Crazy Paranormal Chapter 2

Story by short1 on SoFurry

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Victoria is at a new school for a fresh start. She finds a really hot guy that she feels attracted to but doesn't want to be with him. After school, she walks home. But instead, she finds a pack of wolves.

*Hey ya'll, I'm sorry for not posting chapter 2 yesterday, but it wasn't working so I had to delete all of it and now I'm restarting it all over again. Which sucks*

I could hear him following me but I chose to ignore him. Once I turned a corner, he grabbed my hand and pushed me against the wall a little too rough and that got me angry. "Who do you think you are? Pushing someone against the wall like that?" I shook my hand out of his grip, which was difficult but I succeeded. I went straight to the cafeteria and sat on the nearest table where no one was sitting. I took my sketchbook out and started drawing. A few minutes later I started to get hungry and I took my lunch out and started eating. I looked down at the drawing again and I was lost in thought. A few minutes later, which felt like hours to me, someone cleared their throat. I jumped and turned around to find the same guy next to me.

He put his hands up in surrender. "Wait, before you say anything, I'm sorry. I didn't know what came over me, but I'm sorry." I stare at him with no emotions in my eyes. "Um, well anyways, I'm Ren." I look back down and I look at my drawing. I ignore him and starts drawing again. He cleared his throat again. "And you are...?" I look up at him again and my i looked into his eyes. I look away and neither could he. We both stayed like that for some time until he broke the gaze when he looked at my lips. He leaned down and I knew what he was going to do. An image came into my mind. An image of him sucking on that slut's neck. I got angry again and and pulled away and gathered my things. I left my lunch there and I ran out of the cafeteria. I could hear him behind me again but I just kept running. He told me to stop, so I stopped right in front of him and he plowed right into me. He turned us at an angle so that he could land on the ground and that I could land on him. We were both so close that we were breathing the same air. His eyes softened but mine mostly hardened. "I'm not going to be one of your little sluts." I get off of him and goes into the bathroom. I stay there until the bell rings and I head to my other class. I enter the room and I find a seat in the back by a window. I look out the window and spot a really pale man. He winked at me and vanished. I rubbed my eyes to make sure I'm not seeing things and not going crazy. I feel someone tap my shoulder and I turn around and sigh. Ren was sitting in the desk that was next to mine.

The teacher puts on a movie and everyone cheers. When the movie started, Ren passed me a note. _" I know you're not a slut, but you're my mate." _

I look at him, confused. I shook my head and tore the note up and put it in the trash. I looked over at him and saw hurt in them but only for a few seconds but they hardened. He faced forward. I shrugged and put my attention back out the window again. After a few minute of looking out into the woods, I realized that I was looking for the pale man again.

The bell rang for the end of the period and I headed out. I walked towards the gym and into the locker room. I got changed and went into the gym again. I heard giggling off to the side. Great, now Britney is in my class, joy. I get in line with the rest of the class and waited for the captains to pick their teammates. Of course I was the the last one to be chosen since they don't know my skill at any sports at all. I was on the opposite team of Britney, thank God. Coach blew her whistle and we started playing. In the first round, a few people got out. In the last round everyone got out except for me and the captain on my team, and Britney and some girl's name, that I didn't catch, on the other team.

Britney threw the ball at the captain's stomach at an amazingly speed. He grunted but didn't wince, which was a surprise. The two teammates turned their attention to me. They threw the ball at the same time, one at my head and one at my legs. I didn't know what to do, my mind just stopped. But my body had a mind of it's own. I threw myself to the side and found myself doing a cartwheel. The ball that was headed for my head went in between my legs and the one that was headed for my legs hits the wall behind me. I reached for a ball and threw it at the shocked girl and got her out. Britney, on the other, was not star struck. I kept dodging all of the balls until she ran out.

I grabbed one and threw it at the wall behind her. "Wow, you got really bad-" The ball bounced off the wall behind her and hit her butt. I already had another ball in my hand, and when she turned around, I hit her butt again, but harder. She squealed in surprise but not in pain. I was confused when she didn't cry out in pain.She glared at me when my teammates surrounded me and congratulated me. Coach blew her whistle and we all went back to the locker rooms and dressed out. I headed out to the parking lot. Instead of following the road, I took a short cut and went through the woods. After a few minutes have passed, I knew I was lost. I walked around a huge tree and stopped in my tracks. Behind the tree were a pack of wolves. One caught sight of me and growled at me. The others turned around and just stared at me.

I turned around and ran as fast as I can. I tripped over a hidden root and fell. I rolled over and tried to crawl backwards, away from the advancing wolf. It bit at both of my legs and then my arms. I cried out in pain and tears started to fall rapidly from the pain. The wolf went for my neck next. I heard something else coming at us. I turned my head and saw a black wolf coming at us. I closed my eyes and waited for the pain to come and death itself.

*I was wondering if you guys wanted me to do different P.O.Vs ( different point of views), please comment if you do!*