's about 7pm now." I sighed and rubbed my head a bit, before straighting my hair a little, yawning a bit. She laughed softly, sitting back and smirking over at me. "Sorry about using you as an example again. But you do make a good typical ratbag military student." "Eh. It's no issue I guess. I think I lost most chances with girls after being declared infertile by Grant." Kit laughed at this, but quickly straightened up and raised her eyebrows at me. "Whoah, wait, what? You know his name?" she asked, obviously shocked. "Um... Yeah, is it that big of a deal?" I asked back, looking over at her; it took every ounce of strength I had to not stare into her obvious cleavage. "Well, yeah. Grant only gives his name out to those he REALLY respects. Most Captains don't even know it." --- I shrugged a little and went to get up. "I'd better get back to my dorm, anyhow. My dormmates are probably wandering where I-", but I was interrupted by Kit's paws on my shoulders, pushing me back down. My eyes almost fell out of my head as I felt her furry form straddle mine, taking on that wolfish grin again as she leant over me, her face incredibly close to mine. I could smell her breath, I could feel it, and it all just did even more to tent my pants. "Not so fast, pup. I do feel a little bad for making an example out of you... Since you'll probably have trouble picking up now, how about I repay you eye-for-an-eye?" she said softly, voice raspy, seductive, winking at me. I could barely believe what she was saying. But the feel of her against me gave me no objections. I only just managed to wipe the shocked look off my face, and grin confidently, although in my stomach I could feel the butterflies spazzing out. Slowly, oh-so-slowly, those thin wolf lips descended on my own, pressing a soft kiss to me. I wasted no time in returning her kiss, both of us closing our eyes as she leant against me, paws moving from my shoulders down to my waist, holding my form to hers. It was a pretty romantic moment considering the lust of the whole thing. "Why...?" was all I could muster, panting softly as I closed my eyes; only to instantly open them again. 'Crap..,' I thought to myself. "Well," Kit began as I felt soft paws delicately undoing my pants. "Every year I pick out the cutest recruits of the group, and claim 'em. The other Captains are all stiffs, so it gets pretty physically lonely for both me and students. So I do this," she finished as she, playfully violently, sat up a bit to tug off my pants and leave me in my (tented) boxers, murring at the sight. "Even Captains need affection, Recruit... I'm no exception. If you think just 'cus I'm a high rank I'm emotionless, then you've got something to learn. And it looks like you've got plenty of affection to give," she finished with a wide grin as she looked down at my crotch. I closed my eyes for a brief second, trying to hide the blush from my cheeks, but instantly opened them when that image came back, only to be met with the far wall. Just as I looked down, the hot, wet, soft lips of the wolfess below me closed around about half of my shaft, electing a reflexive, relatively soft howl and moan from me; I bit my lip in a struggle to keep my eyes open. Kit murred around my shaft as my head blurred from the sensations, having to lean back on my palms to keep balance, and just in time, as that long, wide tongue ran across my underside I knew I would have almost fallen over. Slowly, her lips sealed around my width as she began to suck gently, her eyes gradually closing as she went just a bit further down. I felt my tip entering her throat as she took in my last few inches. The feeling was unreal, I'd never been with a girl who could throat before, and the tightness of her throat, combined with her tongue, the suction of her lips, the soft vibrations brought on from her murr, was indescribable. As Kit began to slide back, another groan escaped my lips as I fought all the harder to keep my eyes open. Gradually speeding up, it was only a few minutes before Kit was practically jerking me off with her lips. Only a moment later, I felt the welling up along my length, and the building of my arousal even more. "Kit..," I whispered. "I... Can't hold it any longer..." She merely replied with a soft giggle, something I didn't expect from someone as tomboyish as her, before stopping over just an inch or so of my rod and concentrating, as one paw moved slowly and wrapped around my knot, eliciting another moan from me. Finally it was all too much, and all's I felt was my back, instinctively arching, as my seed spilled