A Father And His Cub part 1

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Garalast looked around, he was wondering what exactly was happening, then he realized that his alarm clock was going off. In his half awake, dazed state the male wolf rolled over in bed and slammed his paw down on the clock, shutting off its cries. He sat up in bed and looked around. He was slightly amused at the fact that his wife of five years was not dozing next to him, complaining about how "loud and annoying that damn alarm clock is." He sniffed the air and didn't catch any scents, traces of his wife's, only his own body, which needed to be washed soon. He sat up, stood up from the bed. His body was lean and muscled, the result of twenty years of track, gymnastics, and swimming. His fur was a sandy brown with small dark freckles spotting him like a large cat. He cracked his back and neck, stretched and bent over to pick up a pair of boxers to clothe his nude body. He wandered out into the hallway, walked past his cubs room, and looked in to find the young cub still sleeping in his bed. He'd have to tell him to clean up his room later, it was a mess, clothes and toys every where, and was that a dirty plate? He walked into the kitchen to find it was deserted, he turned and headed down the staircase and found the laundry room abandoned and full of dirty clothes, which he'd have to wash after driving Thaddeus, his cub, to school. He looked into the little weight room, only to find that dark and empty. He headed back upstairs, getting a little worried. He walked passed Thaddeus' room once more and entered the living room to find that also empty.

"Okay, this is not good," He whispered to himself. He went back to the kitchen and opened the door to the garage to find his wife's car gone. "Okay, this really isn't good," He went back into the bedroom and grabbed a pair of pants from the dresser. He looked at the dresser top and noted an envelope that wasn't there the night before. He picked it up and opened it.

His name was scrawled across it in his wife's writing. He opened up the envelope and pulled out a handwritten page inside which read:


I know we've been married for quite some time now, but I'd have to say that I've never wanted to be part of it, the only reason I had married you was because I was pregnant with your cub. I just want you to know, that it isn't anything about you, it is just that I was, have been, and always will be at heart, a lesbian. That and I know that you were a gay man before that night at the bar, so I am leaving you for my old girlfriend and leaving you to chase after whichever man or woman you see fit. The divorce papers are in the mail, and you are taking custody of Thaddeus, I want to have no more part in his life or yours after this divorce. If you need to reach me for anything, until the court proceedings, I'll be at my sister, Angie's house. ‾K."

Gary looked at the letter and set it back on top of the dresser and sat down on the bed, a feeling of shock and depression setting in on him. "Five years next Saturday, " He mumbled to himself, staring at the floor, tears welling up in the corner of his eyes. He looked up to the doorway to see his cub, Thaddeus, standing in the doorway.

"Daddy, where's Mommy?" He asked, looking at his father. "And why are you cwying?" The little cub walked slowly across the room to his father and hopped up on the bed next to him. "Daddy?"

Trying to hold back his sobs, Garalast took little Thaddeus in his arms and nuzzled against him, letting out a sob. "Mommy left, and I don't think she's going to be coming back, kiddo," He managed to say through his sobs.

"But why, Daddy?" The cub asked, nuzzling into his fathers arms, tears welling up in his eyes.

"For stupid, selfish reasons," Garalast said, holding his cub close.

"You aren't leaving too, are you?" The little cub asked, large tears in his wide open, scared eyes.

"They'd have to kill me and pry me away from you before I'd leave," Gary said, kissing his cub softly on the crown of his head. He did his best to hold back his tears. "You can go back to bed if you want, Daddy has some calls to make kiddo."

"Ok, does this mean I don't have to go into school?" The little cub asked.

"You can stay home if you want. I'll come get you when breakfast is ready." Gary set his cub down on the floor.

"Daddy?" Thaddeus asked from the doorway, the little four and a half year old looking at his Dad with forlorn eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too, kiddo," Gary said, wiping a tear from his eye and standing, grabbing his cell and unplugging it from its charger. "Now go back to your room, I need to make some calls." Gary could hear his cub running back his room, and then he looked down at his phone and turned it on. He scrolled down to Angie's number and hit the call button.

"Hello?" A feminine voice answered.

"Angie?" Gary asked, "Is Karol there?"

"No, she stopped by, but she left about ten minutes ago with some big lioness." Angie responded. "I'm really sorry, if you and Thaddeus need anything..."

"No, no, it's okay. The two of us will manage. Did she tell you anything else?"

"Nothing that you would want to hear, she was real mean about the entire thing. It was real depressing." Angie said.

"Well if you hear from her, can you give me a call?" He asked.

"Alright, well my cubs are getting up, so I gotta go make them breakfast and get them off to school. You can call me later if you need to."

"Okay, Ang," Gary looked at his phone and sighed as he hit the end call button. He looked down at his left hand and wrenched off the gold band and threw it across the room, letting out a savage yell as he did so. "FUCK!" He shouted at the top of his lungs before collapsing back on the bed and crying.


