Chapter 2 - A Change of Situations

Story by FantasiIFrittFall on SoFurry

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#2 of The Story of Love and Hunting

8weeks have passed since Krimsor's unusual experiences. The situation back in his colony has not improved at all; instead it is getting worse by the day. In a quest to find new hunting grounds, Krimsor sets out to seek advice from the only individuals he know that has been in contact with human society. Little does his realize, but his situation is about to change dramatically and his sworn prey may be his only hope for survival. But first, Krimsor is in for some unexpected fun.

So, Chapter two of The Story of Love And Hunting. This chapter turned out much longer than I originally expected. There will be quite a lot of development in this chapter though, so that's why it got so long. I know, it's not as long as some other stories you may find on this site, but compared to the stories I usually write, this one is getting very long. Anyway, any feedback you may have will be appreciated, as I'm still relatively new to this writing stuff so feedback will help if there are anything that needs to improved.

_ Chapter 2 - A Change of Situations _

Why hello there! Welcome back to Norway! The country of great fjord, majestic mountains, and yet, there are still plains with tints of red in them. About 8weeks have passed since the last time we checked up with our fur-covered friends. The summer has officially ended, and the fall has started to show its approach. For rabbits lucky enough to live close to humans, that is not all too much of a problem, they can feed on excess vegetables thrown out by the humans. But for Krimsor and the rest of his colony, fall and winter can only mean one thing; starvation. Prey has been in a critical shortage, and many foxes are not properly prepared for the winter season. Still, this is not something Krimsor is currently thinking about as he makes the drastic decision to abandon his colony. He sets out; with a determined course set for on particular area, he visited 8weeks ago...

Krimsor the fox

My parents were not happy when I brought them the news that I would abandon our colony in order to search for new hunting grounds. They tried to persuade me to stay, arguing that it would be too dangerous for a lonely fox to wander off this time of year, but I was not backing down on my plans. When their attempts at making me stay failed, they summoned our leaders in order to have them force me to stay, but thank the gods for this, our leaders simply waved their paws. They told my parents that I was mature now and there was nothing they could do to change my decision to leave. I could have sworn I heard them whisper something such as "besides, it leaves us with more food over the winter season", but I did not bother to exact my disagreement on that part. Our situation had been critical enough for the past couple of weeks since I mysteriously appeared on the horizon with no food and, most critical of all, no news as to where my colony could move in order to hunt for much needed food. If only they knew what had happened to me... They would probably have banished me or something just for sinning the act of the gods. The "gods" as our leaders called them was supposedly worth their weight in gold, but considering our current situation, I do not have too much faith in them.

And that's why I decided to leave. It would be a very long and very cold walk to the distant region of the twoleggers, but it would probably be worth it rather than staying in a barren and doomed region. Our region, the region of the foxes, had been depleted of all food ages ago. Staying would be suicide. However, I quickly discovered that making the 6-day walk to the distant region of the twoleggers would also be suicide. The air was so cold by now, that the majestic pillars that once supplied our few prey with food had begun to shed their fur. However, I kept on going, as there was no turning back. Soon enough, the region I was looking for was appearing on the horizon. A small clearing amongst the homes of the twoleggers so to say, quite literally. It was not the big, open fields I was used to back home, but in times like this, moving would be my only option to survive. Plus, I had some "friends" so to say that I could ask for advice. They would probably tell me to go veggie or something, but considering the fact that they once lived alongside one of the twoleggers, they might have picked up something that might be useful for me to know. I just begged the gods for mercy and to give me a decent meal when I arrived at my final destination, because it was easy for me to say; I was STARVING. I had not had a decent meal in several cycles, and it was starting to tear at my body.

The walk to the distant region proved to be very difficult. There were twoleggers all over the place, and I could not face the risk of having them discover me. Thankfully, I quickly discovered that they would only stay for a short while before they would walk away, which opened up a small window of opportunity for me. You see, this is the kind of situations that face us foxes as well as other individuals in our daily lives. I remember back in our educational classes, when we had to read the old scripts and scrolls of our ancestors. They describe an ancient land that existed hundreds of moon cycles ago when our ancestors were free to live their lives without interruption. They dominated the fields of hunting, and our colonies at the time flourished in the unimaginably rich lands. Unfortunately, for me and my colony, that situation swiftly changed the day the twoleggers arrived. They tore down our hunting grounds and killed some of history's biggest colonies of all times, colonies so great they could wipe out entire populations of bunnies and rabbits in a matter of a few moon cycles. Those colonies would move their base of operations on a regular basis, but today, that has changed. Our colony for instance has been forced into hiding, and our population only counts just over 50individuals. We lost eight of our best hunters to starvation over the winter, and my colony would most certainly lose more.

