Opening eyes - Night 3

Story by Sylva on SoFurry

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Chapter Number 4... I'm doing better than I expected. As always Follows and Favourites are appreciated. Comments with constructive criticism if you thought I could improve or you can tell me what you like about the story so far.

I nearly went after Foxy, I did tell him that I'd wanted to spend some time with him in his cove... Though I heard the creepiest fucking laugh and decided to bolt for the office and close the door behind me.

"Just day three and I'm running for my life away from a psychotic animatronic bear." I grumbled to myself as I sat down. I quite enjoyed the fact I wasn't completely terrified out of my mind. This was half the game, a little bit of luck and skill making up the other half.

Checking through the cameras I found that Freddy hadn't moved yet so I opened the door. Bonnie had moved though, so had Chica but I didn't worry about her. I could hear her in the kitchen again, maybe she was baking. That'd be cool. Maybe she'd make cupcakes.

Maybe I wouldn't die.

As time passed I began to read the newspapers to myself. Keeping my pace slower as I was speaking aloud. "Pizzaria closes after Tragedy." Was the title. "Five children were reported missing after a cartoon mascot lead them to the back room." It began, as the story continued it became more and more obvious what happened. The kids there were dead, murdered by one of the workers. As the story elaborated itself it seemed to be a night guard. This wasn't over one newspaper either but over the front pages of at least four or more. It explained quite clearly what i'd found inside Foxy and Chica and why they looked healthier when I'd removed it.

"Night guard goes missing." Was from the next set, my face paling as I read it, aloud, to myself. It revealed quite gruesome details of a string of murders that were carried out at the pizza place. Each one the same, the guards body found stuffed with a lot of force into the animatronic suits. All of them dead.

"N-no. That can't be." I heard from my left and I whirled round to see Bonnie, looking like he'd seen a ghost. "Freddy said it was just a game. He said it didn't hurt the guards, that they'd be fine." He said, clutching the frame of the door for support the other on his stomach.

I was in my chair waiting to see what would happen. "P-please tell me that's not true." He said, looking at me pleadingly. I nodded to tell him it was true and he collapsed like he'd been stabbed in the gut. The bunny looking close to throwing up.

"T-that's what I'd been planning to do to you. I-I thought this was a game, Freddy told me it was a game." He said, shivering as he tried to stop himself completely collapsing to the floor. "I-I'm a murderer. I-I'm a murderer." He said, moving away from me a little. I quickly got up out of my chair and went over to hug him.

"Shh. It's OK. It's a good thing you didn't, isn't it?" I asked him, bringing his head up. The bunny's eyes wide with surprise as I comforted him. "I forgive you. Just don't try to hurt me or Foxy again." I said, Bonnie nodding his head quickly and gulping a little. He did look better, or at least like he wasn't going to be sick.

"I need to speak to Freddy. I can't let him continue attacking you." He said, shakily getting up. It seemed the other wouldn't attack him any longer, he doubted the bunny would attack any of the night guards any more. "W-why do you think Foxy and C-chica didn't tell me before?"

"Because Foxy was outcasted by people he trusted after the bite of '87 and Chica wouldn't be able to face Freddy and you alone." He replied, Bonnie wincing in response, his large bunny ears folding back in regret.

"I'll see you sometime then. I won't be trying to do... that anymore." He said softly before starting to walk off, I grabbed his paw as he did so.

"Don't beat yourself up, alright. Just because you were doing it doesn't mean that you're evil. You're a victim to." I said, really not wanting him to hurt because he didn't know what he was doing. He did seem genuinely sorry for attacking him. He hadn't even known that stuffing people into suits would kill them. The animatronic had been manipulated by the lead singer to kill him.

Then again it should have been obvious that they died... unless Freddy had been manipulating what Bonnie thought and did for a long time. Then it wouldn't really matter. Chica didn't seem to want to kill him at all... maybe she had one of those signs in the kitchen that said something like: Keep Calm and Bake Cake.

I did feel a bit calmer now that I had only one threat to my existance, it was still one too many but much easier to keep a track of one person, fur, animatronic thing... I'm not quite sure what to call them... different?

