Prom Night

Story by Ghosty on SoFurry

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#1 of One Shots

This is the first of my 'One Shot Stories'.

Sexual content included i...

This is the first of my 'One Shot Stories'.

Sexual content included in the story. This is between two high school seniors aged 17 - 18. You have been warned!


Chris left the busy hall at the centre of his school; even though music was playing and people were dancing and talking with each other, he just wasn't in the mood for it anymore. The senior high school prom was something he had been dreading for months. As had happened for many years at his school prom there was always a rag tag group of guys and girls who arrived together without a date who just sat and wasted most of the evening on different sides of the hall. Chris had hoped he wouldn't be one of them; but fate had other plans for him, he concluded.

He walked through the halls that were still open and took the time to reflect on what had gone wrong with his plan. For weeks he had been asking the most popular girls in school, even the girl of his dreams; Candy Berrick. Even if he was a Red Panda and she was a Skunk it didn't matter, she was just what he had imagined a perfect girl to be like; Beautiful, social, well dressed, intelligent and fun. Her fur was very unusual and brought her a lot of attention; her bright pink fur, white stripes, blonde hair and crystal blue eyes, were more than a match for any males self control before she opened her mouth and let her silky soft voice ring in their ears. It was his sudden and repeated rejection that had crushed him the most.

Chris thought back to the first time he had asked her out; he had stood full of confidence and in front of all her friends in the lunch hall and asked her as kindly and respectfully as he could. The reply of no had crushed him utterly and had left him being a laughing stock among the girls of the senior year for weeks, his repeated attempts only made things worse, before he started asking her friends. The torrent of verbal abuse he had received was so unbearable that he just gave up asking. It wasn't that he was bad looking, far from it; he just didn't hang out with the right people or get involved with the right crowds.

His aimless wandering around the school had brought him to the second floor balcony; he was still warm from being in the main hall and decided the fresh air might cool him off as well as calm him down. As he stepped outside he leaned over the railings and looked down at the front of the school. He saw dozens of other seniors standing around and chatting or making out with their dates. "So much for that idea." he grumbled quietly to himself. In spite of everything he did have to admit that it was a beautiful night, so he turned his head skywards and watched the few clouds roll by as the stars slowly began to light the night sky.

"Everything alright?" a quiet female voice came from the door way. Chris turned around to see a very surprising sight; Vanessa Mai, another Red Panda from his class stood there resting her paw on the door frame with a look of concern on her face. Chris looked at her for a long moment and was completely stunned at the sight of her, unable to believe that this was a girl he had known for the last few years. Normally she had her long black hair down, covering most of her face along with her glasses and wore thick baggy sweaters and baggy jeans. He was sure he was looking at another person now; she was wearing a long, low-backed, bright red dress that complimented the brown-red and black of the majority of her fur perfectly, while her nearly all black arms gave the impression she was wearing gloves to contrast with her dress. Her hair had also been tied back into a Chinese style bun tied with a red ribbon that matched her dress and finished with two black pins with gold Chinese writing in them. "I said; is everything alright?" She asked again

Chris snapped out of his staring and replied. "Uh yeah, just fine. I needed some air, that's all."

The beautiful young female gave him a curious smile. "Awful long way to come just for some air isn't it? You could have just gone out the main door."

Chris shook his head. "Nah, I don't think I want to be in the crowd down there."

Vanessa joined him on the balcony and looked down. "I see your point. Won't your date be missing you though?"

Chris tried to hold back a mocking laugh, but just snorted instead. "Date? I wish. I've been the laughing stock of all the girls in our year for weeks now. If I didn't know better I'd think you were here to insult me some more." She gave him a stern but sympathetic stare then turned back to look down at everyone below. Chris knew he had put his foot in it already by suggesting that she was there to maliciously tease him, when the truth was; he didn't know why she was up on the balcony with him at all. "Um Vanessa." He began as she slowly looked back to him. "Why are you up here?"

Vanessa tilted her head a little and smiled. "Would you like the truth or an insult?" She said quickly, trying to stifle her own building giggle.

Chris felt his shoulders sink. "I'm sorry; I shouldn't have said that before."

