My Personal Demon Ch. 3

Story by Kurojaki Satsui on SoFurry

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Chapter 3

I looked around, taking pictures with my phone, studying each blood splatter, each wound, each corpse. Lustel was with me as well, helping me look for clues and evidence as to what had done this. It looked like a demon attack... but I wasn't a suspect... I've had better control since I started dating Lustel. This seemed more feral, more full demon then hybrid, and the claw marks were a lot cleaner, the bite marks where deeper.

'What do you think happened here Jake?'

"I don't know... I do know this was a demon, most likely a full demon, but not another Ookamiyasha... this one seems a bit more precise and clean in it's executions," I said with a look around as I started stepping away. "I think we've looked over as much as we're going to, let's go home."

'Okay, let's go to your apartment, Karren's stupid boyfriend is over...'

"Of course, let's go," I said as I took her hand and led her out the back door to the alley where my car was.

The ride to my apartment was quiet and a bit unnerving, I could tell from Lustel's behavior that she might have actually suspected me... she knew that when I suppressed too long that I lost control. I reached over and took her hand in mine after hitting the fifth gear on my car, just holding it, letting her focus on my reservoir, using my energy to calm her. She needed to know that I'm in control, not the demon inside me.

"I know what you're thinking... stop... I'm in control, my energy is under control," I said as I squeezed her hand gently. "We're gonna find who did this and stop them..."

Her smokey, flame like energy started surrounding the car as I said that, a small problem that she soon realized and fixed, apologizing several times. It made me laugh with how cute and naive she acted sometimes... it was almost like she was only a teenager mentally. I pulled into the parking lot of my apartment complex and shut the engine down and we stepped out and went to my room where we sat down and watched a movie together. She rested against me and let me hold her, caressing me with the energy that came from her neck as she slowly fell asleep and me soon behind her.

I looked around as I stretched my legs, getting ready to jog the path through the park and back. I hadn't gotten any real exercise since me and Lustel became an official couple. Today seemed like a good day as I had no classes, Lustel was busy transporting, and I needed to think about the recent attacks, there was another attack at the Harbor on Staten Island, as well as one at a bank in Queens, all of them with the same M.O. and markings. I was sure it was another demon, as I had witnessed many of my own attacks on the news, mine were different though, only one or two people died in my attacks, these attacks were massive, and whoever was killing these people was attacking willingly, maintaining consciousness through the entire attack.


I turned to see Karren running after me with a look of worry on her face. I started jogging towards her as well, meeting her half way.

"Karren, what's wrong?"

"It's Lustel... despite what you said, she dug a little too far into it and now they have her!" She said as she hugged him.

"Who has her!?"

"I don't know, I got a text from her saying she was going to the docks to see what she could find out there, but I got a text a little while later saying that if I told anybody they'd kill her. I don't know if a demon will have an effect on her or not though!"

"Okay, you go back to your apartment, I'll go get her out of the mess she's in," I said as I straightened her and stepped away. "Don't call me, I'll let you know when she's safe."

"Okay, be careful!"

I started sprinting through the park, it would take too long to go back to my apartment and get my car, I had to do something if she was in the hands of another demon. I waited until I was well out of site before I transformed to full feral demon, sprinting through the city and pushing my self faster even though holding both my form and channeling energy so I would move faster was draining me of my energy. I wasn't worried though, even if the other demon could smell me, I would have her free and we would be gone by time he got to us... at least, that's what I was hoping.

I looked around as I walked through the containers towards the warehouse. I could feel the demon's energy all through out the area, it was powerful, and wicked. I could smell the blood around the area as well, it was either killing or it never bathed after killing. I quickened my walking just a little to the warehouse, quiet and dark, but I knew there were a few humans inside, I could hear them. I looked for a way in that didn't require the front or back door as any criminal worth his grit would watch both the front and back, but most criminals that set up a permanent hideout tend to watch all possible entry points. This wasn't my first time having to break into a building, it was well known already that I wasn't always the same nice guy that I was now. No... you learn a few things when you're an orphan in a corrupt system like foster care. By the time I got done looking it was too late though... the demon was aware of my presence and looking for me.

"I guess there's no point anymore, I already no you have eyes on me..." I said as I came out from my hiding spot.