I walked out of the office and began to go up towards pirate cove. I steered clear of the stage though as I didn't want the bear to come after me, though I could hear that there was a very loud argument happening there. Bonnie shouting at Freddy.

Going into the cove I was suddenly pulled into a passionate kiss. "'Ello Jace." I heard when we separated and I looked up into Foxy's yellow eyes. The other's fluffy body pressed against mine. A light purring sound coming from me as the other lent down and nibbled along my neck possessively. My legs feeling a little like jello as my neck was nibbled on by the fox.

"Bonnie's not after me anymore." I said with a sigh, I felt the hug tighten around me a little.

"That's good Laddy. Has Freddy been giving you any trouble?" I heard him ask and I shook my head in response.

"No, not yet at least but I think he's been manipulating Bonnie for a very long time to get him to kill and possibly Chica at some point. I'm glad he wasn't able to get to you though." I said nuzzling Foxy. The pirate sighed happily and held me close. I yipped a little in surprise as I was picked up, feeling my ears fold back on my head as well. It was weird having them, I don't quite know why I had them either. I thought they were cool though, I could hear better with them and they were soft and fluffy!

I quite liked them.

"Y'know ye've been doing quite well for the Night Guard. Already night three and only Freddy to worry about." I heard as I was carried, feeling much like a cat myself. Remembering how I would usually pick them up if they were being naughty or I wanted to cuddle with them... Now I knew how they felt... quite nice actually. One of my cats would always purr when she was picked up and look at me adorably.

I tried doing the same to Foxy and was rewarded with a blush and a small 'aww' sound coming from him before he coughed, trying to cover it up I believe but I heard it.

To the back of the cove was a door, I heard the door open and we passed into a separate room. I looked around and saw it was softly lit with a lamp that had a yellow lampshade on it, the walls were a light shade of orange. Probably a peach colour. It was quite nice actually gave the room a warm feel.

I felt myself get put onto something soft and realized it was a bed. I saw the Fox lie down in front of me and pulled me close to him. The others purring starting up again and making me relax. It wasn't long before I drifted off to sleep in the warm embrace of the Fox.


I woke up to a loud crashing. I found I was cold: Foxy wasn't beside me. Getting up out of my bed I went out of the room to have Foxy embrace me. Before letting me go with a sad smile and stepping to the side. If I'd thought I was cold before all the heat left me as I found Freddy in front of me.

"Seems Foxy doesn't really love you, Laddy." The bear said as he grabbed my arm roughly. I cried out in pain, I knew my arm would be bruised later.

"Foxy. Foxy please help." I said, trying to get away from the bear, even though it hurt my arm more. The Fox looking away from me. "Foxy!" I called to him as I was dragged out of pirate cove. I became desperate and swung my foot round to kick the bear in the groin and I connected.

Freddy gasping and letting me go and I tried to sprint off to find my exits blocked off by Bonnie and Chica. I howled as I felt something connect with my leg and suddenly it felt like it was on fire, a sharp cracking sound echoing through the place and I fell. The bear taking my arm and roughly dragging me, sobbing, across the floor.

My leg was bent somewhere where it shouldn't be and at an angle that made it look very worrying. We entered a dark room at the back of the pizzaria, my weak calls to Foxy, to anyone, not seeming to be heard. I was roughly hauled into a sitting position on a table before the light flickered on. I saw Foxy and my spirits rose before sinking far more than they had rose. "N-no. Please no." I said fearfully as I saw the other approach with the head of an animatronic suit.

"Go on. Make sure he's the last thing he'll ever see." Freddy said, I felt the top of the animatronic head touch the top of mine and a hand go under my chin. Tears streamed out of my eyes and a wordless scream came from me as the world faded to black.

*To * CLWeed: *Thanks for the advice. At some point I'll edit the story and change it all to third person... It's just easier for me to write like this and to see what people think of the story itself. *

Also this is the first version of the story. I'll be editing it all to third person at some point... It's just easier for me to differentiate from what is the main character and what isn't right now. Sorry it's a little confusing. I'll get to fixing it... at some point.