New Property (3/3)

Story by Lupex on SoFurry

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#3 of New Property

A young man is consumed by changes from his mystical lupine lover, but all that remains is whether he will succumb to them.

Conclusion to an anonymous user's long awaited commission/idea!



Did you know that only the alpha male and female wolves breed in a pack?

When he awoke to the swaying golden-green rays of filtered sunlight, he knew immediately that it was getting late. However, he felt no rush to get home, nor any anxiety of what his parents would think of him being out so long. Sweater and hat re-equipped on his way out of the park, Gered was further unsurprised to find that he knew how to return home.

"Gered, you missed dinner," his father said as he walked through the door, head down.

"I lost track of time, I'm sorry," Gered replied quietly, wiggling his toes to try and untangle his claws from his socks.

"Leftovers in the fridge. Try not to be so late next time." Gered simply nodded, slightly guilty in spite of his earlier disposition.

Dusk rolled by, bringing with it Gered's excitement. The sky had barely gotten dark when Gered stepped into the jacuzzi room, searing himself as he had last time, eyes on the right mirror and hands subconsciously brushing his stomach. Today the wolf caught him by surprise, grabbing onto his shoulders. Once again, Gered could smell and hear the alpha wolf, and he turned to look at the other mirror, spotting it as it rose back up from its sneaking position.

Already feeling antsy, Gered allowed the gentle pushing guide his head until the smell of the wolf hit him full force and he grew blissfully aware of what the wolf was planning. Something pressed against his lips, and Gered reflexively opened his mouth. All at once he felt like gagging, but he could still breath normally. It was like his mouth was filled with musk, and he couldn't resist sucking it in, but try as he might, he couldn't seem to close his mouth. As he suckled at the air, the wolf began thrusting, and Gered's lips tensed at the faint rubbing, while his tongue struggled around a hot, intangible taste.

Gered moaned, watching the wolf's tail dance to its owner's tensing butt cheeks. He could feel the cold around his erect member, twitching with need, but what mattered most was the friction in his mouth, the taste and smell. Gered's mouth began to feel strange and awkward, like his teeth didn't fit right, but simultaneously, the harder he suckled and the more his tongue explored the bumps of the wolf's phantom cock, tasting each beating vein, the more familiar the foreign feeling became.

Gradually, al his senses were devolved to null, save for the ones in his mouth and face. Fur sprouted outward from his moistening nose, which pushed forward with each eager thrust. Flat molars took the form of pointed fangs. Gered took gulps of the salty-sour air, the taste amplifying until his mind screamed into overload. Besides the bobbing, Gered rocked his head to the sides, using the pulsing pressure to explore the fuzzy muzzle he was dimly aware he now had. He found only encouragement in the wash of heat that shivered across his face, and a blissful emptiness, fuelled by servitude blanketed his mind. Every second brought Gered's lusty avarice to new heights. More. He needed more in his mouth, more of the taste, more of the texture, and more pleasure to his quivering alpha.

Heat seized his face, reciprocating shivers down the rest of his otherwise warm, furry body, and an explosion of sensation blossomed in his mouth. Try as he did, swallowing seemed to pull no liquid in, despite his senses telling him otherwise, so instead, Gered gulped the air, tongue flailing out of his muzzle, licking avidly at his spongy nose and ebony lips. Senses began to fade, as if a growing vignette had appeared in his vision. The heat seemed to fade as it mingled in his throat, and suddenly, everything blurred to darkness.

A bit light headed, Gered shoved his body up from the ground, his canine seed tainting the dark fur around his abdomen. Dimly, he deduced that he must have fainted from hyperventilating, but the thought quickly dissipated. He wanted more, and his nearly lupine form was already aching to see his lover again.

Gered sniffed, nose tracking down the salty musk of his semen. Uncaring of his actions, he leaned down. Had he been human, the feat would have been impossible, but with his muzzle, Gered succeeded in probing his belly and tickling his flaring nostrils that took in his scent. Gered gave the sticky fur a few cleaning licks with his rough tongue for good measure, all the while imagining the act done for the wolf in the mirror. How pleased he would be, Gered thought as he licked his chops sloppily.

As an afterthought, he lapped up the remaining mess on the ground, smiling cheerfully with rear waggling up high in the air, prone. Something about merely thinking of the wolf filled Gered with a giddiness that was reflected with his every move, and even though he couldn't smell the wolf anymore, Gered knew he just had to be patient.

