A short story after Lion King II

Story by Born To Die on SoFurry

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A short story after Lion King II

By: Born to Die

Please keep in mind folks, that I have not actually ever seen any lion kings after the first one, so I don't really know what happens in the movie. It doesn't really matter though; this story is mostly about sex.

Warning... reading disclaimers may cause cancer. Do not read this story if you are pregnant, or trying to become pregnant. Prolonged reading of this story may cause rug burn in some cases. All characters are cartoons. I have far too much time on my hands these days. I also drink too much coffee... This story is very nasty dirty, and should not be read by anyone!

After a seasons living in Simba's pride, Kiara's best friend Kovu, became a strong, agile, and mature young lion. His main was beginning to show his years, and his size was becoming a threat. Simba decided Kovu could no longer stay with the pride, because, soon he would reach sexual maturity.

Simba knew that Kovu would, most likely become king of the pride lands some day, but, while he was still a strong sexually viral male, he still retained the exclusive right of passing his seed on to his females. Simba was sympathetic to Kovu's situation though, and only restricted him from entering within 1000 yards of pride rock. This effectively banished him, protecting his females, while allowing his daughter to visit his friend on a daily bases. Truthfully, Simba was not quite pleased with this arrangement, but Nala, Simba's queen, had been very persuasive in the matter.

Life as a nomad lion was by no means easy. Kiara would often assist Kovu with his hunting. They found that, if they coordinated there attacks, they could be up to 50% more successful. When Kovu was alone, he usually ate small rodents and bugs.

Kovu lived in a valley between three small hills, and a pond. He slept, curled up, between the roots of a giant fig tree in the day time, and in the thick grass of the valley at night. His ears always perked up with excitement when Kiara came to see him, as they were best friends.

Aside from hunting the two wrestled with each other, and went swimming together. Sometimes they would go on long trips exploring the savanna for days at a time. Kiara would return to pride rock, with tales of there journey.

Kiara was very popular with the pride, and they always enjoyed her stories. She told jokes, and acted out parts, which always made the other girls laugh. She had always been full of life, and energy, and it would rub off on everyone else. On chilly nights, Kiara would leave pride rock, and sleep next to Kovu to keep him warm.

* * *

One night, while Kovu was sleeping alone, he began having a very strange dream. It started out normally. Kiara and he were chasing a wild bore into the woods, when she just stopped.

He watched as the bore slipped away, and regarded her with annoyance. She bent down in front of him, and he started getting a funny warm feeling in the pit of his stomach. He jumped on top of her, and started doing something to her with his penis. What ever it was, it felt better than anything else in the world.

The warm feeling in his stomach became more and more intense until he exploded. He awoke startled, and looked around himself. His heart was racing, and he was panting hard. He looked down, and his penis had slipped completely out of its sheath, and had become rock hard. Not only that, he was covered in ropes of sticky white goo. He put his paw to his stomach to inspect the texture of this new substance. It was still very warm, and when he lifted his paw back up, it stuck to his fur. His heart rate began to slow again, and his cock began to sink back into its sheath. He thought back to his dream, and waves of guilt hit him as he remembered what he had done to his friend.

He became conflicted, as he also remembered how good it felt. He inspected his paw again. A sticky strand of white stuff could be seen in the moonlight as he spread his digits. He gave it a sniff, and it was definitely different than anything he smelled before. He attempted to wipe his paw of on the grass before deciding it would be best to go down to the water hole to wash him self off.

He couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. Hours had passed, and the sun was just beginning to rise, when he finally was able to fall back asleep.

He awoke when the sun became to hot. He raised him self up and lazily began making his way to his shady fig tree, when Kiara appeared in front of him. He was still half asleep, when the memories of the previous night came flooding back, and he snapped awake.

"H-hey, Kiara," He said, trying to act casual. "How are you this morning?"

"I'm just fine, How are you?" She said, with her usual enthusiasm

"I'm ok."

"You look tiered. Rough night?"

"No," Kovu said a little too awkwardly.

Kiara tilted her head slightly, and studied Kovu's face.

"What's wrong?" She asked in a mocking, but friendly voice.

"Nothing," he managed to say quite convincingly.

