Promises Chapter 2

Story by BlazingRebirth on SoFurry

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#2 of Promises

Warning! This story contains violence, acts of rape, and sexual content. Anyone under the age of 18 should not view this story. You've been warned.

Sorry for the delay. I forgot I had typed up the second half.

Painfully Shadow opened his eyes. He gazes around slowly, rubbing the back of his head. All there was to see was darkness. At first the wolf was afraid he had gone blind, but once his eyes adjusted to the dim light he could make out the rough out line of everything.

He was in a cave it seemed. The conclusion came from the stalagmites and stalactite that clung to the floor and ceiling. A faint dripping sound added to the eeriness of the whole scene. A good five feet away Shadow could see a sliver of light forming a rectangle about seven feet tall. He guessed this to be a doorway. Slowly the mascu rose to his feet and went to the promised exit. His deft fingers curled around a rough doorknob and he went to turn. Yet his attempts were futile, the doorway locked.


With a sigh of despair, Shadow turned around and sat. His muscled back rested against the doorway as his hands ran over his face. To pass the time, the male wolf decided to try and recall what had brought him here. It was fuzzy at first but soon it became clear as the purest crystal. He and his friend Mark had been walking around the so called 'haunted gallows' when some one had knocked him out from behind.

Suddenly the creature remembered something. What an idiot he had been. Quickly he pulled down the sleeve over his left arm. There was a beeping sound as he pressed a button and instantly the face of his watch lit up. Only 4:32..a good three and a half hours before the festival. Shadow looked up, using the watch as a dim flashlight. He had to get out of here.

An idea struck this clever being's mind, causing him to rise and turn around. He studied the door for a moment. The wood was rotted and worm lined. A smile formed across the wolf's lips and he backed up a bit. Forcefully he ran into the door, driving his shoulder into the would. There was a crack as the fibers of the barrier split. Again he got some distance then slammed his muscled shoulder into the wood. He was like the ocean battering and old shore cliff. Again and again the wolf tackled the door. The two fought against one another. Yet after a time, Shadow prevailed with a loud, unexpected smash that sent him sprawling forward.

Quickly he rose and dusted himself off. Those vivid green eyes of his studied the hallway that seemed to be carved directly from the earth. The soft padding of his feet could be heard as he slowly walked down the corridor. The tunnel like passage opened up into a large and elegant cavern. The floor was painted with notorious mark of Shikaru, which consisted of three curved lines over lapping on another to form a vortex like triangle. In the center of the room was a raised pedestal was a rather large bulge that was covered in a dark cloth.

Slowly Shadow aproached this crouching figure. His muscles tensed almost instincualy as he trekked forth to the unknown. The air was full with a musky odor, one that left this wolven both anxious and surprisingly aroused. He continued to aproach that creature hidden beneath the cloak. They seemed to be praying silently to themself, bringing their head up and down slowly. Shadow was soon right behind the being. He raised a hand to touch the furson before him but before those deft fingers of his could touch the cloak, the being rose and spun to face him. What he saw brought surprise to Shadow's face.


Clarrise stood before him, the cloak draped over her naked body. Yet something seemed abnormal about her. Her eyes were pitch black and pupiless.

"Clarrise..what's with your eyes?"

Slowly his hand went to touch his beloved sibling's cheek. Yet it was swatted away quickly. Shadow was surprised at the hostility, but before he could speak another word her hand pushed into his chest. Some sort of unseen force spread from her palm into his chest, causing the black wolven to go flying into the air and crashing into the far wall. As he writhed on the ground, nursing his injured head, his sister spoke. But it was not her voice, it was more course, more maniacle.

"Foolish being. Your sister is dead. I have taken over her body as my own. Tonight is the night for vengeance."

Shadow slowly rose. What was Clarrise talking about? Something was wrong, terribly wrong. Yet he began to notice figure flooding out of the shadow. Thirteen of them. They all wore cloaks with the hoods pulled over their faces. Even so, Shadow could recognize some of them by their scents. His math teacher, the bar tender, even Jaun. All of them went to his sister's feet and dropped to their knees, heads touching the floor.

"Still having trouble figuring everything out Shadow. No wait, there's a spark in your mind. The truth is begining to bore into your thick skull. Yes, there you have it. Bright boy. I see why your sister loved you so much."

Shadow growled and slowly staggered to his feet, shaking the stars from his gaze.


A maniacle laugh escaped into the air as the female wolven nodded.

"Exactly. And just think. In but a few hours your whole town will be serving me. And by then end of the week, this whole country. Just imagine it whelp. Soon this whole world will be a basis for the Martonis empire. My bretherin will flock to these lands under my rule. And we shall amass an army to attack the rest of the confederation!"

