Midnight Merriment of the Feline

Story by WSAD on SoFurry

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Midnight Merriment of the Feline      The end of the bed was sagging under their combined weight. The ebony cat couldn't help but shudder under the tender kisses being placed upon her neck and the soft touch on her thighs. The jackal had decided to invite an acquaintance and she was nervous about being with two men at once. Her fur stood on end under her clothes as the pair examined her through her attire. The wolf's hands were firm as they explored her legs to reach her inner thighs. Fingertips glided down the inseam of her pants to stroke at sensitive spots as the jackal nuzzled her and whispers calming words into her ear. She held her beautiful yellow eyes shut as they paid her every attention only to bite her lip as she felt the jackal gently nip at her ears.      The jackal slid a hand beneath the hem of her blouse to rub at her belly before he retreated. With one hand he slowly undid the button at the bottom, and then the one above it, and again and again until her shirt was split up the middle. Her bra was cute and had only a small hint of lace. The wolf had slipped his hand to where her legs met to press a few knuckles into her crotch. She bit her tongue harder to keep herself from making a noise as she looked down at the hands touching her front. The jackal slid his other hand along her back to find the clasp. She felt it pop as her bra gave and her breasts fell under their weigh. She rested her hands to either side of her on the bed as the jackal pulled the blouse off her shoulder and then her bra. Left to the open air her nipples were erect as monuments as the air conditioning and her arousal worked their magic on her body.      The wolf grinned as her took in with his eyes all he could of her gorgeous breasts. His fingers found the button to her pants and she felt it pop shortly before she heard her zipper being undone. He could see the cute pair of panties she wore underneath. The jackal stopped his tender kisses and moved his lips down to a breast. Cupped in one hand he licked at her nipple then engulfed it all in his mouth. She couldn't hide the noise when she gasped. She tried to pull her legs together but the wolf's hand at her groin kept them apart as he slid off the bed and to his knees.      Kneeling in front of her he wiggled her pants down her hips until he had to tell her "come on, now". She arched and she slowly slipped her pants out from under her and all the way down each leg. She could hear him undoing his pants after that. The jackal was more patient as he continued his assault on her breasts. He leaned her back until she was lying down, then with both hands he took up both breasts and worked them gently. His lips met her mouth and she fell into a fine kiss that lasted as long as they could hold their breath. The wolf had removed his pants and was now taking off his shirt. Whether he had worn anything underneath it all she did not know.      "You're gorgeous." Said the jackal as she broke their kiss and pulled away to remove his shirt. She saw how his chest was lean and strong with just the right amount of muscle. She saw the wolf sit up on his knees and he was stronger than the jackal. His muzzle formed a lusty grin as he eyed the wet spot growing through the fabric of her panties. He slid a thumb under each side of her last garment and tugged them off her until they were free and on the floor. Her moist folds met the air and she shivered yet again under the air and their twin gazes.      Being so close to the edge of the bed made it easy for the wolf. He had but to lean forward for his mouth to meet her wanting slit. A tongue met her and she gasped as he lapped hard at her labia to draw out the beginning of what would be a wonderful night. His nose pressed at her clit every now and again as he dove forward more ravenously into her snatch. The jackal watched smiling as he saw her flesh being tugged and pushed by his tongue and mouth. The sound of wet slurps and licks fell on all ears present as she was eaten out by the handsome wolf. Her mouth did not know what sounds to make under his sensual assault.      The jackal took his time in removing his pants and she watched him make every motion. When he was free of them she could do nothing but stare at his shaft. It stood tall as he took in his hand. He stroked it slowly to ready himself for something she couldn't quite predict. She did not know what they had planned for tonight's romp.      The wolf suddenly tugged her close to him after his mouth left her nether regions. She looked down and watched him stand. His cock was throbbing with his pulse as it bounced against his stomach. The wolf was bigger than the jackal by at least an inch, and she thought jackal was more than enough for her...      The grin was now a smile on the wolf's face as he lifted her legs so each was propped against a strong shoulder. "Line me up, sweetie." He asked her. She was hesitant, but she complied as her hand met his shaft. It was hot under her touch and so very hard. It filled her hand easily as she lowered it to her opening until his tip brushed against her lips. He needed nothing more done and he leaned forward just as soon as the jackal grabbed her shoulders and took her into another kiss.      