After much forethought and planning though, I was finally able to sneak my way past the twoleggers without being detected by them. There was however numerous close calls. But now I could literally smell the stench of freedom at last. AND, I could also smell something different. <<Your kidding me.>> I said to myself silently as I perked myself up on my hind legs to get a good look around and spotted two very familiar individuals grooming each other. <<Do those two even care for their own safety?!>> I continued as I returned to all fours and silently made my way over to the field the two of them were using as a "salon" of some sort. You may be surprised to see my vast knowledge of twoleggers-language are you not? Well, that is for another time, back to the subject. The two rabbits were grooming each other in plain sight of anything that might come by. I recognized the field they were using. I knew the routines around town. I knew that the twoleggers would use the field on a regular basis every day to play one of their weird games, which if you ask me, is overrated. I sighed as I approached the two of them. <<You two do not exactly care for your own safety you know.>> I told them. The rabbits were thrown of their trails when they heard my words, but quickly calmed down when they realized it was "just" me. A FOX for god's sake! God I hated those two right there and then. <<Why, why, if it ain't the unlucky hunter.>> Cynthia said, trying to be funny or something. <<Shut your mouth.>> I snapped back at her, <<I made my promise to the two of you, but I did not specify where my promise would be valid. Now get yourselves up. We need to talk.>>. The two rabbits instantly realized that I was right. I may have promised to never hunt them again, but I did not specify where my promise would rule other than the natural location. Which in this case, was the forest nearby.

The second we had gotten our asses into the safety of the forest, I literally exploded on the two rabbits; <<Do you guys even care for your own safety?! My colony is DESPERATE for food! Before either of us know it, they may follow my tracks and find the two of you. I may be relatively calm, but there are some foxes I know you would not like to meet. They would not only hesitate to kill you, they would make you SUFFER, and I'm not talking about the petty methods the twoleggers might have used, I'm talking about really evil actions.>>. I was breathing heavily by now after my short rage. I could not believe what I was doing. I was raging on two rabbits, my own sworn prey, because they exposed themselves too much. Damn I need to reconsider my life one of these days. Cynthia swiftly realized that it she'd better change the subject which she did before I were able to continue; <<Why are you even here anyway.>>. <<It's just...>> I began but trailed off. <<What?>> Yieric interrupted. I told the two rabbits about the situation my colony were facing in my home region.

The two rabbits looked at me in disbelief. <<Fuck, Chris was right all along then...>> Cynthia said with a very cold tone in her voice. <<What do you mean?>> I asked her. Yieric looked at me with a serious tone in his face; <<Just before Chris abandoned my sister and me in this "predator-free" region there were this documentary on the news. Small groups of humans had been observing the behavior of numerous predators in local regions, including one colony of foxes. They feared that their actions would have serious consequences for animals of all shapes and sizes. Chris was in the lead, he feared for what could happen if things went bad. He feared something he called a biological collapse. My sister tried to find out what such a collapse would be, but before we could make our way over to the miracle machine that would usually tell us everything, Chris locked us into a small cage. He drove us several miles away until he arrived in this distant region, claiming we would be safe here before he abandoned us alongside our old and severely weakened mother.>>. Yieric ended his storytelling for a break. <<But what does all this have to do with my situation?>> I asked the two. <<Just before Chris abandoned us.>> Cynthia explained, <<His phone called and it was the vice president of the only organization Chris was a member of. In the hurry, we were unable to make out the name of the organization, but Chris mentioned something about hunger striking predatory colonies such as foxes. The thing is though; Chris showed a knowledge of the rabbit, bunny, fox, horse, and even bird society that no humans had ever shown before. He even knew our birth names, which he had never used to call on us before. He even knew about you, Krimsor, all along. He specifically talked about you being born in your colony and how the organization had to keep a close eye on you. Seconds before he left us to our destinies, he hanged up the call, looked at us, and said "Please forgive this, this is a matter of your own future. Please, survive this until I can retrieve you all.".>>. Yieric continued answering in his sister's place; <<After that, Chris throw us overboard and left. In later times, we have asked our friends amongst the sea gulls to search for Chris, but none has succeeded in finding him, and the apartment, which he used to live in, has only been found abandoned and in a mess. It is as if he disappeared into thin air. Despite our best efforts to find out more about where he may have gone, our efforts has been futile without access to a miracle machine which could have shown us the human news as to what has been going on recently.>>. The mentioning of the humans' news channels caught my interest. I had heard about them through the sea gulls that Yieric mentioned, but I had never ever actually seen one. Rumors have it though that they are capable of telling you everything that is going on in the world, big and small news. However, I would be more interested in the "small" rather than the "big" news. At least if they tell you where to find prey... Just, you know, in case there are any fields nearby. That was when I realized something. <<Wow wow wow hang on for a second.>> I told the two, <<How did this Chris guy know about me? And how did you know specifically that it was me? I have never even mentioned my name or something.>>. <<Easy.>> Cynthia answered; <<There is only one fox who has one white ear and one dark red ear.>>. I cursed myself. Of course, it had to be my birthmarks that exposed me. My father also has a white ear, but it is not as prominent as mine is.