A short while later he had collected himself enough to call into his sons school and tell them that he wouldn't be in today, then he called his work and took a personal day, explained to his boss the entire situation. The little fox was kind enough to let him know that if he needed more time off, he could take as much as he needed. Gary thanked him and hung up. He walked over to the bathroom and stepped inside before closing the door behind him. He stepped into the shower and turned it on, not paying attention to the temperature he stood there, head hung, long hair matting from the water and falling down around his face.

After his shower, he dried off and got dressed. He walked up to Thaddeus' room and knocked on the frame. "Hey kiddo, do want to go out for breakfast?" He asked as he looked into the messy room.

"Sure, papa," Came the small voice of his cub, from the large lump of sheets in the bed.

"Then get dressed, we can leave whenever you're ready."


Gary started the car, a large red behemoth of the golden ages of American Automobiles, an old Dodge Coronet sedan, and put it into drive as little Thaddeus buckled into his seat and closed the door. He hit the button on his garage door opener, gave the door the time to rise, and idled the old family/muscle car out into the driveway. Once clear of the door he hit the button once again to close it. The big red sedan rumbled out into the street and headed off in the direction of a little family owned sit down restaurant that Thaddeus loved to go to. As they pulled into the parking lot Gary parked the car and shut off the engine, walked around the side of the car and opened up the door for his child. The little cub hopped out of the car and held his dads hand as the adult locked the door and led him inside the little dinner.


Little Thaddeus sat in his bedroom, he was just staring at the ceiling. He could hear his dad in the other room talking on the phone with Auntie Angie. Every time he heard a car drive past on the road the little wolf cub jumped up and looked out his window to see if it was mommy coming back. He eventually cried himself to sleep and slept the rest of the day.

Needless to say, Gary was terribly depressed. He knew that Karol had never really loved them, he knew that it was only a matter of time before she left him, but so abruptly and with out warning? She never even said good bye to Thaddeus. The large wolf slumped down in the bed. It was times like this where he used to turn to the bottle, he always used to do that when he got dumped. But, he knew that he couldn't. Thaddeus needed him, more than ever. He went to his sons room and found the door closed. He opened it slowly and peeked in, seeing his little boy sleeping there on his bed. Gary made his way through the mess that his cub constantly filled his room with and laid down on the bed next to him. He wrapped his arms around the child and held him close. He kissed the crown of Thaddeus' head and whispered into his ear: "I'll always be there for you."

‾*‾ Seven Months Later...

It was in the dog days of August when the engine in the Coronet froze up, the radiator sprung a leak and with the age of the car, the thermostat had long been nonfunctioning and frozen in place. The pistons literally welded themselves to the engine block with the heat. So Gary and Thaddeus withdrew from their daily trips to beaches and water parks and played videogames together in the cool air conditioned home. Gary had taken on a better job doing web design, which he could do from home so that he could make sure that little Thaddeus was well taken care of. The two had become each others support beams, holding each other up.

Gary was adding a few more lines of code to a document when he noticed a little blinking light in the corner of his screen. He clicked the little pop up to find that, surprise surprise, his ex-wife had sent him another email. It was no big surprise, she would send him hate filled emails all the time, he just kept adding her email addresses to his spam folder. But something caught his attention about this one. He read through it to find that she had good news, she was pregnant again, and she was in love, that she was getting married in two months and that she wanted to know if she could adopt Thaddeus, so that her newborn could have an older brother. The large male sighed. He knew that it would be good for Thaddeus, that the cub would be better off having both mother and father, that he would have a little brother or sister to play with, that he may have a better life. But he knew deep down, that Karol would turn face. Her true colors would show, and Thaddeus would be put in an orphanage, her new man would be left with her second child, that she would leave for another woman. It wouldn't last and he knew that it would just be worse for Thaddeus. He deleted it and marked her email address as spam.

Thaddeus was in the den watching some kids show, he could hear the little cub giggling away.. Gary knew that Thaddeus' birthday was quick approaching, that the little cub wanted to see his mom desperately after all this time. He opened up a new email and sent Karol a quick message asking if she, and her new fiancテδゥ, could come and visit him on his birthday, Thaddeus was after all, and always would be her first born, and it would brighten his life so much for him to see her again.


Gary was in the kitchen a few days later, making lunch for himself and Thaddeus. He could hear his child in the den flipping through channels, having grown bored of the kids shows and not in the mood to watch discovery or feral planet. Thaddeus sat on the couch and was clicking the next channel button. He had gotten through nearly two hundred channels with out finding something he wanted to watch. Finally, he found a station he had never seen or heard of advertised on the other channels before, and it really intrigued him. The little wolf cub sat forward on the couch and gazed at what was on the TV.