"No you shouldn't." Vanessa said firmly, but then raised a paw and softly stroked his cheek. "But at least you apologized." Chris smiled back but wasn't really sure what to do; he had, had two girlfriends in his time at school but they hadn't lasted more than a few months each. He just wasn't sure how to react to the beautiful, but usually quiet and hidden young female that now stood before him. She lowered her paw and leaned against the railings. "I actually followed you up here."

Chris looked confused. "Why would you do that?"

"I saw you down stairs looking pretty grim and bored, then when I saw you didn't go for the main door I thought I'd see what you were up to." Vanessa paused for a moment and giggled. "I guess you could say I'm glad you're not playing a prank in the locker rooms."

Chris chuckled. "That's hardly what I would do."

Vanessa smiled and patted his shoulder. "I know, but like you said you have been a bit of a laughing stock for the girls in our year."

"So, just protecting your fellow females against a possible angry laughing stock then?" He quipped.

Vanessa laughed; it was one of the most pleasant sounds Chris had heard in weeks. His relief came in that she wasn't laughing at him, but what he had actually said. "Not exactly. I just wanted to make sure my locker and a few others were safe."

"Well I think you've proved you're quite safe." He chuckled back at her.

Vanessa took a step back and rested into the corner of the railings. "So how about you, why are you really up here?"

Chris wasn't sure what to say to her, but decided to stick to his story when she had first asked. "I told you, I just needed some air."

"Chris please, don't take me for an idiot." She started; that was far from Chris' thoughts, Vanessa was as far from an idiot as she could possibly be. She was an A Grade student almost across the board in all her subjects. "You came up here to gather your thoughts didn't you?" Vanessa continued. "You've had a rough time over the last few weeks and a miserable time tonight, you're trying to make sense of it all aren't you?" She said calmly and softly. Chris sighed and looked up to the stars again, then nodded. "Do you want to talk about it?" She asked sympathetically.

"Do I have a choice?" He grumbled.

Vanessa suddenly looked disheartened. "Of course you have a choice, I was just asking. We can talk about something else if you want?"

Chris sighed and lowered his head as he lent against the railings. "Everything leading up to tonight has been a complete nightmare." Vanessa moved next to him and listened as he continued. "I knew I probably wouldn't get to come to the prom with who I wanted, but nobody? I feel like I've been stuck in the looser crowd all night."

"It's not that bad." She said supportively.

"Maybe, but you weren't made the laughing stock of your year." He grumbled, while Vanessa just listened as he began again. "I hoped that Candy might say yes, I even expected the no that came, but the way she said it." He trailed off

"I remember." She said. "I was there; I was also the only one who didn't laugh."

Chris looked up at Vanessa and saw a friend who fully understood what he had gone through. "Did I do something wrong?" He asked quietly.

Vanessa shook her head. "You did everything right except one thing."

"And that was?" He asked with a growing expression of hurt on his face.

"You asked the one girl in the school who genuinely has no care about anyone but herself." Chris was shocked at her words and some part of him wanted to defend the Skunk who had stolen his affection with no effort and crushed it before his entire school year. "Can I ask you something?" The Red Panda female asked. Chris just nodded. "What do you see in her?"

Chris though this was a chance to express how he felt about Candy so straightened up and started to address the Red Panda standing next to him. "Candy is a lovely person; she's nice, cheerful, pretty, and..." Chris found himself tailing off and feeling a little silly. He looked around anywhere for some inspiration but found nothing. After several minutes of hearing nothing but the occasional hum from Chris, Vanessa decided she had made him suffer enough.

"You don't have to say anything else Chris, I think you've just realized what she's like." She said softly.

Chris thought back to What Vanessa had said before. As he considered her words he began to realize she had been telling the truth. He couldn't remember Candy ever saying a kind word that she really meant, a friendly smile, or even a wave of acknowledgement to anyone. Candy was popular, but popular for the wrong reasons; Chris realized that she only ever talked about herself or events that surrounded her, in a completely disrespectful and uncaring manner. He guessed her friends were either so dim or so wrapped up in being popular, that they didn't even notice anymore.

"What have I been doing chasing after her and them?" He muttered to himself. "I'm an idiot."

Chris felt a small soft paw gently come to rest on the back of his own paw. In a startled moment he looked up at Vanessa; her deep brown eyes completely disarmed him as she spoke. "You're no idiot Chris; you were just blinded by the spectacle of it all."

