Pokegirl Adventures - Melanie's Tale Chapter 3

Story by White66 on SoFurry

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#3 of Pokegirl Adventures

Here we have chapter 3. Or my edited version. I felt the sex scene was a little rushed and just thrown in just for the heck of it. So I've had a rethink and I have what I feel is a better one in the works for the next chapter. As well as moving on with the plot of course.

I take no credit for the original idea or the creation of the Pokegirl's concept. All credit goes to the original creator and not me. This story is owned by me and cannot be reproduced elsewhere.

The afternoon sun was warm as it shone down on Tamer and Pokegirl alike, Melanie and Tamika enjoying the heat that surrounded them. And the soft birdsong that filled the trees, mixing with the gentle whisper of the leaves caught by the cool breeze. A far cry from the hectic morning they had had. Hectic and productive.

Melanie had been true to her promise to Professor Peony, staying close to Meles Town. Practically as close as she could get while still leaving the town. Even for a small town, Meles Town is pretty out of the way. Certainly not much around it. Unless you count Meles Forrest there isn't much until you make it out to route 96 and get to the Crystal Grotto. But that is further than she wanted to travel yet.

It had been so tempting to head into the forest and try their luck there. But that might have been pushing it. The Pokegirls there are both strong and numerous. And if they got in trouble it was a long way to come back. No, far better to play it safe and stick to Route 89. Which seemed to have been working so far. At least, they had scored a few victories. Both she and Tamika growing in skill.

Even if it was her skill that seemed to impress Tamika more. She had been proud of herself of course. And impressed by Melanie, even when Melanie hadn't been that impressed by herself. She had been relying on Tamika, having her back her up. But what could she do? She had to be able to protect her. She had...

'Are you still worrying about that?' Tamika's voice soothed and cut across her thoughts, pulling her back to the present. 'You know, you have nothing to worry about.'

'That's just it. I DO worry.' Melanie sighed. Tamika had hit it right on the head, somehow knowing what she was thinking.

'You need to have more faith in yourself.' Tamika said firmly, as if reading her mind. She didn't need to be a mind reader as Tamika rested a hand on her shoulder in an obviously comforting gesture. 'I do. I trust you. You haven't led me wrong yet.'

'We've done alright against wild Pokegirls but..' Melanie started.

'And should other types be any different?' Tamika interjected. 'We can handle anything together you and I.'

Melanie nodded. She was right of course. She was just letting her doubts get the better of her. As they usually did. With an effort, she clamped down on that feeling, taking a deep breath. It was as well as she did so. Otherwise, she might have missed the change in the sounds around them too.

Tamika had clearly heard it too, being up on her feet before she could even realise what had changed. No birdsong. Nothing. It was like they had all fled. Which raised the question from what?

Melanie had a feeling she was going to find out. Then she did. All she saw was a flurry of movement, an explosion of leaves and twigs and..Pokegirls. Melanie could at least make that out, even if she couldn't discern the species. Not until they stopped moving.

'Wasps. Great.' Melanie said warily, eyeing the small swarm. Which was the perfect word for them. Three Wasps was enough to make a swarm, leaving the other Pokegirl outnumbered. But maybe not outclassed.

Melanie had to admit she made for an intimidating sight, long and powerful legs attached to a spider abdomen with a humanoid upper body. An Arachnea. She had to be. She knew enough about the spider species to be pretty sure she could tell them apart. She hoped so. They could get pretty cranky if someone got their species wrong.

At least she seemed to have other things on her mind right now. 'Hey. You two, are you stupid? Or do you like getting stung to death?' She snapped.

'I'm sorry?' Melanie said, bristling a little. Cranky was one thing but this. This was being downright rude. She had to bite back a growing snappish response of her own.

'I guess you are then.' She cut back. Her only response before leaping forward to meet the sudden dive of the Wasps, her face showing no fear or hesitation.

Yeah, that's smart; Melanie thought until she saw the lines of web shooting out before her, striking the two foremost wasps. Caught by surprise, they quickly found themselves webbed and tugged to the ground. Hard. Melanie winced at the impact. So did they, their struggles getting them more tangled up in the sticky threads.

'I told you to get out of here.' The Arachnea snapped, twisting her head back to fix Melanie with a stare that could only be described as stern.

