Part tres: A short reunion

Story by Coyote the trickster on SoFurry

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#3 of The Breaking Chronicles

Hey y'all, it's me, Coyote the trickster again, here with a new chapter of my story. If you're too young to read this (you know who you are, minors) get out of here, and if you don't oh well, I tried. Just in case you read the last chapter and wanted to know why there was no yiff, it's because I was trying to better my writing ability in that area. Hope this is better, tell me what I kin do to improve if it isn't.

"'S good to see you again Marin." Bash grinned, confusing Song. He knew her? Who was she?

The vixen raised a brow in his direction, asking what she had thought. "You know her?"

"Yeah, she's a friend of mine." He smiled, snapping his fingers and lighting a fire. "Song, this is Marin, Marin this is Song." The two shook paws, the calico smiling warmly.

"Nice to meet you." She said.

"Nice to meet you too." Replied Song. "So, how do you know Bash?"

She turned, glancing at the coyote before answering. "I met him before we all tested to become breakers."

"Yeah, she helped me pass the exams to become breakers. She was a part of my group before we split." She pressed against his chest, making his ears turn pink at the tips. "We were pretty close."

"I wonder..." She smiled, licking her lips, "If you still taste as good as you did before we split?"

His ears turned bright pink, a sign of his embarrassment and he smiled bashfully. "I'm surprised you still remember."

"It's only been a few years, you expect me to forget such an exquisite taste so easily? I'm a little bit offended." She pouted, pretending to be sad.

"Sorry, it's been a while."

"Yeah, well that's no excuse. I was gonna just let you hitch a ride because we were such good friends, but now you're gonna have to find some way to repay me." The calico smiled mischievously.

"Well, how do you expect me to pay you?"

"A meal would be quite nice." She stroked his neck, "And I'm going to eat until I'm full."

"Speaking of, I'm pretty hungry too." Song said in a sultry voice.

"Song!" Bash blushed. "I completely forgot you were here! I'm sorry."

She strode over, tracing his jaw, "Don't worry about it. Any excuse I get to yiff you is okay with me." Suddenly the vixen kissed Marin deeply. The calico was surprised at first but then got into it, rubbing the vixen's tongue with her own.

"Song." Bash said in disbelief. He recognized the vixen's musky scent and practically started drooling at the sight of the vixen and calico kissing.

Song broke the kiss, smiling. "You don't mind sharing, do you?"

"'Course not, the more the merrier. And..." She caressed her chest, "you seem like you'll taste good too. Bash always had good taste."

"I see." Song turned around, facing the coyote, who was practically bursting with excitement. "Let's get these clothes off you, I don't see how we're going to eat with that on you." She took off his jacket and rubbed his chest under his shirt, feeling his muscles beneath his fur. She took off his shirt with his willing participation and Marin rubbed his shoulders from behind.

He leaned in to kiss her but all he got was her paw blocking his muzzle. "Un-uh, if you want this you'll have to do exactly as we say. If you don't, well we can keep ourselves entertained, can't we?"

Marin smiled, peeking over his shoulder at Song, "Yep, so keep yourself in line lover boy or you won't be getting any." She laughed. She nibbled on his neck, sending a shiver down his spine. The calico played with his ears and slowly licked down his spine, drawing a low moan from him. She quickly took off her clothes, a plan coming to mind.

Song pulled his pants down around his ankles, running her paws up his thighs to his balls and his sheath, where his cock was already peeking through. She toyed with his balls, licking her lips as his cock pushed a little bit further from his sheath. Marin came around to the front and watched, transfixed upon the sight of Song toying with Bash. She slowly ran a paw down his stomach until she reached the top of his sheath, running her claws lightly down it to meet Song's.

His cock slid out of it's sheath at the combined efforts of the two and he sighed as Song licked the sensitive tip. Without hesitation the vixen put as much of his cock in her muzzle as she could without actually touching it and let out a long sigh. The heat from her mouth urged the last few inches out of his sheath, almost deep-throating her. "Ah-ah." She wagged a finger at him, taking his member out of her muzzle.

"Sit." Marin said, pushing him down, a pile of sand softening his fall. She wasted no time in kneeling over his face, getting on her knees above him. "Now lick." Bash didn't wait a second, licking her lower lips, making them wet.