Gary walked in carrying a plate with two sandwiches, a cut apple, and a small pile of potato chips on it. The plate and its contents crashed to the floor as he saw a large stallion, completely naked, talking to a slightly smaller male tiger in a derogative way, the stallions huge shaft reaming the tiger wide open. And there was Thaddeus, starring intently at the TV. The large wolf dashed over and grabbed the remote from the cub and quickly turned off the TV. "Thaddeus, you shouldn't be watching that channel, ever." He scolded, glaring sternly down at the cub.

"But why daddy? What were they doing any way? And why were they swearing so much?" Thaddeus asked, looking shyly up at his father, his tail cowering and curly around his body submissively.

Gary sighed and knelt down, beginning to clean up the mess of apple, chips, and sandwich from the floor, thankfully the plate didn't break. "I'll tell you when you are old enough. Just promise me that you won't watch that channel again? Ever?"

"Ok daddy." The little cub replied.

"I'm going to go make us another lunch, and don't let me catch you watching that channel again."


Thaddeus could hear his fathers soft snores coming from his bedroom. The little boy snuck silently out of his bed and crept into the den. He shut the door silently and found the remote. He new that the TV was muted but the sound system was not, so he only turned on the television. The little cub flipped through the channels until he found the naughty channel again. Now normally Thaddeus would do everything that his dad told him, but this channel, he wanted to watch it all the time, even if he got in trouble. Little Thaddeus watched in awe as he watched a young tiger cub licking happily at something coming off from a large male tiger. The big tiger was make funny faces, and his big muscled body was quivering. He looked happy and proud, the little cub had both of his large mitten like paws wrapped around the pink thing, his tongue darting up and down it. Thaddeus felt something in his mind crying out, something carnal, an urge he had never had before. His mind was telling him to rub his sheath, to lick it like that tiger cub if he could reach. The little wolf, not knowing what else to do, followed his instincts. He pulled off his briefs and let them fall to the floor. He sat down in front of the glowing TV, watching the muted screen as the daddy tiger began to buck his hips into the little boy tigers muzzle.

Thaddeus rubbed around his peepee place, he had no idea why, but it felt good for him to rub his small sheath like that. He rubbed it until he was panting and blushing, a little red spot was poking out of the tip of his sheath, and his little form jumped and spasm with bolts of pleasure every time his hand would brush against it. His little shaft was slowly growing, anly to about three inches in length, but enough were his little hand was gripping it and rubbing it slowly, stroking its small length and panting as he did so. His mind was calling for him again, to bend down and to lick the red thing growing from his sheath. He panted and curled up, his little muzzle touched against the small tip of flesh. He tentatively stuck his tongue out and touched it against the tip of his penis and jumped at the feeling, and almost gagged at the heavy taste.

The little cub was quivering and moaning as he licked and suckled on his little shaft, its taste going from like his urine to his saliva, then to some sweet, almost salty taste that he wanted more of. The little wolf cub suckled himself into his first erection in little over ten minutes, his entire body writhing as he panted and let out a loud groan, his little cock twitching in his hand. Thaddeus collapsed back to the floor and looked at the TV. He watched, fascinated as a new scene came on, a large white and black stallion having sex with a young black cat. The little wolf reached down and began to paw at his cock again. After another dry orgasm he turned off the TV and snuck back to his bedroom, but he forgot to do one thing, to turn the channel back to Disney.


Gary walked into the den to watch the morning news and flipped on the TV, expecting to see some Disney kids show pop, he jumped back and nearly screamed as a giant cock head appeared and coated the screen from the inside with thick ropes of pearly white cum. "THADDEUS!" The large wolf roared, banging open his cubs door. "I thought I told you yesterday never to watch that channel again."

Surprised, a little shocked, and confused at his fathers yelling, Thaddeus responded by saying, "Five more minutes," and rolling over in bed.

Gary sighed and let his child sleep, he knew what it was like when he was young, how he had reacted to seeing his first porn, and now his cub was the same. He didn't know if little Thaddeus knew what he was seeing, if he understood what was happening, but he knew that when the cub woke up he would have some questions to ask and a story to tell. So the ever loving father went to the kitchen and began to make breakfast. Once finished he went back to Thaddeus' room and awoke him. The little wolf cub looked blearily up into his fathers eyes and smiled. "G'morning papa." He nearly whispered.

