Night 1/2 - Fixing Foxy

Story by Sylva on SoFurry

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Part 2 of this story. Hope everyone is enjoying it so far (for what little there is) and I hope you'll enjoy this chapter also.

I just rested for a moment in Foxy's arms as he carried me to the cove. I was feeling a little weak after being nearly choked to death by a killer animatronic. It actually felt nice to be held by the other, it was a tender hold. Like how you'd hold something you cared about.

I blushed and shook my head, how could Foxy care about me, I wasn't exactly anything special. That and he didn't really know me, I doubted he even remembered who I was.

The animatronic put me down on a crate in the cove. He smiled a little at me though I could see some of the old problems still persisted with him. His jaw hung a little loose and some patches of fur seemed to be missing, they looked like scars. He'd have to check that further.

"Why did you...?" I asked, confused at why the Fox would save me.

"Y-you wa-arr-are J-ace. You arr Jace." He said several times, seeming to put together pieces of previous sound files together to speak. That and the jaw kept coming loose so the pirate kept having to knock it back up into place.

"You remember me..." He said, Jace was his nickname when he was around the animatronics and only they used it. He groaned softly as he stood up, Foxy going over to him and supporting him. He turned round and hugged the other, "Thank you." He said before hearing the ding and children laughing as his shift ended.

The other let me go and stood up before going over to a corner. Looking at me fondly before going still, the life draining from his body. Quite literally. The fur seemed to become coarser and less realistic, the scars became gaping holes in the fur to reveal the endoskeleton and slightly frayed wires.

"So they actually come alive at night." He said to himself. "Have a nice sleep Foxy. I'll see you later." He said before walking to the door and seeing his Boss pull up.

"You're alive!" He said happily, I gave him a glare in response that made him fall quiet.

"Of course I'm alive. What did you expect? Killer animatronics to come after me?" I asked a little pissed off. Mr Fazebear wincing at that. "I should probably leave to find another job if that happened." The others eyes widened in response.

"No, don't do that. I'll do anything. You're one of the few that's made it past the first night!" He exclaimed. "I can't afford to replace you." He continued, seeming rather genuine about it. "What do you want? A better pay, shorter hours." He continued, clearly worried I'd leave.

"Info and favours currently. I want to know about Foxy and the history of Fazebear entertainment." I replied, the owners eyes widened a little at that.

"I-I can't." The look I gave him made him gulp. "OK. Look, this restaurant has had its fair shares of tragedies. Especially with him. We had to shut down once because of that one." I couldn't believe what he was saying. Foxy didn't hurt me at all so how could he cause of something that'd shut down a business. "Look up the Bite of '87 if you want to know more. It'll be good reading material to pass the time." He said with a shrug as some of the other workers began to turn up.

"Besides, we're planning on scrapping that old thing soon. We don't have the funds to repair it so we may as well save space and scrap it." He said. That really annoyed me, they haven't even tried to fix Foxy up and they'd given up on him.

"I'll see you tonight." I said before walking off. I needed to think about what had been said and do some research. That and I needed to check my bank account.


After having a nap for about four hours I looked at my funds and had found I probably had enough to fix foxy up, or at least partially. I also had some tools I needed at home. The Fox had saved my life, so it was the least I could do to help fix him up a bit.

Walking out to the nearest hardware store I looked around and bought a large set of tools, screws and bolts. I also got lots of wire and other parts to help fix up Foxy. Taking it all to the till I gulped at the price, it'd use up my savings for a bit. Though I did notice that I got that day's pay in my account. Seems it was put in daily to start with. Good for me.

"Seems like you're doing a big project for this, what cha building?" The cashier asked.

"I'm not, not really. More like touching up an old project that needed a bit of attention." I replied, I'd also taken a picture of the others fur and bought fake fur that best matched the colour. Quite a bit of it too. It was all very expensive and I certainly wouldn't be able to afford many if any luxuries for a while.

I quickly got everything I'd bought back home and sighed. Going to my bed I fell asleep again till 9 o'clock. I needed all my energy for the next night.

