An early wakening

Story by Luna NightShade on SoFurry

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Okay, everyone! Finally got a story out, so yay for me! hope everyone enjoys, and remember! constructive Criticism is always welcome!

Some things that will help me improve are a comment on how the story was Meaning if it was bad, I would love to know why so, I can fix it, and if it was good, a simple "good story" would be fine!

A fave if you think it was good.

and a rating on how you think the story was overall.

Thank you all who help me, I appreciate it! :3

NOTE: This was updated with correct spelling/sentence structure etc. I am sorry for whoever read this, this was by far one of my worst stories posted when it comes to the whole spelling stuff. but I got that mostly fixed up I think.

Kyler groaned angrily, sitting down in detention at his school, the Wolf looking rather pissed at the fact that he was the only one there again. he never understood why he was always put into detention, it made him want to just punch the life out of the principal.

he watched the clock that hung over the room's only door, it ticked slowly, while he just tapped a pencil against the desk he sat at, tapping along with the sound of the clock. he did this for awhile, almost an hour had passed, before he started to fall asleep, and it was then that the teacher watching him threw down some papers for him to fill out

nothing new, just paper that asked him why he was there, will he do it again, and if he regretted doing it. but everything there was unfair entirely, he did nothing wrong, he was only there because one of his classmates was flirting with him, and her being the teacher's daughter, had gotten him detention. this made him angry, but he had nothing he could do without being grounded by his parents, if he slipped up one more time, his parents said they were going to get rid of his pet. a small, loving and caring female dragon. she was only about 3 feet in height, and her wings were 4 feet in size. he loved her beyond recognition, and would do anything to keep her in his life.

The clock kept moving on while he filled out all of that annoying work he had to do. he filled it out exactly as it said to do, and even after finishing, the teacher still forced him to read it six times in a row, before he gave him a new sheet, a sheet saying that if he were to mess up one more time, it would be summer school, and he would have detention once more the next day. he read it all, and just put it on his desk. the clock was mocking him greatly, so slow...

Eventually, the teacher got up and stopped what he was doing, before groaning "Okay Kyler, you are free to go, but if I catch you again, you know what happens..."

Kyler snarled lightly, barely loud or noticeable enough for the teacher to do anything in return. he picked up his bag, walked to the door, and barged out into the halls. always. he walked down the empty halls, which seemed rather creepy, actually. eventually, he made it to the exit and did just that. he walked out into the hot, warm day. it was around 5 pm now, and he wanted to get home to take a shower and relax for the rest of the night.

He walked down the sidewalk, crossing a few roads here and there, sometimes stopping to watch some other people do whatever it is they were doing, before carrying on his way.

the walk was boring, annoying, too quiet to be true, and the only sounds heard were the birds chirping their delightful chirps. although that didn't help him like it usually did, he was too deep in thought, thinking about how he could lose his only love in life, because of school...

He shook his head, and suddenly stopped in front of a gray, 2 story house, that was his destination. he opened the front gate, walked in, closed the gate behind him, and made his way to the house. their yard was as plain as ever, the grass very green and only a few bushes had flowers on them, which made sense since winter was fast approaching. he finally made it to the doorstep, opened the door, closed it as quietly as possible, and walked up the stairs. he wasn't going to talk to his parents, their presence made him want to just kill himself, their threats met nothing to him, how they would do anything they could to stop him from causing trouble at school, it sickened him, if he had to, he would just take his dragon and bolt out, probably would just head to his Aunt's house, they always understood him and his relationships with his dragon who had the name of Saphire, they were the ones that got her for him, and once bonded, the two could never break apart is what they told him.

He opened his door, and closed it behind himself quietly, before throwing his bag on the floor, locking his door, and flopping down onto his bed, groaning as he did so. he felt quite relaxed at that point, that was, until his 160-pound drake hopped up and jumped onto his back, causing him to groan and jerk around lightly don't need to be so rough darling..."

"What's the fun in that, master?" Saphire spoke telepathically to him, which only made him angrier "No back talking pet, get off of me please, I want to relax."

