The Tenth Floor - AV Story

Story by ropistike on SoFurry

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The alarm blared, and Nate jumped in his seat.

Lights were flashing at the little red alarm panels scattered around his office, and people were stopping in place to look around in confusion. Nate lifted his hands from the keyboard, pushing his chair back and slowly stood up uncertainly. A few of the people around him were starting to walk towards the exit. Feeling frustrated, he began to join them, already feeling behind on his work and not in any mood for another setback.

"You're seriously going?" A voice behind him asked. Nate spun. Carol stood at her desk, watching him. The lady otter was dressed casually, in a t-shirt and jeans, as she always was, and had a mischievous grin spread across her face. Her short fur was tan and her long tail was curled around her own legs. Behind her, her desk-mate Guy, the only human in the office, was bent over his notebook, watching the exchange.

"Are you two not?" Nate asked, glancing to his side to watch the last of the residents of his floor step out into the lobby down the hall. "I didn't get any email about a drill today..."

She snorted, taking a step back and sat down at her desk. "Please. I don't smell any smoke and can't think of any reason that leaving would be safer than staying, we'll just end up having to walk up nine flights of stairs when they let everyone back in five minutes." She said, Guy nodding behind her.

Nate was sold. He nodded at the suggestion, turning away from the hallway and heading back to his seat. The lack of people around him made his office uncharacteristically quiet, which was a welcome change when he had this much work to do on his plate. He approached his seat, catching a glimpse of his face in the reflection of his computer screen, his dalmatian face looking back at him before he sat down, adjusting his tail in his seat before tapping his keyboard and getting back to work.

He had been staring at his monitor for quite some time before he decided to check the clock again, finding that thirty minutes had passed and his coworkers had not yet returned. He stood up, feeling a little nervous at the thought. Carol and Guy were still at their work space, laughing at some joke between them. He took his seat again, unsure what he should be doing, when he though he felt a faint tremor vibrate up his chair.


Nate's heart began to beat harder. He opened his internet browser and tried to search for an emergency in his city. The results were... confusing. Nothing seemed to match up. One site warned of sporadic earthquakes, another of serious traffic accidents, some reports of fires, and even some of giant monster sightings. He snorted under his breath at the last one, shaking his head and shutting off his computer, confident he would get no useful information by these means.

Still anxious about what he should do, he reached for his phone, planning to go over to Carol and Guy to let them know that something was indeed going on. Another tremor nearly shook him off balance, feeling too brief to be considered an earthquake. He looked down at his phone, finding a huge amount of notifications and evacuation warnings. He stood up, heading over to the others, and finding them looking just as unsure as he was.

"Did you feel tha..." Guy began, cutting himself off as he stared back at something over Nate's shoulder.

"Where do you think everyone else went?" Carol asked, oblivious to Guy's sudden silence. Nate was watching the human, staring with raised eyebrows at something behind him. He turned, his eyes spotting a strange movement outside of the far window.

Tuning Carol's questions out of his mind, he focused, trying to place exactly what was happening. Something bushy and gray was right outside of their building, but Nate could not place what it was. It swished around as though it was a giant head of hair, but surely that was impossi...

The object outside began to turn, soft vibration and thuds shuddering through the floor as it did so, rotating outside of their window until Nate found himself staring into two enormous blue eyes, staring into the building and landing directly on him. He felt his heart stop, disbelief filling him at what he saw. The eyes were outlined with black and white fur, but that was all he could see through the window.

A creaking crash boomed to the side of the window. Nate crouched low to the ground, hearing Carol shout in alarm as she and Guy ducked down beneath their desk. Nate could not tear his eyes away. A huge paw hand punched through the wall of his building, black fur and thick glossy claws, and began swiping to the side, clearing away a huge portion of the wall wish ease and giving Nate a clear view of what stood directly outside.

