A Special Valentine's

Story by little_joey on SoFurry

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Well, this is my first story. I want to do a backstory on both the rabbit and the fox, and on Alana and Mindy. But first I'll see how much you like this one. Hope you enjoy.


Slowly the young tigress walked back and forth between the garden gate and the front door. Her lover had told her to wait outside until 5 o'clock, and as it slowly crept up to the end time, she started to get restless. She finally gave up with 10 minutes to go and plonked herself on the front step. Every few seconds she glanced at her silver watch, glistening on her wrist as the sun began to set. Her cargo pants allowed her to sit with her knees beneath her chin and her simple red tee rode up to reveal her cream coloured under-belly. With two minutes to go, she stood back up and faced the door. Her tail up in the air, and her long, wavy red hair slightly moving in the wind, she straightened her clothing as much as she could and stared at her watch for the remaining 30 seconds.

5...4...3...2...1...5 o'clock. She quickly reared her head up to the door and let out a sigh. It had not opened. She plonked herself back onto the front step and held her head up with her paws. Across the road she could see windows lit up by candles, other furs enjoying a fine Valentines meal, young furs being put to bed early so their parents can enjoy themselves, and each other. She glanced around the other houses and she jumped a little to see a grey rabbit undressing on her balcony. Alana dropped her paws down to her knees and sat up straight. The rabbit was quite attractive, and seeing her in just her panties and bra excited Alana. The grey rabbit turned into the open door at which she stood at, but then quickly came back to the edge of the balcony. Alana watched her unclasp her bra, and stared as her plump breasts fell freely from their restraint. She blushed slightly as she realised she was staring, but never took her eyes off her. The rabbit once again looked back into the doorway and her ears drooped. She then turned back to the street and slid a paw over her sky blue panties, slowly sliding them over the silver fur of her sex. Seeing her fully naked, Alana started to become aroused and could feel the blood pulsating to her clit. The rabbit now turned her body and arched her back. Alana watched as she ran her paws down her breasts, slowly massaging her nipples as she went, and ran her paw down her stomach. Alana waited patiently for the rabbit to please herself, trying to resist the urge to place her own paw down her pants.

"Enjoying the show?"

Alana quickly jumped and turned to see her tiger-lover looking down at her. She glanced at her watch to see that 20 minutes had gone past five o'clock.

"I..uhh..wasnt looking."

The large tiger smiled down at her and giggled to himself. His laugh was deep and came out as a small growl.

"Right. You're late."

Alana widened her eyes.

"I'm late? You didnt open the door!"

"And when did I say that I would have to open the door?"

Alana dropped her eyes to her tigers large foot-paws. She knew he was right, and there was no point in arguing. She stood up and dusted her pants off. She looked up into the tigers eyes, she still stood a foot shorter than him.

"So..can we go in?"

"Oh? You want to go in? I thought you would've liked to finish watching you're little friend over there."

Alana playfully slapped his arm and smiled at him. "Shut up." She then walked past the large tiger and walked into the front door.

Marv smiled to himself as Alana walked past him, brushing against his fur as she did so. He glanced across the street before he followed her inside just in time to see a large red fox join the rabbit.

Alana stopped two feet inside the front door and looked around the hallway. Hundreds of candles had been lit, and the sweet scent of raspberries filled her nostrils. Marv pulled his arms around her, letting her feel his body against her back. He was shirtless, and wore a pair of black, baggy jeans. She closed her eyes and placed her paws around his arms. Swiftly Marv lifted her into his arms, and she gave a short squeal. He carried her to the end of the hall and turned left into the kitchen. There he had laid a baked dinner out, and two places had been set for the dinner.

"Oh, wow. Marv, you've outdone yourself."

Marv walked her over to the far side of the kitchen and pulled out her chair. She sat down, and washed her eyes over the food.

"I feel so..underdressed!" Alana looked down at her everyday wear and back up at Marv. He smiled at her and leant down towards her ear. "Stand up." She did as he told her to, and before she knew what had happened, Marv sliced her shirt and pants off with one swift swipe of his claws. "You feel underdressed now?" Alana looked down at her creamy underbelly and her striped thighs.


