Warmth of a good friend

Story by Neofox on SoFurry

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"Hurry up and Die, I wanna play!" Alana said with a giggle. She grabbed Preston playfully by the shoulders. Preston was playing a fighting game on his new console he had just gotten for a birthday gift a couple days ago. However, with the sudden feel of the foxes hands on his shoulders caused him to jerk, distracting him from the game.

"KO!" the game announced as his character fell to the ground. "Aww, now look what you did Aly...you caused me to mess up!" the young puma said with a smirk. He got up and faced her with a little blush. Alana, who was smiling at him walked over in front of the other chair. "Well, I guess now I can play right?" she giggled and picked up the second controller from the table and sat down next to Preston. He sat down and started a new muliplayer game.

"I'm not going to let you win Aly, and I'm not going easy on you just cause your a newbie" He said with a smile

"Hehe....oh well, guess I'll have to try pretty hard then". Aly said with a grin.

The fight began and Preston quickly mashed at the buttons on his controlling, his character responding to every action. Alana did the same, her character dodging and moving away. Amazingly, Alana was doing well....very well indeed for the first time. She then took advantage of every open moment using what she had quickly picked up to attack. "KO!" the screen flashed as she delivered a special attack to Preston's character.

"No way...I didn't just lose" Preston said with his jaw dropping. He dangled the remote from his hand and looked at the screen with wide eyes.

"Hehe...I guess I'm pretty good afterall!" She said with a giggle. She patted Preston on the shoulder. "It was great! I didn't quite understand it, but It was fun nevertheless". She stood up and sat the remote on the table. Preston however was still awed that she had won. He shrugged it off, and sat his remote on the table next to hers and walked toward the kitchen with Alana. Here he'd been beaten by his freind. He invited her over for a visit and he wanted to show off to her a little, and instead was showed up. He laughed a bit to himself at the thought. "Oh well perhaps it was a fluke?" he said opening the cabnet door looking for something to eat. He reached up and took out a loaf of bread and sat it among the table. He pulled out peanut butter and some strawberry jam.

"Hey Aly, are you hungry?" He asked her as she was looking out the kitchen window.

"Sure, you making sandwiches?" She replied, gazing at the birds pecking at the ground outside.

"Yeah, I figure it'll hold us over untill dinner" Preston said, spreading the contents on the slices of bread.

They sat outside on the bench under the huge willow tree, next to his pond. Preston ate away at his sandwich, watching the clouds go by. He would occasionally look over at Alana, who was looking down toward the pond. A few ripples appeared in the water as dragonflies and other bugs touched its surface. Preston peeked a glance over at Alana, who was finished with her food. She was now looking up at the sky at an airplane crossing in the distance. Preston quickly finished up the remaints of his crust and leaned back against the bench. He then peeked another quick glance at Alana, and noticed that she was looking at him. He blushed and quickly turned away, scratching the back of his neck. He then felt a soft hand ontop of his.

"hehe....hey silly, if you want to look at me, you don't have to feel embarrassed." she said in a low tone. It was true, she was sixteen, and she was a very attractive young fox. She had long wavy red hair at which shined brightly in the light. A beautiful white coat of fur on her maw and chest. She had a fine, slim body that when she moved put him in a trance. And Preston secretly had a crush on her since grade school. He himself was her age, and wasn't bad looking himself. He kept his hair combed back, and always kept his soft brown fur groomed. He had one black mark under each eye, and he had a nice look.

He was blushing hard from the feeling of her hand. He turned his head toward her direction, still stiff with embarassment. He noticed she had moved closer to him, moving her hand slowly up his arm. He looked at her face and swallowed, her gorgous blue eyes shining back at his. She closed her eyes and pressed her lips to his. Preston's eyes widened a little before closing. He shakingly placed his hand behind her head and the other on her back as he responded to the kiss. It was then Alana broke the kiss he barely managed any words. "B....but how did you know?" Preston said, his eyes half closed with pleasure. "hehe...well silly, your easy to see through. All you can do is blush. I could tell you were interested in me from the start. But, I like you too Preston. Your really sweet." she said blushing staring toward the ground shy. Preston felt his heart pick up pace and his stomache fill with butterflies. She really liked him too. It made him feel overjoyed for her to say that. And she had just given him his first kiss! Preston slowly built up the courage to throw an arm around Alana. She accepted it and layed her head on his shoulder.

"Hmhmm....so, I showed you my emotional feelings..." Alana said rubbing Preston's chest playfully. "...care to show me what you think of me?" She said rather seductivley.

"Maybe..." Preston said just going with the moment. He was nervous, but the moment seemed to be helping him move right through it smoothly. "...what did you have in mind?".

Alana winked at him and stood up, holding Preston's hand. He arose to join her and walked with her toward the backdoor of the house. Preston's mother had just left a short while ago. She had to work for a couple hours due to one of the employee's taking the day off. But the way things where going, he was sure if anything happened, they'd have enough time. Alana looked back at Preston, smiling with her eyes giving him a look of lust as she lead him up the stairs to his room.

