Sixam's Razor

Story by Sixam on SoFurry

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#1 of Sixam's Razor

This story is based on an RP I did with my mate. I changed it up a bit as to flex my creative bone.

DISCLAIMER: The story contains homosexual love, an underage fur, and semi-rape. If these things do not appeal to you or if you are underage according to your area's laws, please stop reading now. The author is not responsible for anything that may happen because of reading this story or your feelings of the content.

If you are legal and this type of story appeals to you, then please, continue reading.

Sixam (c) Me

Razor (c) My Mate

Sixam's Razor

As he was walking through some random place, Razor yawned and let off a slight whine at the end. His tail waved back and forth behind his bare body as he walked calmly, just taking in the sights as he was exploring. Coming upon a small lagoon, Razor noticed a young fur swimming around. He moved closer to the water and smirked while watching the boy.

Sixam was out enjoying the good weather after being stuck inside because of rain earlier in the day. He was out swimming in a small lagoon close to his house. Even though he was alone, he still felt the need to wear some shorts. He swam over to a cave behind a small waterfall and went in. He reclined and listened to the sound of the water falling. Totally relaxed, he was completely oblivious to the world around him.

Razor ran up to the waterfall and stuck his head through downpour and looked Sixam over, slowly. Sixam was so relaxed and at peace that he did not notice that someone was near him. Nor did he realize that he was being looked over. Razor entered the cave and shook himself off, nearing the resting boy.

Sixam was just resting when he felt water splashed onto him. He opened his eyes to see a large werewolf getting close to him. He got up edged his way to the back of the cave since the exit was blocked by older male. With nowhere to go, he smiled slightly and said, "Hello."

Looking over the younger male, the large, dark brown male just grinned softly. He stopped and stood, continuing to look Sixam over, only saying," Hey."

Sixam started to shiver, thoughts raced though his mind of what the large male wanted. "C...can I...I help" he asked, trying to see what this werewolf wanted.

Sitting down slowly, Razor leaned his head back slowly and licked at his lips. "Well...that all depends."

"Depends? Depends on what?" Sixam asked as he eyed the space between Razor and the entrance. He thought about making a run for it, but decided that he would not make it.

Razor's tail brushed against the ground as he sat there. His chest puffed out in a show of dominance. "It depends on how good you are. If you sit and stay, then things will go more smoothly. If not, I'll have to get...rough."

Sixam gulped and squeaked out, "Okay." So running was definitely out of the question. 'Maybe he just wants some company,' Sixam thought. He decided to just stay put and see what happened.

Standing up, Razor walked over and nuzzled Sixam's chest, sniffing the boy as he did so. His tail waved back and forth. Sixam slightly yipped in surprise. ‘What is he doing?' Sixam thought with fright. Razor was just sizing the boy up and trying to figure out what exactly to do with him. Sixam didn't dare do anything. He just stood there, staying as still as he could because he did not want to see what the werewolf meant by "rough."

Razor started licking at the younger male's chest. He was feeling slightly playful today and getting little to no resistance put him slightly at ease to have his fun. He smirked as he happily groomed Sixam.

Sixam started breathing quickly. "What...what are you doing?" he asked quite frightened. He started to squirm a little and tried to push the older male away from him.

When he was pushed away, Razor started to snarl a little and stopped what he was doing. Sixam stopped pushing when he heard the older male snarl. He thought, 'Great, I made him mad. Now I'm going to get it.' But at least he was away from the larger male, even though not that far. He pushed himself into the wall, trying to get away from the werewolf as much as he could, which wasn't much.

Razor leaned forward and emitted a low growl. He put his paws on the other male's shoulders which caused Sixam to yip again. Pushing Sixam against the wall, he looked over the helpless boy and grinned. Sixam whimpered a bit when he saw the grin on the older male's face.

Razor got closer and pushed Sixam against the wall harder before pressing himself into the boy letting off another low growl, this one being a little different. Sixam now found himself body to body with a rather large, nude werewolf. He found himself wishing that the rain hadn't stopped so he would not have gone swimming or that he had tried to get away instead of thinking that the older male just wanted to talk. .

