Wolfie Steel: Assassin/Bodyguard for hire, Part 26

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#26 of Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire

Wolfie Steel. ©

Assassin/Bodyguard for hire. ©

Written by Vinnie Van Daz.

A/N: My continued thanks go to the following list of furs, who were prepared to appear as a character in my humble story, I would also like to thank wolf pup, for allowing the link between our two stories.

Wolfie Steel : Wolfie Steel (Formerly Vinnie Van Daz) ©

Wolverine Steel : Proudfur ©

Linkin Doberman : Linkin Doberman ©

Todd Styles : Flipp_HaVok_13 ©

Commander Michael T Nash : Wolf Pup ©

Matt Bond : kashito91 ©

Hammy: Hammy ©

Loboron: Loboron ©


As this story contains references and scenes of a homosexual nature, if you are not old enough to read such literature in your country, then DON'T. If you are not old enough and read it anyway and get caught, I will deny all knowledge. With that warning given, to the rest of you I say ENJOY!

Chapter 26.

Having now arrived in the USA, I hire a vehicle that is in keeping with the US army lifestyle, the ubiquitous Hum V, sure it's bigger than my beloved Range Rover, but hey, a truck is a truck right?, wrong, this truck is huge, and has a gear shift lever on the steering column, it is also left hand drive.

Tony, Loboron get into the truck, and I get behind the wheel, I fire up the huge engine and tentatively select a gear. I begin to pull out of the parking lot from the airport and almost instantly stall the truck, a thought plays through my mind, 'Am I glad that the Stanford's weren't around to see that'. I restart the truck, and slowly make my way out of the parking lot.

I have now been driving for a couple of hours, and I'm glad to say that wolf and machine have finally reached an understanding, namely, if it forgives my slight mistakes, I will try to not ruin it's engine and gearbox. Another two hours of driving and we are finally at our destination, Fort Peterson Army Base, I pull up to the security gate and announce our arrival.

"My name is Wolfern Steel, I'm here for the Advanced Combat Training Course, I believe that a General Stanford is expecting us".

The guard looks at me, then Tony, and then Loboron, he then checks his visitors sheet and speaks.

"Wolfern Steel Wolfern Steel, ah yes, party of three, and yes, the General is expecting you, welcome to Fort Peterson Sir, just drive past the gates and park up, the General will be with you shortly".

I do as the guard asks and pull up just past the gates, to await my first meeting with the General. I turn to Tony with a smile plastered on my muzzle.

"Did you hear that, the guard called me Sir".

Tony smirked and rolled his eyes before turning to our son, Loboron.

"Well son, you do realise that there will be no living with Mr. High and Mighty here, not with the size of his swelled head".

Loboron lets out a small chuckle. I look out from my window to see a huge Wolf all dressed in a US army uniform, heading towards the car, I step out from the vehicle, and to keep up with the pleasantries, I stand to attention and dutifully salute.

"Mr. Steel I presume, it is such a pleasure to be greeted in the military tradition by a civilian. I have just been speaking with your boss, when you asked to join this training course, I was just going to put you through an easy course, because being a civilian, you probably wouldn't last the course anyway, however, I have now had to change my plans, now that I know that you work for Senior Linkin Doberman, one of the richest furs in the world. To put it bluntly, the fact that you are a Wolf like myself will cut you no slack, I will put you through our most rigorous training course. Only a pawful of furs have taken this course, and even less have fully completed it, when you leave here Mr. Steel, if you have completed the course, there will be but a few furs that will be able to match you".

The General now looks into the car.

"I see you have brought your adopted son and mate with you, I will assign you family quarters here on the base, maybe your son would like to meet Micah, he is my son and if I do say so myself, he is a chip off the old block. Mr. Steel, I know that you are gay and that you have brought your partner, whilst we in the US army do not condone such partnerships, you are here as a guest and a trainee, and whilst you are here then please feel free to continue with your family life, just please try and keep your relationship to the privacy of your family quarters. I will now call another one of my most trusted soldiers to show you to your quarters".

Five minutes later and a Rottweiler, again in full military dress, heads towards me, again I make my salute.

"Mr. Steel, welcome to Fort Peterson, my name is Staff Sergeant Mike Locklear, I will take you and your family to your quarters, I will then leave you to settle in, I will also give you my number, so, once you are settled in, call me and I will take you on a tour of the base, after all, to all intense and purposes, you are a civilian".