Caught in a moment of sheer innocence and curiosity, Chris asked a new question. "Vanessa, how come you hardly ever speak or show yourself in class?" He sounded almost child-like as he spoke which was rewarded by her with a tender smile.

"Because I don't feel the need to have to prove anything to the others. I'm happy with who I am and what I can do; even if it has, had me labelled as being Emo every now and then." She said happily.

Chris smiled back at her. "I did wonder if you were."

"Emo?" She laughed. "Far from it, I've got better things to do than whine about wanting to hurt myself or how I'm rebelling because of how my parents are." She moved a little closer and held on to his arm. "That whole I want to be different, so I'll do what all the others who like that crap do is just bullshit and attention craving."

Chris gave a startled gasp and cough. "Now that I didn't expect."

Vanessa gave her friend a knowing but innocent smile. "What, not being Emo?"

"You know exactly what I meant." He chuckled. "I thought you were a nice girl who wouldn't swear."

She giggled to herself. "I am a nice girl, doesn't mean I don't or can't swear though does it?"

Chris laid his paw over Vanessa's and shuffled a little closer to her. "I guess not." He chuckled.

There was a long moment of awkward silence where they both looked away from each other and tried to think of something to say. They looked around and began staring at the couples outside taking a break from the dance. Vanessa moved a little closer until her shoulder was brushing against Chris'; she leaned in a little closer and softly whispered in his ear. "Chris, if you hadn't asked Candy to the prom or any of the others all those weeks ago, what would you have done?"

Chris thought for a moment, and then turned to look into her waiting eyes. "I really don't know." He said quite flatly. "I was even considering not coming."

Vanessa let her hold on Chris' arm loosen and she very slowly started to move to the side. "I see." She said quietly, trying to hold back her disappointment and a tear forming in her eye.

She felt Chris' paw catch her own very gently and lightly tugged her back. "If I had hindsight about all of this though." He said softly before giving the Red Panda girl a gentle hug, brushing his muzzle to her ear and whispered "I would have asked you."

Vanessa slowly wrapped her arms around his neck; she was a little smaller than him even in her heels but neither of them seemed bothered by that. She slowly brought her muzzle to his and as they both felt their heart beats quicken, they moved even closer together and enjoyed a long, slow and passionate kiss. Neither of them cared where they were or if anyone could see; they relished the moment they shared in each others arms before slowly winding down and relaxing as they broke their kiss. Vanessa smiled happily at her friend and held him close once again, resting her head against his chest. Chris gently stroked up and down her exposed back, which rewarded him with a soft moan of delight from the girl in his arms.

"Vanessa..." He said softly; her reply was a simple but pleasant murr against his chest. "I don't want to ruin this, but won't your date be waiting for you?"

She took a short step back and looked up into Chris' eyes then lightly cupped his face and stroked his cheeks with her thumbs. "I don't have one." She whispered tentatively. Chris had nothing more to say; he simply smiled back at her and pulled her close again, kissing her tenderly.

As they kissed and enjoyed the quiet serenity of the moment Chris let his paws slide slowly down her back. Vanessa let out a soft murr before she whispered into Chris' ear. "Lower..." Her word was like electricity; he could feel the fur on the back of his neck rise with nervous apprehension as he guided his paws to the very bottom of her dresses open back, then rested his paws for a moment as he could feel her tail twitch gently. She pulled herself closer again, her breasts pressing firmly against his chest and she raised herself on to her tip toes. "Lower..." She purred again. Chris trembled for a moment; the nervous tension between them was almost tangible. A cold shiver ran through both of them as Chris slipped his paws into the lower part of her dress; his paws tenderly slid over her backside and as they came to rest once more, he found himself unable to stop himself from clasping her firm, round buttocks and squeezing ever so gently.

Chris sighed with relief as Vanessa clung tightly to him and moaned softly in his ear. "Yes..." He had done what she wanted and was more than happy to continue, just to be with her. A moment later even though nothing had changed, Chris became aware that something was different, out of place and not as he had thought it would be. He flexed and moved his fingers over her backside which extracted a soft pleasurable sigh from the Red Panda female. "Notice anything sweetheart?" She purred.