Marin slowly licked the top of his shaft, making her way up from the base, while Song licked the bottom, still toying with his balls. The calico lightly nibbled on the sensitive tip at the same time Song licked the top and they were rewarded as a copious amount of pre- spurted from his cock, a drop of it getting on Marin's nose, the rest dribbling down his cock.

Bash was lost, between the thick smell of lust coating him and the feel of the two below him, he could hardly control himself. He licked feverishly, putting his tongue between her lips, wiggling it around. He was rewarded by sweet juices pouring out of her into his waiting mouth. He got serious now, sticking his tongue deeper and deeper inside her, his black nose lightly rubbing against her clit.

Marin wrapped her muzzle around his member, moving up and down it until she nearly deep-throated herself, her lips touching his fully swollen knot. She licked, barely running her teeth on his sensitive flesh. He was about ready to explode and couldn't contain himself any longer.

The calico gasped as she came, juices running out of her cunny, too many for Bash's skillful tongue to clean up. Marin sucked hard now and she felt the coyote tense up beneath her before he came too, shooting delicious cum in her mouth. She drank his sperm, it being too much after the first few waves and let his shaft free, his hot seed shooting up into the air to land on Song and Marin.

The geyser of cum finally stopped and Bash fell back, letting his head hit the sand. Marin moved so she was no longer over him and Song crawled up him, rubbing her breasts along his still stiff cock as she went. "That was fun." Song said, taking a paw and wiping just a bit of cum off her muzzle. She put a claw in his mouth, allowing him to taste himself as she licked some of his seed off her muzzle. She dropped next to him, quickly falling asleep.

"Things are changing." Marin told him, licking his chin, tasting herself. "Not just in my clan either. I talked with the others and they said your getting that sword is messing things up in the higher tribes. There are a lot of rumors going around about you, and as far as I've heard, none of them are good. We're all supposed to be on the lookout for you so we can catch you and bring you before the council. You'd better watch your back, there's a bounty on you even if a non-breaker catches you. Not many people know about it, just the ones that need to know, bounty-hunters and such, but all the ones you don't want to know."

She felt his chest go up and down slowly as he breathed and instantly knew he had fallen asleep. Marin sighed, smiling. He hadn't changed much since she had last seen him. Always falling asleep when he should've been listening. Who was this vixen? Marin wondered, looking at the female who's head rested on the other side of Bash's chest. She had to know the danger she was in, why would she willingly put herself in this kind of danger? Marin remembered why she was so tired and smiled, there was one reason.

It felt good to sleep in the next morning, with the knowledge that their pursuers were far behind them. Bash looked up at the sun, shielding his eyes, hardly able to believe he had slept this late. It had to be eleven at least.

The coyote began to sit up, but remembered the two on his chest. Song still slumbered, breathing softly. "Mornin'." Marin said, sitting up so she could kiss him.

Bash stroked her ears. "How long've you been awake?"

"Not too long. Just enjoying the sun warming my fur."

Suddenly Bash realized that they had slept without any covers. "Weren't you cold last night?"

"'Course not, you kept me warm. I've slept in a few warm beds, but you have to be my favorite." She tweaked his ear playfully. The calico stood, stretching and at the same time giving Bash a perfect view of her ass.

"Mmmm, that's a view I wouldn't mind waking up to every morning." Song said sleepily. The vixen had just woken up and she wore a sleepy smile. She yawned, stretching her arms.

She sat up, allowing the coyote to stand and brush sand off himself. He put on his pants and went back to his sword. "Someone's coming."

"What are you talking about?" Marin asked. "There's no one within a day of catching us." Suddenly Bash leapt over to the cat, pushing her down. He grabbed her breasts roughly, kneading them between strong paws. He grinned evilly, pinching her nipples. "What are you doing?"

"Keeping you out of trouble." He growled lowly. Then louder, "Yeah, you wanted me so bad, well now you'll get me!"

Song ran over. "Bash's gotten into you?"

"Stop right there buddy." A voice said. Bash stopped suddenly, looking up to see a male wolf with black fur. His teeth were bared and his ears lay flat back.

Bash leaned in closer on Marin. "Don't hold back." He sat up, looking at the wolf. "You want somethin'?"

"Bash, right? I'm here to arrest you on behalf of the earth breakers of Zigat. Come peacefully and we'll try to forget this incident."