Razor leaned in and bit the boy's neck which caused Sixam to yelp. Razor began rubbing against the boy and growled in an aroused manner. A tear rolled down Sixam's cheek as he realized that there was no escape, but he had no choice other than to go along with what the older male wanted. He was small and could easily be overpowered. Plus he knew it was a good idea not to make him angry again. Razor was going to have the boy on his back while he pleased him, but being resisted made him change his mind and want some pleasure of his own.

Razor licked at the boy's neck and one of his paws slid down the smaller male's body slowly, just exploring. Sixam shivered at the touch of the werewolf's paw exploring his body. It felt good but he was too scared to realize that.

The werewolf's eyes shifted down to view the shorts that Sixam was wearing. He slowly slipped his paw inside them and rubbed around, exploring what was inside them. Sixam yipped at the touch of the larger male's paw exploring his privates. He closed his eyes. He did not want to believe that this was happening to him. He wanted to push Razor off but that is what got him into this situation in the first place. To top it off, his body was responding to the treatment it was getting against his will.

Razor's paw soon cupped the boy and massaged the area for some time. He rubbed himself against the boy a little more having felt the natural reaction from the boy's loins and reacting to it himself. Sixam whimpered some. He still did not want to believe that this was happening and that his body actually liked it. But he could not get away or fight back.

Razor gripped the shorts that Sixam was wearing at pulled them down swiftly, growling. He wanted them off and out of the way. He was not going to be nice and careful about it. Sixam whimpered as his shorts were pulled down. He made a grab to pull them back up, forgetting about the werewolf's temper. When his efforts to remove the shorts where hindered, Razor looked the boy directly in the eyes and then he threw him down before getting on all fours and pouncing him.

Sixam pleaded with the werewolf and started to sob, "No! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to."

Razor pushed himself into the boy. "Really? Make it up to me," he said as he smirked and growled softly.

"W...wha...what do you mean?" the small male stammered out.

Razor grinned. "Well, I was going to have some playful fun with you but since you didn't appreciate it, I want to have some fun." He licked the young fox's chest. "So, you can stay as you are now or you can show me a good time."

"I...I...I don't know what you want me to do. Wh...what do you m...mean show you a g...good time?" Sixam asked in a terrified voice.

Razor looked the boy up and down, slowly. "I mean use that tongue of yours for something other than stuttering," he let off a low growl and grinned, "I could show you."

Sixam gulped, "O...okay."

Razor nodded and slowly put his paws on the waist of Sixam's shorts, pulling them down slowly while nipping at the boy's chest and stomach. It wasn't to harm him, but because he liked it. He was into nipping. A moan escaped Sixam throat. It wasn't intentional, but rather, in response to the attention his body was getting. Attention he had never received before.

Razor's tail beat back and forth behind him when he heard the moan and moved lower, his paws slowly moving up Sixam's legs as he slipped his tongue over the tip of the smaller canine's member, deliberately slow. A surge of electricity shot through Sixam's body as he felt the tongue on his foxhood. He moaned again.

Razor grinned and emitted a low growl as he heard the boy moan again. "That's a good boy." He slowly licked again and then started to coil his tongue around the mass.

Sixam's mind swirled with new sensations. He was still frightened but at the same tine he wanted to feel more. Razor licked up the boy's obviously excited sex slowly, panting happily as he did. He was enjoying this little ego boost, the fact that he could arouse someone who he had filled with fear mere moments before.

Almost all of Sixam's fear was gone, now replaced with ecstasy. He was lost in his emotions and the feelings coming from his crotch. A single word escaped his mouth without him thinking. "More."

Razor growled softly, his passions enflamed when the youngster asked for more. He placed a paw on each side of the boy to hold himself steady. He carefully eased his mouth over Sixam's need and started sucking softly and cautiously as he didn't want to hurt the fox. Sixam's minds exploded with new pleasure as he felt the werewolf's whole mouth go over his unsexed member.

Razor started to ease the mass in and out of his mouth slowly. He made sure that he kept sucking at a decent strength while his tongue coiled round his temporary treat playfully once again to enhance the experience.