She hesitantly obeyed, and instead of sitting on him, she got up, and moved over to his side, before lightly nuzzling into his side "Feel better master, I don't like when you are so sad and hurt."

"I'll be fine Sapphire, just you being here makes me happy, you know that I've said it countless times, have I not?"

"You have master, I understood, I will be here for you at al times that I am able."

"Oh? and I will return the favor, with some scratching...C'mere you!" Kyler gripped her suddenly, picked her up, put her onto her back, and got over her, before scratching at her hard scales, along her hind legs, chest, neck, and ears. she Yowled and kicked, her muzzle open as she panted lightly, and her wings stiffened a bit

"M-aster...please...too know this gets m-me riled up..." Kyler just smirked, and moved his hands over to roughly scratch at her scruff's scales, she kicked and jerked, and frantically attempted to escape his pleasing, but overwhelming scratching. but her resistance only made him do it more, he moved to her groin, and scratched at her thighs, and around her sex. not touching it though

"You want me to stop pet?"

"Y-Yes!...Please stop master!"

"Fine, you've earned your rest." He stopped his petting and scratching and left her to sit and pant hard at that session that just occurred. Kyler always did that, it made him so much more happen, and to hear her beg it caused his blood to boil, it even got him a bit aroused. but the arousal was never his concern only his pet's pleasure was.

"Ahh, m...master, I need some rest, please?"

"Fine, you may rest, I'll be downstairs having some dinner."

" Oh please, can I have some master?"

"Ahh, of course, you can pet, follow me then. and remember, I can't speak to you while my parents are present they would freak if they knew iIcould talk to you and you could talk to me." The worst thing bout it is that he couldn't talk to her telepathically like she could, he had to talk aloud which led his parents into thinking he were crazy and was talking to himself all day.

He got off of his bed, and sapphire followed, he opened his door, walked down the stairs, and went into the kitchen, Saphire walked over and sat beside her bowl, while he started to get the food ready, what was for dinner never pleased him, his parents left far too early, and never cared for what he actually ate

He just made himself a sandwich and gave Saphire some raw meat, which she immediately started to gnaw on and bite roughly into it. while she did that, he just lightly ate his food, he sat at the table and watched her eat, barely even eating his own food. he almost just lost himself in thought entirely, until his mother suddenly walked into the room

"Kyler, You know how I feel about her being in the kitchen, last chance before she spends her time outside."

"Mom, I forgot, okay? you don't need to be so mean, she is just a young drake, she doesn't know any better, it's my fault, not hers."

"Whatever, now I need to go and so does your father, we are going out for the night, we should be back here tonight or early in the morning, will you be mature enough to handle being alone?"

"Yes mom, I am capable of being alone, it's not my first time having to spend my time alone, you should know that you are the one always leaving anyways."

"Fine, I will see you later Sweetheart." Kyler sighed as she kissed his head, and she headed out of the kitchen, roughly tapping the side of Saphire as she left, getting a harsh, threatening hiss from the dragon. Kyler's mom groaned, gave him one more angry glare, looked back down at the dragon, and then proceeded to exit the house and once she was gone, Kyler sighed his relief

"Okay Sapphire, we can finally have some peace."

"Oh goody master! I love alone time with you, always so fun and interesting!"

"Such a good girl...finish up your food and we will head into the living room to watch a movie, we can spend the night in there tonight." Kyler finished his food after a little bit, and cleaned up whatever he had messed up before he grabbed a bag of chips, some candy, and cleaned up Saphire a bit before they headed into the living room.

He looked around, turning to face the large flat screen that sat in the room, before he sat down on the couch, set the chips on the coffee table, and tapped the seat beside him. the lovely red scaled drake hopped up onto the couch excitedly, before she curled up beside him, and rubbed her head against his leg. which achieved a small murr from the wolf, as he started to pet her ears and scratch her neck lightly.