Her pussy stretched wide and her gasp almost broke the kiss. The wolf growled out his pleasure as he pressed deeply into her small body. If she could see him through the jackal's head she would have known the wolf's tongue hung out his mouth from carnal joy. Her tightness was bathing him in wonderful sensations. He removed himself all but the tip before pressing in again. First he was slow and gentle but he quickly picked up pace until he was bouncing her tits and making the bed frame squeak like a door.      The kiss broke and the jackal whispered more into her ears as she panted and huffed under the wolf's thrusts. She shut her eyes with the sight of the Jackal straddling her chest being the last thing she saw before she reopened them. His cock rested in the valley between her breasts. A hand on each orb pressed them together to smother his dick. Very gently the jackal rocked into the tender flesh as she groaned out. The wolf was big and his knot was swelling as it slid in and out of her hole.      Her sex strained under the thickness of the wolf and her breasts were becoming tender under the force of the jackal's hands and rigid cock. The shaft between her breasts was growing its own knot and she felt the bulb press against her flesh as her nipples were squeezed between thumb and fingers.      The wolf was thoroughly enjoying himself but was still found wanting for more. He wanted more of her tightness, more tugging at his shaft, a strong squeezing to milk him of his seed. Her slit ran wet with juices and the pucker under her tail was damp. He slid himself free making her wonder why in the world did he leave her? She found her answer as the tip of the wolf's manhood pressed against her star. She whimpered as he forced the flesh apart to accept his dick.      A hand touched her face and the tender caress of the jackal helped her cope with the roughness of the cock being pressed deeper into her rear. The wolf did not stop and start or wait for her to adjust. He just pressed onward as her ass struggled to keep up and let it in. She felt so full to have something shoved into a place so foreign.      The jackal's eyes were laced with gentleness as he rocked his hips into her chest. He loved the sight of her under him with her face filled with pain and pleasure. Her eyes quietly asking for more of something she herself did not know. He removed himself from her valley and shifted closer until her nose was sniffing at his balls. He straddled her and braced himself with both arms planted on the bed. His other hand took his cock and rubbed its tip on her lips. She was intimidated by his body looming over hers. His eyes were kind but she also saw the lust brimming within them. He wanted to fuck her. The fact that her rear had now been hilted by the wolf, that his shaft no longer felt rough as it pulled her sphincter apart, and the fact that her cunt burned with a need to be touched told her that she wanted to be fucked too. She opened her mouth for him and he gladly entered.      She started slow and hesitantly. Her tongue merely lapped at the tip of his cock as she tested her own limits. She was so thirsty for it, but so unsure, and so shy. The jackal planted both arms down on the bed as he squatted over her. He fought against the urge to bounce his hips and ram his cock deep down between those heavenly lips. Despite his best attempts his hips still rocked, if only slightly.      The wolf eyes wanted to roll back into their sockets, but he would have none of that. He stared down at where their bodies met and saw a sight all the most pleasing. Her pussy was slightly agape and dripping with juice. And her asshole, oh how he loved the sight of it wrapping around him! It was heaven on Earth if there ever was one. He reluctantly pulled free to see his handiwork. Her ass tried to close but not before he pressed inside her again. He began to rock slowly at first. Then he went faster.      She was grunting under the jackal as she sucked him. She had gotten energetic. She loved his scent, his flavor, and oh god her ass! The wolf was pounding her with powerful deliberate thrusts. Every inch of his member felt like a mile driving into her body to pull her wide apart and fill her to the breaking point. Her walls were coping, but no matter the pain or discomfort she was enjoying it! Oh god she was enjoying it so much! The lips of her sex felt like they were quivering and she could feel the heat of an orgasm building inside her.      She almost cried out when the jackal removed himself from her mouth. Her tongue drug across the underside of his dick and he growled out wishing it could continue. But he had other plans. She watched him turn to the wolf.      "Flip and turn her." He said. The wolf grunted his agreement and the jackal stepped off the bed. Her eyes followed him pleadingly wishing he would return and give her more. The wolf was fine, but she wanted to stare into those eyes again! Those lustful kind eyes were haunting her with thoughts of what could be, and her body screamed to taste every drop of what would hopefully come to pass in next few minutes.      