Sixam let out a moan so loud that it echoed around the cave. Something was happening in his loins, he did not know what it was but it felt good. The werewolf's eyes closed slowly and a grin started to appear on his face as he slowly pulled his mouth away, licking the tip slowly as his grin turn sly.

Panting, Sixam looked up at Razor. "Why...why did you stop?"

Razor smirked. He was just teasing the boy and wanted him to beg. He licked the tip and slid his tongue up the entire length then stopping. He waits, not answering in words.

"Please! Don't stop." Sixam began to plead. He didn't know what was going on; he just wanted to feel that pleasure again.

Razor's eyes narrowed as he smirked and he eased the well teased mass back into his mouth, sucking on it rougher than before but not too rough. He tried to make sure he didn't get really rough, but the truth was he was very excited.

Sixam put his head back down and closed his eyes, giving into the pleasures he was receiving. Something was happening in his nether regions. He did not know it, but he was about to experience his first orgasm.

Razor closed his eyes. Enjoying the taste, he let off a soft "Mmmm" as he pleased the boy. He sensed that Sixam was getting close and he was going to continue until he tasted ‘the fruits of his labor.'

Getting close to the edge, Sixam's instincts started taking over. He began moving his hips back and forth to where he was thrusting into Razor's mouth, moaning very loudly.

Razor smiled to himself and started to suck in a rhythm that went along with the younger canine's movements. Sixam's moaning was a treat to Razor that excited the werewolf and almost had him humping air as he brought the boy over the edge.

Sixam had all that he could take. His body went stiff, his back arched and he yelled loudly as he released his boy juices into Razor's awaiting mouth, having the first orgasm of his life.

Ears twitching at the sound of the yells, Razor blinked when he felt the boy go stiff but then growled slightly and drank down the contents that were filling his mouth. Once he was sure that he had sucked the fox dry, he let go of him at sat back slowly, tail slowly wagging behind him as he looked around.

Drained of his juices and energy, he lay in a heap, panting Living in the afterglow of his first orgasm he managed to get out a few words between pants. "That...that was...great."

Razor nodded slowly and slightly smirked as he looked around leisurely. "Yeah...I know it's nice." Lying next to the boy, he nuzzled him and yawned. "'re finally calm now, or at least no longer tense." He snickered and laid his head down calmly, also relaxing.

Still panting, Sixam noticed that the werewolf lying next to him had an erection. "It looks like you're still a bit excited," he said to the older male.

Razor looked down slowly and blinked before nodding gradually. "Well...hearing you having fun excited me."

"Well...what are you going to do about it?" Sixam asked as his mind raced with thoughts of what else the werewolf could do besides what had just happened to him.

Razor looked him over slowly and a grin crept its way across his face. "You don't want to know what I'm thinking about doing." He leaned his head back slowly and fidgeted a little on the ground because he was uncomfortable due to his arousal.

The young fox shuddered at the grin on the werewolf's face. Yet at the same time, he did want to know what he was thinking. "Well...what if I do want to know that you're thinking?" he inquired.

Chuckling, Razor looked at the roof of the cave. "Then I may end up showing you what I want. But you just came so you'll be too tired for anything else done to you."

Sixam struggled to sit up. "I...I'm not too tired. I took that...I can take anything from you. I'm not a little kid, you know."

The werewolf grinned. "I know." Looking the boy over slightly, his eyes narrowed. "So you up for some more fun?"

Sixam gulped. He was still afraid of what would happen. This was still new to him. But he wanted to show this werewolf that he was brave and not just some scared 15 year old kid. "Okay."

The older male nodded and grinned slightly before crawling over and sniffing the young male's rear, his tail waving again as he let off a teasing growl before licking the puckered hole playfully. Sixam moaned at the new sensation he was getting. It was strange to him but at the same time very pleasurable. Razor soon slipped his paws to the boy's legs, slowly easing them apart so that he could get better access. He then slowly eased his tongue inside the rear's small opening and then slid it back out just as slow.

Sixam gasped as he felt the werewolf's tongue enter his virgin hole. Up until today he was a complete virgin, never even pleasuring himself. But now he wanted more, he wanted to know everything he could learn about sex and was hoping the older male could be the one to teach him.