It felt to Chris like the proverbial penny had been falling a long, long way and when it finally hit home it made his entire body tense up. The fur on his cheeks rose as he began to blush. "Y-you're not wearing any underwear." He said in a startled whisper. Vanessa pulled back a little and stared into his eyes; she nodded lightly then returned herself to their close embrace and lightly licked and bit his neck. Chris gulped loudly and quietly moaned as Vanessa continued to show her affection for him. "I am in so much trouble." He mumbled.

Vanessa slowly pulled herself away from the Red Panda male and guided his paws away from her backside. "Not with me." She giggled; taking his paw she led him back into the school and into the second floor main corridor. With the halls lights off and only natural light flooding in through the windows, the hall seemed to have a soft blue haze, which darkened everything and gave a deeply romantic feel to the usually boring school corridor.

As the Red Panda couple slowly made their way through the school, they grabbed fleeting moments of passion as often as they could; pressing each other to walls and kissing each other tenderly while their paws roamed each others bodies.

As they approached the stairwell the music from the main hall became clearer again; Vanessa stopped and tugged gently on her friends arm. "Not yet, I'm not ready to go back down." She said with nervousness that Chris had not expected.

Chris smiled and rested his paws on her hips, gently easing her closer to him. "Vanessa." He said with a happy tone. "Would you go to the prom with me?"

She stepped forward and cupped his cheeks, then kissed him wildly. "Yes." She purred happily after breaking the kiss. "I would be honoured." She took his paws and guided him to one of the classrooms. She tested the door quickly and pulled him inside, shutting the door and dulling the sound of the music on the ground floor.

Chris was a little stunned by her sudden actions; he needed answers, and quickly. "Vanessa..." He began before she raised a finger and pressed it to his muzzle.

She stared into his eyes for a long moment then spoke softly to him. "Chris, about a year ago I made a promise to myself." He nodded and continued to listen to the beautiful female. "I promised that no matter what, I would at least have a boyfriend who I loved and who loved me before I left the senior prom, and..." She bit her bottom lip and shuffled nervously.

"Vanessa I..." He started but was quickly cut off.

"Chris, I want you to know I've been in love with you for the last two years, but I was always too afraid to say anything and now I'm afraid I'm going to rush this." She said with her heart in her throat and tears beginning to well in her eyes.

Chris slowly raised his paw and brushed the tears from her eyes before he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and held her in a warm and caring embrace. "How could I not love the girl who's shown me more kindness and understanding in the last little while than the girl I've been foolishly drooling over for the last few years has in all the time I've known her?"

Vanessa looked up at him with a teary smile. "You mean?" Chris just nodded and smiled back before picking her up and kissing her passionately. As their tongues danced in each others mouths, their paws began to further explore each others bodies with no lack of enthusiasm.

A long moment later Chris suddenly broke the kiss, but still held Vanessa in his arms. "You didn't come here with no underwear on just to sneak me away to make out did you Vanessa?" he said softly. The female Red Panda smiled up at him knowingly and gently pushed him away. Slowly and sensually she removed the long black pins in her hair and then with a gentle tug, untied the ribbon keeping her hair up. Her long black hair seemed to move in slow motion as it spilled down over her shoulders and back and settled into a sleek velvet like curtain in the darkness. Chris was about to say something when she raised her paws again and carefully opened the ties behind her neck then let the silky red prom dress slide down her slender, but curvy body. with a final flick of her tail the last of the dress quietly slumped to the floor in an elegant mess, leaving the Red Panda girl standing their with her paws held to her heart and wearing nothing but a pair of red heels that matched the dress, which now lay at her feet.

Chris stood in amazement; he had watched erotic movies and hardcore porn before, but nothing compared to the state of arousal that the young female before him had just put him through. "Wow, you look amazing." Was all Chris seemed able to say. Vanessa just smiled and approached him again and began to slowly undress the young male, who was all she cared about now.

As the last of his clothes was dropped in a heap on the floor, the two young Red Panda's admired each other for a long moment. As Chris gently stroked the side of her breast and waist, she gingerly ran her claws down his chest and stomach. Their scents fully betrayed their desire to mate as did their bodies; yet they managed to keep a comfortable peace between each other, without letting wild lust take over their senses.