A muffled sound reminded him that he needed to be careful as well, and a glance in the mirror reminded him why. Though he thought he looked quite adorable, Gered decided to keep his change in anatomy to himself - and his midnight alpha.

Nearly forgetting to grab his clothes on the way out, Gered stealthily slipped back to his room unnoticed.

Or so he thought.

The sound reached his ears a second too late, of a door opening. Behind him. The washroom. Seth cried out in alarm. The sound was like fuel, a spark that ignited his body.

Gered exploded into a sprint, lupine muscles surging him forward. Turn to the right and into his room. Slam. Gered cursed silently, with the clap of the rapidly closed door ringing out in an echo in his mind. He hugged his clothes against his furry chest, pleading.

There came the thumps of his parent's footsteps, rushing up the stairs. Once they had passed, Gered poked his head out.

"W-What's wrong Seth?" Gered stuttered, and cursed again at his suspicious hesitation.

"I saw it again, this time it was real, it ran over there!" Gered heard Seth crying. Gered retracted his head, not realizing that Seth wasn't the only one who was shaken. It wasn't until he dragged his paw-hand up his forehead, through the mop of fur-hair that he noticed his ears pressed down firmly, so much so that he literally had to pry them off.

Gered felt like a fugitive, risking exposure at any second. The conversation between his parents and sibling blurred to a drone at the back of his mind. He could have understood every word, if he wanted. But no, his mind seized up.

His brother was scared. Scared of him.

A myriad of problems spun around his mind, but Gered ignored them. Not bothering to put his clothes back on, Gered tossed them to the corner of his room, and acting on a whim, grabbed a sheet of paper, a pen and tape.

As he scribbled down "Tired. Do not disturb", on the blank sheet, Gered was startled with the sudden dexterity challenge, but it helped him push out the painful thoughts. Strangely, the process frustrated him slightly, not that the bared teeth meant anything to the piece of paper. When he was done, he poked his head out of his room - Seth and his parents had moved upstairs to their bedroom - and slapped the paper onto the door. There was one escape from the storm in his mind, and Gered quickly collapsed into deep slumber.

Between the lights that flickered across Gered's eyes and his stomach's nagging, the humanoid wolf rolled himself awake. He yawned, and then sniffed absently at the air, somewhat satisfied at the wolfy musk that permeated the small room; it was claimed as his own. Yet, having had the night's rest to purge his mind, Gered had regained a modicum of self-control. There was no doubt left of what he wanted, but with a clearer head, he was able to consider his situation better. Nearly being caught did not deter him in the slightest; rather, it kindled the burning flame even more. He sought mental liberty, and what better way was there to that than utter subservience?

A gander at the clock informed him of that it was a few minutes past noon. Hours remained before the wolf came back. Hours when he needed to consume something while still remaining hidden. A grin spread on Gered's muzzle and his tail wagged. It would be like a game.

The question remained as to what his strategy was.

Plopped on his bed, Gered scratched at his neck, clawed fingers digging deep into the puffy fur while his mind mulled over silly ideas.

He looked up from his thoughts. There was a knock, and Seth's timid voice followed.

"You up yet?" he whispered.

"Can't you read the sign?" Gered snarked, more playfully than irritated. The interaction was stiff, but Gered wasn't allowing that to stop him.

"Oh, morning." The relief in Seth's voice was unsettling. " I just didn't want you to go hungry." Gered pounced on the opportunity.

"Could you bring the food to my room, then? Please?" A pause lingered after the request, so Gered rested the side of his muzzle in the palm of his hand. He could almost hear the uncertainty aloud.

"Mom and dad went out again, but they'll be back in an hour."

"Okay, thanks Seth!" Gered quipped, and splayed himself on the bed. At first, Seth didn't budge, but then, he let out a sigh.

"Gered, I don't mean to be annoying. I'm honestly just a little lonely." There was a half-hearted laugh. They both knew he wasn't just lonely. "You know mom and dad."

Gered wasn't entirely sure how to respond, but before any words came to mind, his brother's soft footsteps indicated his departure. A sad smile tugged on Gered's snout. He hadn't ever considered Seth's feelings before, not like this. The kid had guts. When Seth returned, the waft of bacon had Gered perked up, tailing beating the bed.

It seemed that Seth didn't care to question anymore.

With head bowed instinctively, despite the door's censorship, Gered said, "Thanks bro. You can just leave it outside. I'm - ah - busy."



"No, you called me bro," Seth said, evidently puzzled.