A giant returned his gaze. Leaning down slightly, his eyes were level with their tenth floor office. He was a skunk, the white fur of his body streaking down his face, bushy gray hair topped his head, and a colossal, fluffy, black and white tail was swishing around behind him. Nate gulped, feeling frozen in place as the giant leaned its nose closer to the building, sniffing around, the size of his head looking just big enough to fit between the floor and the ceiling.

Fear ringing in his heart, Nate stood shakily to his feet, taking a few steps to the side, extremely uncomfortable at the fact that the skunk would not break eye contact. He spotted a blur of motion in the corner of his eye, the paw was heading straight for him. He gasped in fear, dashing off the side and narrowly avoiding it as it thudded against the floor where he had been standing just seconds before. He turned and ran as the paw reached for him again, grabbing at the air right behind him until he stumbled and fell to the ground.

He spun onto his back, looking in horror to find that two of the skunk's fingers hand pinched down over his tail, and he felt himself being dragged back towards the hole in the wall. He wailed in terror, grabbing his tail and yanking as hard as he could, ignoring the pain as he tugged with all his strength, unable to free himself.

He was breathing rapidly, heart racing. Nate planted his feet against the skunk's paw, pushing hard with his legs and, mercifully, freed his tail from the giant's grasp. His tail aching, he struggled to his feet, running as fast as he could in the other direction while he watched behind him to make sure the paw wouldn't catch him again. The skunk was still watching, but its paw was not moving. Feeling hopeful that he could escape, Nate turned his head back to the direction he was running just in time to watch himself run right into the closing grasp of its other paw.

He collided with the fur-less palm of the huge paw, trying to pushing himself free of the fingers that closed down around his back. The hard clasp thudded against his body, knocking the air out of his lungs as he felt the fingers press around him, pinning his arms to his sides. He kicked wildly, unable to reach anything at all as the paw turned him on his side, pulling him towards the gaping hole in the wall. He caught a brief glance to the shocked disbelief in Carol and Guy's eyes before he zipped past them, feeling the sunlight on his fur as he was pulled outside.

The skunk was enormous. Standing only just taller than a ten story building, it wore no clothing, and its movements looked somewhat slow compared to its scale. It stood next to Nate's building, its feet cracking the pavement of the adjacent road, its tail taking up the entire width of the gap between two rows of buildings for several blocks behind him.

Trapped in the tight grip of the skunk's paw, Nate hung helpless as the giant's free hand rose to greet him, its claw digging down between his fur and his pants. He groaned in trepidation, gritting his teeth as he felt the huge skunk undress him. He pants slid off, fluttering the several stories down to the ground, leaving his lower half entirely nude. Nate gulped, somehow managing to feel embarrassed at his exposure during this dire moment.

The skunk lifted Nate up high, giving him a powerful sense of vertigo seeing the roads so far below him as he dangled in the giant paw of the huge skunk. He breathed rapidly, ceasing his kicking with the knowledge that he would surely die if the skunk let go of him. He shook in fear, not knowing what to do, terrified that the giant would crush him or throw him or... or...

The skunk answered his fears by slowly sticking its tongue out of its mouth and opening its jaws wide. Nate felt himself sob involuntarily. The giant was going to eat him. He started kicking again. The paw started to move him once more. Nate felt wind blowing against the fur of his face as he was positioned just above the skunk's wide maw. Hot putrid air washed over him as the giant exhaled. Helpless, trapped in the skunk's tight grasp, Nate could do nothing but watch his own fate, held just feet above the glossy pink flesh of the skunk's tongue. He sobbed again as he felt the grip against his body loosen.

The paw opened. Nate flailed as he began to fall, grasping at the skunk's paw with his now free arms. He briefly grasped a handful of its fur, dangling for a couple of seconds before he felt the fur slip out of his grasp. He shouted, falling the short distance between the skunk's jaw. His legs crashed against his tongue and slid out below him, causing his back to slam wetly against the flesh. He caught one last receding glimpse of the blue sky and buildings before the huge dark teeth around him started to close.