"C'mon, breakfast is ready, I have some things I want to talk about too." Gary said with a smile before leaving the boys room. Gary walked back to the kitchen and set out the plates and silverware, and poured himself a cup of coffee before hearing the sound of his son tinkling with the door open and the toilet flushing a tiny bit after. The little cub came running happily into the kitchen. Gary couldn't see what the cub was wearing as his back was turned and he was putting a helping of eggs and bacon and strawberries on the child's plate, but when he turned around he gave a small chuckle. "You forgot something, but it doesn't matter right now." Gary looked at his child and smiled, the little soon to be five year old was completely naked, his little grey and white body was smooth and well groomed, his small sheath had just a small stain of yellow at the tip, and his small sac hung just beneath nestled between his little legs. The little cub blushed and turned to go back to his room to get dressed. "No, it's okay Thaddeus. If it'll make you more comfortable I can get undressed too." Gary set the cubs plate down on the table and slid off his robe, his firm, well toned body exposed to the air in the kitchen.

"Daddy you look like the guy on the movie last night." Thaddeus said as he sat down and took a forkful of eggs.

"Here's the thing kiddo," Gary said, taking his own plateful of food before sitting down next to his cub. "That probably was me in some of those videos you watched last night." Thaddeus gulped and blushed as he looked down at his plate, his tail curling under the seat of his chair.

"I'm sorry for watching the naughty channel daddy, I won't watch it again."

"No, it's okay if you watch it, it's just... You need to know some things." Gary took a sip of his coffee and ate a piece of his bacon. "You know your food isn't going to eat itself."

Little Thaddeus picked up his fork and ate slowly. "Daddy, what were they doing any way?"

"Well, they were having sex, kiddo." Gary said, taking a spoonful of eggs and chewing them.

"And what's that?" Thaddeus asked after taking a sip of juice.

"Well, it's how you were made, you see, there's no such thing as a stork that brings babies to mommies and daddies, kiddo. Well, unless the nurse bringing the baby back to mommy and daddy after getting him cleaned up is a stork."

"I don't get it," Thaddeus said, chopping up his bacon and stirring it in with his eggs before taking another forkful.

"Well when ah... When a fur puts his penis inside of another, that's called sex. And when he puts it in a girl they might make a baby." Gary said, eating another strip of bacon and washing it down with a swallow of coffee.

"Do they have to be adults to do that?" Thaddeus asked, looking up at his dad.

"Well... Not necessarily. It's best if they wait to be adults, but a bunch of teens do it and mess up their lives as a result of it."

"What does that mean?"

"Well, if a young girl and a young boy do it and they aren't protected, or sterile, there's the chance that the girl can get pregnant, and then what happens? If she is too young she could be forced to stay home from school to take care of her kid, and then what?"

"I don't know... What about the boy?"

"Well, he'd have to do the same and get a job so he could help pay for their kid. It is the right thing to do after all."

"And could that happen when two boys did it?" Thaddeus asked.

"I don't think it could, there's the off chance that one of the boys isn't really a boy but a herm or something. But as far as I have seen a guy can't get pregnant unless something puts a fertilized egg in him."

"How would that happen!?"

"Well, tentacle monsters, giant space aliens, scientific experimentation... real weird stuff." Gary said as he finished up his eggs.

Little Thaddeus took another mouthful of food and then another. "And what about cubs?"

Gary stopped and set his coffee mug on the table. "Do you mean two cubs together or an adult and a cub?"

"An adult and a cub, daddy." Thaddeus said, stirring his eggs and bacon again.

"That's called pedophilia and it is frowned on by most people. Why are you asking?"

"All of the videos I saw last night were daddies and their sons."

"Hmm..." Gary put his hand to his chin and rubbed the short white hairs there. "I think you were watching the Soft-paw channel, they are barely legal and frowned upon by a lot of organizations, but they are one of the most popular channels."

About five minutes passed in silence and Thaddeus looked up. "Daddy?" he asked after finishing off his breakfast, "Could you have sex with me?"

Gary shook his head and picked up their plates and empty cups and put them in the sink. "No, I can't do that. I will watch that channel with you but I won't touch you like they do."

"Ok daddy." Thaddeus said before jumping from his chair and running off to the den. Gary sighed and leaned back against the counter and watched his cubs little tail wag behind him and lift high as he ran off, his little pink tail hole winking at him. Something stirred deep in his sheath.

"Why is it that I get stuck with a cub that is an exact clone of me?" He asked himself before turning around and doing the dishes. From the den he could hear the sounds of men and cubs playing through the speakers, and the soft moans of his cub, a faint scent drifted to his nose. The adult wolf whimpered a little, trying to keep his mind on task as his large grey furred hands scrubbed away at the cast iron pan. His son was masturbating just in the other room, his four, nearly five year old was playing with himself, to the idea of being mounted by him, his father. What the hell. "What the hell." He muttered and rinsed the pan and his hands. He dried the water from his hands and walked into the den and picked up the remote. Turning off the TV he looked to the floor where the little cub was rubbing his little cock and staring up at his dad.

"What is it daddy?" Thaddeus asked, his paw withdrawing from his crotch and wiping away a small line of drool that had grown down his muzzle.

"I changed my mind." Gary said, sitting down on the couch. "Come here and sit next to me."