Line Break

"Fucking Knobhead." I muttered to myself as my Boss left. He'd asked about the bags of stuff I was carrying and I replied I was going to do maintenance on some of the animatronics as I'd seen that they were a little damaged. He'd let me pass with that one.

I had to work quickly though, it'd be 2 hours till they became realistic so I needed to finish up before then.

Going into the cove I thought I saw the Fox turning his head towards me a little. "Don't worry. I'm just going to do some repairs to you. I know the others have been repaired so that the others wouldn't be scary to the kids so I'm going to give you a tune up." He said to the other. Going over and carefully removing the suit and recoiling at the smell of rotting flesh.

"Fucking hell." I said, the suit must have been keeping the smell in mostly. I quickly got to work getting rid of all the flesh and everything else in there. Thankfully I'd bought gloves and got rid of all of the shit inside the animatronic. I then got a cloth and some metal cleaner before beginning to clean off all the skeleton. "No wonder you're having problems when that was in you." He said, moving down the others body and making sure everything looked good. He then oiled the others joints and replaced the wiring and tightened the nuts and bolts that'd come loose before seeing that it was getting very close to the start of my shift.

He replaced the others suit, not having had time to work on it and cleaned up all the mess. I got a fright when I felt two hands on my hips that pulled me close to a furry body.

"Thank y-ye lad for helpin' old F-foxy here." I heard from the animatronic behind me. Turning around I saw the other and he looked much more healthy than he had been when they first met. The other was still scarred with patches of fur missing and other visuals that needed to be fixed but his movements were smoother and he could speak much better. There was a smile on his face as he held me.

However, the voice was slightly off, better but still off. I heard the Fox purr as I didn't move away and it made me melt. It was loud and deep and very relaxing.

"Ye need te be in your office. It be safe there." He said, pushing me out of the room to go down the hall. "I'll be finishing up 'ere." The pirate said, I smiled gratefully at him.

"I'll see you in a bit then." I replied happily with a wave. Quickly going down the hall and seeing that the time was 12:18. I shrugged a little and played the next recorded message. I had a feeling I was meant to play them earlier but meh. It didn't really matter too much, did it?

"They get more active!" I said in surprise before quickly flicking through all the cameras. They'd already started moving around the building. Bonnie seemed to be heading straight for me, they didn't seem to follow too many set patterns as Bonnie was going down the right rather than left. But Bonnie and Chica did just walk down the halls. Freddie was also moving around but he could be seen in the cameras at the back.

It wasn't too hard to keep a track of all of them and time passed quickly. In breaks I took peaks at news magazins I'd found in the office on the Bite of '87. It seemed that the place closed and Foxy was put into storage because of that. I heard a sound to my left and punched the door button, as was becoming my usual. Turning on the light I saw that it was Bonnie. "Why are you trying to kill me?" I asked him, a look of confusion crossed his face.

'Kill you.' He mouthed.

"Yes, Kill me. You were planning to stuff me in a suit weren't you?" I said, getting angry as I thought he was joking with me. The bunny stepping back and walking off.

POV Change: Bonnie

I walked off, walking a bit faster up the corridor than I had down it. I needed to ask Freddy what that Night Guard had meant. We didn't kill the night guards, did we?

"Freddy." I called over to him, getting his attention.

"Yes Bonnie, what is it?" The brown bear replied calmly as he walked around the stage. It was the second night after all and the other tended to be quite calm at this point.

"Well the Night Guard asked why we were trying to kill him. We don't kill the Night Guards do we? We're just playing with them." I said, the other confirming what I thought. "That's a relief!" I said cheerily. "I'll see you later Freddy. I'll see if the Guard will let me in to play some games with him." I said before walking off, not noticing the angry glint in the bears eye or the fact that his smile slipped off his face as soon as I'd turned around.

Chapter 2 complete. Foxy seems to have found a friend, bonnie the bunny is misguided and Freddy doesn't seem to be telling the truth. Let me know in Reviews what you think, if I can make improvements or suggest what you think will happen next.