The wolf pulled her off the bed and hugged her to his chest. He felt her tits press into him with her nipples rubbing at him through his fur. He felt her trembling under his strong grasp as he turned around and dropped back to the bed to take the place she had just occupied. Hands took her shoulders and the wolf let go of her. The jackal had her now and she turned to see his face again. He was giving her a gentle smile. The wolf gripped her hips and tugged her like a hand turning a dial. The men guided the cat as they spun her around on the wolf's dick until her back was to the wolf. The wolf grunted through gritted teeth as he felt his cock jump inside her. The intense tugging on his shaft was glorious and he knew he just dropped a good shot of pre inside her just then. The cat felt the squirt as heat briefly touched her insides. She didn't pay it much attention as she was caught in the gaze of the jackal.      She smiled to the jackal with a look the wolf wasn't able to see. The wolf had her hips in his grasp and he massaged her as he took to idly tugging down on her to stimulate his cock.      "Clench down, girl." He said to her, and she complied as best as she could. His cock jumped again as he felt her walls clamped down hard on her. The jackal's nose was to her own as he whispered "Squeeze him. Make him feel you." His words were like fire to her passion and she pulled her legs up onto the bed to straddle the wolf properly. She clenched her ass as hard as she could for the jackal. He smiled and kissed her lightly as a hand caressed her face and another her breast. As the jackal took a nipple between his fingers he continued to tell her to please the wolf and that she was doing a wonderful job.      The cat was thrilled! She held onto the wolf's thighs as she fought the grip on her hips to bounce up and down his shaft. The wolf gave out a grunt of surprise and he knew he was filling her with his pre now. His dick was being slurped and tugged on like nothing he'd felt before and the only thing keeping him from busting a nut was that his knot wasn't buried inside her. His hands found themselves and he jerked her down hard on her next bounce. He heard her choke out a grunt from the fierceness of the thrust, but she kept riding him with her asshole splayed out around his cock so lewdly. The sight of his dick slide in and out of her, tugging at her flesh was the most erotic thing he'd seen in so long. With every time she fell to his hips he helped her with a strong tug. Eventually, he knew, his knot was finally tied witin her.      The jackal's need was desperate, but wanted to wait just a bit longer. He wanted his need to reach its peak. He took her into a kiss and broke it to plant several more kissed on her face then down her neck. His lips graced her collar bone, her chest, her breasts and a succulent nipple. He found her belly and her navel, then finally the vent that was so rapidly bouncing up and down. He had trouble tracking her movements. She tried to stop so he could continue to his obvious conclusion, but the wolf kept hammering her down, or bucking his hips up if she ever tried to stop. It didn't matter. The wolf was slamming his hips up anyway bound and determined to drive his knob of flesh deep behind that struggling sphincter. The cat did not know his intensions.      The coyote popped up to bring his lips to her ear. She nodded and bounced on to continue taking that massive member into her ass. The jackal found the fucking pair's rhythm and planted a kiss onto her sex. His body moved as theirs did as he slid his tongue deep into her snatch. She shivered hard as she felt her pussy dribble out more of her juice to coat the jackal's muzzle. The jackal broke his kiss and returned to her mouth to touch her lips and tongues. For the first time the cat had tasted herself.      "Be strong for me." He whispered to her as his hands traveled down to rest themselves onto the wolf's. The next time she fell to the wolf's hips the jackal shoved her down with all his might. The knob at the base of the wolf's shaft pressed tightly against her splayed pucker. She felt like she couldn't breathe for that moment, then came relief as she was allowed to come back up. Before she could bounce back down the pair of wolf and jackal pulled her up higher until his cock popped free. The jackal held her aloft for the briefest of moments as the cat stared at him in question.      The wolf worked fast. No sooner than had his pre ran free from her gaping hole he took a hand off her hip to aim his dick just where he wanted it. The jackal and the wolf's one hand hurled her down hard. The cat gasped as the cock plowed into her like nothing she had ever felt. Then it felt as if the air was knocked out of her as the wolf's knot popped into her rear to lock them together ass to lap. When the thrust was done the wolf felt every muscle in her ass hug him tight. She was tight before, but the pressure on his not was more than he had ever felt and he blew. His body shook as white and black lights took over his vision. His grunt was long and filled with the notes of the pleasure of release. The cat was feeling nearly the same.      