"Very good... not as stupid as I thought you were, smarter then that bitch inside," He said as he walked out from his own, looking me over. "What a pity, only half demon. Your kind is pathetic... demons falling in love with humans and producing offspring... disgusting. I bet your father was the demon... it's always the weak male demons that fall for a human?"

"My father was a human... my mother was a demon," I said as I took a step forward. "Where's the girl?"

"She's inside, but she can wait... we need to figure out how we'll deal with each other... any suggestions?"

"I say you give me the girl and we leave, act like this has never happened," I said as I looked into the dead eyes of who I was facing, feeling my energy boiling inside me, resisting the flames that were starting to sprout all over my body. "Why fight when there's no need, it's not like she can go to anyone for help?"

"Fair point... but that only works if you let me take a small peak into your life... after all, you've been snooping most of mine," He smiled wickedly as he walked up to me and looked straight into my eyes. "Now... how do you really want to settle this?"

"I want you to leave... set up shop somewhere else... like Germany, Russia, the middle east... not only would you get your fill of killing, you'd be somewhat helpful."

"I'm doing more then just killing here my deer half-breed... but you've figured that out already, haven't you?" He smiled as he lifted his hand and the doors opened, a man carrying a bound and helmet-less Lustel to him before dropping her at his feet. "This is what your here for, isn't it?"

"Lustel," His entire arm transformed as he went down to one knee beside her, cutting her free with his claws. "Are you okay?"

She hugged him as he picked her up. His eyes were now blood red and focused on the full demon before him. He just stood there with an unsettling evil grin on him.

"I'll let you go for now... you might come in handy before our instincts become a factor between us..."

"My instincts say to get rid of you without killing you... but you need to quit killing innocent people, I'm starting become a suspect because of you..."

"As you wish... half-breed," He reached into his pocket, making my arm transform once more. "Calm down... I'm only returning the phone we took from your woman."

"Let's get out of here," I said as Lustel reached out and took the phone. "I don't know what you have planned... but you better not hurt anyone."

"That will be the least of your concerns half-breed."

"What were you thinking?" I asked softly as I walked through the alley carrying Lustel in my arms. "He's a full demon, we don't know if a demon can do anything to you or not."

"I'm sorry Jake... I didn't mean to cause you any trouble... I was just trying to help."

"From now on... Don't do anything like that unless I'm with you," I said as I hugged her tightly against my body. "I don't know what I'd do if he had killed you."

"Let's just go home," She typed and wiggled to her feet before leading me through the alley to her bike where we were soon on our way to the apartment.

"Stop by the Nelson's Garage, I need to pick something up."

She nodded and started in that direction, my surprise was one she might like... I had salvaged many different parts of motorcycles after searching online for the best parts that I could find. I also found a very odd motorcycle frame, but it gave me a unique motorcycle to ride around on. I called in an old favor from there and I had just recently got the call that it was finished this morning... that's why I was in the park, I was on my way to pick it up when I found out about Lustel's situation.

"So... what exactly are we doing here?"

"I'm picking up something I've spent the past week working on putting together... I love my car and everything but It doesn't always have the same benefits that a bike does, so I decided to get a custom bike put together," I said before walking inside the garage. "Oh Nelson!?"

"Jake... so you did get my message," Nelson was a bit of a short guy, only about 5'6" but he was a great mechanic with brown hair, green eyes, normal body build. "Who's the girl?"

"Oh, this is my girlfriend Lustel," I introduced. "Lustel, this is Nelson, me and him have known each other since my first year of college."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," She typed quickly. "Do you own this garage?"

"Well, my dad started it but he died, I dropped out of college and took over," He said as he looked at her helmet closely. "You're mute, and you're his woman... so what's your secret?"

"What do you mean?"

"It's okay Lustel, you can trust him, he knows about me, and I didn't even have to tell him," I said as I looked at him. "The garage although a real job is only a front, he actually runs a small underground business. Chop shop, Information broker, he gets around with the local gangs... don't you Nelson?"

"Yes, but I have a strict code to never gather information on friends, and sense you're his girlfriend, you count as one those on the list of no business. Friends also get house advantage here in my shop, that's why he gets the bike for such a steal... that and he called in a favor."

"Show him," I took her hand gently.

"Oh... that's a bit strange, but who am I to question who or what gets put on this world?" He asked himself as he looked at Lustel's flame adorned neck before he turned around and grabbed the tarp which covered a motorcycle. "Here's your bike asshole, don't wreck it cause you'll never be able to get another custom frame and parts like these."