Those words from the nightmaric martonis caused a loud chorus of chanting from the thirteen worshipers. They all rose to their feet, steel flashing into the air as the group drew out thin rapiers, holding them pointed to Shikaru in respect. The martonis walked down from the pedestal, her cape billowing out behind her.

"I hope you have fun with my pets. I know they will."

And with that the possesed body of Clarrise left the cavern through another door, a resonating boom echoing into the chamber. Shadow watched as the thirteen furs began to approach on him. He had to get out. He had to warn everyone. Yet soon he was met with the grinning face of a wolven. One he did not know. Quickly he struck out, punching the grinning mouth.Yet that one figure was replaced with a dozen others. They swarmed the poor wolf teen, tearing his clothes from him. Shadow tried to fight back but soon found his limbs tied together. Despite his predicament, the male found himself still incredibly aroused. The scent in the air driving him wild.

Suddenly there was an intrusive pain in his tail hole, as a dragon cock piledrived his tight entrance. A scream of pain erupted from Shadow as the thick member stretched his tender flesh. Yet the wolf didn't have time to ponder on this mix of pain and resented pleasure as another long shaft was pushed into his mouth. Despite his humiliating position, Shadow found himself enjoying the whole event greatly. He wrapped his lips around the thick dick in his mouth and began to suck with a gusto. His efforts were rewarded with grunts and moans from above.

What happened next brought even more pleasure and surprise to Shadow. He felt his own throbbing cock enveloped in the soft folds of his teacher's cunney. The warm pussy gripped his cock tightly in a throbbing pattern, causing him to moan and squeeze his ass around that thick dragonhood within him. The pleasure was unexplanable, it replaced what should be pain. It wasn't too long before he moaned and released his seed deep into that lovehole around his wolf meat. Almost as if the other sensed his climax, Shadow was filled in both ends by the invasive shafts and their cum.

The tormented wolf lay on the ground, tears streaking his face. He was unaware of the sudden feeling of emptyness and was more unaware of the screams of pain that filled the room. Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around the wolf and he snapped. The teen struck out powerfully, knocking back his attacker with a snarl.

"Ow! Shadow! Calm down!"

Shadow blinked through his teary eyes. He was no longer surrounded by the cloaked figures. In fact, he couldn't see them close by. Those green eyes of his looked around slowly, seeing all thirteen of the worshippers unconscious on the floor, pools of blood around each unmoving figure. He then looked to the being he had hit, recognizing them as Mark. Despair took over the mind of this raped creature and he went to his friend and cuddled into his arms, shivering, who quickly held Shadow and stroked the back of his head.

"It's allright Shadow...everything's ok."

Through the mists of his pain and humiliation, Shadow remembered what it was that had led to his predicament. When he spoke, his words melted into one.


Mark blinked at the uncomprehensible slur and kept trying to calm his friend. His strokes were soothing and fought back the waves of grief that stuck mercilessly at the wolf's mind. Soon he was calm enough to speak in a more understandable pace.

"Mark..we have to warn everyone. Shikaru is back. He took Clarrise's body. He plans to take over the town at the festival."

"But Shadow...the festival is in half an hour."

Shadow looked at his friend in confusion. That could not be. Had his mind been so fogged that nearly three hours had passed in his rape. It did not matter. Time was short. They had to hurry. Quickly Shadow got to his feet.

"We have to go warn everyone!"

Mark rose also and gently put his hands on his friend's shoulders.

"First we need to get you dressed. Then we need to go get something to Shikaru with. Don't you remember the myth? If Shikaru possesses the town people's minds then the only way to save everyone is to kill him."

Shadow nodded slowly. He stood there silently as his friend retrieved some clothes from one of the knocked out worshippers. The figure of the black furred wolven remained unmoving, even as Mark dressed him, his mind deep in thought. Finally he spoke up.

"We have to go to the bar. Remember the sword case on the wall there? The place will be empty with everyone going to the fesitval. Let's hurry."

Without a word the two dashed out the door that the martonis had left through. They ran up a flight of stone stairs and were met with a trap door. Effortlessly they moved the wooden barrier and found themselves in the back room of the meeting hall. Shadow climbed out first and then turned to help his friend. Once they were both out, they ran off again. Neither of them spoke. The night air was chillingly silent as they dashed to the tavern. The door was locked. Mark reached into his pocket to get out his knife, but before he could complete the task Shadow barreled through the door, causing splinters to fly into the air.

