Chapter One

Story by Tessler on SoFurry

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        Route Sixteen of the Kalos Region is often known by many as the Mélancolie Path, and perhaps it's for good reason. Despite a constant river flowing through the route providing fresh water Pokémon for fishers to snag, the land always appears in a bleak and dull orange, pervading the grassy meadows and the trees up above. Up in one of those trees, a young adult could be seen, nonchalantly resting on one of the many branches. More could be said about the man known as Ethan, but that's for another time. He had a lot on his mind, and wanting some time to himself to think, he had left his team back at a Pokémon Center in Lumiose, the City of Light. It was probably the dumbest idea for Ethan to go alone without even one of his Pokémon to back him up. On the other hand, when one has the power of the skies, what is there to really be worried about? He must've been sitting there for a few hours before he noticed that the sun was beginning to set. "Time to get back." Ethan thought. "I'll have to make it up to my mates for letting them wait for me like that. At least there's one part of me that can always satisfy them when nothing else won't."  It was something he wasn't comfortable acknowledging. Being romantically attached to five Pokémon, the ones that he considered his family after what he had gone through, it was a challenge. While Kalos was one of the few regions to see no quarrels with humans being romantically attached to Pokémon, there were individuals that had a beef with humans being attached to multiple Pokémon. Ethan would do everything to avoid talking about it, and it almost cost him many times over. Again, a story for another time. Sighing, he took a look at the ground below him as the sun vanished and stars began to light the sky. "Good." He remarked as he jumped off the tree branch, nose diving towards the ground. He must've reached at least a few hundred feet before stretching his arms out. Opening his palms, they glowed with pure blue electricity as he pointed his feet towards the ground and slowed his descent before landing on the soft ground with his booted feet. Taking another look around, he smiled to himself as he saw no passing citizens, let alone everyone. Out of personal paranoia, he liked to hide his powers as much as he possibly could. And the fewer enemies he made, the better. Part of him was tempted to use his powers to fly back to the city, but he didn't want to blow his cover, having had that happen to him so many times before. "At least I can just run." He thought as he burst into a full sprint back to the City of Light. Little did he realize that he wasn't alone as the sky grew darker,

and the stars began to light the sky. As he ran, he heard a rustle of grass to his far left. Part of him wanted to stop to see what that was, but he heard the stories. The stories of Pokémon resembling pumpkins going after people for sustenance. What didn't help was that it was almost Halloween.  And as powerful as he was, mastery of lightning meant nothing against those that could naturally resist it. "Fresh meat..." he thought he heard a feminine voice speak out from behind him. Even in spite of how fast he was running, he still had a long ways to go before he could reach the gates of Lumiose. Balling his fists, his arms emitted an electrical glow as he continued to ran. Sure, he was making himself a bigger target to whatever lurked in the woods, but right now he didn't care. He was ready for a fight and ready for whatever- Before he could react, Ethan felt something to his left hit him with enough force to knock him off of his feet. Hitting a nearby tree, he shrugged the pain off and got back only for whatever hit him to rush him, as his vision became briefly filled with a violet light, then nothing. As he hit the ground, he last heard "I'm not going to kill you. I just desire your life creating juices...." His consciousness fading, the Pokémon that had hit him proceeded to grab his body with her armlike hair, and harmlessly carried him away to somewhere unknown.