Vanessa pressed herself against her new love and moaned softly as she wrapped her arms around his young and fit physique. A second moan escaped her mouth as Chris firmly gripped her waist and softly kissed her forehead. Vanessa bit her bottom lip as she drew her paw back to his chest, then slowly down his body until her claws tenderly grazed the sensitive between his legs. "Can I?" She purred softly. Chris nodded and stole a light kiss from her before she began to slide down his body.

Vanessa's heart began to pound faster as she slowly dropped to her knees; her breathing quickened as she eyed Chris' erect member. It wasn't the biggest she had ever seen, nor did it disappoint her; he was a good size and a good girth, she just needed to see how he was for her self. She tipped her head back and looked up at Chris, to see him gazing down hopefully. "I'm not your first am I?" She asked softly.

Chris shook his head lightly. "I'm not yours am I?" Vanessa smiled back and shook her head in response. They had both established that they were not virgins, but Chris had one more question. "Vanessa, how many have you..." he began to ask.

Vanessa's silky soft paw began to slowly stroke up and down his length as she answered. "Only two. What about you?" She retorted.

Chris's ears flattened against his head as he looked off to the side. "Just one." He sighed. "I wasn't much good though."

He felt Vanessa's other paw lightly rest on his stomach as she looked up at him. "I'll be the judge of that." She said with a husky purr as a reassuring smile crossed her muzzle. She looked down at the exposed flesh before her and gave a gentle squeeze as she stroked him then a lick, which was rewarded with a short sharp gasp of surprise and approval.

After stroking his shaft for a few moments, she lightly drew her claws over his tip, again and again. Chris shivered as his nerves were tested as well as his self control; but Vanessa was far from finished with him. She slowly slipped her paw to the base of his shaft and a moment later he felt her warm soft tongue dance over his tip. She teased him just long enough to make him whimper before she gradually sank his flesh into her mouth. Chris moaned softly as her delicate lips closed around him and her warm soft tongue continued to play around his tip and underside of his member.

Chris guessed that this was in no way the first time she had done this, but he was thankful; thankful that she was experienced enough to know what buttons of his to hit, he only hoped he could do the same for her in return.

Vanessa purred softly as she continued to suck and lick on her lover's shaft; she was driven on further when she felt his paws lightly stroke through her hair, then softly rub and scratch behind her ears. She took a deep breath then rewarded him for his tender ministrations by taking as much of him into her mouth as she could manage without gagging. Closing her mouth tightly around his shaft, she sucked as hard as she could while letting her tongue flick along the underside of the flesh buried in her mouth. She gently cupped and massaged his testicles with her free paw until she felt a sudden tremble in his legs; she was ready for him.

Chris grunted and moaned as he tried to stop himself from bucking into her mouth; then he gasped in relief as several waves of his thick seed flooded her throat. He could feel every move her mouth made; not once as he released his seed in her mouth did she gag or let any of his fluid escape her lips. Slowly she pulled back and with a slick popping sound, she let his member slip from her mouth. Vanessa stood up and wrapped her arms tightly around her lover, his still erect member lightly pressing against her soft fur. "Was that alright?" She asked quietly.

Chris wrapped his arms around her shoulders and nuzzled her cheek. "That was perfect." He whispered back in her ear. "I think it's my turn to give you something." He firmly gripped Vanessa's backside and lifted her easily into his arms; she gave a quiet squeal of delight and wrapped her legs around him as he walked over to which ever teacher's desk it was who normally occupied the room and then gently sat her on the edge of it.

Vanessa locked her legs behind his back keeping him close as she ground her groin against his. She rested her paws on his backside and lightly ran her claws through his fur. Chris lightly cupped and fondled her perk breasts and teased her nipples with his own short claws as she moaned her approval. He could feel her trying to move so that he would enter her steadily dampening sex; Chris laid a paw on her chest and smiled at her. "Not yet." He said playfully. Vanessa just looked back at him with a little uncertainty yet slight relief as he stroked his paws down her body then crouched at the end of the desk.

She blushed and looked away nervously. "No-one's ever..." She started to say quietly, but bit her bottom lip as her nerves got the better of her.