"Did I?" Gered blushed and bit his black lip, a bit too hard. He wanted so badly to broach the subject of last night's incident. "Say Seth, have you ever wanted a dog?"

As per usual, Seth seemingly forgot the previous conversation and replied, "Not especially, no. I think they're cute though."

"I see."

When Seth left, Gered snatched the food and, disregarding its coolness, literally wolfed it down. The experience of eating with a muzzle made everything more fun to eat, Gered noted pleasantly.

By the time his parents had returned, Gered began to find his room too stuffy and hot. He had managed to mitigate an otherwise awkward conversation with his mother, producing the excuse that he had gotten lightheaded the night before. No one spoke about what Seth had seen.

Now trapped inside his room for a couple hours, Gered couldn't help but pant, itching to move around, but doing so made him hot. So hot. Idly, he scratched himself again, but this time, his hand-paw lingered, digging through the mess of fur. It was so soft and it tickled him as his fingers trailed across his chest and down to his belly. Who could have expected the fur to be this sensitive, he wondered. Bringing his other hand to join the fray, Gered gave himself a belly rub, marvelling at the silky smoothness of his tawny belly fur. Dogs were so lucky.

Unaware, his right leg had started twitching and kicking lightly, as Gered applied equally light strokes through the fluff, sending shivers radiating from his tummy. Almost expected, in his state, his hand crept farther down until he began prodding, teasingly, at his fluffy sheath while giggling silently. The crimson head peeked out, and soon Gered's other hand was at his taut sack, rubbing and dragging languidly along the fur.

Gered let out a soft whine, images filling his mind of the alpha's ebony body tangled with his own dusty chocolate, fur flying, tails dancing and cocks ramming. Gered's own cock had fully emerged and was flopped down, resting hotly on his thigh. One hand grabbed a hold of it, tugging and moving it around with inhuman range. It was pressed down between his balls while the other hand explored his backdoor's puckered lips. The friction between his paw pads and veiny organ, and the pressure of his digit against his anal ring had his cock leaking pre like faucet in no time, which only encouraged Gered's masturbation.

His tongue wetted his grinning lips, and his nose sniffed eagerly at his lust musk. Gered breathed in with every hammering pulse, and then clenched his eyes shut as semen shot out unhindered, painting the immediate vicinity white.

Dumbly content, Gered quickly cleaned up - with his tongue of course, enjoying every second the sandpaper like texture slurped across his fuzzy finger tips.

As much as the love making had appeased him - for the moment at least - it wasn't long until another problem reared itself.

"Gered? Are you alright in there?"

"Yes, mom," he replied dismissively. He was laying on his bed, one furry leg propped over the other.

"It's just that you seem to be acting strangely lately." Gered's breath caught in his throat.

"I'm getting used to relaxing away from college, really," he replied.

"Won't you come out? Or at least open this door to air out your room? Something just smells funky, you know what I mean?"

"I assure you; everything's good. Sorry to worry you."

With great reluctance, his mother appeared to drop the issue.

"You're a lot more reticent, or rather, secluded - in a different way," his mother commented before continuing along. It appeared that everyone had some thoughtful thing to say.

The day passed slowly, and despite Gered's attempts at speeding things up on the Internet, he found that he couldn't keep focused on the uncomfortably bright screen. In barely any time at all, he instead found his hands once again ruffling through his soft fur, but before anything escalated, a firm knock on the door gave him a start.

"Gered, a word," his father intoned.

"Ah, yes, sure thing." Gered kept his eyes down and scratched the ground with his clawed toes.

"I would appreciate being able to speak to your face."

At this moment, fear had finally inched its way around the fringes of Gered's mind. He licked his nose, slightly comforted by the smell of his tongue.

"Was there something you needed? I can get it for you in a moment, I promise," Gered whined.

"I can tell that you're avoiding something, Gered. It's not as though I didn't miss you while you were away; it's the attitude that I'd rather not have. If there is something that is bothering you, I would very much like to hear it - this is uncharacteristic of you."

Muzzle parted slightly, Gered thought hard on what that meant. If he wasn't himself, what was he normally like? A moment drifted by in tense silence. His teeth clacked together and he took a breath.

"Well, like I said to mom, I need some time to get used to being away from college. It's been stressful, okay?" Gered's ears immediately hugged his head, and he silently whispered, "sorry," repeatedly.

"I tolerated talking to a door, but I cannot tolerate whatever game you're playing, staying in your room without coming out." Though Gered presumed the sigh was not meant to be heard, he heard it nonetheless, quiet defeat escaping from his father.

