Kristoffer's Redemption chapter 12

Story by Yuko_Foxx on SoFurry

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#13 of Kristoffer's Redemption

chapter 12 hope you all like it!

Kristoffer's Redemption chapter 12

so close but so far away.

Kristoffer and Shila, had spent most of the night until bed time which for them was 8:30 pm on the dot, playing with the model train set and laughing and having fun until they both had played them selves silly and actually passed out in a very cute looking cuddle pile in the middle of the playroom floor on a large pile of bean bag chairs they had drug out, At the time Jennifer found them she smiled and took a picture of the adorable mess and texted it to her superiors as her weekly report of how they were doing, it was clear the treatment was starting to work but the outburst Kris had had, had set him back a few months, it was a waste too because they had been thinking of graduating him early, but Jennifer was actually happy they hadn't she could tell Kris needed the treatment more than they could see just from her reports. the next day made it clear that the prior was the calm before the storm when Shila woke up....

"I don't care!!!!! you made us switch clothes, and rooms and chores, and now your switching our morning meals too!!!!! how fucking brain damaged are you people?" she screamed in clear disapprove at the fact that Kris was still on a diet of milk and kit food. she was very clearly unhappy, but then again, Kris was not fairing to well either, for not long after Shila voiced her disapprove Kris showed his.

"Shila please look it's only for a few....." Jennifer had stopped mid sentence as there was a loud shattering sound from the master bedroom, Blaze got up so fast that his chair fell back words as he rushed up stairs and then came back down shaking his head and talking on his phone

"no now listen to me I don't care we need to do something, look i i got it. yea...fine....yes i understand...." he hung up and growled with a sigh then looked to Jennifer, Shila was clearly already processing what was going on and was now being a perfect to speak

"HQ?" she asked, Blaze nodded. "about Kris?" she asked and another nod followed for confirmation. "need to speak privately?" she asked and Blaze finally spoke "I'll be in the office....." Jennifer nodded and sighed as she let Shila out of the high chair to go play in the playroom. and then met with Blaze in the office. "alright Blaze whats up?" "kris shattered the mirror." "i figured that blaze what did HQ call about?" "Kris....His parents want to pull him out and want him 2 hours....." "what??!! no that. we cant do that hes not ready to go back yet." "Damn it Jennifer you don't think i don't know that??" He barked back and then sighed. "he signed the form...and then his father that idiot john came in to hq and started making a big scene saying he didnt know that kris would be away for so long and if its takeing this long our methods arent working and......Jennifer we have to take him back." "NO we don't. Kris is of age he can refuse to leave if he choses, he signed the waver that shows hes an adult and hes made this choice, and he's made a promise to there for. he dose NOT have to leave." "Jennifer......they said they have custody over him..." "okay let me make a phone call....." Jennifer took out her cell phone and punched in a few numbers then held the phone to her ear. soon the person on the other end of the line picked up .

"hello, Babs Helendale speaking, who may i ask is calling?" "hello my name is Jennifer. I'm calling about info on a very close friend of yours. A Kristoffer Miller." "ohh dear lord i haven't heard from him in....3 months now. how is he? is he okay? He's not in trouble or anything is he?" she asked frantically. :"no no no i can assure you hes not in any trouble at all. but he will be if you cant help us, I need to know, do you know if kristoffers parents ever went to court to get guardianship over him like they did his sister?" Babs had to think a moment or two before she could answer "no they didn't, by the time they tried too, the courts said he was already too old to get guardianship over him with out having a critical medical need for it. they said he was fully capable of caring for him self when he moved out so they got shot down." "alright thank you very very much, for this information" "your welcome now, what about Kris, whats going on? why would you need to know this information?" Babs insisted on asking and Jennifer sighed "babs look, I like you and i can tell you care deeply for Kris, so I'll tell you what I'm gonna do, I cant give you the information your asking for but i can send you a picture of him and another err charge of mine in a very cute lil cuddle pile, to show you he's just fine, Kris came to me to get help and to short of better him self, and that is what i am doing. but for the program to work we have to cut off all communication from his old life. he wont be back for some time., but i can promise you hes in the best of paws. you have my word." this seemed to sooth babs and comfort her and she nodded "well alright long as hes safe and i get this picture i guess i can go along with it." she said before she realized the phone line had already went dead. a few minutes later she received the picture of Kris cuddling with Shila sleeping, Kris was very adorable in the pink dress he was wearing, it wasn't clear why he was dressed as a girl and the girl he was sleeping with at the time was dressed as a boy but she didn't really care, all that mattered was he was smiling and that was good enough for her.