She smiled. "What's on the menu for lunch today?"

Kovu squeezed his lips together and looked around, pretending to be thinking.

"Let's take a walk down to the water hole, might be something hanging around."

"Sounds good," She said, and butted her head hard against Kovu's chest, catching him off guard, and knocking the wind out of him. She giggled and sprinted back. Kovu just had to laugh. They walked side by side for s short time before Kiara became too excited and walked out ahead. She always liked being out in front, like she was leading the party. Kovu however was beginning to have difficulties with this. Kiara's tail waved around, as she moved back and forth in front of him, taking her time to sniff random places on the ground. When she bent down to sniff something, she would remind him of the dirty dream. Like she was being submissive, and offering herself. All of a sudden he began to feel that warmth, deep in his stomach. He started to get nervous, as Kiara turned to see why he was taking so long. And just like in his dream, he felt the cool morning breeze flow around the tip of his penis. He began to panic. His cock started to get hard, and slide wetly out of its sheath a little bit at a time. His heart began to beat faster, and he began to walk slower.

She stopped and looked back at him.

"Why are you walking so slowly?"

Kovu's chest felt hot as he regarded her, and he felt is erection slide the rest of the way out, and flop down slightly. He stopped in his tracks.

"Hurry up," She said with a smirk.

Kovu started breathing heavier, as his cock started to twitch. His eyes widened, as Kiara turned around.

"That's it," she said. "You'd better fall in."

All of a sudden Kiara pounced on Kovu. He strangely offered no resistance. Kiara flipped him right upside down, and sat on his chest facing him. She was laughing at first, but her smile soon faded as she felt Kovu's rock hard shaft pushing against her stomach. A small bead of pre-cum stuck to her fur, and she suddenly felt all of Kovu's shame and awkwardness, shoot into her. Her face turned beat red, and she let him up. She had no idea what to say to him. Suddenly that warm feeling came into her chest as well, and her heart began to beat faster. Kovu quickly got back up.

"I'm so sorry; I don't know why that happened." Kovu explained.

Kiara had had her first heat only a few weeks before, and though she was not in heat now, seeing her friends' penis, and smelling his sex, was making her flustered. She had seen her father mate with some of the other females, and she began to realize the weight of what was happening.

Kiara tried to make light of the situation.

"What the heck was that," she said jokingly.

"I had this dream last night... and you were in it."

She smiled, trying to ease the awkwardness of. His smell had become very noticeable, and she could feel her vagina begin to moisten.

"What," Her voice cracked. She cleared her throat. "What kind of dream."

Kovu stalled trying to figure out the best way to put it.

"I was on top of you... and I was doing something to you."

"You were mating me?" She asked.

Kovu, having limited experience being in a pride, had never actually witnessed the act, and had to think for a moment.

"I guess so." He managed to mutter.

The words made his heart beat fast again and his cock, throb under him.

"Can I see it?" She asked quietly.

He could sense her new found excitement, and got the confidence to roll onto his side a little, exposing his full erection to her curious eyes. His penis was pink and vainy, and stuck out of him a good 10 inches. They couldn't find any words to say to each other. Kiara just slowly padded over to Kovu to give his groin a sniff. Kovu tensed up as he watched her stick her head between his legs. After a few sniffs, she gave his tight scrotum a little lick that sent a shock of pleasure up his spine. She didn't know why she did that, but she did it again, and then again. His smell was beginning to make her crazy. Her vagina became very wet, and she backed away, attempting to find herself again.

Kovu just lay there wide eyed and full of desire. He was beginning to smell her sex as well, and on an instinctual level, he knew exactly what he was going to do. Kiara studied his face, and glanced at his cock again.

She swallowed hard.

"You can mate me if you like."

This was happening very fast for Kovu, and he hesitated for a moment.

He felt dizzy as he rose back up, and padded towards her. She backed away as he approached, but her instincts took over, and she turned around for him. Her smell was becoming very strong, and Kovu stuck his nose under her tail to take in as much of it as he could. Her breathing became very quick as she instinctively raised her tail, crouched down, and brought her torso forward slightly. This perfectly displayed her small pink slit to Kovu.