Bash stood, smirking. "Stay out of the way." He told Song out the side of his muzzle. He slowly strode over, grabbing his gauntlet from beside his bag. "You know, it would be a lot smarter if you guys didn't tell me what your power was before we even started fighting. It completely ruins any chance you had for surprising me."

"So I guess that means you won't be coming peacefully?"


"Good, I'd hate for you to get off that easy after you did that to Marin."

Suddenly columns of earth surrounded him, creating a stone cage. Bash easily hopped out of the cage and began walking towards his sword. The wolf attacked, drawing two short axes out from his sash.

"Herat!" Marin yelled. "Don't!"

Bash hopped out of the way of both axes just before they could hit him, retaliating with a kick. The wolf dodged, ducking below the kick, rising with an uppercut which Bash narrowly avoided. The coyote didn't see the rock coming. It came out of nowhere, a stone slammed into his snout, hard enough that his eyes watered up, allowing the wolf to follow with a knee to his gut that flipped him over.

Bash stood. "From Zigat huh? Wonder if everyone there's as weak as you are or if it's just you?" Suddenly the wolf replied with an axe and Bash stopped the attack, grabbing the blade of the axe with his mailed paw, barely stopping it from hewing him in two.

The other axe came at him but Bash was not unprepared. "Draegon's claw." Suddenly his fist crushed the axe it had in it's grip, shattering it into a million pieces, then it flew down to meet the other axe, breaking that one as well. The wolf was too shocked to move when Bash finished with a kick to his stomach, sending him flying. He landed some distance away in a cloud of dust.

"Stop right there Bash." Marin suddenly said. She had put some clothes on hastily and looked rather unprepared. "I don't want to hurt you." The calico stood in the way of his sword.

"And how would you hurt me?" He asked pompously, approaching her. Suddenly she grabbed his arm and slammed him to the ground, hard. Bash sprung to his feet, grinning. "S that all?" The coyote limboed beneath a spinning kick and flipped backwards as a huge boulder crashed where he had been a moment before. Dust filled the area, blinding Bash. Suddenly and strangely the dust settled, revealing the wolf before him.

Herat kicked Bash under his jaw, hard enough to make him fall back, but he wouldn't hit the ground. It was like his legs were stuck upright. He snapped back up, looking down to see a thick layer of earth covering his legs up to his knees. He couldn't move. The coyote looked up to see Herat now held a huge hammer made out of stone in his paws, so heavy he strained to hold the handle in his paws. Using a tremendous amount of strength he brought it back, preparing to crush Bash with it.

"Draegon's skull." Bash patted his head with his mailed paw a moment before the hammer crashed down on it. The coyote sank down from the force of the blow but instead of collapsing and falling unconscious, he rose back up, uppercutting the wolf, unaffected by the attack.

The coyote leapt up, kicking down at the wolf, only to bury his leg in earth when Herat rolled out of the way. "Dammit!" Suddenly the ground around him began to soften, allowing him to slowly sink into it. What was this? Quicksand? Bash struggled, trying to pull himself out of the sand but the more he pulled, the more it pulled in return. Soon he was waist deep.

A cage of earth surrounded him, he was trapped, or so the wolf thought. Suddenly the ground around Bash exploded, sending up a large cloud of wavy air. Bash stepped out of the hot spot, breathing hard. "Whew, that was fun." He panted.

Before he knew it Herat was on the defensive, ducking a punch and blocking a kick that made his arm numb. He hopped back, rubbing the spot, his fur slightly singed. Bash didn't take another second to pause, rushing the wolf and barely missing with a crushing axe kick.

Suddenly Marin aided Herat, clobbering Bash over the back of his head with a karate chop. Momentarily phased, Bash took an elbow to his back before retaliating by sweeping Marin off her feet and leaping up and kicking Herat in his jaw, laying him out. Bash turned his back on the wolf, a mistake, the wolf sprung back to his feet, grabbing the back of Bash's head with strong claws and driving his muzzle into the ground.

Ignoring his pain, Bash responded quickly, elbowing behind him. He was rewarded by a grunt of pain. The grip loosened and he hopped back to his feet, punching the wolf in his throat savagely.

This time he stayed down.

"Are you okay?" Song asked Bash as he rubbed his aching back.