"well? did you find out what you needed?" Blaze asked clearly still upset over these turn of events, but seemed to lighten up when Jennifer flashed him a grin and nodded

"Yes blaze i found out everything i needed to know, not only are they lying about the custody but they would also need documents to prove they have sole custody over him, documents that you and i both know, Kris would never agree to sign."

blaze thought for a moment and nodded "so should i call hq back and tell them you got confirmation from Kris or some other source that they are lying about the custody?" Blaze asked already pulling out his phone and punching in the number for the supervisor.

"yes you should...tell them Kris's parent are lying and that they are to be banned from all contact with him period. if he sees them before hes ready, it could undo all of our hard work, they wont risk that. in the mean time I'm going to go check on Kris."

Blaze nodded and started to speak on the phone as Jennifer left the office and went up stairs to her room to find kirs sitting on the bed crying softly, the mirror was indeed shattered, His ears twitched as he hear Jennifer walk into the room, and then he leaned against her as she sat down next to him and gave him a small hug.

"I'm so sorry mum...I really am...I don't know what came over me and I." Jennifer had cut him off by putting a pacifier into his mouth to hush him and he started to nurse it, beginning to calm down.

"pup look, I know why you broke the mirror, and I don't blame you, I've had you and Shila switch your whole worlds, I knew there might be some risks to doing this, making you face your demons in the mirror like this, but I did it to help you, and now look at you, so close but so far away, everything, that you've always dreamed of, close enough for you to taste but you just cant touch."

Kris nodded softy sniffling and starting to cry more. "What's the cost, to erase what I've been taught? I can only take so many cheap shots down on the ground." Kris said softly as Jennifer picked him up and carried him down to the playroom where Shila was playing with the train tracks again, and was happy to see Kris when Jennifer set him down.

"I will be in the living room watching tv, if either of you need anything just tap on the glass okay?" Jennifer said rubbing noses with the two and then left the room for them to have time alone. "Kris. umm look....I know things aren't going that great but...I have a suggestion...If your willing to listen and hear me out that is." Shila said getting next to Kris on the floor.

"Shila...can i ask you something?" Kris asked looking up at her, Shila was caught a bit off guard because Kris had never acted this way before. so she nodded wanting to help him in anyway she could. "do you think....I'm letting the program get to me? I'm getting like really uneasy and stuff. and..." shila cut him off at that point.

"Kris, you agreed to this program because you had the guts, to look at your situation, look at what was going on in your life and saw you wasn't in a good place. any one, can look at their situation and figure out they need help, but what make you a man is that you asked for help, to turn these nightmares into dreams, Kris, that is what sets you apart from the rest. and as for my helping you....this is what I'm going to do." Kris looked at her quizzically as she got up and walked to the glass wall and tapped on the glass making Jennifer walk over and see what she needed.

"Yes Shila? what do you need?" Shila looked back at Kris then she tugged Jennifer down to her level and whispered in her ear. "I think Kris needs a nap.....In his nursery, I remember him he used to be calm, used to be strong, used to be generous, but now hes breaking and stuff I think maybe he needs time as a boy again...." Shila said sofltyu trying to keep her voice quiet as to not let Kris hear them. Jennifer nodded in her agreement and then spoke up.

"kris can you come with me please?" she asked sweetly keeping her face a mask so to speak, giving him a soft maternal smile as she had when she first met him. Kris nodded and got up and followed Jennifer out of the playroom and after waiting for her to close the sliding door, he followed her up the stairs and absently followed her into the boys nursery with out realizing what was going on or even where he was for that mater, it was untill she began to lay him on the changing table that he realized what she was doing.

"mum this is umm" he was cut off by Jennifer putting a pacifier in his muzzle to silence him "you were pushed too far Kris, and I'm sorry. so starting right now, we are switching you and Shila back to your original chores and such." she explained to him as she changed him from the dress and pink diaper that thankfully wasn't going to waste as it was quite wet, she slipped another blue one under him and even added in an absorbent liner too, she applied the powder and then taped it up snugly, and then she fitted him with a red short sleeved sleep onesie, with a velociraptor on the front Kris's favorite dinosaur ever. and then she lifted him and layed him in the crib giving him a hug and quick kiss then she tucked him in and left the room Kris even noticed shed taken the Baby monitor with her so he could do what he needed too with out worry of any one hearing him.

after a few hours Kris finally fell asleep.