He giggled at her again and walked to the otherside of the table. He picked up a fork and pointed it to Alanas chair. "Sit."

Slowly Alana fell back into her chair and pulled it into the table. She soon forgot about her loss of clothes as she started to pick at her plate and quickly eat all the contents laid out. Marv had done a wonderful job on the pork, leaving it still pink on the inside, yet crispy and juicy on the outside. Their meal was soon devoured, and after a few minutes, they both sat there staring at each other.

"So, you gonna clean up?" Alana smiled at Marv and stood up. "Dont worry, I'll do it." She gathered the plates and cutlery and carried them to the sink. She was very concious of Marvs eyes following her, and turned to see him staring. He had now stood up, and was walking towards her. He hugged her close to his fur and grabbed her right paw with his left.

"Come on."

He pulled her out of the kitchen and down the hallway, stopping halfway and opening the door to the bathroom. Alana stood at the doorway and looked in to see the bath full, with bubbles exploding from it. The strong scent of raspberries was coming from this bath, and Alana walked over to it. She looked back at Marv, and he nodded. She quickly undid her bra, letting her creamy breasts free, and quickly jumped out of her panties. Marv silently watched as she climbed into the large bath, big enough to fit atleast four, and murred under his breath. Her slim figure slid into the bubbles and surrounded her body. She sank down under the bubbles and came back up again. Marv walked over to her and unzipped his pants. She watched as he took them off, leaving him standing in his boxers. His large erection was now easily visible, and Alana reached out a paw to touch it. Marv swifty stepped back from paws reach, and smiled at his horny lover. He now dropped his boxers off him, and stood fully naked. He slid his paws into the bubbles and wiped them down his chest. Alana watched closely and followed his hands down his stomach and down his pelvic-region. He slid a finger down the top of his cock, all the way to the tip, and back up again. He then slid himself into the bath next to Alana, and allowed her paws to explore his body. Her left paw automatically felt for his cock, and didnt take long to wrap around his member. She purred as she slowly pulled his foreskin down, letting his sensitive tip free.

"You should stop, you know."

Alana looked up at Marv and asked, "and why is that?"

"Because, I will want to fuck you, right here, right now. And if I do that, it'll ruin the rest of the evening."

Alana smiled at him and let go of his dick. She closed her eyes and laid back into the bubbles. Marv swished some bubbles away, her breasts now visible, and he started to massage them. His paws ventured across her plump tits, entangled into her wet fur. He then sat up and got onto his knees, bringing Alana to the front of him. She opened her eyes and pressed her back onto Marvs chestfur, giving him easy access to her tits. As he started to massage them again, she noticed a bottle of champagne and three glasses sitting on the chair beside the bath.

"Marv, why is there three glasses?"

Marv, who was too busy nuzzling into her neck and playing with her hard nipples, didnt reply. Alana didnt think any more of it and sank back into Marv. His big, strong hands worked delicately on her breasts which instantly aroused her. She loved it when he was gentle with her. Marv put his lips up close to Alanas ear and slightly blew in it. He knew this tickled her and loved to feel her reaction towards it. As he expected, she squirmed a little and giggled.

"Darling, close your eyes. I have a suprise for you."

Alana closed her eyes and felt the bath water splash around her as Marv got out. She then heard him walk out of the bathroom. Slowly Alana opened her eyes but quickly closed them again. She didnt want to displease her lover after all he had prepared for her. She sank back slowly into the bubbles, and let out a small sigh. She wondered how long she would have to wait. She could hear cicadas outside and wondered if it was dark yet. Finally, she heard the bathroom door open. With her eyes being closed, her senses were much stronger than usual, and she could hear a quiet tip tap of paws on the wet tiles. "He's trying to sneak in, theres no way hes big paws can be silent." she thought to herself. "I wonder what hes been up to?" She felt a blindfold fall down onto her eyes and lifted her head willingly for her lover to tie it. She placed her head back down on the edge of the bathtub but went stiff as a paw stroked her neck. It was not the strong paw of her lover, but a much smaller, more delicate paw which was owned by a female. She tried to sniff the air to get a scent, but the raspberry was too powerful.