Her folds were now shinny with wetness, and small drops collected on the fur around it like dew on the morning grass. He gave her a lick this time, running his tongue strait into her as he did so. She moaned, and braced hard against the ground extending her claws.

This was beginning to feel very natural to Kovu, and he began to step over her. He let Kiara feel his weight for a moment before he found his footing, and began to poke her rear with his hard member.

Waves of excitement hit her as she felt his cock rub against her inner thighs, and stroke tantalizingly close to her wet hole. She grew frustrated with anticipation, as he was inexperienced, and was taking far too long to find his mark. His cock flipped up, and pressed hard against her butt hole. She flinched.

"Sorry," He said, and begun prodding around again, slightly embarrassed. Suddenly his cock tip caught in something warm, soft, and wet. Kiara gasped as she felt the males large cock press into her vagina.

His heart raced, as he knew this was it. He pushed hard.

Kiara whimpered, as she was a virgin, and this was very hard for her. Kovu's big lion cock had begun slowly inching itself into her, and she could fell herself being ripped open by it. She screamed out.

"Are you ok," Kovu asked.

Kiara nodded her head quickly. "Yah, yah, keep going.

Kovu began rocking his hips gently, as he pressed inside her. She was so tight and warm and perfect, he thought he was going to explode right then. He could feel her vaginal muscles clench and contract around his throbbing cock. He felt like he was in heaven, and he began to lose himself.

Kiara, however, felt an incredible soreness. She felt every inch of his penis inside her, and it felt like she was being split apart. She also felt better than she had ever felt before. A warm ball of pleasure began to build in her, and she began to feel light headed and dizzy.

Kovu let out a loud moan as he slid his entire length into her warm vagina.

"Ohh... it's so big." Kiara squeaked out.

Kovu licked the back of her head, up one of her ears, then bit down lightly on her lose skin around her neck before his gentle rocking started to grow faster. Kovu began pounding her, pushing her forward slightly. Every inch of her would be filled, before he pulled himself back out a few inches.

Kovu found his rhythm, and pounded into her hard for a long time. His breathing became very fast, as he tried to find more energy. He grew tired, but his muscles seemed to have a mind of there own.

Kiara's eyes locked shut, and she did her best to push her butt towards him. Her pleasure built up like a snow ball, her vagina felt very warm. She screamed with pleasure as she climaxed. Kovu could feel her wetness spilling out of her, and it only made him pound her harder. Kovu bit down harder on her neck fur when Kiara tried to spring free. He changed his footing slightly, and held her tight. He was not quite finished with her yet. She moaned, and it almost sounded like she was crying.

"Are you ok?" Kovu asked earnestly.

"It feels good!" Was all she was able to reply.

Kovu couldn't stop now anyway, he was already past the point of no return. He just locked his eyes shut and held her tight, as he slammed into her rear. He could feel himself grow warmer, as his pleasure continued to build. His humping became quick, and mechanical, as he felt he could no longer control himself.

A few times Kiara made a vein attempt to escape, but Kovu made sure she couldn't leave. Kiara was coming close to climaxing once again, and Kovu would be close behind her. Kiara let out another long whimper as she orgasmed around Kovu's large pistoning cock. Kovu's testicles felt hot as an incredible shock of pleasure shot up his spine, and he exploded hard into her. She could feel the warm fluid filling her up quickly, and she climaxed again. More semen shot into with each heart beat, filling her up completely. More semen would drip out of her and move down her furry stomach. Kovu finally gave her everything he had, and in a sudden burst of energy, Kiara sprung up from underneath him. She turned to swipe at Kovu, but he easily dodged her, and stumbled back to lay down on the soft grass, absolutely exhausted, and breathing hard. Kiara began to smile, and chuckle. Kovu looked up at her and smiled as well.

"Well, that was fun," She said, breaking the silence.

Kovu chuckled a little now. "Yah..."

"I didn't see that coming." She said.

"No," Kovu said, still panting hard.

Kiara inspected her fur, and began to lick herself clean. She then padded over, and made sure her friend's fur was clean as well. The fluid she was licking up tasted good to her, and at that moment, she knew that things were never going to be the same with Kovu. She snuggled up close to him in the shade, and Kovu wrapped a large paw around her.

Cubs don't sleep this well.