I opened the car door for the Staff Sergeant, and then got into the drivers seat. We headed out to the residential complex, then we pull up outside a single story dwelling, the Staff Sergeant hands me the keys and his cell phone number.

Thought for the day, 'Why are all rottweiler's so damn sexy and hot', I slap my face hard, "Control yourself Wolfern", I whisper under my breath. Tony looks at me with confusion on his face.

"Wolfie, what was that all about? Why did you slap your face so hard?".

Uh oh busted, think fast Wolfie, and make it good, or at least believable, cuz otherwise Tony is going to eat you for lunch.

"Sorry hun, had some sort of bug on my face, and I had to use force, cuz well, these American bugs probably walk around with machetes and machine guns, so I had to make sure it was dead".

Thank the lord for my Wolfie sense of humour, it has, I hope, saved the day again.

Three very tired wolves enter the building carrying various items of luggage, which then gets dumped on the floor, we then flop down onto the couch and within seconds we are asleep.

Three hours later, and I'm awake, I begin to manoeuvre the suitcases into the bedrooms and begin to fill the closet space. With the unpacking now complete, I decide that a tour of the facility and maybe something to eat and drink is in order, I awake Loboron and Tony and then make a call to the Staff Sergeant to alert him to the fact that we are ready for our tour.

Five minutes passes and suddenly there is a hefty knock at the door, I head to the door and open it, to be greeted by the features of Staff Sergeant Locklear and an unknown young soldier, a fox/wolf mix, a folf, I salute both soldiers.

"Mr. Steel, I would like to introduce you to one of our finest young soldiers, and I'm not saying that because he just so happens to be the Generals son, this is Micah Stanford, and I've asked him to come along so that he can meet your son, the two are very close in age. I know that with you just recently adopting your son, that he will probably still feel a little out if sorts, young Micah here will soon put that to rights, now, if you are all ready, we will begin the tour".

The five of us pile into the Hummer, with the Staff Sergeant taking the wheel, Tony and I sit on the front bench seat, whilst Micah and Loboron sit in the back and begin to get acquainted. Half an hour passes and the tour is complete, we pull up outside the PX and head in for something to eat and drink, having gathered our food we find a spare table big enough for the five of us to sit at, once settled the Staff Sergeant speaks again.

"You have now seen the whole facility, Mr. Steel, I have been told by General Stanford, that both you and your.....partner are to be put through our most demanding training course, young Micah here has been charged with watching over Loboron whilst you are both training".

A look of confusion spreads across my muzzle, so I ask the question.

"Staff Sergeant, please don't take this as a challenge, but, I only have enough money to pay for my course, I only brought Tony and Loboron so it would act as like a family vacation".

The Staff Sergeant suddenly gains a wide beaming smile, and gives his reply.

"Mr. Steel, here your money is no good, true enough, you have booked one training course, however, Senior Linkin Doberman is a very well respected fur in these parts, the fact that you two furs are so close to the great dog, means that you are to be afforded every courtesy, we know that whilst Tony is Senior Doberman's driver, he also helps out with being his bodyguard from time to time, and as such, General Stanford has asked me to put you both through the same training. The course includes the most advanced driving tuition, as well as the latest in self defence training, which will include the use of weapons and hand to hand combat, in short gentlemen, when you leave here, you will both be the Elite when it comes to being bodyguards. Now, after we finish eating, I will take you back to your digs, where I advise you all get some good sleep, because, at 0530 hrs., your training will begin, first you will have breakfast here in the PX, after that, if you will pardon the expression, but both of your furry butts will be mine for a solid twelve hours of training."

With the meal now over, and our itinerary mapped out, we head back to our digs, to begin our first night as trainees at Fort Peterson.

0500 hrs. I awake and begin to raise Loboron and Tony, ready for the long and arduous day that lies ahead of us, fifteen minutes later, there is a knock at the door, I open the door and am met by young Micah.

"Mr. Stanford, I take it that you are here for my son?, far be it for me to ask anything of a fine young soldier such as yourself, but Loboron is still getting over the fact that he has new parents, and also the lose of his real parents, please be gentle with him, and try not to let him get into too much trouble."