The wolf's cum was spurting inside her like ocean waves crashing against a beach. Each rush was hot and thick and she felt her insides grow fuller and tighter. She felt her muscles tighten as a burning took over her loins before she felt a rush shoot through her. The jackal held his hand against her sex to rub hard at her folds as she came. Her squirt trickled through his fingers as he found her clit and rolled it between his thumb and forefinger. She didn't even realize she had been screaming out in a lustful bliss. Her breathes because heavy as she sat pinned to the wolf with her cunt, belly, and thighs soaked in her spray. She saw the jackal through heavy eyes with a wet arm and chest as he knelt. He took his mouth to her cunt again for yet another "kiss" as he licked up the juices from her folds. She breathlessly begged for more until she couldn't believe her own words. He heard her voice beg him to fuck her and his ears leaped up high at the sound of the pure honest need in her voice. Even after being so viciously filled by the wolf, filled to the brim with his seed, and having cum harder than she had ever done in her life she still was begging for him. His arousal was at its peak and he could stand it no longer!      His cock found her entrance as he leapt up to take her into a tight hug and a fierce kiss. He buried his length to the knot and he could feel the wolf's own bulb through the fleshy wall inside her cunt. He wasted no time for the girl. He gave her what she begged for. He fucked her hard and fast until he was breathing harder than a sports runner. Like the wolf he wouldn't cum until his knot plowed into her blessed warmth. He wanted, no needed that wonderful release! The cat was in a state of utter bliss. She was at the jackal's mercy. He had his arms wrapped tight around her and she could not move her arms. Her but was locked in place by the wolf's huge knot and all she could do was to beg of him, to plead.      "Fuck me! Please! Fuck me!" she blushed beneath her fur at her own words but she needed this and she wanted him. She wanted his dick inside her. She wanted his knot inside her. She wanted his seed as deep as her body would allow. If he had it she wanted it. If it was his she wanted it. If it had anything to do with him she needed it.      "I'm trying." She heard weakly, but she realized it wasn't the jackal. The wolf was barely there with his mind still recovering from his orgasm. He did not know she was not speaking to him. She had forgotten he was there. The jackal responded to her, "I am!"      She continued to beg. Her face was burning red under her ebony fur as she asked so many things of him. She begged him to plow her, to sink into her, to lance into, to pound. She begged him for his cock, for his tongue, a finger, anything he would willing give. She grew hotter and hotter until she trembled under his tightening grip. She sprayed him with another orgasm as her body shook. The burning wouldn't go away and it felt like the flow from her cunt wasn't abating, but she couldn't look to see. Oh she loved how this man was making her feel things she didn't know existed.      Her lust made her grow bolder. Though her face still burned red she asked him for more. The jackal was used to her cries now and was prepared to give her everything until he could finally shove his knot inside her willing form. His ears perked up at the sound of her begging for his seed. She had said it before, but this was different. It sounded different.      She begged for his seed. She begged for him to release inside her. She told him how much she needed it. Neither had noticed that the wolf had succumbed to his exhaustion and was asleep underneath the fuck pair. She begged him to fill her belly with a child. As many offspring as his cock could give. Even though both knew that was impossible they still acted as if it were. He acted as if it was and finally he found himself hilted inside her with knot planted firmly behind her out lips. She tugged and squeezed him with her claws digging into his sides. He cried out in orgasm as she sprayed him for the third time. Their bodies quaked and trembled as each gave their orgasm to the other. She felt full and sated. Cum was leaking from her ass as the wolf's knot shrunk in his slumber. The jackal wouldn't fall to slumber soon, and he was determined to keep his cock hard as long as he could. He would rock into her until she could no longer remain awake, and then he would finally permit himself to sleep.      He pulled her off the wolf and sat her down elsewhere on the bed. Cum dripped from her ass across the floor and the bedding to finally settle in a pool beneath where she was sat. He continued to rock into her gently as the last bit of his seed poured into her. She thanked him in a low whisper, as loud as she was able to do. He told her she was welcome to it any time she wished. He whispered in her ear that he'd give her anything she needed. He'd give her anything she wanted. What started as an experiment between friends had developed into an interesting affair. As they fell asleep both the cat and the jackal knew full well that they would find themselves locked to one another many many times in the future. The wolf wouldn't be present as the cumbersome third wheel.

 Written to celebrate the wonderful Black Cat. Thank you Rozwell for making such a beautiful character! <3 <3 <3