'Susie. Focus.'

Melanie whipped her head around at the voice, seeing the young man that emerged less dramatically from the undergrowth. Simply dressed in rugged trousers and a heavy jacket, yet he had an aura of calm focus about him. And authority too.

'I know. I know.' Susie said still a little sharp even as her voice had softened a little. There was nothing soft about her next action though, leaping into a tackle that drove the last wasp to the ground, twisting in mid-air so that all her weight came down on her back. Her mouth was open before she landed and for a second Melanie thought she was going to bite her, imagining the poison that must lie in those fangs. Poison that might not have much effect on a poison type, but the fangs would do enough damage. Instead, a fine spray emerged, forming a sticky mist that started to cocoon the Wasp, despite her struggles. It only took a matter of minutes before she was subdued and she apparently felt safe enough to stand and rounded on Melanie.

'Did you two want to get killed? Did you?' The Arachnea snapped, her body changing as she walked, transforming to the form of a young woman, her body covered in fine hairs that became darker almost sable as they ran down her arms. Apart from that she was naked, but largely seemed unbothered by that small detail.

'What? We didn't need any help. We could have taken them.' Melanie found herself snapping back. Fading adrenaline gave way to a kind of energy she didn't know exactly what to do with, finding her mouth running away with her.

'Could you? Do you know what you stumbled into?' The Arachnea snapped again. 'It's just lucky I took those three out when I did. You..'

'Watch out.' Melanie shouted, her hand flung forward urgently. Not just a gesture, not to move her. But a command. Tamika needed no further orders; her Water Gun knocking back the Wasp that had sliced free it's bonds and charged with strands of web trailing behind it; web that was as drenched as the rest of the Wasp. Drenched enough to leave it lying in a bedraggled mess about five feet away. Not giving it a chance, Tamika hit it again, pouring on the pressure. That proved to be too much and the Pokegirl slumped back, unconscious on the floor. Before something struck it, the Pokeball aimed true. It was unable to resist being drawn inside, the clamshell halves closing with a click and locking firmly.

'Took them out huh?' Melanie relied coolly. 'Didn't do that great a job did you?'

The Arachnea looked at her, unsure what to say. Her face set in an expression of shock. Then managed to grumble something out. 'Fine. So you got lucky. Doesn't change that you nearly screwed this up.'

'Screwed what up?' Melanie asked, confused.

'Ease up, Susie.' The young man said, one who Melanie was starting to work out was her Tamer. 'They didn't know. Just like we couldn't know that anyone would be out here. I'm sorry you got caught up in this. Are you both alright?'

'Yeah, they didn't get close to us.' Melanie said. 'We should be thanking you. We didn't expect to see any Wasps around here. Not outside of a hive anyway. I didn't think there were any in Meles Forest.'

'There shouldn't be.' The young man nodded as Susie set about securing the two other Pokegirls in more of her webs. Clearly she didn't want to risk them getting loose as well. 'That's what we are trying to find. Their Hive. We have been seeing a growth in population in nearby areas and we feared that they might have been trying to set up a nest here.'

'I'm sorry. Who's we?' Melanie asked cautiously.

'The Pokegirl League.' He replied without any sign of pride or boasting. It was just a fact to him, something he knew. Not something to show off.

'You're a Pokegirl Ranger?' Melanie couldn't keep the shock from her voice. It was rare to see any league officials out here, never mind a Ranger. They usually only got sent on the most dangerous assignments.

'Yup. Got it in one.' He smiled without being smug or boastful. 'I'm Peter. Nice to meet you both.'

'I'm Melanie. And this is Tamika. It's a pleasure to meet you both as well.' Melanie smiled at Susie but didn't get anything friendly back. Not even approaching warm. She just fixed her with a steady stare that was impossible for her to read. 'I am sorry if we messed anything up.'

'Ahh, you guys didn't really.' Peter said with a slow wave of his hand. 'The majority of our operation is going on in the forest. So far, we have only been able to catch a few small swarms. It's going to mean the forest is out of bounds until we find the nest and the Queen.'

'Are you going to have to fight your way into the nest?' Melanie didn't like the sound of that. From what she had heard of their nests, the swarms guarded them most viciously. Literally an army of Pokegirls, all at the beck and call of the Queen. And even if they made it passed them, she would be waiting. It would take a very powerful Pokegirl to fight against her, never mind defeat her. Or capture.

