Lesson Plan Chapter 11

Story by Courtney Strangewolf on SoFurry

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This chapter is from the perspective of Raymond's son...Amir

Chapter 11: Modest Concern (Amir)

*Knock Knock*

"Amir wake up, you gotta get up you're gonna be late for school"

Man I don't feel like going to school today, wish dad would take me today, I wonder how he's doing, Fine i hope although he is a bit more happier now that he has a best friend he hangs out with all the time. Better than before, all depressed and alone. I understand about divorce and all but wouldn't expect it to happen to this family, mom says it's part of life, but dad tells me it's what happens when a couple falls out of love, and there's no spark to it. Like an unlit candle without the fire it's useless. Dad always made the most sense to me compared to mom, she always sugar coated things while dad was more blunt. Maybe I'm too young to understand but I can't grasp it for some reason, is that going to happen to me when I meet a girl. Stop it cat, you're thinking too much, think about the weekend you spent with dad, at the paintball range and grabbing a few hot dogs. Taking me to the mall buying me clothes and catching a movie, or think about what's Mr. Kani going to teach us today. I love his class it's always interesting, way better than science and math class. I want to create art to maybe painting or computer graphics. Looking at my alarm and it's a quarter til eight,

I grab a shower and something to eat, then out the door. The school is only four blocks from my home which is sweet, don't have to worry about crowded buses or people stepping on my tail,or having to inhale so many scents of the various species. I got to school on time and got ready for my first class, which is history. Nothing against the past but its sooooooo boring, why can't people focus on the future instead of the past, it's like running around in circles anyway. forty five minutes and a face plant to my desk later it was time for art class, finally. On the way in i notice Mr. Kani wasn't in yet, and normally he beat all of us to class. A coyote that sure wasn't our beloved art teacher.

"attention everyone, i'm Mr. Wintergreen and I'll be your substitute until Mr. Kani comes back".

I raised my paw "is Mr Kani sick or something".

"no just had to...uhm.. he's on leave for a while but it's temporary in the meantime everyone pull out a notebook and take notes, I'm going to read a short autobiography of Jean-Michel Basquiat and we're going to write an essay with the topic being does art take any form".

Dammit he's gonna hit us with that workload, crap.Ok clearly he knows something about Kani's where abouts, I'm gonna push him some more after class. forty five more minutes of almost completing a face plant to the face and trying to keep my pencil straight in my paw it was time to confront, what's his face, winterfresh or somethin. I waited until I was the last one to leave, I like to keep this quiet and cleared of perked ears.

"Hey Mr. Winters"


"yes uhm I was curious to know the real reason why Mr. Kani wasn't here"

"well like I said he's been put on leave and you best not worry about things like that"

"I was asking not as a student but as a concerned friend".

"I'm sorry Amir I just can't..."

"Last week I wasn't feeling too good, and I'm still grasping the concept of my parents divorce. That day after close I worried myself sick and had nausea. I threw up in that trash back there" pointing to the can in the back of the class "not sure if the janitor cleaned it out that good, Mr. Kani took me to the nurse and stayed with me until my dad came and picked me up, Mr. Kani really cares about us, so I want to care about him by knowing what happened to him".

The coyote looked puzzled and bewildered and waited five seconds before he said anything. "I ....fine... ok but not a word to any of your little friends, I'm seventeen so most of my friends aren't little anymore".

"you're smart I give you that"

"you be surprise what you learn if we all talk less and listen more".

"True but we need a few talkers so we can gather the information being given"

"so what happened?"

"apparently your teacher got into a fight with coach stetson and long story short they found the coach on top of the wolf about to deliver a blow to the head, and then your teacher got suspended".

"oh man, I can't imagine him fighting, he's so down to earth and mellow"

"I got that vibe from him too, but you never know what you can do when pushed to your limits".

After the conversation it was time to attend my other classes, can't afford to be late to my english class,then after that it was lunch time. The cafeteria I really have mixed feelings, one day they have pretty decent meals and other days is like they slapped something together at the last minute. Today was ok I guess burger and fries can't go wrong with that. I sat with my friend Yuki a male malamute, pretty big for an eleventh grader.

"Hey Amir surviving the day ok"

"ehh so so keep falling asleep in half of the classes"

"not getting a good night's rest"

"not that, probably thinking too much"

"that can cause it too, you need to unwind a bit and chill. hey wanna come over and play the Gold Fist 7 game i got take your mind off"

"its ok im good"

"I'm not asking I'm telling you come with me after school"

"fine whatever I'll go"

My ears perked up from a table over, from this tiger, I think his name is Greg going off about some fight he saw. He's in my gym class and always got a fast tongue on him. I ignored the conversation he was having with his friends until I heard him said Kani. I don't want to make it seem like I was eavesdropping but as he talked I shifted to my left closer to the next table, from the tiger's point of view Kani was holding up a good fight but the hyena was too large for him to take out.

