A mousey friend

Story by Coopaer on SoFurry

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This is a vore story involving a feral mouse and my fursona. It's also only my second story so I apologize if its low quality. Please enjoy.


Coopaer nearly jumped out of his skin as he suddenly heard a noise coming from behind him, but when he looked, there wasn't anything there. It probably wasn't a good idea to watch scary movies in the middle of the night, but he'd been in the mood to watch this one for a while and had finally gotten sick of waiting.

A second later he heard the noise again, and once again he jumped, but there still wasn't anything there. It was at the point that he conjured a little orb of light into his palm and returned to watching the movie. He didn't hear anything else for quite a while, but when the credits rolled, he heard it. The kitsune quickly jumped up, turned around, and threw the ball of light in the direction of the noise.

That might not have been the best idea, since he ended up blinding himself, but when he opened his eyes, he was shocked by what he saw. He was currently standing face to face with a huge feral mouse. Its fur looked surprisingly smooth and clean, and even though it was so big, he found that it still looked very cute.

While he had been examining the large rodent, it, or he, had also been examining Coop. He must have liked what he saw because the mouse leaned forward and licked his face with a happy squeak!

He giggled, finding the mousey even more adorable now as he jumped on it and gave it a big hug. The mousey squeaked again as he was hugged, but since he didn't seem to be under attack, he just let it happen and gave the fox a nuzzle and another lick. Surprisingly, Coop found himself greatly enjoying these strange circumstances and started rubbing the mouse's belly, eliciting a joyful squeak in response.

The mouse was pleasantly surprised. Usually when people saw him they either ran away screaming or tried to stomp him, but here he'd managed to find someone who wasn't scared of him, and also didn't seem to be trying to kill him! He was very happy with this turn of events, and decided to show it by affectionately nibbling on the kitsune's headfur.

"Hehehe, you're so adorable!!!~" Coop stated joyfully, leaning into the mouse's nibbling a little bit and continuing to gently and affectionately rub over the rodent's warm, fuzzy belly.

"Squeak squeak!!" the mouse said, happily nibbling on the rest of Coop's head as it was presented. he was a little confused though, the way the fox was leaning into his nibbles and rubbing the mouse's belly was giving him the impression that Coop actually wanted to feed him, but that couldn't be it, could it? He decided to wait a little longer, and if his new vulpine friend moved any closer to his mouth, he was going to do what he thought Coop wanted him to.

"Mmmmm, so fuzzy~" the kitsune said, moving over a little to make it easier for the mouse to nibble him, and also to give him better access to rub over the mouse's belly. Of course, he had also unknowingly given his new mousey friend permission to eat him, which was quickly taken advantage of. Coop let out a quiet eep as his head suddenly disappeared into the mouse's mouth, feeling his little tongue slurping over his face.

The mouse closed his eyes and opened his mouth up a bit wider, gripping the fox in his little paws and lifting him up to make it easier to gulp him down, with the kitsune shoulders quickly slipping into his mousey friend's muzzle. He started to wiggle a little in the mouse's grasp, hoping that it would see them as struggles and let him go. The mouse just thought he was playing though, and soon the fox found himself hurtling head first down his gullet.

Now that he'd gulped down the last of his foxy meal, the mouse laid down on the floor and gently nuzzled his now full belly, enjoying the feeling of the wiggling and rubbing he could feel coming from inside him. Content and happy with his new friend tucked away in his tummy, the mouse cheerfully drifted off to sleep. "Squeak!~"