Just then, he grabbed the remote with his free hand, flicked on a random movie, and watched it. he barely cared for it, though, he just laid with his beloved pet. she cooed and purred in his embrace, and he soon found himself laying on his side with her pressed against his chest.

He huffed, time passed so fast, it was already dark out, and the movie was already over before he knew it, he didn't even touch the actual snacks he got for himself and sapphire. but that didn't bother him, he just closed his eyes and help her close, before he fell into a light sleep.

A few hours later, Kyler groaned and stirred as he woke up from his light doze. it was at least 1 am, his parents were still gone, and the only light he had was from the tv. he opened his blurry filled eyes and looked at Saphire, who was head deep into her groin area. he gulped, before he sat up suddenly, and pushed the drake off of the couch as he got up

"What are you doing Sapphire?!"

"M-master...i need release, you know it's that time of year for me...please me?" He gulped as she got up, turned around, lowered her front half to the ground, raised her rear, and lifted her tail up and out of the way of her slit, which was already leaking it's contents out and down her hind legs

"b-but Saphire..."

"Please master...i need it, it aches, it hurts. I just need a male..." Kyler gulped at that, especially at the sight of his pet, presenting herself to him, his shaft had already left its sheath and was fully erect within his jeans.

He groaned lightly as pressure built up within his groin, and his blood started to boil as her fertile scent started to fill the air around himself. He could hardly keep from staring at her sex, which ached for a male's seed. He just gave up on resisting it, it was far too hard to just ignore her, especially because of how she needed help. he Knelt down behind her, gripped her tail, and lowered his head down to her dripping sex, before giving a big sniff of the air that floated around it, musky and strong, while so sweet and soft to his nostrils. he closed his eyes and poked his canine tongue out, giving a moment's hesitation, before he pressed his warm, slimy tongue against her cold, wet slit, getting a delightful coo from the drake. he licked long it slowly, lapping up whatever juices she had to offer off of her slit. before he pulled away with a slight slurping sound

"Hmm, my pet. you are such an adorable thing, are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes master, I am sure." She pressed her rear up and against his jeans, which caused him to groan lightly, and drip humping into her slightly, before he sat down onto the couch, unzipped his jeans, pulled them down to his ankles, did the same with his underwear, and then picked the begging drake up, setting her down on his lap, his dripping canid shaft against her groin and in between her hind legs. he first gave her muzzle a few loving licks, and then gave the drake a deep and passionate kiss, which was unexpected by the drake. she gulped, and kissed him back shyly, her tail flicking around while they shared a moment of love.

After that, he was ready. he lifted the drake up, readied his shaft, rubbing his semen over it for lube, and then pushing the drake down, quickly and rather roughly, he pushed his entire shaft into her, getting a rather sharp hiss from the drake, and he, on the other hand, let out a howl of pleasure as he had his first penetration done on his favourite being alive.

He hugged her tightly as she adjusted to his size, and after she was comfortable, he started to slowly hump into her, while lifting and pushing her back down onto his shaft. the pleasure was amazing, along with the warmth of her sex. she soon started to join in on the blissful pleasure of the session, with delightful yowls and hisses of pleasure, while he groaned and huffed, his hoping picking up more and more, until he started to reach his end. his thrust picked up a bit more, until he let out a loud, blissful howl, and thrust hard into the drake, getting a harsh, but pleased Hiss from the drake, as he knotted her, getting tied within her warm sex. he shot his load into her, one long string after another, while she soon reached her own orgasm, her feminine juices flood out and leak past Kyler's knot, dripping down into his groin fur. he huffed lightly as his ejaculation subsided, and left him panting. he wrapped his armed around his beloved pet, laid down onto his side, with her remaining connected with him, and nuzzled into her scruff

"T-thank you my pet, for giving me your will for this.."

"your welcome master...anything to please you." With that, she closed her eyes, her little body being spent entirely, and he soon followed her into a deep slumber, remaining knotted for the longest time, before his shaft shrunk, and retreated back into its sheath, leaving the two cuddled up together in a delightful sleep