Catch and Release

_A stranger, is a friend you have not spoken to yet_, the fortune cookie read. It was the last of the afternoon's lunch, carefully stuffed away in a pocket for when Amelia needed to nibble something to get her mind off things. "... Hmph. What a load...

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Vixens Will Be Vixens

Amber sat at the edge of Caitlyn's bed and watched her rummage through her backpack. Their study session for the last semester of their freshman year had involved more snacking and slacking than studying, which neither of the foxes was complaining...

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A Dog by Any Other Name

The doorbell rang just as Anna stepped out of the shower. She hesitated, watching the steam billow around the curtains, and asked herself if she was really, truly going to go through with this. At noon, she had the house to herself and would for hours,...

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