'That's the plan.' Peter nodded. He didn't seem at all bothered by it. Maybe he knew something she didn't. Well, that was pretty much a given. If the League is here they must have a plan.

'Isn't that...risky?' Melanie asked.

Peter shrugged. 'Well, actually, hunting the swarms is more dangerous. If one of us gets caught and taken back to the nest we might not be found before the venom takes hold.'

Melanie managed a nod, her throat dry. She knew of the venom, of its effects on humans and Pokegirls alike. It was more of a threat than a fear, something she had grown up with. 'There is an antidote right? If administered fast enough, yes? It can reverse the transformation.'

'You know about it?' Peter asked, clearly impressed.

'We do get some Buzzbreast stings around here.' Melanie shrugged. 'We make sure to keep a supply in antivenin in our stores. I think a similar antivenin exists for Wasps too.'

'You work in a Pokecentre?' Peter asked.

'Huh?' Melanie tried to follow that. Then she caught on. It certainly was one way to look at what she had said. 'Oh, no. There isn't one around here, not for a few towns. I help out with the local Pokegirl lab.'

'I wouldn't have taken you for a researcher.' Peter sounded genuinely surprised. And impressed.

'I'm not.' Melanie blushed. 'I just picked up a few things working there before I got my Pokegirl Tamers licence.'

'Ahh.' Peter nodded in understanding. 'I see. Just starting out on your Taming Journey yes?'

'Uhuh. Very much so. I only got Tamika a day ago.

'So you are getting some training in around here?' Peter nodded. 'Looking to catch some more Pokegirls?'

'Well, yeah. I hadn't thought that far ahead.' Melanie rubbed her head. 'But that's kinda the general idea.'

'Nothing wrong with that.' Peter smiled. 'You have to go at your own pace. Don't feel you have to do anything you don't want too.'

'Well, I wish I had your start.' Melanie said. 'Working for the Pokegirl league must have its advantages.

'You got a pretty good start.' Peter relied. 'I guess working with a breeder has its pluses.'

'Huh? Oh..I didn't get Tamika from the Breeding Centre. I found her.' Melanie said slowly.

'In the wild? I didn't think there were wild Swimsluts around here.' Peter frowned.

'She wasn't wild.' Melanie hesitated. 'I rescued her from these guys called Team Jade.'

'What? Here?' Peter said.

'You know them?' Melanie said in mortified shock. Did everyone know them? First Professor Peony and now him? What did that make her? She couldn't help feeling suddenly very naive.

'We've heard about them but never actually encountered them.' Peter responded. 'What will you do next?'

'Well..' Melanie paused, rubbing her head. 'I had hoped to head into Meles Forest. But I think I had better keep out of your way for now. So we might head to the Southern Meadow, see what Pokegirls I can find there. What about you?'

'We have to finish up here. Then I hope to stick around, see if I can locate Team Jade.' Peter mused. 'We need to know if they are around here. Actually, you might be able to help with that. Could I borrow your phone?'

'Sure.' Melanie couldn't help feeling confused, but she handed it over to him anyway.

'Thanks.' He quickly tapped away on the keypad with a practiced ease. 'That's my mobile number. If you see them again, call me okay?'

'I will.' Melanie promised.

'Thank you.' Peter said with a nod. As he walked away to check on the captured Pokegirls, Melanie couldn't help wondering if she would see him again.


Melanie closed the bathroom door behind her, still towelling her hair dry distractedly. Today had been no way what she expected. Well, that was something she was just going to have to get used too, she decided. Likely from today nothing was going to go the way she expected. It was almost a scary thought. But exciting too. The feeling that each day was going to be a surprise and most likely nothing like the last.

'Are you sure you didn't want a shower? There is plenty of hot water.' Melanie said as she chucked her towel into the hamper in the corner of her room.

'I'm fine.' Tamika turned her head from where she lay on the bed. 'Really.'

'Awww. And I was hoping we could go in together too.' Melanie chuckled, moving to lie down behind her. 'Are you sure I can't convince you?'