I chuckle as I rub the folf's head fur, in truth though, I know full well that I'm worrying too much, I mean after all, this is Micah, the Generals Kid, what could possibly go wrong?. Tony and I leave the digs dressed in military uniforms, and head for the PX to begin our day as Elite bodyguards in training.

0600 hrs. and both Tony and I leave the PX and head for the training ground to begin the first of many training sessions. We enter the training area and are met by none other than Staff Sergeant Mike Locklear, he looks at his watch and speaks.

"Gentlemen, I'm impressed, I was half expecting to have to come and drag you both out of bed, and yet, here you both are, fed, suited and booted, and you both look bright eyed and bushy tailed too, tell me your secret!."

The three of us let out a chuckle, before the warm up exercises begin. With the warm ups complete, we go into the full training routine.

1830 hrs. and two tired and aching trainees leave the training area and head to the PX, where we meet up with our son and Micah. We enter the PX and search for our son and his new friend amongst the myriad of soldiers, all of whom are busy eating and talking. Suddenly, in the centre of the room I spot them and we head over to where they are sat, I walk up behind Micah and place my paw on his shoulder, he jumps at the unexpected contact and is ready to defend himself, I then speak to the folf to try and calm him down.

"At ease soldier, it's me Wolfie, my apologies for startling you. I trust that our son has not given you too much trouble?"

Micah let out a deep sigh of relief and then let out a slight chuckle before answering.

"Sir, you should be very proud of your son, he hasn't been anything but charming and playful, I actually look forward to spending more time with him".

At Micah's words, a sudden warm feeling flowed through my heart, our son, though he has been through so much hurt and pain in his life, has made such a huge impression on the young soldier, the warm feeling that flows through my heart is both love and pride. Micah looks at me and speaks again.

"If you will excuse me sir, I have to meet with someone in five minutes, but I will come by tomorrow at 0615 hrs. and take your son off your paws for the day, whilst you both head for your training".

Wordlessly, I nod towards the young and very charming soldier, as he turns and heads out of the PX.

We have now finished our evening meal and are about to head back to our digs, when I suddenly remember that I need to speak to Staff Sergeant Locklear about part of our training, so I send Loboron and Tony off to the digs as I head for the Staff Sergeant's quarters.

I arrive at the Staff Sergeant's quarters and notice that the door is slightly ajar, knowing that the soldier wouldn't be so careless as to leave his door open purposely I begin to fear the worst, I decide to stealthily enter the building and make ready for a fight. I slowly enter the building and I can hear what sounds like a struggle in what I presume is the bedroom.

The door is closed, I approach it slowly, as I approach the door, I hear a yelp as though someone is being hurt, this is all I need to hear, I quickly raise my footpaw and kick the door open. What I see before me, makes me stop in my tracks, I'm frozen in time, there in front of me is Staff Sergeant Locklear, completely naked and pounding the butt of another as yet unidentified soldier, at the sound of the door being kicked open the Staff Sergeant looks around in shock, and I can now see the soldier into whose butt the Staff Sergeant is pounding, Micah.

I turn and head for the front door, and as I do, I hear Micah let out a scream as I guess the Staff Sergeant has just pulled away from him, I am now but a few inches away from the door, when a Rottweiler footpaw flies passed my side and kicks the door shut. The Staff Sergeant now speaks.

"Wolfie, please, I can explain, oh who am I kidding no I can't explain, but please I beg of you, do not tell anyone about what you have just seen".

I turn towards the dog and notice that he is still very much erect and dripping pre all over the floor, I step toward the dog ready to punch the Staff Sergeant for corrupting such a trusting soul as young Micah, but as I get closer to the dog the will to punch him fades, I love my mate Tony with all of my heart and would never do anything to hurt or upset him, but right here and right now, I was envious of the Staff Sergeant, when I had first laid eyes on young Micah, I too had wanted to pound the folf's butt. I look the Staff Sergeant squarely in the eyes, and then grab his still erect dog cock, and speak.

"This goes no further, on two conditions, condition one, Tony and I pass this course with flying colours, and condition two, that I get a three-way between you and the lovely piece of tail known as Micah. If you both agree to these terms, then my muzzle will remain firmly shut about what I have seen".

By now the young folf is standing in the room watching myself and the Staff Sergeant, he then speaks.

"Agreed, you may have my butt, whilst Mike here gets to pound you into oblivion, and as for the course passing, I think that can be arranged, right Staff Sergeant?".