"you're going to fall off if you go any further, you might as well sit in between them to hear more clearly" Yuki replied taking a bite of the burger.

"Sorry I need to work on that"

"clearly you do, soooo obvious"

Next class was Biology in which for some reason wasn't as bad to me, so blowing through that class sure is a breeze. My dad and Kani keep fluctuating in my mind, they really are pretty close, and my dad is much happier since the two of them met each other and if dad is happy with Kani then they should stay together. Why coach had to muck it all up, he's another asshole in my book. Should I talk to dad or maybe the principal about Kani's absence, I don't know it feels strange without him here, I miss his assignments already more active than Mr. Winter whatever. Talk to dad first and if that doesn't pan out then go to principal Rowan, that should work.

Bells rang out and class were done with for today, I caught a familiar scent of malamute followed by someone holding and scratching the tip of my tail. I turned to see Yuki in his smuggest smile ever.

"seriously dude how do you not get your tail caught in the doors and junk".

"you get use to it now let go of my tail before someone gets the wrong idea"

Yuki then walks besides me to intertwine my tail with his, and talks to me in a feminine voice "oh Amir I would love to those spots of yours on top me, going over me and into me"

"You... are you crazy....quit it" Looking nervously all around, then smacking his hip to make him stop.

"Oh kitty likes it rough eh". still in sweet voice.

"I'll get rough if you don't stop"

"Ok you're funny when you get mad like that, still want to come over yeah".

"most definitely, you need to be put in your place dog".

"I thought that's what parents are for" said Yuki sticking his tongue out

We arrived at his place fifteen minutes later, Yuki lives four blocks further away from where I stay. Don't really mind the distance to be honest, it helps to stay distracted and plus I didn't wanted to go home just yet. I did call mom when we arrived and said it was ok but had to be home by six thirty, Yuki's parents wasn't home either which gives us even more freedom. The game console was set up and we played a few mindless matches of a fighting game, then watched tv and talked about whatever that was going on in school. I looked at the clock as it read a quarter after six and had to get ready to leave. When I got home mom was just getting in herself.

"hey hun how was school"

"it was ok, how was your day"

"descent...your dad called and says he's on his way to drop off a few dress shirts and ties"

"for what"

"so you can look presentable when you go out to places that require you to look well groomed"

"are we planning to go somewhere any time soon"

"your sister is graduating this year from college remember, and we're all going to be dressed for the occasion"

I shrugged my shoulders "fine, sure"

"don't be nonchalant your graduating next year to Amir don't forget that"

*Knock knock*

"Amir get that Amir your sister is calling me right now"

I went to grab the door handle and my dad standing there holding a shiny green bag labeled Dante's Apparel. Dad gives me a smile but not as big a smile as he normally gives me, is he sad and depressed again. Maybe he heard about what happened to Mr. Kani, I let him in and he gives me a hug and hands me the bag. and gives mom a wave and she hands him one back still on the phone.

"I picked you up a few things, some dress clothes"

"yeah for uhm...Nadine's upcoming graduation"

We both sit on the couch by the window, watching the light reflect on my dad's small black ears with a line of gray in them. I can't help myself but I got to know.

"So ehh did you hear what happened to my teacher"

"Yeah but how did you know"

"I'm in his class remember, plus we have a substitute"

Dad gets a little perk in his ears, probably happy he didn't get booted out. "that's good how is he"

"argh boring a real snooze face, a hit my head on the table one time from falling asleep".

"Are you staying up past twelve again, you need to be in bed early, and stop hitting your head on tables before you get a concussion"

"no" he gives me a serious down right scary look "ok sometimes I stay up till eleven thirty but no later than twelve" I say figuring honesty would score points with him

"your substitute will only be there for a little while right"

"just for a few days or a week I think, but I want him back tomorrow "

"he'll be back"

"Hey dad are.....you two more than friends" My father's eyes lit up emerald green shining through the light. The lashing of his tail indicating his nervousness and he keeps tapping his foot in the floor. "Amir your you don't need to know abou...."

" I'm not a little cub no more are you guys dating or what"

The older leopard takes a deep breathe. "Yes I am, and I know you're getting older is why I want you to understand that no matter what I do in this lifetime, I'm always your dad. I always taught you to respect others no matter what species, sexuality, gender, anything. Don't have any prejudices because it makes you ugly on the inside".