He reached fruitlessly for the sky, sliding downwards on the base of the skunk's tongue, and watched as the light vanished behind the the skunk's closed maw. He screamed, flailing on the beast's tongue as it lifted him up and pushed him back, making him stumble and slide until his legs plunged into the tight ring of flesh at the back of its throat. He clawed at the skunk's tongue, trying to grip at the slippery and slimy muscle as it kept him in constant motion, his claws failing at any attempt to dig in and find purchase.

He gasped at the tugging sensation against his feet, feeling his body rotate as the skunk tilted its head back. No... No this could not be happening, he was going to be swallowed at any moment, swallowed alive and whole. He tried to kick his legs free, feeling himself sinking in its flesh, and wept with panic as the grabbed for something, anything at all that could possibly prevent this from happening to him.

A squelching sound echoed within the skunk's mouth. He felt the tongue press hard on him, forcing him downwards as the skunk's throat opened up to claim him. His body, soaked with the skunk's saliva, easily slid down the tight passage, pulling him forcefully from the skunk's mouth and into the tight ripply tube of meat that was the giant's esophagus. Flesh pressed in all around him, peristalsis gently tugging him down as he slid, forced farther into the beast's mass and down the passage to its stomach.

He cringed, writhing in the skunk's esophagus, the press of its flesh molded to his body, dragging him endlessly downwards, feet first, his tail pressed tightly against his back, and his arms pinched together above him, endlessly grabbing for folds of flesh in the skunk's throat. His exposed genitals were forced to rub relentlessly against the cradling flesh. With his arms pinned up above him, he was helpless to part them from the slimy walls, and every effort he made to pull back was met with equal pressure from the other side of the throat.

It was useless, he had been swallowed. He could not believe the nightmare that was befalling him, this just simply could not be real...

The passage felt like an eternity. Cradled endlessly by the slimy walls that crawled up his body, squeezing him farther and farther down the skunk's digestive tract. He had given up struggling, given up wriggling, just shut his eyes and waited to find himself in the giant's belly. Soon enough he felt the pressure around his feet recede, and his calm acceptance of his fate vanished. He lunged upwards as his knees breached the valve into the skunk's stomach, trying to grab at anything that could prevent him from ending up here, but seconds later it was too late. His waist pushed through, and the rest of him followed fast, gravity against him, as he plopped through, dropping a short distance after he was free from the tight grip of the skunk's throat, and found himself sitting in the bottom of the giant's stomach.

Alive... The skunk had eaten him alive. He screamed as loud as he could, trying to get to his feet but having them slip out beneath him with each attempt. Landing wetly on the spongy surface of the stomach. He took a deep breath, nearly gagging at the odor, and settled onto his knees. Keeping himself steady, he tried to wipe the slime off of his disheveled fur while shakily keeping his balance to keep his upper half free from the slimy discharge that surrounded him.

The stomach wall groaned around him. In pitch darkness and intense humid heat, Nate had no concept of how big the chamber really was. He could feel a stomach wall to his right, the soft flesh folding over his paw as he pressed against it, making him retract it fast as though he was afraid he would sink into it. He sobbed, not knowing what to do, and kept still in the oppressive chamber, wet groaning and splatting sounds filling his ears as he shuddered in place, curves of flesh lapping at his legs. He sat in the darkness, alone...

Carol watched in horror as Nate was whisked away. The gigantic black furred paw had clamped around her coworker, dragging him out of the building to who knows what fate...

She felt herself sob in disbelief, cowering under her desk. She had done nothing... She watched him run right into the giant's other paw, she could have shouted a warning or run to stop him but...

She shook her head, too late to think about it now. She was not sure what to do next. The exits were a fair distance away from them, and she was too frightened to risk getting captured by one of those paws like Nate just was. Hopefully whatever was out there didn't know she was here, but she could still hear sounds coming from outside the hole in the wall, she could hear screaming as well...

