A Dog by Any Other Name

Story by Moxxi on SoFurry

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Unable to get pregnant with her husband, red husky Anna finds another dog to do the deed.

The doorbell rang just as Anna stepped out of the shower. She hesitated, watching the steam billow around the curtains, and asked herself if she was really, truly going to go through with this. At noon, she had the house to herself and would for hours, but what if.. ? The doorbell rang again, and she decided to hell with what ifs. Her heart pounded in her chest as she quickly dressed, throwing on a sweater and a pair of comfy jeans, and ran downstairs.

She opened the door to a German shepherd, tall and with pale amber eyes. His name was Jack, and she'd only put in the call an hour ago when she'd heard that her husband, Russ, wouldn't be stopping at home for lunch today. Jack wore a simple dress shirt and stood at ease, as if this were a social call like any other

"Anna, good morning." He gave an imaginary tip of his hat.

"A bit late for it to be morning," she chuckled. "Come in." He did, and she spared a glance around the neighborhood before closing the door. Russ was a salesman and often had visitors, sharp-eyed, sharp-tongued creatures from a different lifestyle than hers, but not at this hour of the day.

"Gotta say, I expected it to look more modern," Jack said. He stopped to inspect the art on the wall, classical landscapes that Russ had chosen, not her. "From what I read on Hush-Hush, you sound like the type."

"Trust me, if I had my way I'd have picked something less... old-timey," she said, stepping up beside him. She still found it hard to believe that he was so casual in person after the way he flirted in text.

Hush-Hush was where they'd "met" online, although perhaps that wasn't the word for it. A dating service of a different nature, it was designed for people who were already... attached. Anna and Russ had been trying to conceive for months with no success, and when Russ had vehemently shot down the idea of adoption something had clicked in Anna's mind. There was still a way.

Friendship was the last thing she'd expected to find on Hush-Hush, but Jack was an older brother to four siblings and desperately wanted to be a father. Anna was a housewife who wanted to find a father for her pups. It was a match made in heaven, although her parents would have said they were both going to Hell if they knew.

If the father was another German Shepherd, what would Russ know? Anna had reasoned that he wouldn't know at all. It wasn't like either her or Russ were 100% clear on their lineage. He was the only one in his family with amber eyes eyes instead of brown. She'd have her baby, and what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him. Jack even had the same eyes that could have been Russ's, or some distant canine from generations ago, although Russ never stared at her so intently and with such desire.

Anna blushed.

"Am I making you uncomfortable?" Jack asked.

"No," she said. "I'm just... ah... would you like some coffee?"

"Coffee would be great." At a gesture from Anna, Jack seated himself on the couch in the family room.

Anna pulled her eyes away and slipped into the kitchen. Once the coffee pot was heating, she took a deep breath. Relax, she told herself. Just relax. Enjoy yourself.

She filled two mugs and carried them to the family room. She set one down in front of Jack and held the other cupped in her hands as she seated herself next to him. There was a moment of silence where she knew they were both thinking the same thing: how do we get started? Then they exchanged coy glances over their mugs and the tension broke. His arm went around her as if they'd known each other for months instead of weeks, and her heart thrummed with excitement. She could barely keep her tail from wagging like a giddy schoolgirl.

"Thanks, Anna," he said. His smile was golden, and only brightened when Anna set her mug down and leaned back against him. He set his down, too, half- empty. "You know, I was kind of nervous about coming."

"Oh?" Eyes closed, she cracked one open to look at him.

"Yeah, you're the first one I met." Jack's hands, warmed by the heat of the mug, were even warmer now when they traced gentle fingers through the fur of her stomach beneath her shirt. "I had no idea what to expect, but this has turned out really great for us both."

"I think so, too," Anna sighed. "I--ooh..." Jack's hand dipped lower, beneath the hem of her jeans, and mentally she urged him on.

She must have seemed nervous, because he kissed her neck and murmured, "Relax."

Anna did, and the kisses he trailed along her neck made her shiver. She turned her head and kissed him. The unfamiliar yet tantalizing scent of his cologne over natural canine musk washed over her when she pressed in close. Her hands wandered and bunched into his fur when his fingers slipped between her legs and pressed inside her. "Jack..."

"Hmm?" His breath, hot against her neck again, tickled with every word. "Something I can do for you?" Innocently, he flicked at her clit and listened to Anna melt in his arms.

She bit her lip. The pads on his digits were rough as he stroked at her, gently goading her on until she couldn't help but buck against his hand. "You can stop being a tease."

"Don't you like it, though?" Jack rumbled in his chest when Anna's hands trailed down to his pants. She tugged, and he pulled away to help her take them off.