Dad's nervousness is gone, but there's still some sadness in his expression on his muzzle, probably telling me what's on his mind. Does he want my approval, does he think I'm going to hate him.

"I know, you seem really happy when you're with Mr. Kani, so you should stay together with him"

Dad shows me his toothy grin and starts to rub my head fur, he stops himself and then instead rubs my shoulder.

"hey dad, what's his first name?".

"Why you wanna hear that"

"im curious"

"If I tell you, swear not to call him or address him by that while you're on school grounds"

he said while shaking my head promising him not to tell.

"I wont, I wont, tell me"

"His name is Alister"

It's not a funny name but it seems like a name for some snotty rich guy, still I give a little chuckle.

"It suits him"

"Yes, classy name for an intelligent guy"

"Did you talk to him since his little scrap"

"How you know about"

"I chatted with the substitute, plus some tiger, a senior was blabbing about it at lunch, I wanna know how your puppy boyfriend doing"

" he's a full grown wolf, and.......he's doing fine, he spent the day with a buddy of his this past saturday and I check on him yesterday".

"Awwwwww"I teased playfully at my dad batting my eyes and the blush my father was making is down right funny, I hardly get to embarrass him but this one was worth it.

"Don't you got homework to do or somethin, before I forget I'm picking you up wednesday we'll hang out".


After dad left I did had a little homework to get down, but knocked that out in thirty minutes.Then it was dinner and off to bed with my thoughts. Maybe the principal can be persuaded as of letting back Mr. Alister, or Kani back to class prematurally.

Tuesday morning and I already wish it was friday, my class don't begin for another twenty minutes which is why I woke up early enough to get here. Going through the corridor to the the principal's office, peeking through the window noticing his secretary or whatever guard he has guarding him was not at their post. I sneaked in but heard some movement in the office, I took a deep breathe and knock on the door.

"Yes, come in"

"Mr. Rowan" I replied as he was searching through a file cabinet

"Yes it is I how can I help you uhh..."

"Amir... Amir Mendes, I wanted to know about a teacher"

The tiger tail bristled and lashes as if he knows exactly which teacher I'm talking about

"Mr Mendes you must not worry for such small pity things, instead worry about your future"

"Well Mr Kani is not a pity thing"

I never thought the principal's eyes can get that big, he now sits on the edge of his desk in a well tailored suit, the one's I saw dad in one time.

"why are you defending him, most cubs wouldn't go through so much effort to protect a teacher. Is there something you want to tell me" his eyes are big and one brow is up arms crossed and tail swinging for a response.

"well Mr. Kani and my dad are good friends, and I heard he was in a fight and wanted know how he was that's all".

His look is now more highly suspicious. "I see " said Rowan now looking to the ground

"I just wanted to know is there any way that you can reduce his suspension"

"I'm sorry Amir I can't actually do that, it would be showing favoritism"

"Yeah but Coach Stetson is a short fuse anyway and a bigoted jerk, but to be honest ever since my dad started seeing Mr.Kani-"

"you mean seeing as in dating"

"-yes ever since then he's been happy. like more smiles and things. But Mr. Kani was only defending himself, plus Stetson is a big dude. Alister's got some balls"

The tigers eyebrows shot up to his forward. "not like that I meant I never seen his balls, he's a tough wolf is what I'm saying, but I was hoping maybe you can reconsider". I replied

"you know him quite well that you called your teacher by his first name, but I....uhm well you definitely had a lot on the brain, do you spend time with Mr. Kani after hours" he said although I detect a little fear with that question.

"No just classroom only, but my dad does mention hanging out with him from time to time when he drops me back at my mom's place"

"what your situation with your parents..... I just want to know"

"oh they are divorced for a few years and my father started dating again, you won't tell anyone else about this right this is between me and you"

"Promise,....I won't tell a soul"

" Anyway I was trying to help Mr. Kani out since he helped me when I wasn't feeling well, plus it would really mean alot to my dad".

"Tell you what, Let me think it over ok. Now get to class the bell is going to ring in another five minutes".

"Yes sir, Thanks Mr. Rowan"

"sure" he replies as he opens his office door for me to walk out, I headed along the corridors thinking did I do enough to make the principal have a change a heart. I guess talking to my dad and knowing what he was feeling made my decision,mom was always a independent and determined. Which is why I wasn't that worried when she dated this lion accountant, but dad seemed more vulnerable plus the stress from being a cop is more than overbearing.I want my father to be happy but was my words enough to see things through a different light.