No, she shook her head again. They had to get out. She turned to look at Guy, whose skin was white with terror. Neither of them moved for some time, tensely waiting in their hiding spot with each passing moment easing some of the fear that the skunk knew they were there. She tried to recall if she had heard the giant leave, but could not remember. There was certainly no more noise coming from right outside, and she felt a brief pang of pity of Nate.

Taking a shuddering breath, she crouched low to the ground, slowly peeking out from around the corner of her desk. The gaping hole in the wall greeted her, now providing her a clear view of the somewhat damaged facade of the building across the street. The skunk was gone. She allowed herself to breathe, it was gone. She took a quick look at all the windows within her field of view, nothing.

"It's gone." She whispered to Guy, who jumped at the noise, nodding briefly to her soon after but still not moving. She sighed, wondering what the course of action should be, and decided they needed to get out of here pronto, or at least get to a lower floor where the beast would be unable to spot them so easily.

She waved for Guy to follow her, slowly standing up after checking all the windows once more, and started brisk walk towards the exits. They reached the lobby area on the other side of the office, a soft dinging sound coming from the elevators. She looked at the panel, pleased to see that it was approaching their floor.

A shudder ran up her feet, a soft pounding could be heard somewhere outside. Beside her, Guy spun around, looking frightened and frantically studying the windows. Without another word, he stepped for the stairs, pushing himself through the door and briskly going down the steps. Carol didn't even have a chance to say anything before he was gone. She turned around, uneasy at the sounds of the skunk outside but feeling confident that she could not descent the steps as fast as the elevator could take her down. She waited the extra five seconds before it reached her floor.

The door slowly opened, just as a shadow was cast in the lobby. She stepped in, turning to press the button and shrieked to herself, slapping her paws over her mouth to stifle it. The skunk was outside, staring directly through the window. She took an involuntary step back, walking into the wall of the elevator, watching as the giant pressed its enormous face against the glass, the sound of cracking reaching her ears.

Panicking, she stumbled for the elevator panel, her paw shaking, and felt for the button to take her to the ground floor. In her haste to press it, she accidentally hit the door-open button, causing the doors to cease just as they were about to close. Dismayed at her mistake, she moaned in fear and frustration, rapidly pressing door-close as she heard shattering glass and debris on the other side of the door.

She pressed herself against the wall, ducking down into a corner, and willed the doors to actually close. She felt tears start to dampen her eyes as a soft rustling sound drew closer and closer to her. Her heart was racing so fast it hurt when the doors finally started to close.

She felt relief wash over her at the sight, having it crushed a second later when a blur of movement caused the doors to stop and open once more. Something huge, pink, and slimy slipped into the elevator, dabbing at the walls and floor and making her shriek in terror. Trails of clear slime stuck between it and the floor, making a puddle beneath it. A gust of vile air filled the chamber, and it dawned on her that this thing was the skunk's tongue. It had stuck its whole head into her building. It's mouth was right outside the door.

Not knowing what else to do, she shakily mashed against the door-close button, cramming herself into the corner as much as she could to keep her distance from the wandering slimy muscle as it searched the compartment for her. She moaned as it started digging in each of the corners in turn, licking at the other three before coming towards her.

She held her hands out as though to protect herself, feeling the hot ooze-covered appendage collide with her, descending on her body a moment later. She writhed against it. The muscle was thick and powerful, the tongue easily parting her from the wall, leaving a trail of saliva glinting against the florescent light. The appendage curled around her, pulling her towards the exit. Sobbing in horror, she grabbed for the wall, her claws briefly latching onto the side of the door before it was ripped out of her grip.

She was pulled, writhing, back out into the lobby, the thick tongue wrapped around her chest, and met the sight of the skunk's enormous maw, wide open. She screamed, biting and clawing at the tongue to get it to release her, but her efforts to wound the beast did nothing, the tongue pulled her, her slobber covered fur gliding frictionlessly on the floor towards the giant maw.