"You got it," I said before he ripped off the tarp.

It revealed a jet black motorcycle, a normal rear wheel, two normal front wheels pressed together on the front. It looked like a long crotch rocket, but it had a little bit larger handles and held the parts of a professional race bike. I slowly stepped forward then swung onto the bike and took the handles as I looked at Lustel.

"What do you think of my new bike?"

"Why do you have to have a flashy bike? Isn't your car flashy enough?"

"If you're going to get a high dollar bike made, why not take it all the way," Nelson said as he held out the keys and a custom helmet.

"I'll see you next time we have business issues. Other then that, you should stop by and have a beer with me some time."

"Will do bud, drive safe."

"Since when have I done that?" I asked as I put the new helmet on and looked over at Lustel who seemed to do a silent chuckle before she replaced her helmet and started her own bike.

We were off once more, and she found the benefits of my bike through the streets. but I knew the cons when it came to maneuvering alleys. It was too long to make those tight turns, but in the street it was like any other bike, but easier to control and faster. We safely made it to my apartment and quickly hid her bike before we went inside.

"So, what do we know about this guy now?"

"He is full demon, but he's not out to destroy the city, he's attacking specific locations in this city. I over heard him say something about having to have blood spilled at every location for what he's planning to do, but I was found out before he said what he was doing," She typed and sat down as I started pacing back and forth in front of the couch. "What did you get from him?"

"He really is full demon, but he's not using any energy at all to maintain his human guise, which worries me. I might have to delve into some mythology study to see if I can at least get an idea at what he's doing and how he's managing to appear human but not using any energy to do it," I said as I looked at her. "Did he do anything to you?"

"No... but he seemed to know a lot about us for having never met us."

"What do you mean?"

Lustel looked over the crate in her dark corner of the warehouse. She was a bit frightened but she knew had to help in any way she could. The sudden tap on her shoulder made her jump out of her skin though, knocking over the crates with her body when she tripped and stumbled into them, not able to use any powers or abilities because of the sudden fear that went through her.

"Well, well, well, what are you doing here little lady?" The man looked her over, receiving no reply. "Well... you're that half breeds woman... I believe his name is Jake Cutter?"

"How do you know that?" She pulled out her phone and quickly started typing.

"Hmmm, interesting... you can't speak... Dullahan," He laughed evilly. "It's not that hard to sense another demon, it's even easier to sense a half breed. It took a little more than I was really counting on to aqcuire his name, age, school, and what kind of demon he is. You... based the energy I'm sensing, you're about 1,000 years old, or somewhere around there, I know because I'm older then you and Dullahans were a bit more abundant then they are today."

"What are you gonna do to me?"

"Tie you up, I only really want to meet your boyfriend for right now... my plans don't include him just yet, just a few more things, oh, and I'll take that," He suddenly snatched her phone and slipped it into his pocket before the ropes started circling around her and the crate while one man started tying her wrists and ankles together.

"Damn babe, how did you get the message to Karren?"

"He made me message her... he thought you might know something's going on if I was to text you directly."

"Promise you'll tell me next time you plan on doing something like that?"

"I promise."

She leaned against me as I wrapped my arms around her, her slender hand reaching out and placing her phone on the side table as well as grabbing the remote control. We were soon cuddling and watching an old movie, something she seemed to enjoy as these were pretty much the first kinds of movies she ever watched being as old as she was, but it meant that we wouldn't entirely out live each other if our relationship was to take us that far. When we were like this, it was almost as if she could speak, we understood each other without words being spoken. Her flames would grow and surround me the more she got relaxed, the thicker the flames, the louder her words. We stayed like that until we eventually fell asleep, which was strange for either of us because it was only mid day... we would have a long night together when we woke up.

"So... what do you want to do Lustel?"

"I don't know, I usually sleep at night. We shouldn't have let ourselves fall asleep while the sun was still out."

"Yeah... but it was some of the best sleep I've ever gotten in the past week," I chuckled as I looked at her before lifting her hand and kissing her knuckles. "How about we go to the beach and swim for a little while?"

"Sounds like a winning plan to me, but shouldn't eat first so you don't get tired and drown?"

"Not really, I'd rather swim on an empty stomach," I chuckled as I motioned for to jump on my back.