Did you know? Top-10 Vore Facts!

Story by BeardyKomodo on SoFurry

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#1 of Vore Stories

One of the first attempts I did to put words to the facts I've learned over these 7-8 years of meddling with said fetish. Some portions of this is just my own experiences and interviews/chats with hundreds of people from the Vore Community, but I will be the first to agree that ALL these facts does not fit with EVERYONE. Every person is unique, making it IMPOSSIBLE to make a list of anything that collects everyone's intentions and fascinations. This is merely the MAJORITY, I can't make that statement more clearly, so if you do not see yourself FIT on this, do not THROW a FIT about it. However, after uploading this on my Eka's and FA pages? I was pleasantly surprised over just how many that DID feel familiar with what is listed above =)

So if you are a Vorite or not, give it a gaze and maybe learn something!

Did you know? (vore)

This is a silly side-project that is really based on my original notes from when I first got interested in

Vore many years ago. Of course, I have updated these 5-8 year old bits of information to give you a

DYK on the subject! So if you are a Vore-lover or not, this might just be informative for both!

Let's get started!

1 Did you know that Vore is the short for Vorarephilia? A 2-stage word composed of "Vorare", Latin

for Swallow / Devour, and "Philia" which is ancient greek for Love! Basically; Loves to Devour!

2 Did you know that the word "Vore" is also Swedish? Hence if you search with just that word in

Google or on Youtube, you might get Swedish stuff. In Sweden, "vore" is pronounced "vo-ré" and is a

usage for "would"/"were" in daily conversation.

"Vad vore världen utan..." - "What_would_ the world be without..."

"_Om jag _vore lite starkare..." - "If I _were_a little stronger..."

3 Did you know that Vore is theoretically NOT the same thing as cannibalism? The two are separated

on a psychological standpoint, even if similarities are great. Swallowing another person whole and

digesting said person is not counted as a cannibalistic act, but chewing an impossibly and magically

shrunken person IS. Reasons for this varies, but main (if vague) rule seems to be that if the

consumption of another same-species creature is sexually arousing and possibly fantasy? Its vore.

4 Did you know that Vore was the main subject of an episode of CSI? Season 14 had an episode

totally devoted to the fetish, though written from the eyes of someone who did a hasty youtube-

search and called it a day. Put to TV as a sick and twisted form of Cannibalistic Fantasy, though with

no references to the vast amount of great art drawn or animated, in focus for slutty women doing

camera-swallows as the main source of vore on the internet... because yeah, it totally is.

5 Did you know that Vore is one of the most branching fetish-trees out there? Due to having so many

ways of portraying it; Oral, Anal, Vaginal, Cock, Nipple and Cooking to name a few. It also has a finger

in many other fetishes honey-pots, making it a closely related cousin of many fetishes revolving

Micros, Deepthroating, Unbirth and Hypnotism. Not to forget that almost all of the mentioned can be

done either "Soft" or "Hard", with an added bonus-combo of "Reform", "Digestion" or both!

6 Did you know that Vore is generally frowned upon as a fetish, yet it is something everyone is

familiar with? Vore has existed since man first began to tell tales, because the concept has always

fascinated us. Greeks, Nord, Arabians, Celtics and Asians (to name a few) all have Mythology or even

Religion containing tales of vast monsters and creatures that could consume whole men, or even

whole ships or VILLAGES in a single gulp! Many tales then continues on whether the people involved

are eternally tormented in a sense of justice, or can brave an escape in an act of heroism.

7 Did you know that Vore, like any fetish, has deep psychological roots? Almost all people who find

themselves -naturally- attracted to vore, more so than the artwork and over-sexualized stories, are

so because they are often very lonely. Most vore-lovers come from either traumatic pasts of being

bullied, unloved or simply ignored by either parents, teachers, classmates or siblings. The desire to

partake in a vore-based scenario is from the attraction of being so impossibly close to the predatory /

prey creature or person, that you'll never be separated. It is not due to being suicidal, as first

believed by many psychologists.

8 Did you know that couples who meet through their shared fascination for vore often grow out of

their fetish very quickly and form bonds with each other that are impossibly strong? Same thing can

be said when people make friends over Vore-based means of media or forums, who are often

extremely trustworthy and accepting people, due to previously stated reasons. Amongst the many

fetishes out there, people with a love for Vore ranks amongst the top of most compassionate.

9 Did you know that an unspecific percent, though still above 30%, of people interested in Vore are

either Homosexual, Bisexual or Asexual?

10 Did you know the differences between Vore and closely related fetishes?

Vaginal Vore and Unbirth are not the same, though they can look identical. Vaginal Vore tend to

include the prey being "digested" into cum or unharmed, while in Unbirth the prey is required to

undergo a transformative effect / connection to the predator, to the point of the prey literarily

becoming a child to be born from her.

If you put a Micro in the mouth of a larger creature, it is not vore, but Giant Tongue Play until the

point of the predator swallowing. If the predator and prey are same species and the predator chews

the tiny prey, it becomes cannibalism. But not if they are different species.

Shoving a micro or even same-sized prey up one's rear is not considered Vore, but Extreme Fisting

until the point of the entire prey is within the anus. Then it becomes Vore.

"Pre-vore" is thus not really its own thing, more than a warning or promise of the situation turning.

The Night Scale Monster (Skyrim Horror)

**The Night Scale Monster. A Skyrim horror story.** _"It... it was too horrific to behold, yet too frightening to turn my gaze away. I dared not let go of the beast with my eyes, too terrified that it might vanish into the shades and target me...

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