"No-one's ever done this for you before?" He asked carefully. Vanessa shook her head; he could see her body tense and decided to try and put her at ease. "Would you let me be the first to do it for you?" Vanessa held a paw to her heart and nodded with a small nervous smile on her muzzle.

Chris got on his knees and rested his lover's legs over his shoulders; he could feel her nervous tremble and anticipation as he breathed warm air over her slit. Vanessa whimpered softly at the sensation and crossed her ankles behind his back.

Vanessa gasped as the sensation of the soft pads on his thumb stroked slowly up and down her soft folds then squeaked sharply as his tongue quickly replaced the thumb. She quickly settled into a blissful euphoric state as he slowly licked and lightly sucked at the exposed flesh in her groin, then her legs began to tighten as Chris worked his tongue over her cliterous. He didn't mind the extra pressure she was putting on him, nor the slightly uncomfortable lean he had to make as her heels pressed against his back; he responded with some firm pressure of his own as he gripped the top of her thighs and squeezed slowly and repeatedly.

Vanessa fell back against the desk and pushed papers and pencil holders to the floor as she arched her back and moaned blissfully. Chris' paws roamed a little higher and began gently stroking the fur on her tummy down as he gradually slipped his tongue inside her. Vanessa writhed on the desk in pleasure, gripping her breasts and softly moaning her lovers name as he continued to satisfy her. She quickly whipped her tail around his torso and lightly brushed his chest with its tip. Chris liked his current position; Vanessa was doing everything she was able to in her state to keep him close to her, he wouldn't let her down. His tail began to brush across her thighs and calves as he began to probe his tongue a little deeper.

A sharp gasp left the female Red Panda's mouth as Chris flicked his tongue inside her slit; she was unable to control herself as she quickly reached down and gripped the young males head between her legs and held him as close as she could. Chris was taken a little by surprise but he continued to work his tongue inside her, touching her in a way she had never experienced before.

With another breathless gasp and sudden tensing of her whole body, Chris knew what was going to happen; he gripped her waist then curled and flicked his tongue around her slick inner walls one last time as she finally let out a pleasurable squeal that no-one but Chris would ever hear. Vanessa's body jerked and twitched as her own orgasm finally over took her; she coated her lover's muzzle with her own slick juices then slowly, she relaxed. Her legs finally eased and her tail uncoiled from his torso and lay limp on the floor as she remained still on the desk, basking in the afterglow of what Chris had just done to her. Chris moved to the teachers chair behind the desk and sat by his new lover and gently held her paw, knowing full well what was coming next.

Several minutes passed as Vanessa calmed herself and enjoyed the warm tingling feeling running through her body. She turned her head to the side and saw Chris sitting patiently with a happy smile on his muzzle. With a gentle squeeze and tug on his paw she commanded him. "Come here you." She purred. Without any hesitation Chris got on the table and lined himself up with Vanessa's hot, moist slit. "Just a second there wild boy." She said with a little giggle before she twisted and reached down into the desk's bottom drawer.

Chris looked at her in surprise as she turned back to him holding a condom. "How did you know they were there?" He asked.

Vanessa let a sly smile cross her muzzle. "Mister Ryan confiscated these off of Bret two days ago; I figured he wouldn't have emptied his desk."

Chris smiled back at her. "You really did plan this right through didn't you?"

Vanessa just grinned back at him as she opened the small shiny packet. "Listen, I don't want you to think I don't love you, but I'm not ready to get pregnant just yet."

Chris nodded. "I know; I'm not ready to be a dad yet either."

"Good, now get your self fixed up." She purred as she handed him the rubber sheath for his penis. A moment later and after a few giggles they were ready.

As Chris got himself in position again, Vanessa lightly bit her bottom lip and arched her back as she felt Chris' paw gently stroke down her side. Their eyes locked with each other's as the last moment of built up tension seemed to leave the room. With nothing more than a simple nod from her, Chris slowly pushed into her hot waiting tunnel.

Vanessa moaned with relief as his member plunged into her warm depths. Her legs locked behind his keeping him were he was as she lifted her hips to meet his and feel his full length inside her. Chris held himself inside her, revealing in every twitch and ripple her muscles made around his intruding member as she wrapped her arms around him and held on with everything she had.