into her lips. I heard a content murr; I'm not sure whether it was her, me, or both of us; my head was in the clouds right then. By the time I came down and collapsed onto the bed, panting, Kit was up beside me, running a paw through my thick hair and smiling coyly. After a few minutes, of just laying there, Kit spoke up. "So, how about it, husky boy? Wanna take me as a mate for the year?" she asked as she playfully ran a single digit over my chest in random patterns. I closed my eyes by impulse and instantly opened them again. I hated to have to do this, but I knew I couldn't. Not until I had some issues settled. "Sorry Kit... I just can't." She looked a little sad, then perked up again. "Plenty more recruits out there! Shame to let a cutie like you go. Especially after just taking it and leaving like that," she said with a grin. I grinned right back, and pushed her onto her back, eliciting a surprised murfle from her. "Who said I wasn't going to give back before I go?" I asked as I slid down her body, removing her clothes as I went. ---*** It was late into the night by the time I walked back to the dorms. The events of the night were racing through my mind. 'I missed the first Survival class; that was important. Although I got a pretty good headjob out of it... Although that was kind of dulled down by...' I sighed a bit. I couldn't believe this was happening. 'Mental images of that damn Coda are ruining my sex life! Kit's beautiful, funny, and she's a CAPTAIN! Talk about instant grades! But...' I sighed again. The feel of Kit's furry body only reminded me of the dream of Coda. 'I have to deal with this, and I have to deal with it soon.' I was met with an inquisitive look by Coda, and a sly elbow in the side by Ash. "You just don't stop with the authority types, do you huskyboy?" Coda blinked a moment, before understanding what he meant and downcasting his view. I simply smirked and shrugged, grabbing a piece of pizza and chucking it into the microwave. We talked about class for a while, before I grabbed my pizza and my Helix, booted it up and jumped onto my bed. *** I woke up after another dream of Coda to the sound of the military alarm. "Wake up! Time for class 2 of the year you little bastards! Rise and shine!" I woke just in time to see Coda nervously readjusting his blankets, and let out a small chuckle. He really wasn't very good at hiding anything, let alone his self-love schedule. Today was Basic Blade Skills for me, some class about technology operation for Coda, and Advanced Survival Training for Ash. We wished each other luck, then parted ways. I was slightly late for blade classes. Everyone was already in formation when I came running down the stairs, hurriedly jumping at the end of the line and saluting straight out. The teacher shook his head when he saw me; Captain Drake. "My, my. You're really putting yourself out there, aren't you, Husky? I heard about your little nap in Survival class." The group all smirked. "I'll wave it off. This time. I think you've been made example of enough this week. But don't do it again, or I won't be so nice." I smiled slightly; Drake was a decent Captain alright. 'Good thing I have a good teacher for my main class,' I thought to myself. Since Grant and Kit had covered the basics of the RGMA, the class got right into training. We were each given our own Training Blade, which was basically a longsword made of a very watered down energy that, instead of severing limbs and metals as the real blades did, all's they did was burn a little bit; just enough to be concentrated enough to be able to parry other blades. And, of course, enough to sting enough to teach you not to lose again. The energy, in theory, was and is similar to the Star Wars ideas. Concentrated energy is filtered through a glasslike material in the hilt. The main difference between these energy swords and Light Sabers, is that there is a line of the same glasslike material that emerges from the hilt; it's sharpened, so that if the material is somehow damaged, it can still be used as a blade, if not enough to get through armour. This glass-like material, which I later found to be a modified mercury called Energy Mercury; although it was just called mercury for short, since it had replaced the original. This mercury blade also serves to redirect the energies into different shapes, and help keep it concentrated. The blades are activated by a small panel on one side that reads the fingerprint of the user. If it's not the hand of the user, the sword lets out a small burst of energy, effectively blowing off the hand of anyone who attempts to use it other than the original wielder. There were a few complaints about the shape and strength; a lot of people wanted axes or lances. "Too bad. If you're in Advanced Blade Skills then you get your own saber. 