"Please forgive me, I don't mean to be rude, honestly," Gered said as he slumped on his bed.

His father replied with what Gered guessed was a grunt. Then he was gone. He didn't mention Seth either.

On his way to the bathroom sometimes afterward, Gered narrowly avoided detection. Safely inside with the click of the door, Gered's ear twitched and swivelled. Curiously, he leaned against the door eavesdropping on his parents' conversation.

"He's changed." Gered couldn't resist snickering at this and his tail gave a flick.

"Well, he has always been in need of some support. You know how he's not the best, socially. I'm glad he's clever, but I worry about him regardless," came his mother's soft voice.

"He needs college - I wasn't expecting it to take a toll on him like this," his father admitted in a strangely melancholy tone.

"I hope he figures things out."

Their conversation faded.

After Gered finished marking the toilet, his thoughts gravitated back to what his parents said. However it wasn't himself that came to mind.

Now with a purpose, waiting became easier.

Ears poised at the door and black nose sniffing intently. When Gered was sure, he popped out of his room, the object once more dug up from the abyss of the packing boxes, held sacred in his hand. Gered hoped and knew that Seth would understand. In a few seconds, Gered was safe, back in his own room, task done.

To his fortunate surprise, the family left the house for dinner without a word of mention. He was certain that he would have heard the invitation otherwise. This made him glad. Their love was there, just in different forms, and figuring out he needed some space, some isolation, was the best way they could have shows it to him.

Down the stairs and into the kitchen, he found himself something to eat, while not bothering too much in its preparation. Every so often his eyes flicked up to the door, half expecting someone to enter, but no one ever did. Then again, someone could always peep through the windows with enough diligence. A naughty grin accompanied Gered's next bite as he contemplated getting down on all fours and romping around like an actual animal. Who would notice the difference anyway?

It began to darken. The house was once again gilded in the setting sun's rays, giving the interior of the house a luminescent yellow that, Gered thought, was reminiscent of the wolf's eyes.

Whatever his family was doing out so long was fine with Gered. The ability to move around without worrying was quite relieving after being caged in his room so much.

Gered made his way to the master suite.

The ritual locking of the door behind him brought a sense of satisfied trepidation that sent Gered's heart thumping and tail swishing. Yellow had given way to crimson and rose, which were about to surrender to a navy blue. Gered didn't have to wait long. The second the moon, although unseen, crested the horizon, Gered leapt up from the squat he had taken while waiting. It was automatic, Gered's nose firing up at the scent of his master, while his dick slid out of its snug sheath.

"Good boy."

Gered nearly barked, a lusty sparkle in his eyes. The black wolf was reflected directly in the mirror. He was so close. That night, he had chosen to appear feral. His mere presence was enough to drive Gered onto the ground. The wolf walked in front of Gered, who could smell the wolf, even hear its footfalls and the ruffle of fur. Without hesitation, Gered whined pleadingly and opening his maw, tongue hanging out. His master obliged and a burst of heat plunged into Gered's mouth.

This time around, Gered noticed that his breathing was impeded, but that didn't bother him, as he opted to huff in the wolf's musk through his nose instead. As a feral, Gered could feel the wolf hugging his head, forelimbs holding tight around his shoulders. He was safe and he was needed here, slathering his saliva over the bestial cock in his mouth. There was no longer denying its existence.

Not with the force that pushed his tongue down whenever it tried to slide over the wolf's girth. Not with the pulsing in his mouth. The wolf's heartbeat matched his own, or rather the other way around.

The wolf pulled back abruptly, and Gered followed, stumbling, mouth still open and unsatisfied. Gered licked his nose. He could taste the wolf's pre, sparking on his tongue.

There was no command Gered needed to abide by the alpha's instructions. He panted patiently, his red rod quivering in need. When Gered's swivelling ears tracked down where the wolf was headed, Gered's tail began beating back and forth in excitement.

Immediately, Gered dropped his head to the floor, and his rear shot up into the air, rail swishing up high. Reliance on every sense except sight. How perfect it felt to be so base, to submit so licentiously.

Huff. Gered flinched as the wolf's breath blew past his puckered anus. Huff. Gered's butt shivered and tensed at the expectancy of touch. Another whine escaped Gered's muzzle. Slurp. Gered shook at the sudden lick. Already a pool of pre had formed underneath him, but he wasn't alone in this observation.