There she bumped the door open with her foot and walked in releasing Preston's hand. She walked over and sat down on his matress. Preston felt himself blushing madly as he watched, but at the same time felt the courage to do whatever she wanted. Alana raised her hand and hooked a finger to him, calling him over to her. Preston was now shaking with fear from the new experiances, but at the same time, he felt confortable being with her. He walked over slowly and Alana reached up and hugged him. Upon doing so, she pulled his body ontop of her and commenced a passionate kiss. Preston slowly moved his hand among her sides, feeling the soft texture and the seductive curves that Alana's body formed. He slowly made his way to her ass and gave it a little squeez. Alana broke the kiss and giggled. "If you want it so bad, why don't you take it?" she said crawling up on the bed a little further and flipping over. Preston could feel his sheath grow beneath his shorts. He blushed and took a quick glance down. His shorts looked as if he was about to break the button holding them closed. He reached down and shakingly grasped his zipper and undone his shorts, releaving his undies which contained a huge buldge. He then continued to pull off his shorts and tossing them aside to the floor.

Alana gave a curious look over her shoulder and smiled as she noticed his erection. She reached down and lifted her rump into the air and undid hers as well, wriggling them off playfully. Her panty's came down with it and she allowed them to slide off her leg onto the bedside. Preston gazed at her amazing view with his face on fire. He gave a small grin before he finally pulled off his undies and threw them to the floor. Moving up steadily, he placed hisself above her. "mmm.....whenever your ready hun." She said arcing her back and lifting her tail up high. He moved his hips up slowly and allowed the tip of his rock hard cock to insert into her ass. Alana gave a low moan as he continued to insert his member further. Finally, halfway in and Preston thrusted forward allowing hisself to insert fully. He gave a moan of pleasure as he felt the warmth of her insides. "uhnn....th...that's nice." he muttered as he began to set a pace pushing himself in and out slowly.

The exstacy of the moment was amazing. Never before had Preston experienced pleasure like this. All he could do was paw to pictures of other model foxes online that were unsecure. But now, he was enjoying this moment with a real fox that liked him! He closed his eyes and sped up his pace more. Giving harder thrusts to Alana's tight butt. She was moaning louder and had placed her hand between her legs to fondle at her clit, which was now leaking wet on the bedsheets. Preston noticed Alana's hand and another thought crossed his mind. "Hey..Aly...can I...?" Alana had saw him looking down between hisself at her little fun. "mhmm." she moaned and he pulled out, allowing her to flip over.

Preston leaned over her and placed his hands on her tummy. He slowly slithered them up Alana's shirt to find that she wasn't wearing a bra. He fondled at her nipples and she moaned in response. He lifted her shirt over her head and let it lie on the pillow. He then gazed among her beautiful tender breast before arcing down to suckle at the globes. Alana put her hand on the back of his head and pet his soft hair. As Preston continued to lick at her nipples, he allowed his cock to nudge at her warm slit and slowly he began to insert himself. Alana wrapped her arms around his back and threw her legs up and around his waist, causing his penis to slip in quickly. Both of them moaned in unison at the insertion of him. Almost instantly, Preston began to thrust in and out of her warm opening faster than his previous pace. His pleasure was far more greater than that of her rump. It was much more hot and slick.

After a while of thrusting Preston felt himself draw close to a climax. Alana, on the other end, was beginning hers. She gave a loud moan as her hips tensed and she jerked up, tightning her inner walls around Prestons cock. Wave after wave of her juices exploded around his rod as he began to cum. He could feel his penis shooting thick, hot jets of cum inside her. He shook as he continued and leaned over ontop of Alana as he gave a final hard thrust. He felt the feeling of exhaustion hit him shortly after. He pulled out slowly making a slick sound as he did so. Their juices slowly leaked out of her cum covered slit onto the sheets. Preston layed beside of Alana and panting, she turned over and embraced him in a kiss.

"I love you Preston, your the best person a girl like me could have"! Alana said, staring into his emerald green eyes.

"I love you too Aly, I really enjoyed it. I love feeling your warmth beside me." he replied nuzzling at her.

"You think perhaps...I could give you that warmth all night?" she asked snuggling up to his chest.

"So, you want to stay over?" he said, feeling his heart beat a little quicker.

"I love having the warmth of a good friend like you hunny" she said giving him soft licks on the cheek.

Preston got up and began to dress himself again. Alana did the same but a little slower as she was feeling the slickness between her legs. She finished up and they both walked back down to the living room which they sat down and turned on the console again. Preston began another multiplayer game and awaited on her to pick a character. Once the level began, so did the button mashing. It sounded like the clicking of a thousand computer mouses at once. "KO!" the game flashed upon the screen as Preston's character fell once again in defeat. "Oh, man...not again!" he said rolling his eyes with a smile. Alana looked over at him and grinned. "It's okay, I'll make it up to you later" she said with a wink. He leaned over to her and gave her a quick kiss on the lips before restarting the game over again.