The two teens walked into the deserted bar. Their gazes scanned the wall briefly for the sword case and found it. Inside was but only one sword, a rifle used for the occasional wild beast attacking livestock, and a flintlock handgun that seemed to have not been fired in years. Mark grabbed the rifle and it's case of bullets while Shadow took the sword and the pistol.

Now armed, the two ran out again, their heavy breaths causing their pace to be slower. Already the festival had been going on for quite some time. They feared silently that they were too late. Finally, after what seemed like eternity, the wolf and the fox trodded into the fesitval grounds. Everyone was flocking to the stage were a local rock group was already playing. Slowly the teens made their way through the crowds, trying to reach the stage. Just as the band finished, the body of Shadow's sister walked out onto the stage. The teens were too far to hear the words she spoke clearly, but by the devious grin on her lips they could see her deed was being done. The crowd of now brainwashed furs parted to let more in to hear the words that would possess them into the serveants of this martonis. Yet before any more could get anycloser, Mark and Shadow ran to the stage. Mark jumped up and pointed his gun at Shikaru. The martonis simply growled and backhanded the fox, sending him sprawling across the grass.

"Fools. You can not stop me. Ah the whelp has returned. What? You intend to shoot me? Oh you're mad that I hit your boyfriend aren't you? Not your boyfriend you say? Then how come you love him so much. You know. If you two serve me, you can have eternity together."

Shadow growled. No wonder the martonis were despised. Their ability to read minds was angering. Some things in a fur's mind should remain there. With a roar Shadow gripped the sword, his nuckels turning white.

"Never Shikaru!"

"Then die whelp."

With that the martonis leapt into the air, mouth open to bite. But Shadow swung his sword at the being's exposed underside, causing a deep gash. With a growl of rage the creature backhanded the wolf, making him soar across the fairgrounds until he landed against a car, his sword impaling into the vehicle. Yet again, the teen looked at the world through fuzzy eyes. He watched as the martonis aproached him, gas spitting over the creature from the punctured car. Again and again that being's hand struck Shadow. His yelps of pain filled the air. In a desperate attempt to fight back he lifted the ancient gun at his foe.

"What? Are you going to shoot me? I think you intend to. Wait..."

But Shikaru realized the plan to late. Shadow pointed his gun alongside the stream of petrol. When he pulled the trigger sparks flew into the accelerant, causing it to leap into flames. Almost instantly the martonis was engulfed in flames. It's screams of pain entering the sky then suddenly ending as the being died. The adrenaline left Shadow's veins and he found himself begining to slip. His life was ending. A feeling of cold swept over his body. Yet his gaze caught Mark, running to him. He raised his hand desperately to touch the fox. Soon he found himself in the arms of the other. A cough erupted in his chest, spewing blood forth.


"Shadow. Stay with me. There's an ambulence on the way."



The world was slipping in and out. Shadow gripped the fox's arm desperately.


"What is it Shadow?"


Mark buried his face in the wolve's neck.

"I love you too Shadow...I truly do."

With that Shadow slipped in unconsciousness.

Six months later.

Shadow looked in the mirror. A bright new scar beneath his left eye. He straightened the tie on his tuxedo before examining himself in the mirror. Suddenly two hand covered his eyes, dumping him into darkness.

"Guess who?"

Shadow smiled and pryed the hands from his eyes. He spun around to face his fox lover. Mark stood there smiling and leaned up to kiss his wolf on the lips.

"Almost ready?"

Shadow nodded slowly and straightened his suit again.


Again the two entered into a warm kiss, holding each other tightly. Yet they were interupted by a polite cough.

"Ahem. Gentlemen, the president is ready to present you with your awards."

The two ended the embrace in time to see a smartly dressed coyote walk out of the room. They followed quickly, excited to be presented with such an honor. It wasn't long until they found themselves walking onto stage. They were met with a sea of applause from hundreds of thousands of beings. Shadow and Mark walked over to a pedistal where president stood. He was a muscular and elderly tiger, a smile across his face.

"Ladies and gentlemen. I give you perhaps two of the bravest men I have ever known, misters Shadow and Mark Lunaria. Not that I need to tell you, but these two are responsible for the ridding of Shikaru the Martonis, and thus saved their town, country, world, and galaxy. To them I bestow these awards of merit and a suplimentary check of three trillion credits."

Another roar of approval came from the crowd. First Mark went and recieved his medal, then Shadow. Then the couple was handed the check and shook hands with the president. The strong tiger put his hand on Shadow's shoulder, causing Shadow to look at him. For a second he thought the president's eyes were black and pupiless as he whispered into the wolf's ear. "Good job whelp."