Razor closed his eyes and he slid his tongue in again. Rubbing the boy's legs as he sniffed him, his slippery tongue lubricating the boy's hole slightly. The young fox quivered with pleasure at the treatment he was getting and hoped it would never stop.

Razor growled slightly and slipped his paw down Sixam's thigh slowly before running his finger over the fox's anus. "So tell far are you willing to go without a fight?"

Sixam shivered at the finger running across his pucker. He managed to whisper an answer to the older male. " far as you can take me."

Razor nodded slowly and soon pulled his paw away. He licked at his finger before pressing it against the ring of muscle for a moment and then slowly pushed it inside the young male. "I can take you pretty far," he leaned in and licked at the smaller male's genitals softly, "to the heights of ecstasy and back." He grinned slyly.

Sixam moaned as he felt the finger being pushed inside him. He started to tense up around it but made himself relax. He wanted to see how far the werewolf would take him, that and he did not want to make him angry again.

The werewolf grinned hearing the fox moan and slipped a second finger slowly into the boy. "That's a good boy." He licked at the boy's balls tentatively as he eased his two fingers in and out of the smaller male slowly.

Sixam moaned even louder at the addition of the second finger to his virgin hole. It hurt but he didn't want to tell the werewolf that. He wanted to seem strong like the older male. As well as show him that he could take whatever he was given.

The werewolf growled softly, his tail beating behind him as he allowed the other canine male to get use to his intruding fingers. They eased in and out slowly as he licked up the boy's sex, just loving the taste of him.

Sixam moaned again as his member received attention once more. His foxhood started to harden again as well, ready for more. The lick at his boyhood caused him to tense around the fingers that were inside of him, this caused him a little pain that made him breathe in sharply. He hoped that the older male would not notice and stop what he was doing.

Razor stopped licking, his tongue hung out and rested on the mass. He felt his fingers being squeezed and he let off a low growl. He began to think about being inside the boy. Shaking his head slightly he started licking again tentatively, his fingers exploring the young fox's insides once again.

Sixam squirmed as his insides began to be probed again and had his foxhood being licked. He sighed a pleasured sigh as his hole was getting us to the intruders and it began to feel good.

Razor murred softly as he just enjoyed prepping the young male. Somehow, he too was having fun. He nipped very carefully at the fox's mass, letting off a few content growls. The smaller male jumped and yipped a little when he was nipped but he tried to keep still so as to not upset the werewolf and to seem strong. Shuffling closer, Razor started to scissor his fingers a little to gently stretch and prepare the boy for what would come next.

The boy writhed a little as his tailhole was being stretched. He tried to keep his movements to a minimum as well trying to stay relaxed. He groaned a little at the scissoring action of the werewolf's fingers.

The larger male licked around the boy's hole very slowly before sliding his tongue between his fingers to once again explore the young male's hole. He then eased his fingers out, making sure to be careful of his long claws, not wanting to cut the least not there.

Sixam murred when he felt his rim being licked. He was greatly enjoying this, having no clue about the werewolf's motives for doing this. He sighed as he felt the intruding fingers slide out of his pucker.

Razor let off a low growl and asked, "I wonder how you want it?" He grinned and playfully bit at the boy's thigh. "Doggy-style or as you are?" He chuckled as he thought about the word ‘doggy-style.' He thought it was funny and a little appropriate with them both being canines and all.

Being a complete virgin and having lived a sheltered life, Sixam had not heard the term ‘doggy-style' before. To sound knowledgeable he said, "Which ever one you think would be best," twitching slightly as his thigh was bitten.

The larger male growled and licked at the boy. "Hmmm? I'm not sure. It depends how much stamina you have on what position would be best." Chuckling, he lick at the boys thigh tentatively.

The young fox got up on his elbows and looked at the older male between his legs. "I can handle anything you dish out." His voice wavered a bit as he said that. He was still unsure of what was going to happen but he wanted to be an adult in the eyes of the werewolf.

Razor watched him and grinned, nodding as he crawled over the boy. They were now face to face. He licked at the fox's lips while pressing the tip of his hard, erect wolfhood against the younger canine's rear.