The Staff Sergeant looked first at me and then at Micah and replied.

"Agreed, Mr. Steel, we will meet your conditions, however, if once you have had your fun, you still let this secret out, I will hunt you down, and I will kill you with my bare paws if need be".

With all the conditions now outlined, Mike locks his front door, and the three of us once again enter the bedroom. Once inside, Micah resumes his position bent over the bed, I undo my army issue pants and let them fall to the floor, closely followed by my boxers, with my wolf cock now free I begin to paw to get my member fully erect, as I begin my paw is swatted away by a Rottweiler paw, which then replaces my paw and wraps itself around my cock.

I'm now fully erect and ready to take the folf's waiting hole, I place the tip of my cock against the slick hole in front of me and just as I'm about to enter, I feel the Rottweiler's cock slip inside my butt. The Staff Sergeant then pushes forward slightly causing me to push my cock deep inside the young folf.

The Staff Sergeant begins to thrust into my butt, and I then match his thrusts as I begin to thrust into Micah's butt. Our thrusts increase in pace and ferocity, and I suddenly get the urge to take hold of Micah's young cock.

I begin to paw the young folf in time with our thrusts and soon the young folf lets out a small yelp as he unloads his young life's essence over the edge of the bed and my paw. I bring my paw to my muzzle and lap some of the young folf's cum, marvelling in the sweetness of the juice, I then move my paw above my shoulder and offer the rest of Micah's juice to the Rottweiler currently embedded in my tail-hole.

The Staff Sergeant wastes no time in cleaning my paw off with his tongue, the feeling of his maleness deep inside me and of his smooth tongue licking my paw sends me over the edge as I howl and let my own wolf seed flow deep into the bowels of Micah. As I shoot, I clench my butt muscles tight around Mike's glorious cock, and in no time, the Staff Sergeant is unloading his rott seed into me.

The three of us collapse on top of each other basking in the afterglow of what has become my very first threesome, I could say that I have just done my bit to keep up the Anglo/American partnership, but that would be to corny.

After countless minutes of basking, we finally manage to disengage from each others butts, I stand to the side and look at the folf and the Rottweiler and speak.

"We will not speak of this again."

I quickly put my clothes back on and head out of the door, back towards my digs, my mate and my son, but as I walk I begin to hate myself for what has just occurred, a thought flashes through my mind 'If Tony ever finds out about this, I'm one dead wolf, I just hope that the threat of me going public about what I saw, will be enough to ensure their secrecy'.

I open the door to the digs, and head straight for the shower, I need to flush away the evidence of my infidelity, though I know full well that while the physical evidence can get washed down the drain, the mental evidence will stay with me and haunt me forever.

By the time I finish my shower, Tony and Loboron are in bed asleep, so to avoid waking either of them, I head into the living area and sleep on the couch.

0615 hrs. the morning after the night before, and there is a knock at the door, I open the door and am met by the features of the young folf, no words are spoken as I stand aside to allow the boy in, I head off to wake Tony and Loboron, and then head back into the living area to find Micah sat on the very couch that I had been sleeping on, I sit next to the boy and speak in hushed tones.

"Micah, for what I did to you last night, I am not proud, you are not much older than Loboron for crying out loud, I feel as though I have just had sex with my son, and what hurts me even more, is the fact that I actually found myself enjoying it, when I felt my member slide into you, in that moment, I couldn't have cared less. But from the first time I saw you I wanted you, I wanted to feel your tight, wet and warm hole on my dick, I wanted to fill your bowels with my seed, but now that I have, I couldn't hate myself more, we need to agree that this never happened. What you do with Mike, is none of my business, last night it was my business, but I think that we should just draw a line under this episode and move on."

Micah just politely nodded and stood up as both Tony and Loboron entered the room. As Loboron and Micah left the building, I gave one last glance at the folf's succulent rear, then was ripped out of my thoughts by the feeling of a paw on my shoulder, I look up into the eyes of Tony and he speaks.

"You like Micah don't you? Hell, I can't be mad at you for that, but you might want me to suck your hard-on away before we meet the Staff Sergeant."

I look down at my shorts and sure enough I have a boner, which within seconds is out in the open and then being swallowed by a hungry Rottweiler's muzzle, I'm guessing that training will start a little late this morning.