A longer moment of silence followed. <<SO...>> I began. <<Come to think of it.>> Cynthia interrupted me, <<You did not come all this way just to talk to us did you?>>. Her question completely threw me off my tracks. Suddenly, Cynthia got that evil expression in her face again. <<Don't tell you came for MORE fun W_W?>>. Holy fuck how she scared the craps out of me when she said that. <<And you live with her?>> I asked Yieric. <<Yeah.>> he said with somewhat fear in his voice; <<She usually strap me down at least once every week. And she has refrained from doing so for at least two weeks now, so... The gods may have mercy on you.>>. Holy fuck how I was scared by now. Cynthia was eying me like crazy, and Yieric was doing nothing to help, he was making sure to be a good distance away. I could see in his eyes that he was not happy about what was about to happen, and neither was I. Judging by my previous "experiences" with the two, I quickly realized that this could get kind of dirty. <<You know what has kept me from getting any mates over the past year?>> Cynthia asked me with cold in her voice so low that it froze my bones just by listening to her voice. She started walking towards me, slowly at first, but swiftly picked up the pace when she realized I was walking equally slowly backwards. I shook my head in response to her question. <<Well my bitch.>> she said as she jumped at me with such a force that it threw me on my back belly up. Her teeth was now glistening in the weak sun that crept in through the orange, but still dense canopy above us. She was smiling a smile so evil it scared the fucks out of me just by being looked at by her. <<Make some us of yourself!>>. Did I mention that Cynthia and Yieric are two god damn large rabbits? Because if I have not, I regret it, because their HUGE! Cynthia turned around, laying herself on top of me as if we were some kind of humans experimenting around. YES FOR CRYING OUT LOUD I HAVE WATCHED HUMAN PORNOGRAPHY!!! It's not a pretty sight. But clearly Cynthia had watched too much pornography too because I suddenly felt her warm, wet tongue make its way over my sheath. What is wrong with that vile female I asked myself? Somehow, I do not think I want to know...

<<Well what are you waiting for?>> Cynthia suddenly asked impatient as she inched her rear end towards me with a sharp yank, <<You do not seriously think I intend to work her alone do you?>>. Her tone was still pretty sharp and evil, and considering how uncontrolled I had just seen her, I quickly realized I had better do as she told me or "they" would be skating on thin ice. Using my right paw, I gently tried to push her rear end upwards, a move she weirdly enough agreed to as I stuck my tongue underneath her tail and began searching around for her opening. A sharp yank from Cynthia the second I felt my tongue find something "holy" confirmed that I had found my target. And she had found her target as well, because my "smaller me" had already begun finding his way out into freedom. Yes, I am avoiding the use of the word "penis". Like it or not, that is how I am. The sensation of having someone lick my most private area took me completely by surprise. I will admit, I have never had a mate, and the only sexual experience I have already is from that previous time I ran into those two motherfuckers. I missed out on my own task, which Cynthia angrily remarked by giving me a sharp smack on my BALLS. God how I hated that female as the pain rushed through my body, but the pain was swiftly drowned by the heavy pleasure that I received from Cynthia's continued licking. I resumed my own task and began licking her as hard and as aggressively as I was able to. Cynthia tensed her entire body in response and let out a long, satisfied moan, which resulted in me giving out and equally satisfied moan as she intensified her licking. It did not take long for me to reach the first orgasm of my life that had not been induced by myself and I screamed out in unimaginable pleasure as my load exploded into Cynthia's face. Seconds later, Cynthia followed but she did not scream like an absolute idiot as I did, and different from the last time, she did not even release a drop. I was panting heavily from my ordeal but Cynthia was barely affected by her orgasm. I yawned as I felt a wave of exhaustion wash over me as I felt Cynthia turn around and face me. <<Are you kidding me?>> she asked me sharply. I just yawned one more time in response. <<Damn it I though you foxes had the endurance to handle at least three rounds.>> she snapped angrily before she walked off my body. <<Hey, at least he had one hell of a shot at you.>> Yieric mocked her. <<Shut it. You know what happens when I get mad.>> Yieric just shut it, but I could hear muffled chuckles coming from him. But at that moment, all I was focusing on was the exhaustion that filled my body as I fell into a deep sleep.

Little did I know, my current situation was about to change to something far worse than anyone could have expected as the temperatures the following weeks plummeted to bone chilling levels. So low, that the fight to survive the winter would be harder than ever before...

To be continued...