It now finally dawned on Sixam what was about to happen and he began to feel terror again. Not terror for the werewolf, but terror about whether or not what was about to happen would hurt. Of course it would hurt. Just two of the werewolf's fingers hurt, what would his wolfhood feel like? He started to panic. "Wait...what are you going to do? How much does it hurt?" He didn't want to stop the larger male; he knew he was going to do it no matter what. That and he didn't need to have an angry werewolf on top of him.

Razor blinked and looked the boy up and down slowly. "You? You're? You've never?" His mouth dropped open and hung there.

To answer the werewolf's questions and shocked face Sixam whispered, "I...I've never had sex before. I've never even touched myself." He could feel himself blushing under his fur.

The older male felt his erection grow and he closed his eyes. "Chances are it will hurt but I will try and be gentle with you until you get use to it."

The young fox nodded at the older male's remark that it would hurt, but felt somewhat comforted in the fact that he also said that he would try to be gentle with him. Taking the nod as a sign that the boy was ready, Razor gripped one of Sixam's legs and pulled it up before slowly pushing himself into the tight but slick hole. Closing his eyes, he let off a low growl and stopped at a certain point to allow the boy to adjust.

Sixam grunted and groaned as the werewolf's large meat entered him. The pain was just about unbearable. It felt like he was being torn apart. It brought tears to his eyes, but he tried to tough it out. He was glad the older male's eyes were close so he could not see Sixam crying.

Licking at the smaller male's neck tentatively, Razor stayed still until he felt the boy relax or loosen up enough to allow movement. His tail slowly moved back and forth behind as he started to move, slow and calm, easing his wolfhood in and out of the boy. Sixam groaned and whined as the werewolf started to move in and out of him. Slowly the pain began to subside and turn into pleasure.

Still licking at Sixam's neck, the werewolf started to push himself deeper, his thrusting becoming slightly faster since it seemed the young fox was starting to enjoy it now. Sixam started to groan and whine loudly as the older male pushed his length deeper and his pace sped up. The fox felt fully aroused as the tip of Razor's meat massaged his juvenile prostate.

Razor bit at the young fox's neck, it was not that hard but enough to make the boy yip. He started to pant softly, his tail showing just how much he was enjoying this as it fanned behind him. Sixam closed his eyes as the ecstasy started to take over. He was on a whole other plane, feeling things he never imagined he could feel. His moans and whines started getting quite loud and began echoing around the cavern.

The werewolf's ears started twitching as he heard the loud moans and whines coming from the boy. He was holding back though because he knew that he could not let himself be taken over by his animal passion, but soft whimpers started to escape him as it was too good to hide how much he was really enjoying it.

Sixam felt a stirring in his loins for the second time that day. This time he knew what was going to happen and looked forward to having the second orgasm of his life. He started to pant as well, feeling the heat of passion from the larger male.

Razor increased the speed of his thrusting and started panting harder. He left off a few whimpers before the fur on his back stood on end and ruffled slightly. He dug his claws into the ground as his thrusting got harder and faster which caused the smaller male to yell in ecstasy. He leaned his head back slowly as his panting got very heavy. He let off a howl of pleasure as he exploded inside the young fox without much of a warning to the poor boy.

The fox yelped as he felt his insides spattered with gobs of the werewolf's seed. The older male's orgasm triggered one in Sixam and he experienced the second orgasm of his life and that day, an orgasm much stronger than his first. He boy juices spattered on his white chest fur as he passed out due the intense experience.

Panting heavily, Razor moved slowly until he came to a complete stop. He eased himself out of the young fox boy's well used anus and leaned in, lapping at the white substance that now covered the white fur. He was going by taste more than sight, his tail still beating behind him happily as his wolfhood finally retracted back into its sheath. He lay with the boy but was still on alert since he rarely ever slept with someone he didn't know, but this was different because of what they had shared. He soon let his guard down a little and fell into a light slumber, holding the boy close and nuzzling him.


Well, there you have it. I have more that I could write but I would like to get some feedback and opinions first. Send your comments and thoughts to Sixam (dot) Canoscan (at) yahoo (dot) com. I hope you have enjoyed this as much as we have. Ciao.