"Yes, darling," came the familiar voice from the door way, "I've brought a little treat for you. Her name is Mindy."

Alana felt the blindfold lift from her and she blinked a few times to adjust to the lighting. Looking back at her was obviously Mindy, a cute little snow leopard. Her fur was a pure white, with a limited amount of black circle spots, spreading from just below her neck and down to the base of her tail. Her belly fur was groomed quite well and her tail swang slowly from side to side. Alana smiled up at her and went to say something, but the leopard pushed a finger up to her lips. She then looked back at Marv and he nodded to her. For the first time Alana noticed that Mindy was clotheless, her large breasts now in front of Alanas face, as she lifted herself onto the side of the tub. Alana had a sudden urge to reach out and touch the leopard, but resisted. If the large cat wanted to get her thrills, she would have to work for it.

Marv, still standing at the doorway, shifted his posture so he was more comfortable. He knew it would take a bit for Alana to let her inhibitions go, he knew how dedicated she was to him. Watching his feline he could see she wanted the leopard he had brought for her. She lusted for her and he knew it. It had been an age when Alana had told him about her bisexuality, how she dreamed for another female, how she got aroused when she caught Marv looking at the occasional porn movie. Marv now walked into the bathroom, but still kept a watch on the two females now staring into each others eyes. Mindys tail had slid down into the bubbles, and he could not see where it had led to. He hoped to himself that it had found its way to Alanas privates. He stood behind Mindy and put a paw on each of her shoulders.

"You like?"

Alana lifted her eyes from the locked stare and looked at her sopping tiger. "Mmhmm."

Mindy, who had now shifted her eyes to Marv, finally spoke. "I dont think she likes me, Marv. Maybe I should show her what I can do?" Her voice came out softly but sweetly. She was surely in her twenties and yet spoke like a 17 year old. Alana tried to hold her voice in her head as long as she could. Marv then let go of Mindys shoulders, moved the champagne and glasses from the seat and poured himself a glass. He then sat down and nodded to Mindy. Mindy looked back at Alana and let her tail drag in between Alanas legs. Alana let out a sudden "Oh!" as her tail ran along her pussy lips. She then leant back into the bath and widened her legs a little letting Mindys tail touch her clit. Her tail, rubbing furiously against Alana, now moved down towards her hole. She let it linger there for a few seconds, then pushed it far in. Alana gave a small gasp as she felt the cold fur enter her. She tightened her muscles to get the most extreme pleasure she could, the tail was not nearly as wide as her mates cock, but yet it went in further, and she nearly came at the sudden pulse she got as the tail pushed past the boundaries of her lover. Mindy now climbed into the bath next to Alana and placed her left hand on her breast. Alana moaned as her nipple and hole was worked on, slightly humping Mindys tail.

Marv sat silently and watched as the two played around with each other. He quickly gulped down the rest of the drink and walked over to the bath. Kneeling down next to the baths edge he reached in his paw and found his mates clit. He watched her moan and automatically he started to spurt pre-cum. Seeing Alana enjoy herself like this was so enticing to him. He loved to see her pleased.

"I think we should leave the bathroom, and head into the bedroom." Marv growled a little as he said this, and stood up.

Both Alana and Mindy got out of the bath, their fur soaking wet and bubbles clinging to their slim, but curvy bodies. Mindy was a little taller than Alana, but had smaller breasts, although still quite large. Mindy walked past Alana and she gave her a little tap on the ass. Alana jumped, and Mindy giggled at the sight of Alanas breasts jiggling. She then grabbed the champagne and glasses, and followed Marv and Alana out of the bathroom.

Marv watched Alana in front of her, and quickly pulled her back against his hard, throbbing member. She looked backwards at him and smiled. They walked like that down to the end of the hall and to the right. Mindy stepped in front of them and opened the door. Inside there was a king size canopy bed, the bed Alana had dreamed of having ever since she was a child. A few candles were lit here and there, which lit up the white carpet perfectly. The purple curtain was blowing slightly in the wind, as the balcony doors were open. Marv walked forward and shut them. Mindy slowly walked in, walking around the room, watching the many photos which have built up over time of Marv and Alana. She finally finished and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Nice room."