Melanie's soft whisper was quickly followed by an equally soft touch, her lips brushing against Tamika's neck. She meant it soothingly but she couldn't ignore the way Tamika tensed up, her whole body suddenly freezing perfectly still as if she didn't dare move.

'Sorry. I should have guessed you would be tender.' Melanie said quickly, trying not to show how her reaction had caught her by surprise.

'It's not that.' Tamika said. 'I've just...I've been thinking about...'

'About Taming.' Melanie finished for her.

'Right. It's not that I don't trust you.' Tamika rolled over to take her hands in hers. 'Or don't want to be with you. I do. On both counts. It's more that...I don't trust myself yet.'

'You don't have to do anything yet.' Melanie soothed. 'I would never force you into something you don't want. Or to talk about something you don't want to yet.'

Melanie knew there was more than what Tamika was saying, that there was something there she had left unsaid. All the more reason not to push her. When she was ready she would talk. But for now she decided to turn the conversation to other things.

'So, I've been giving some thought to where we should go next.' Melanie said.

'You want to challenge a gym don't you?' Tamika asked with a little twinkle in her eye that Melanie was relived to see return.

'Eventually.' Melanie nodded. 'When we are both ready. I want to really test our strength. It's not just about getting a badge for me. Well, it is. But it's because of what that badge represents. It's the first real step on the journey. But I want the journey to matter as much if not more so. All the things we are going to see together, all the places we will visit. I want to know we are ready to do that.'

'You've really given this a lot of thought haven't you.' Tamika smiled.

'I have. But that doesn't mean we only have to do what I want.' Melanie replied. 'I know this maybe isn't something you expected to become involved in. But I want you to feel you are a part of this.'

'I do.' Tamika nodded. 'You've been nothing but kind to me since we met. That doesn't mean I don't want to do this too. What do you know about the gyms around here? I'm guessing there must be one close by.'

'There is. In Ursine City. From what I've heard, the Harem Master there has very rarely lost a battle.' Melanie replied.

'Are her Pokegirls that tough? I'm assuming she has more than one?' Tamika asked.

'She does yes. Most Harem Masters do.' Melanie said. 'And hers aren't just tough. She uses normal type Pokegirls. Most starting trainers don't have a type that is strong against them. And with her experience, she could be a very tough battle. I'm not sure we shouldn't stay away from her for now.'

'No harm in going and taking a look though is there? Couldn't hurt to see how she fights.' Tamika mused. 'It's not that far away is it?' Tamika asked, propped up on her elbow.

'Actually, it's quite a way.' Melanie admitted. 'To walk it would take a few days. Maybe three. Luckily, we can just take the bullet train from Ursa Town and be there in under an hour.'

'It's funny that there isn't a gym closer than that.' Tamika mused.

'Well, there used to be.' Melanie replied. 'Until a few years ago there was gym almost right outside Meles Town. Then the Leader just closed it down and never came back. We have no idea why. To start with everyone thought she had just gone on a training journey and would be back in a few months. Then a few became four, then six, then a year. Then we started to work out she wasn't coming back.'

'And no one started using her Gym for themselves?' Tamika asked.

'People wanted to. But the village wanted to keep it free in case she came back.' Melanie said.

'People here respected her that much?' Tamika couldn't keep the surprise from her voice.

'Still do.' Melanie said. 'She and her Pokegirls once saved the whole area during a blizzard, helping get supplies through by providing them with heat and clearing the roads. Everyone here owes thier life to her because of that.'

'Even you?' Tamika asked.

'In a way.' Melanie answered. 'She saved my parents. So if she hadn't, I wouldn't be here.'

'Your father too? If you don't want to talk about him, I understand.' Tamika whispered.

'I never knew him.' Melanie said casually. 'He wasn't the kind to stick around. Something my mother knew when she met him. I think he wanted to leave something behind. I don't care. I have my mom. And that's enough for me.'

'Now then, you two should be getting some sleep.'

Melanie looked up just at the same time as Tamika did, neither of them having heard her mother approaching the bedroom door.

'Yeah. I guess we should. Thanks mom.' Melanie answered.

'My pleasure.' She replied. 'Got to take the few chances I have to mother you while I still can.'

'How do you think she is going to feel when we leave?' Tamika asked.

'I don't know.' Melanie answered slowly. 'I really don't know.'