"Yeah, nuthin' a nice massage wouldn't fix." He smiled. His head was killing him; it felt like a huge drum was pounding inside his head, though he didn't say so. He turned back to Marin. "Did you have to hit me so hard?"

"You said not to go easy on you. You should get moving, it Herat caught us already; the others can't be far behind. Take my bike."

"You'll be fine?"

"Yeah, don't worry about me. Just take good care of my bike, I'm just letting you borrow it." Bash grabbed his jacket and sword, walking to the bike, where he was joined by Song. "When you make it to Lunaval, you should be able to throw em off your trail. It's a big city."

"Thanks. Hey... Marin, I never asked you, but why do you trust me?"

The calico kissed his cheek, "Bash, you haven't changed a bit, have you? Next time I see you I hope I'll have enough time to hear about everything that's happened to you."

"Thanks Marin." Song hopped on the bike behind him.

"Take care you two. And Song, give him a good yiff for me." The vixen nodded her smiling approval as Bash started up the bike. "Till next time."

Bash waved and pulled off, speeding away from his friend and towards Lunaval. No words were spoke between the coyote and the vixen, they weren't necessary. He was sad to leave his friend behind so soon. Now he was pushed even harder to find Ayana and try and resolve this problem. Ayana was the only one who might know what to do, and she was running away from him.

They could see Lunaval in the distance.

Hope the yiff in this un' was better. Took more time writing it so I hope it pays off. This one had action and yiff so tell me what you think about that, if you like them separate or whatnot. Post comment after you vote please... or if you don't vote, then please just post a comment.

After writing the first few chapters of this tale were through, I realized that I should probably make some sort of index of breaking talents and the characters who use them. Hope this helps.

Frost breakers- Frost breakers have the ability to, as you can guess, control ice. They can drain the heat out of an area, reducing it to polar temperatures. A sure sign an Frost breaker is near is a sudden decrease in temperature, as ice breakers automatically exude an aura of cold while conscious. Known Frost breakers- Foraw

Light breaker- A light breaker is a master of illusion, able to create fake images and do pretty much anything that comes to illusion including temporarily become invisible. Known light breakers- Baxter

Figure breaker- Figure breakers have the ability to change forms, turning into different creatures with different abilities. An average figure breaker has four forms, the most recorded being seven, but Ayana claims to have more than ten, one for each breaking type except spirit. Known figure breakers- Ayana

Water breaker- One with control over water, they have the ability to make regular water as hard as steel and form it into any shape. They're stronger when they're around greater amounts of water, and their power waxes and wanes with the moon. They're fairly common, but those with these abilities have calm, balanced personalities. The more powerful water breakers can turn their bodies into water for periods of time, giving them the ability to merge and move through water. The most powerful breakers are made of water so they can use the ability mentioned above all the time, though they look as normal as any other furre.

Land breaker- These breakers have control over the earth, the ability to sculpt the earth to their will, even to surf on waves of earth. They can use airborne grains of sand to rip an opponent to shreds or to smother them. They have the most easily accessible powers. Known land breakers- Herat

Wind breaker-Though the name may sound funny, these breakers are nothing to joke about, as they can create hurricanes at will. They also can make wind sharper than a sword, able to cut through steel.

Fire breaker-These are breakers with the power of the sun. Fire breakers have complete control of heat, the ability to create flames out of nothing. The longer they go without using their power, the stronger it is when they do. This is a result of a buildup of fire energy. This also has certain side effects; such as falling into a usually fatal coma if they wait too long to use it. This coma is usually fatal because the temperature continues rising and the heat has no way of escaping. They have a short time before the always-fatal point to wake and expel the heat. If they don't, then the heat builds to a point where no one can approach them without being reduced to cinders. The temperature then rises to a point when all within a certain region of the breaker will be killed as the breaker is incinerated by their own flames. Signs of this are excessive libido; it's their body's natural urge to rid themselves of the excess energy. They have no power during solar eclipses.

Thunder breaker- These breakers can control sound, using it to crush rocks or their opponents. Typically seen with an instrument of some sort, as these amplify their abilities, no two thunder breakers are alike, making them hard to categorize. Sound breakers have the ability to warp sound, giving them the ability to speak directly into someone's ear from far away and have secret conversations, and to listen in on private conversations. Thunder breakers have the best ears of all the breakers, and are usually poetic. Known thunder breakers- Avale.