'till then, you get a training blade." I prooved, thankfully, to be a natural. Training in my past served to give me an edge over the other beginners, and it was unanimously, if silently, decided that I was the top student. When my head started to get pumped with my ego, Drake decided to step in. "You're pretty good at this, Okhami. But don't let it get to you..," Drake almost whispered as he drew his own training blade. It was just like all the others. 'Showing off? Or just demonstrating some advanced moves? Hm...' Either way, I grinned widely and turned to Drake from the last opponent I'd seared, spinning the blade fluidly. Drake wasted no time in lunging, thrusting his blade directly at my chest. I countered by rolling to the side, and as I came out of the roll, slashed diagnally upwards. The blade met nothing but air. Going on my reflexes, I dived forward, narrowly dodging the slash aimed at my back, rolling before spinning around to stand and face Drake again. He smiled at me, walking forward with one hand behind his back in a fencing style. He suddenly lunged; this time, knowing he wouldn't fall for the same trick, I knocked his saber out of the way with as much force as I could. Unfortunately Drake seemed to have anticipated this. He did a full spin, using the momentum from my deflect in aiming another slash at me. I jumped back just in time, feeling the heat from the tip of the blade arcing acrosss my chest. I jumped up, using the powerful legs that come naturally to wolf types, and slashed down at Drake; he blocked it easily, but I continued with the force, trying to push his own saber down on him. Unfortunately Drake was both stronger, and had a stronger position, and threw my sword to the side with his own and slashed at me again. This time I dodged to the side, using my blade to parry as fast as I could and knock his sword back so it just grazed me. Working on reflex, I spun around and kicked Drake, hard, in the back, knocking him further off balance before swinging up and at his back. I felt the blade impact and sighed deeply. Unfortunately, it was with his own blade. In a movement my eyes couldn't even follow, Drake was back up and guarding with that sly grin of his. "Good! Excellent!" he said as he pulled back, hilting his sword. I hilted my own, realizing how tired I was and fell to a sitting position, panting badly. "Some fights will be skill. But this is war, not a duel, and if you're sly, you can win a fight against someone much better than you, with a few little tricks. Kicking in a sword fight isn't exactly an original tactic, but it's the kind of response I was hoping for. Throwing sand in your opponent's eyes, throwing your blade, or even aiming at his hands in an attempt to damage the mercury energy filter in the hilt. All techniques that could, if used right, save your ass; or if used wrong could get it busted. Along with sword fighting, you'll be learning techniques like these with me." Training went on for another hour or two before we finally ended. I'd been kicked more than a few times, and one kid even tried to throw some sand in my eyes, although it didn't work too well since his intentions were so obvious. I'd seen my own improvement over the class, and I think Drake had too judging by a thumbs up he gave me. I had about an hour to rest before my other class of Tuesdays, Sniper Skills. Me, Ash and Coda met back up, grabbed some food from the cafeteria, then headed off to our classes. *** "Wow. So this is my group for the year? I know I should've resigned." Our teacher for Sniper Skills looked identical to Drake. In fact, his name was also Drake; Lance R. Drake. Presumably a relative. Twins, I later found out. But their personalities couldn't have been different. While James Drake (Drake, as I call him) was mischevious, jokey, sly and, quite frankly, a bit of a prankster, Lance Drake (Lance) was a real hard ass. His voice was gruff, he had deep scars on his face, and he had no sense of humour. No emotion in those eyes, unlike Drake. They were, and still are, the most un-identical identical twins I've ever met. Where Drake's criticism was lighthearted, Lance's was serious, demeaning. "Alright you little bastards. I run an effective team here. If you can't cut it, I'll cut you out of the group. So grab a rifle, and let's see what you can do," Lance