Alana looked over to her. She had laid down while saying this, with her legs still dangling over the beds edge. Alana still stood at the doorway watching both Mindy and Marv. Marv was still standing by the balcony windows, now looking at Alana.

"Thank you."

"You dont talk much, do you?" Mindy still laid, staring up at the ceiling through the mesh.

Alana looked at Marv but quickly back at Mindy. "I'm sorry. I'm just..new to all this."

Mindy leant up on her elbows and looked at Alana. She then winked and laid back down.

Alana looked back at Marv and whispered under her breath, "Oh, bugger it." She walked over to where Mindy was laying and knelt on the floor between her legs. Mindy smiled to herself and automatically widened her legs. Alana rubbed her paws up Mindys white thighs, and up to her waist, then back down again. She then nuzzled her nose into her thigh, inches below her sex. She slowly nudged her nose closer, and finally came to her pussy. Alana could smell Mindys love juice, they were both as horny as each other. Alana slightly poked out her tongue, and stroked it against Mindys pussy lips. Mindy moaned and pushed her pelvic region closer to Alana. Alana pulled back just in time, leaving Mindy wanting more, needing more. Alana reached her paws up to Mindys pussy, and pulled her lips to the side. She then sat her tongue on her clit, licking it slowly, but getting faster and faster. Mindy purred, and sat up on her elbows to watch the tiger giving her pleasure.

Marv still stood at the window, transfixed on how well Alana could lick out Mindys cunt. Watching his tigress with another female aroused him so much, he placed a paw on his own cock, and started pumping it. He watched as Mindy delicately placed her paw on Alanas head, and whispered something to her. He could not hear. He stopped wanking his dick and walked over behind Alana and knelt down. He nudged his cock at her ass and she opened her legs. He placed his member at Alanas cunt and she pushed down against it. He entered his tip, but didnt enter any further. Alana kept licking Mindys clit but moved one paw down to her sex hole. She slowly entered a finger, but pushed in fast and hard, and made Mindy moan with pleasure, almost making her cum. Marv also pushed his cock in fast, and almost instantly came.

Alana, now recieving the physical pleasure of her tigers large cock, and the mental pleasure of licking Mindys clit, was about to cum. She licked faster than she ever thought she could have and thrusted hard onto Marvs erection. She did this, again and again, the pleasure growing inside her, almost too much to bear, when suddenly, her pussy muscles relaxed, and a river of love juice came flowing onto Marv. She moaned onto Mindys lips and the sudden vibrations made Mindy release her juice into Alanas mouth. Alana swallowed as much as she could, but there was too much, and it exploded out onto the bedsheets. Mindy panted at the sudden climax, and laid her head back down on the bed. Knowing that the others had came, Marv pushed his cock into Alana faster and faster, making it difficult for Alana to clean off Mindys sex. Marv let out a raw as his hot seed filled Alana, his cock tingling with pleasure. Alana arched her back for him, she knew how this pressed against his cock, and he quickly pulled out from her, his tip sensitive to the touch of Alanas walls.

They layed on the bed together for a few minutes, the clock on the wall closing to 9. As it chimed nine, Mindy sat up and swished her tail.

"I have to go guys..thanks for the night."

She then winked at Alana again, and walked out of the room. Marv looked down at Alana and smiled.

"So, did you have fun?"

"Oh Marv, you have no idea."

He giggled at her, and rolled over to face her. "Dont expect it too often, I might lose you to young Mindy, there."

Alana threw a pillow at him. "Shut up!"

Marv hugged Alana close to him.

"Happy Valentines day, darling".

Alana nuzzled herself into his chestfur and waited for him to sleep. After a few minutes she stood up, walked to the balcony and threw open the windows. Standing there was the little snow leopard she knew only too well.

"Geez Mindy, I thought he knew! As soon as I seen you I just..." Alana laughed and let out a sigh. "Now THATS what I call a coincidence. Seeya at the club on Sunday, yeah?"

Mindy smiled at Alana. "Hell yeah! When I seen you lying in the bath my heart jumped a mile. I thought he knew too, but looks like he didnt." Mindy winked once more at Alana, and jumped off the balconys edge, and slyly ran down the dark shadows of the street.