The female red panda coiled her tail around his as she held his head close and gently bit his ear. He responded in kind as he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up against him and gently bit at her neck and shoulder.

Vanessa purred softly and stroked the back of his neck as she began to grind her crotch slowly but firmly against his. Chris again followed her lead and began to slowly thrust inside her; the result made the teachers heavy desk creak at their motions. The both laughed and held each other close as they whispered quiet jokes to each other about the noise.

The young lovers sped up their love making, which made the desk shift slightly further from where it started. Not that they were concerned, Vanessa softly howled and moaned at each new thrust he made as she bucked back against him.

Chris suddenly felt Vanessa's paws push his shoulders back. "Wait..." She panted heavily.

Chris paused in a moment of panic. "I'm not hurting you, am I? I'm doing it alright aren't I?"

Vanessa smiled and softly stroked his cheek. "You're doing just fine baby, I just want to try another position." She pushed him back a little further until he got off the desk. Once she was able to move again she sat up and got off the desk and kissed her lover passionately. "Now, let's try it this way." She purred as she turned back to the desk and parted her legs, then bent over the wooden expanse in front of her and sensually raised her tail; waving it from side to side to coax him on.

Chris needed no other invitation; he firmly gripped her waist and slowly pushed back inside her soaking wet vagina. He leant over her and whispered in her ear. "I've always wanted to try it like this." Vanessa looked back over her shoulder and gave him a sultry wink.

He reached forward and firmly gripped her shoulders as he began to pound her from behind. Vanessa gasped and growled lustfully at his more aggressive motions; she quickly wrapped her tail around the back of his neck and ground herself back against him as he continued to piston his member in and out of her.

The still cool wood of the desk made contact again and again with her sensitive nipples as they moved roughly against each other. Both Red Panda's were panting as they fought to keep up the furious pace. Chris released Vanessa's shoulders and reached under her, then firmly but not forcefully cupped and caressed her bosom. The female whimpered as his claws ran over the soft exposed flesh of her nipples; she felt her body begin to fully submit once again to the fully ecstasy of their passion. Her knees began to buckle and she fought to support herself as she felt Chris' paws moved to her backside and firmly griped and parted her cheeks as he slowed his rhythm but made longer, deeper thrusts into her.

Chris growled as he felt her muscles begin to spasm and even in her lust fuelled state; Vanessa could tell Chris was ready to blow his load for a second time.

Chris held back a loud snarl as he felt his release begin to fill the rubber sheath surrounding his throbbing member as Vanessa's vaginal muscles continued to flutter around him as well.

Vanessa collapsed fully over the desk as Chris gently lowered himself over her and whispered in her ear. "I love you."

"We're not done yet lover boy." She panted back at him.

Chris looked at her in shock. "Are you serious?" He asked as he slowly pulled out of her and stepped back.

On shaky legs Vanessa turned over and got up, still trying to get over her latest orgasm. "Get on one of the chairs." She said softly as she caught her breath. Chris was too exhausted to argue and welcomed the seat, even if he had just performed sex the way he had always wanted to.

A moment after he had settled into the seat Vanessa stepped over to him and sat in his lap, both straddling him and impaling her self on his still erect meat. Chris tried to buck up into her again but she stopped him by trying to keep herself from moving. Chris looked at her curiously as she shook her head. "What's up?"

"I just want to sit like this for a little while, I want to be held and loved." She whispered as she softly stroked her lover's cheek. Chris nodded; he understood what she meant before. She wasn't done because she wanted to bask in her afterglow properly, with him inside her and holding her. She needed his love, physical, mental and spiritual; she needed him to understand. He did.

Long minutes passed as Vanessa sat in Chris' lap with her arms around his shoulders and his paws slowly and gently stroking down her back. Chris began to feel her claws lightly scratch the back of his neck and shoulder as she held him close. "Chris." She whispered softly. He responded by softly nuzzling and kissing her neck. "Do you think we can make this work?"

He gently placed his paws on her hips and stared into her eyes. "We will, for as long as we can." He whispered back calmly. "Which I hope will be a very long time."

Vanessa smiled and hugged him close kissing him slowly and passionately. "Me too." She said with a lump in her throat, trying not to cry.