Tugging them down around his hips, Anna found he already had a raging hard-on--and he was bigger than Russ. Jack leaned back on the couch and tried unsuccessfully to hold back a smirk.

Dipping her head down, she wrapped her lips around the tip of his cock and was delighted to hear him groan appreciatively. When she bobbed her head his hands went to her shoulders, kneading them while she tried to tease him with soft suckling and sighs from between his legs. Her head dipped low and Jack grunted with the effort of keeping his hips from jerking into her muzzle.

Anna could feel the hint of a knot swelling against her lips, and the thought of it inside her with Jack pounding her on the couch made her giddy. God, how long had it been since she was this excited to have sex? She stopped to drag her tongue across it, loving the way it practically throbbed against her touch, and when she looked up she saw Jack watching her keenly.

"What?" She asked innocently.

Jack gave a barking laugh. "Oh, nothing. Just think you look like you want a little more." His hands wandered from Anna's shoulders to her rear and squeezed.

"Maybe I do." Anna flicked him with her tail as she stood up and started to undress. She pulled her sweater over her head while Jack's hands explored her bared fur. It dropped to the floor and immediately his hands covered her breasts, squeezing and rolling her nipples between the fingers until her legs turned shaky. "Ooh, you're not making this easy."

He gently pinched her nipples and smiled when she gasped. "Don't intend to."

Shakily, she worked herself out of her jeans while Jack pressed against her back. His hands covered hers and helped her to pull her panties--already damp with excitement--down around her knees, baring her ass and pussy to him. Jack's pants and shirt had disappeared while Anna was undressing, and his cock dragged along her thigh when they pressed together nude. "Jack..."

Jack didn't answer her, but one hand dipped between her thighs again and then she was squirming against him. He ground his hips against her with a playful growl until she thought she couldn't take it anymore.

With a whine, Anna reached behind her and tried to direct him to her entrance. Her body was begging to be fucked, tied, and impregnated. She knew, and the throbbing between her legs knew, where this was going and she didn't want to wait. She'd already waited seven months, almost enough time to carry a pup to term in the first place.

All too happy to comply, Jack pushed into her with a grunt. Anna gasped as she felt the first few inches spreading her. Jack's arms were around her now, steadying her against his chest while he began to thrust slowly into her. When she let her head fall back against his shoulder his lips immediately covered hers, and she parted her lips to taste the faint hint of coffee and cigarettes on his tongue while he rutted her. There was only the sound of their heavy breathing and the soft slapping of his furred hips against her rear as they picked up speed, and the click of the oven in the kitchen.

"Please..." she whispered after several minutes. Every thrust only made her want more. Harder, faster, deeper.

The hint of a knot was swelling around the base of his cock and she could feel herself stretching around it. She ground her hips back against him with a plaintive moan. In a flash, his hands went to her hips and he started to buck against her, fucking her with a frenzy that made it hard to stand. Anna could feel her breasts bouncing with every thrust until Jack's hands returned to them and kneaded, drawing out another moan.

"Anna," Jack grunted. "You want me to--" He ground his hips against her, letting her feel the knot squeeze in and pop back out with a twist.

"Fuck yes," she breathed.

Jack gave a satisfied grunt and buried himself in her, giving short, sharp thrusts until she felt his knot stick. His breathing was ragged as he dipped one hand down between her thighs, teasing her lips apart and stroking at her clit.

"Jack... !" Anna could barely control her own body now. She could feel the full length of him inside her, and the solid mass of his knot tying them together just before the climax. She whined, she squirmed, she begged, and he just buried his face against the crook of her neck and continued to fuck her silly until she cried out softly.

Jack's grip on her tightened and she felt his body tense behind her, and then he came. Slow, languid thrusts, and thick ropes of cum so hot she thought she could feel it in her body. One of his hands spread across her belly as he bucked, as if imagining the pups it was going to lead to.

They both caught their breath.

"You have a good time?" Jack purred against her ear. His fingers traced soothing patterns in her fur.

"Mm-hmm," she sighed, relaxing against him. There was a pleasant throbbing in her loins and a deep satisfaction settling in, even though she wouldn't know the results for weeks yet.

They waited a few minutes before pulling apart, and Jack helped her dress again. Her hands shakily redid the front of her jeans and smoothed down her ruffled fur. With how quiet the living room was now, she could barely believe what they'd just done. It seemed surreal. Surreal, but wonderful.

"Heh," Jack said. He'd taken a sip from his mug, long since cold. "Still good."

She smiled. "I'll make more before you head out. It's not even 1:00 yet."

Time enough just to make sure.