She was pulled up to the base of the skunk's face, her nose pressed against its bottom lip, and giving her a clear view of the roof of its mouth. He arced her head away, trying not to look at its sharp teeth, just then noticing that there was no blood staining them. That meant that Nate...

No, she refused to think that he had been swallowed whole. That couldn't happen to her, it simply couldn't. She took an uneasy breath, the tongue licking at her body as she sat sprawled at the base of its jaw, wrapped up in the quivering muscle as it worked at body. Her shirt was tugged off of her as the tongue worked to cover her fur in slime, discarded with a wet plop beside them.

She cringed, shutting her eyes in disbelief to spare her the sight of the pink flesh looming ever closer, the black abyss at the back of its mouth. The tongue curled tightly around her, lifter her front off of the ground. She felt a thick heat approaching her as the hot slimy tongue adjusted itself around her body, her fur already soaked down to the skin with the skunk's saliva. The residual light through her eyelids vanished, and she knew, without needing to look, that she was inside the giant's maw.

She struggled against her captor, the grip around her chest was tight, but it felt like she might have a change to break free. She gripped the sides of the tongue as best she could, pushing with all her strength to get it to release her, feeling her feet brushing against its smooth, glossy teeth before splatting down against the inner gums of the giant. Just then she felt herself make some progress, the shove dislodging her body from the tongue's grip, the lubrication from the skunk's saliva making her glide free. She opened her eyes just in time to see the back of its throat rushing up to meet her.

She manage a half second of screaming before her nose plunged down in to the hot funnel of meat, the tight entrance to the skunk's esophagus pressing her jaw shut as she flailed against the base of the tongue to push herself away from it. She writhed, sobbing in panic, her eyes wide with horror at the sight of the glistening pink flesh right in front of her, knowing she was a swallow away from being lost forever, but no effort she made produced any backward movement. She realized with dismay that the skunk had shut its mouth, and she felt her lower body pressed against the roof of its mouth.

A spasm of movement in front of her gave another half second to scream, the tight muscle pressed against her nose parting briefly to produce a wide gaping entrance to the skunk's throat. Her slicked up fur glided eagerly against the slimy tongue as it pressed her tightly, squeezing her downwards in a powerful swallow and engulfing her in undulating flesh of the esophagus.

The tight throat pressed in around her, squeezing her down the giant's body head first, her arms pinned tightly to her sides. She wanted to scream, to fight, but was helpless to even move with the flesh pressing against her every nook and cranny as it forced her down deeper and deeper. The deafening sound of wet squishing with the gentle thud of heartbeat in the background was the only thing she could hear as the esophagus continued to tightly cradle her head in its folds of flesh.

Carol slid down for what must have been an eternity. Her body fell, suspended by by the skunk's digestive muscle, upside down, with the blood rushing to her head, and her being powerless to do anything at all but endure it. Somewhere along the line her pants and underpants had been forced off from the movement of the flesh, though she had not even noticed until her crotch had become as saturated with slimy fluids as the rest of her body. She sobbed at the thought, unable to ignore the sensation of the flesh rubbing against her as she writhed among the skunk's innards.

After a while, her nose collided with a harder ring of flesh, and she sobbed to herself at the knowledge of what lay beyond. The heat intensified as her body was squeezed through the ring, her first instinct to take a deep breath once her mouth was freed was met with gagging as the smell in the chamber was putrid and acidic. She coughed as she was unceremoniously deposited into the fleshy sack of a prison, splashing into the shallow juices and cradled in the flesh that surrounded her.

She felt movement beside her, and felt blindly towards it, feeling her paw brush up against soaked and sticky fur. "N...Nate?" She asked hoarsely, the sound of her voice dampened by the thick layers of stomach wall surrounding her, and nearly drowned out by the cacophony of noises produced by the giant's digestive chamber. Regardless her responded, voicing something she could not hear. She felt for him, feeling him doing the same thing, and soon enough they were embracing, slimy secretions pressed between them as they gave one another companionship in the darkness.