Time continued to pass as they sat in the seat, just being close to each other; enjoying each other's scent, taste and touch. Chris had long since gone flaccid but was in no hurry to move; he knew the prom would be ending soon though. "We really should go back down to the dance." He whispered.

"Not without getting cleaned up first baby." She giggled back at him.

Chris looked to the back of the class; He was thankful that this was one of the rooms that still had a sink in it. Chris nodded back to her. "You first."

The female red panda gave him a sultry smile. "Good boy." She said teasingly as she got up to clean herself of anything that might have given away their physical activity of the last little while. Chris smiled and watched her for a moment before pulling the well used condom off of his member and discarded it in the teachers waste paper bin.

They teased and played around as they cleaned up and dressed themselves again. Vanessa smiled as she watched Chris trying to fix his bow-tie for the third time. "Here, let me do it." She said as she stepped up to him and brushed his paws away from the offending piece of clothing

Chris rested his paws on Vanessa's hips as she tied the bow. "I never thought I'd get so lucky before."

Vanessa giggled. "I never thought I'd be so bold."

She straightened the bow tie as she felt his paws slip back into her low back dress and firmly grip her backside making her squeak lightly. "I'm glad you were." He said softly before kissing her slowly and lovingly. "I think we could use a little dance to finish this evening off."

Vanessa lightly stroked his cheek then softly kissed the tip of his nose. "I think so too." She purred happily.

The pair of Red Panda's attracted a little attention as they re-entered the schools main hall and made straight for the dance floor. Something seemed different about them to all the other students, but none of them could guess what it was. They moved so freely with each other and the tension that still hung around many of the other students dating that night wasn't even detectable around them.

After a few dances, both slow and faster many of the others began cheering them on and some even suggested that they might be the Prom night King and Queen, even if it had taken them most of the night to find their stride. The new wave of attention hadn't gone un-noticed by others though.

As Chris and Vanessa moved to the edge of the dance floor, Chris felt a tap on his shoulder that made him turn around. Candy; there she was before him in all her glory, smiling innocently with her playful blue eyes locked to his. "Something I can do for you Candy?" Chris said flatly as Vanessa turned to see what was going on, and then just glowered at the Skunk who was now chatting to her lover.

"Chris, I'm so sorry I was such a jerk before tonight." Candy purred in her silky soft voice. Chris responded by just raising an eyebrow. "I was wondering if you'd have a few dances with me then maybe take me home?"

Chris could feel Vanessa grip his arm tightly as he could hear a soft growl starting to build in her throat. He looked back at her and winked playfully before he turned back to Candy. "Just a sec." He said happily as he moved away from the two females. Vanessa caught a wicked stare from Candy that seemed to imply that she was going to steal her partner for the night.

Chris got up on a chair and shouted across the hall as clearly as he could. "Do we have a missing date somewhere? Any one? Any takers? No? Okay people, I have one Candy Berrick trying to pawn herself off on me." He pointed towards one of the Football team who suddenly started to look quite angry. "Judd, Is this yours?" He pointed back to Candy as the whole room started to giggle and laugh at the unfolding scene. "It's just that she's asked me to take her home tonight, but fortunately I've got a date for tonight and I'm taking her home soon, so could you fill in?" Judd was suddenly quite embarrassed as he made for his date, muttering spiteful things under his breath about her as Chris returned to the two females.

Candy's fur was on end with rage; she was ready to lash out at the Red Panda as he returned but was cut off as Judd took her by the wrist and whispered to her that they needed to talk. Chris just grinned back triumphantly and spoke calmly. "Now you know what it feels like to be the laughing stock of the school."

Vanessa wrapped her arms around Chris' neck and kissed him deeply. "I never thought you would have had it in you to do that." She said softly.

Chris wrapped his arms around her waist and nuzzled her cheek softly. "Neither did I." He said with a chuckle.

"So about taking me home." She murred softly in his ear.

"Yeah?" He whispered quietly back to her.

"My folks are away for the next few days. Wanna get out now and get to know each other better?" She purred.

Chris kissed the beautiful Red Panda in his arms that, he was now so attached to and proud to call his girlfriend. "Ready when you are sweetheart." He said with a smile before Vanessa darted off with him; dragging him by his arm with the cheer of other students behind them as they left.