grunted out. He moved aside, a stack of energy rifles behind him, then a very long stretch, before a number of furre-shaped targets of various species. I grabbed a rifle and got the nearest target line, taking aim. I looked beside me; Ash was gone. "I want a fox one." I recognized the voice and looked behind me, just in time to see a vein pop out of Lance's forehead. "It doesn't matter what shape it is, just get one." "But emotion helps you aim, Sir, and if I hate what I'm shooting at I'll shoot better," Ash calmly finished. "Ash, you moron, get the fuck back here..," I said to myself, hoping badly that he'd give it up. "TAKE YOUR FUCKING TARGET, YOU GOD DAMNED NIGGER," Lance screamed out directly into Ash's face. The cheeks of about half the recruits whitened at the word. I could see that hit a sensitive spot on Ash. Luckily, he knew when to give up, and took a seat beside me. "Ash you idiot. Do that again and I'll shoot you myself. This guy is a nutcase. Don't intimidate him." Ash rolled his eyes and took aim, I did the same. "Alright. See if those tiny digits are enough to pull the triggers, mutts... NOW!" Lance yelled, and each sniper fired a soundless bolt of pure energy; perfect silencing technology had long since been created. Most people hit the target, a few a bit off; I hit around the chest. Ash, however, got a dead-between-the-eyes headshot. I raised my brows and grinned, high-fiving him. "Holy crap man. Remind me to request you guarding my ass if I do a ground mission." Ash simply grinned back and laughed. "Will do." "Well, the nigger thinks he's good, huh?" Lance inquired from behind us; I heard the growl coming from Ash's throat. "Try again. Let's see if you can duplicate the fluke," Lance challenged. Ash instantly turned and took aim again; I was one of few who saw Lance tamper with a dial; I turned just in time to see Ash's shot miss completely. I growled and turned back to Lance; me and Ash talked at the exact same time. "You moved it." Lance raised an eyebrow and scoffed. "That's one hell of a bad excuse. Blaming your crap aim at me. I think you might be the first one I cut unless you shape up." We both glared, but left it at that. We turned back to our targets and resumed training. Ash was a perfect shot. He didn't miss once, and there was only a single hole in his target; a large one in the direct center of the head, larger than a normal shot due to the occasional fraction off-center he was. I didn't miss, although most of my shots were ranging from the chest to the waist, with a few nice headshots. There were some kids who just had no talent at all and missed almost every shot; Lance kept his promise of kicking them out of the class for good, and were told to find different subjects. *** "Fuck man, what a fuckstick." Ash was angry. Very angry. And I didn't blame him; using that word, that was on the verge of being punishable by law, was incredibly insulting. "I can't believe we got a moron like that for Sniper Skills class! We have to have him all year?! What a load of junk!" I simply nodded, letting Ash vent. "Bastard. I swear I'm tempted to just shoot his ass." "I know he's a moron, bro. And let's face it, he really needs a laser up his tight ass. But you need to calm down. He's a fucking psycho, who knows how he'd discipline new recruits." "Yeah, but he's just so damn FRUSTRATING! I know I act like a typical hyena, and I know he doesn't know it's only an act, but not even the typical ones like being called that." I simply nodded as we got out of the elevator. "Ah well. Hey man, about Coda..," Ash began. I looked over. "Yeah?" "Well, you do know he has a huge thing for you right?" Ash asked, looking at me seriously now, using his normal voice. "Yeah. It isn't exactly subtle. He's not too good at hiding things." "Well, you should talk to him about it. Watching him stumble over everything to try and get you to notice him is getting annoying. Are you... Y'know?" I opened the door to our dorm; Coda had one more class tonight, so me and Ash were left to ourselves. I sighed deeply at the question. "I... I don't know. I've..." I hesitated in continuing. "Hey man, I've nothing against gays. And you know I'm a smart guy. Hell, it sounds like we've travelled similar paths. Feel free to express yourself." "Well, I've been having... Dreams, about him. But I don't think I'm that way... I don't want to be that way." "What, gay? Why not?" Ash simply asked, curious as well as confused. "You ain't a homophobe are you?" "No no no. It's just... I don't know. Not me, I guess. I'd never see myself as gay... I