The stomach shifted around them, causing Carol to lose her footing on the slimy surface and fall to her side, dragging the dalmatian with her as they splashed against the sticky fluids. Together, they struggled up the slimy folds of the belly, managing to find a slightly higher elevated section of flesh to keep their bodies free of the liquids that pooled at the bottom of the chamber.

Together, they waited in the darkness. The heat making her sweat and every breath filler her nostrils of mouth with the scent of bile. The soft mounds of flesh curled around them. She felt herself sink slightly among the meaty folds, but she knew there was nothing she could do. She endured the motions of the stomach, gripping tightly to Nate's body, not daring to let go.

She felt him shaking in her grip as they sank into a soft depression caused by their weight. Both of them had lost their clothing in the process of being devoured alive, and she felt his warmth amid the stifling heat of the chamber around them. A fold of flesh beneath them seemed to part, sucking their bodies down at the flailed against it, their furry forms pressed together, cradled by the flesh on each side, as they were engulfed in the small wet pocket of the skunk's stomach.

Carol felt herself start to drift away, no longer able to reach breathable air, and could feel Nate beside her start to slow his struggles against the flesh. What was the use? They stood no change of freeing themselves from the massive predator. They had been eaten alive, and soon they would be nothing more than a quick meal for the giant skunk, doomed to be one with its body forever. She shut her eyes, accepting the blackness, and felt herself drift away.

Guy sped down the stairs faster than he ever had before, taking them three or four at a time until he reached the bottom. Gasping for air, he pushed himself out into the main lobby, finding it to be a ghost town. He took a moment to catch his breath, feeling at least somewhat confident that the skunk would not find him down this low. He stumbled away from the door, knowing that since he had not heard her do so, that Carol had taken the elevator.

He took a few steps over to look at the elevator panel, surprised and confused to find that it was still on the tenth floor after all that time. He watched for a good minute before that number started to decrease. He found himself staring at it, waiting for Carol to come down here and join him, as he was unsure exactly what to do at this point, and Carol always seemed to have a plan. The number finally reached one and the elevator rang loudly, making Guy's heart race at the fear that the giant would hear it, the door opening a moment later.

Guy's heart sunk. The otter was not in the elevator. He held to the door open, one hand over his mouth, and took in the sight. The whole tiny box was covered in a layer of slime, a wet scent of foul breath lingered in the air, and there were claw marks on the floor leading to the edge where he stood. He took a shuddering breath, slowly stepping away and letting the doors close in front of him. The giant had her too. Nate and Carol were both...

He shook his head, running his hands through his hair and pacing around the lobby. He had no idea what to do. This area of the building did not have any windows apart from the exit, which looked all clear to him, but he had no idea where the giant was or if it would be able to see him if he fled. He crept close to the exist, hoping he could catch a glimpse of where the giant was and form a plan around that, when the ground around him shook, and tiles from the ceiling began to crack and fall down around him.

Oh god... It's taking down the building... Guy felt his heart race, torn between a fear of being crushed in the rubble of a collapsing building and being eaten alive by a giant skunk. A loud crashing noise above him made the decision for him, and after taking another deep breath, he bolted out of the building. He ran as fast as he could out into the daylight, not daring to take a look behind him, terrified that any second from now, a giant paw would whisk him off his feet and lift him high into the sky.

He ran until he got several blocks away from his office, slowing down to take a breather and hating himself for not being in better shape. He looked back at his building, shocked into a awed silence at the sight. The skunk was huge, its body, tail and all, taking up the whole width of road between the two buildings. His office was in bad shape, parts were sagging and it was riddled with holes, most likely made to search for him. He shuddered at that thought, feeling a little relieved that the skunk had not seen him emerge from the building.

Catching his breath, he watched the giant as it investigated the building, reaching its paw into various floor and windows, occasionally sticking its whole head into one of the holes, causing bits of glass and brick to break away from the walls, crashing down onto the pavement beside it. The skunk took a long thudding step to the side, leaning down and reaching in through the ground floor entrance.