"Not until I say so."

The words were a law, a commandment, a binding ruling. Gered's caninehood seized up. He could not disobey.

With that said, the wolf pounced, penis piercing Gered's anal ring, stretching it apart. Gered ground back. Perhaps it was an effect from having mated only with the wolf's phantom, but the sensations were excruciatingly real. Every thrust that split Gered's clenching anal walls sent spams of pleasure firing up. Several times, Gered nearly fell over, paws scrambling against the tile floor as his bones popped, shifting from bipedal to quadruped. His back arched, pulling the wolf deeper, and slamming its phallus right against his prostate. The pressure in turn came out of Gered's mouth as a yipping cry of lupine ecstasy. The motion sent ropes of pre from Gered's cock flinging.

All Gered could think was getting more inside of him, getting deeper and he shoved his butt back hard. There was a crack as Gered's stance sealed into that of a wolf's and the resulting force shoved the wolf's bloated knot past Gered's anal ring, which tightened over the turgid appendage.

All at one the thrusts grew short and forceful, sending Gered's whole body rocking. Constant pressure seemed to rail at his prostate and his cock kept on bouncing like it was hitting a trampoline. Balls jiggling in anticipation. At this moment, Gered was in bliss. He was his alpha's to command. A growl rumbled deep in his chest, but so connected Gered was to his lover he was unsure who it was coming from.

The wolf's grasp became of vice, teeth clamping down onto the thick fur on Gered's neck. A torrent of wolf semen was launched into his bowels and Gered's body took that as permission as it blasted a deluge down onto the floor.

Gered's black lips parted but no sound came out. Everything was leaving with the spurting blobs of cum that came out of his rock hard cock. Blazing warmth suffused itself deep within him, as the wolf continued pairing Gered's insides white.

Locked together, the two rode out their mind numbing orgasms. The feeling rolled throughout Gered's body, rippling into his mind, until finally the last drop of semen had departed his dick, hanging there, unwilling to drop off the tapered tip.

The wolf was gone. Gered looked up at the mirror in time to witness as the wolf shattered through the glass, shimmers of reflected light bouncing off his ebony fur in droplets as he emerged. As if in some strange illusion, the wolf was freed from the mirror, which stood unremarkably plain behind him, unchanged. Cum dribbled all over the wolf's dick, and a toothy smile split his muzzle.

"Well done."

Gered thumped his tail in response.

"To think all this trouble over eating her cat." The wolf stood up, seamlessly shifting his gait. "Let me tell you Gered, no matter how annoying and tasty the cats are, don't eat them. Especially if they belong to some hag, witch lady."

The dark brown furred wolf in front of him sat down in the puddle of cum and wagged its tail.

"I got you now, at least. Being stuck in that mirror alone was no fun." Gered closed his eyes blissfully as his master's padded paw rubbed his head between his flicking ears.

Seth got home well after the full moon had risen. Dinner hadn't taken too long. Instead, they had gone to buy Gered some new furniture. As the young boy reached the top of the stairs, he was intrigued to find his brother's room open, but empty.

The logical thought that came to mind was that Gered was in the jacuzzi. It turned out that his parents were right. The uncomfortable premonition that lingered from the prior night's sighting had dissipated. Perhaps he really was just imagining everything.

To his surprise that night, his parents disputed his claim as excessive game playing and lack of sleep. How he had wished to believe that, and now it really seemed like the case.

Once in his own room; Seth noticed his bed sheets had been displaced. On further inspection, he uncovered a plush dog, slightly weathered, with soft black fur.

Naturally, Seth was confused at first, until he remembered his brother's inquiry. How sweet of him, Seth thought. A note was attached.

"Now you'll never be lonely," it read at the top in a messy scrawl.

Seth, being the young boy he was, scrunched up his face, dubious. As his eyes traced the rest of the message, a welling of sadness overtook him. The gift warmed his heart, nevertheless, and Seth gave it a hug. It would always remind him of Gered.

Escape through the night. Following the scent of his alpha through the cool air. Excitement clambering through the dark. Then another, familiar, scent. Trees emerging from the darkness ahead. The park: that's where they were headed. Oil, chemical, rubber odours died to the earthen, wooded and grassy. Lick. Gered bowed his head and averted his eyes to appease the superior male, barely visible in the night, but whose presence overshadowed the darkness in which he stood. The alpha accepted the lick to his muzzle.

Here Gered was safe, here was home, not in a structure, but belonging to the one who loved him.