Machine breaker-these breakers can control any kind of technology, guns, even simple devices, either to use them against their wielded or to combine them with other objects to make more powerful weapons. They usually carry several weapons and devices on them which they use in combat, making them able to defend against any breaking ability.

Rose breaker-Rose breakers are known as the fairest breakers, one of their traits being immense beauty. Their powers are that over nature, the ability to control plants. They can alter the properties of any plant, making them grow or making a simple leaf as keen as a sword. They can speak through plants and understand their language so anything that goes on in an area where there is greenery is to their knowledge. They have an immense appreciation for the earth and hate anyone who destroys it.

Iron breakers-these breakers have power over all metals, and usually are superior to most land breakers. Their blood contains an extremely high amount of iron in it, giving them the ability to coat limbs with the iron from their veins, creating a shield or makeshift sword when there are no other metals around. This drains them immensely, and is very painful, so it is best used when there is no other way to win. Like with fire breakers they must expel the iron from their blood occasionally or else they will solidify until they are turned into metal. This happens very rarely, seeing as the process is very slow and it takes a while for the whole body to be consumed. Known Iron breakers- Marin.

Iris breaker-These are another type of strange breakers, their eyes being their sole weapon. While technically their eyes don't shoot lasers or anything, they have capabilities no others can match. They see everything and are able to follow the fastest lightning breaker, with their eyes. They can quickly analyze a fighting style, allowing the user to copy it and find flaws in it. Iris breakers can see better than anyone in the dark, and have more ways than one to see, ex thermal vision, infrared. Their vision gets better with age, giving them some ability to see into the future.

Lightning breaker- These are the fastest breakers, able to move at speeds exceeding 100 mph. The top speed of a lightning breaker has never been recorded. They also have control of lightning, and some control of fire though it's not close to that of fire breakers. If they go without using their power, the electricity automatically is released into the first object touched, resulting in a nasty, sometimes fatal, static shock. Known lightning breakers- Erit.

Copy breakers- Copy breakers are few in number, in the grand records, there are only four in history. These breakers possess the ability to use any breaking ability at the same strength of the user but only after or during it's use by the original user. This comes a price, wearing out the body of the breaker extremely fast. They are some of the most powerful breakers. Being a copy breaker basically guarantees success. Known copy breakers- Gene Terr

Mind breaker-These breakers have a bad reputation, which is well earned. They can control the emotions and memories of others, a power that usually can't be looked at in any sort of positive view. They have the ability to ally themselves with anyone by simply altering their memories. This does have side effects, occasionally someone will stumble upon a memory that conflicts with another one created by the breaker and usually the person will go insane because of this. There are few known encounters with Mind breakers seeing as they usually delete any memories of themselves from whoever they meet. Only the truly strong can see through a Mind breaker's deceit.

Shade breaker-These breakers have control over shadows, can possess the shadows of their opponents and use their own abilities against them. They can control shadows and make them solid or travel through them. The darker the shadows are, the stronger they are, meaning they're at their peak points when the sun is down and whenever it is particularly bright out. They have no weaknesses as far as can be seen.

Will breaker-These breakers can control and break the minds and spirits of their opponents, giving them an even worse reputation than mind breakers. These breakers are highly intelligent and think much faster than other breakers, so they are able to break down most problems quickly and efficiently. They usually lack an imagination though.

Instant breaker-These breakers control time, meaning they can rewind, fast forward or alter time in many ways. The weaker instant breakers can't do this for very long and can't move through time that far, but the strongest can travel hundreds of years in the past or the present. Their clothes are weaved with the fabric of time itself, for regular clothes they wear either disintegrate or revert back to what they were while they use their powers.

Spirit breaker-The most powerful and thus, the most rare, spirit breakers are supreme among other breakers. They can hone multiple breaking abilities. There have only been two in history and they killed every opponent they faced, excluding each other, so most of the efforts of these breakers have never been seen, though their actions have shaken the world, literally, bringing the question as to how strong these breakers really are. They're supposed to be gone, none have been seen for more than a thousand years. It's said that if two more come together the world will tremble in fear but the chances of that are slim to none seeing as there isn't even one left.

Hope this helps. Please post comments, good or bad, it'll only make me a better writer.