Guy was now incredibly pleased with his choice to abandon the building, feeling sure that the giant would have found him if he had stayed. The skunk fished around for a minute or two, finding nothing, and leaned down to sniff towards the door. The beast kept it up for a few moments before Guy felt his blood turn cold. The skunk turned its head, sniffing at the ground, its nose starting to point away from the building, and towards him.

Guy held his breath, frozen in place, willing himself to start running again, but he could not. The giant stood back up, looking down the road and, to Guy dismay, its gaze landing directly on top of him. Guy ran. He turned and bolted away from the giant, shuddering in disbelief that it had spotted him so quickly and easily. He glanced over his shoulder, shocked to find that in one step it had cleared half of the distance between them. Guy started to scream, it was going to catch him, no, this could not be happening, this could not be....

He fell with a thud, a tremendous pressure having collided with his head. He spun over onto his back in time to see the skunk's gigantic foot paw descend on top of him. He screamed, trying to shuffle away from it, but was too late. The leathery pad at the sole of the skunk's paw pressed down over him, squeezing him between the paw and the pavement. He struggled, but the weight was too much, he was trapped, waiting for the giant to crushing him underfoot.

But he continued to draw breath. Guy glanced up, the furry toes were parted around his head, outlining his view of the ten-story tall skunk that looked down at him from the skies. It must be sparing him on purpose, at that size it could easily crush his body like a grape, but Guy was pretty sure he didn't have so much as a broken bone.

The skunk slid out of his view, easing its giant body down to the ground. Guy watched it sit, its ass hitting the ground with a tremor inducing thud about a block away from him, all the while keeping him trapped beneath its bare foot. The skunk wriggled its toes around him, pressing his body tightly between the biggest two and lifting him up off of the ground.

He struggled for a brief moment before noticing how far he would fall if he succeeded in prying himself free. At the mercy of the skunk, he hung limp in the clutches of its toes, forced to watch as the giant maneuvered him closer to its face. The skunk was laying down on its back now, open maw pointing to the sky. Guy didn't want to look, but found himself staring as the skunk positioned its foot directly above it. The skunk's eyes were closed, as though blissfully enjoying the moment, and Guy had a clear view of the pink flesh between its black lips. The tongue was pressed down against the bottom of its mouth, a clear passage from the parted teeth to the dark depths behind its tongue.

Guy took a shuddering breath, feeling on the verge of tears. He had gotten so far, and the skunk had caught him so easily. Was he doomed to be eaten just like Nate and Carol? He felt the toes that held him start to wriggle around his body, loosening its grip on him, and he flailed to grab on, grabbing the skunk's second toe in a tight embrace.

He hung, dangling from the skunk's toe while the larger one rubbed forcefully against his arm in an attempt to dislodge him. He swung gently side to side, his feet swaying just a couple of inches from the skunk's parted lips. The giant's tongue slipped out lapping wetly at his legs and coating him in slobber within seconds. He writhed against the sensation, kicking at the slimy appendage, but knew there was nothing he could do to fight this creature. He felt the slimy tongue soak him as it licked and licked, his pants literally dripping with slobber as a giant paw reached up to collect him.

The paw closed over his chest, allowing the skunks foot to drift away, the giant's whole body stretched out on the pavement. Guy watched as it lifted its legs, still laying on its back, and planted its feet on two separate buildings across the street from one another. Guy felt wind rush at him and the paw maneuvered his body away from the skunk's gaping mouth, giving him a few seconds of relief that he perhaps was not about to be eaten before he saw what his new fate would be. Positioned directly between the skunk's parted legs, Guy was given a crystal clear view of its bare ass, the two huge cheeks parted, and its tailhole directly in front of him.