don't know." "So we'll find out," Ash finished with a grin. I notched my head to the side, about to ask what he meant, when I felt his lips on mine. My eyes shot wide as the male hyena leant against me, purring a little and showing his feline side, closing his eyes. I wanted to fight it. I wanted to shove him away. But just like when Coda was above me a few mornings ago, about to kiss me, I couldn't. I closed my eyes, murring softly into the kiss. It lasted a long few moments, just a simple kiss on the lips, before we drew back. We stared into each others eyes, in silence, for a long while. "Well. I guess that settles it then!" Ash said with that huge hyena grin. I simply growled back. "But... But I like girls!" I protested, even more confused now; Ash simply shrugged. "So you're bi. What's the big deal? You get to enjoy both," he added with a typical hyena laugh, eliciting a tiny curve at the sides of my lips, although I still sighed. "I never thought I'd like guys before..." "It's not as if it's a big deal. I'm bi too, and I think it's a great way to be. You date whoever you think is cute and you like; I've met people who've said to people, 'If you were the opposite gender, you'd be my ideal guy/girl.' We never have that problem." I sighed again. This was so much to take on; before I felt Ash's lips again. Another sigh came from me, this time in pleasure, as I returned the kiss; this one was short. "And why waste such a good kisser on girls alone?" Ash added with his grin, before cackling and jumping up to get some food. "You don't... Y'know..." I began to question. "Nah man. You're a great guy but you're not my type. No offense if you have a thing for me. I mean, I wouldn't blame you." I just laughed a little as Ash's (obviously feigned) arrogance. "What about Coda, though? You gunna ask him out and end my suffering?" he asked, serious again as he sipped from a cup of vanilla coke. "I... I suppose I will, yeah." Ash just smiled. "Good. I'd hate to be dormed up with a broken roommate." "I'll ask him when he gets back," I said to both Ash and myself, resolving to do it. *** Me and Ash talked for another few hours about various things; family, friends, lovers. Eventually, though, Coda burst through the door, his face blushing heavily, and walked up, as confidently as he could, to me. He took me by the shoulders, staring directly into my eyes, bringing a blush to my face. "Okhami. There's a pizza place a few blocks from the school. I wanna take you there. A date." My eyes widened. Coda was obviously putting absolutely everything he had in doing this; his hands were shaking - his whole body was. "A-... Alright.," I said. 'There. It's done.' Coda swallowed deeply as he fought to keep up the confidence. "This weekend. Saturday. Okay?" I nodded, still a little dumbstruck about the surprising confidence of the pup. He nodded back, pausing for a long moment, before sprinting out of the room. I tried to follow him but was held back by Ash. "He needs some time. You can guess how hard that was for him." I sighed a bit and nodded. 'Well, that's it. I'm... Bi, I guess. I'm going out with a male. My first date with a male. This weekend... It's done...' *** Thursdays was Advanced Blade Skills, which were basically just that; Blade Skills, only Advanced. I was given my own, proper weapon of choice: Two energy swords, both shaped like large scimitars with dark blue energy, although if I was caught with them even activated before I was permitted to use them, I'd be kicked out of the entire RGMA; I wasn't about to tempt that. Fridays was Capoeira, a Brazillian Martial Art that combined dancing with fighting; very fluid, and it dramatically helped my blade abilities. Everything went completely smooth until Saturday, and my date... With Coda. *** "So, he's doing well, hm?" "Yes, sir. He's already defined himself as the top student in blade classes, and he's skilled enough with a sniper rifle." "His weapon?" "Dual swords, sir. An unusual one. Scimitars, to be precise. I'm interested to see how his capoeira will effect his blade skills." "Mm... As am I. And the LiM Project? How's that going?" "It's still largely experimental, sir. We have a survival rate of 63%, and a success rate of 28%." "I see. I don't want to waste this one. Get that survival rate to 100%, and the success rate to at least 40%, before we'll try it on a live one. And do it fast." "The way things are going, that should be achieved in approximately 3 months, sir." "Good, good. We can wait until then. We have plenty of time." "What about the humans, sir?" "They can wait."