Despair creeping over him, Guy sobbed, this... this was even worse than being eaten. Surely the skunk did not intend when he was dreading... The free paw answered his thought by sliding into view between its two thick thighs, rubbing down between its legs to plant two huge fingers on either side of its puckered anus, pushing to just barely part the sphincter. Guy felt the paw tilt his body, pointing his wet feet directly towards it.

He wailed, battling against the skunk's grip to the best of his ability, accomplishing absolutely nothing as the paw placed his bare feet right up against the dark puckered flesh of its tailhole. He felt the warmth against the chilly soles of his feet, the saliva coating him making his skin slip with little friction against the fleshy surface. Guy gulped, dreading the coming moments, and felt the paw apply pressure against his body, feeling his toes slip into the skunk's rear, the anus parting slightly to accept him.

Guy writhed, trying to kick his legs free, to pull himself out, but was nothing against the skunk's overwhelming strength. His feet glided into the the skunk's rectum, unimpeded by his efforts, and Guy cringed at the sensation, hot wrinkly flesh curling over his feet, gripping him tightly as he slid into the slick fleshy tube. His legs were pinned together, by the skunk's anus as its huge paw shoved on him, holding him horizontal as he was slowly inserted into its rear.

Guy sobbed, doing anything he could to fight it, but there was nothing he could do, his legs slipped in deeper, the tight sphincter gliding up his body and engulfing his own rear, his groin rubbing up against the slick walls, making his gasp at the experience, using his arms to try and force himself back out to spare himself the relentless sensation. It was overwhelming. Around him, the skunk lustily flailed on the ground, its huge paws digging into the facades of the buildings, its huge fluffy tail flicking this way and that. He could hear gasps of glee from the skunk's maw, blocks away from him now.

His view had been reduced to the skunk's bare ass, with his chest and arms protruding from its greedy tailhole, the giant's huge thick legs and the enormous tail that now curled over his body, blocking his view of the outside world, effectively making the giant skunk his entire world. The skunk clenched his anus, the rippling tightness tugging Guy in up to his neck in on fell swoop. He gasped at the sensation, the rippling flesh around his body greedily dragging him deeper between the skunk's legs.

With only his head and arms free from the skunk's tight rectum, Guy tried in vain to grab at the fur on the giant's bare ass, each fistful getting pried from his grasp as the skunk clenched his anal muscles, pulling Guy in up to his mouth. As the flesh curled in over his face, he felt his unknowing scream cut off into a muffled silence and he writhed in the tight tailhole of the skunk's rear.

Helpless, he felt himself go limp, enduring the relentless clenching and shoving, his whole body nearly claimed by the skunk's anus, the next tug plunging his body into darkness. Guy arced his head back, able to get a fleeting view of light, outlined by the curved puckered flesh of the skunk's sphincter, his his bare arms still sticking out, unable to grasp at anything, and the skunk's long tail brushing its fur up against his hands as it curled around him.

Another clench stole that view from him, and he watched the flesh descend around his wrists, cutting him off from the light. One final tug and he felt his hands slip in past the sphincter, pushing entirely within the rectum of the giant skunk. Guy flailed around in the tight tube of hot slick flesh, the saliva that had coated his legs before now effectively spread to his whole body, easing his passage deeper into the skunk's depths.

Every movement he made was mirrored in the flesh, pushing back at him and forcing his body to snake along the winding tube as he was pulled up the skunk's rear. He sighed to himself, feeling his face damped with tears at the wrinkled flesh that cradled him spread that along his forehead. He reached back towards the sphincter with his hands, unable to even feel the entrance to the skunk's tailhole anymore. He was simply gone, entirely claimed by the cruel giant's desires.

He felt the world shift around him, to the point where he knew he was dangling upside down. So the skunk had stood back up. He let go of the fleeting hope that he would slide back out now with gravity on his side, as another clench from the skunk slipped him farther upwards, away from the potential of freedom.

Guy shifted his weight a bit, nestled snugly in the tight anal flesh, and felt himself drift away in the darkness, finding himself wishing he had been swallowed along with the others just so he did not have to endure this trial on his own...