Entering the Abyss: Shore Leave

Story by Kitt Da Folf on SoFurry

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#20 of The Great Balancing

Alec stood on the bridge of the Blackstar talking with one of the officers when Kitt walked out. "Helm adjust course to barring one, four, two six best speed." He said making the pilot quickly making the adjustments.

"What's up sweetheart?" Alec asked curiously.

"Just figured we should take a breather, I was searching through the planet database and found a nice tropical resort planet within a days travel." Kitt explains with a smirk on his muzzle.

"Oh really, shouldn't we be making our best time to the Assembly outpost?" Alec questioned.

Kitt tried his best not to look at Alec, as he moved back out the exit onto the corridor and Alec quickly perused. "Hey Kitt, this better not be about my birthday, I told you I don't want to interrupt the mission for something so trivial."

Kitt turned back with a big smile on his face. "It's not trust me, after the trouble we had on the last world with Durran and all we should take a breather." Kitt hugged Alec tightly. "I wouldn't dream of going against your wishes." He said.

"You'd better not hon or I'll have to give you what for." Alec chuckled.

"I'll bare that in mind."

Kitt stood across from Lauren as they stand in line in the cafeteria. "So you're cool with this mission Lauren?" Kitt asked sipping at his coffee.

"Yeah I mean I agree that it should be done I just hope we can pull it off with out Alec knowing." Lauren returned.

"As soon as we get there, he'll be more focused on just staying in his room going over crew reports to notice anything but just incase I'll keep him busy." Kitt said.

The Blackstar jetted out of hyperspace into orbit around the lush green ball of the resort planet, Kitt quickly passed out schedules for crew recreation times and takes a shuttle down with Alec to the surface where they get their beech side room, which has a massive balcony over looking the bay of crystal clear water housed between two sets off rolling jungle green hills on either side.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Kitt asked dropping his duffle back on the bed and stepping out on the balcony.

"Yeah it is Kitt." Alec responded hugging Kitt closely from behind.

Kitt and Alec quickly changed out of their black and gold trimmed military uniforms and into their swimming shorts and headed down to the beech getting two lounge chairs and a set of ruby red alcoholic cocktails.

"Now this is what I call a birthday." Alec sighed happily as he stretched out, letting the warm sun bake into his ivory white fur.

"Anything for your thirtieth my love" Kitt said taking a few sips of his cocktail and put on his chrome rimmed sunglasses.

"Hey there you two are, enjoying the sun?" Lauren said as she walked up beside them, dressed in a black skimpy bikini, showing off her trim form covered by a light cloud grey pelt of fur and her dark blonde hair hanging down along her shoulders.

Kitt looked to Alec as he already fell asleep then looked up to Lauren. "Yeah he's having a ball, are we ready?"

Lauren softly nodded. "Yeah we're all set for tonight. How about a game of volley ball, some of the strike team and I are putting together a game, need a fourth fur."

"Yeah Captain, I'm game, lets go." Kitt said with a smile throwing back the rest of his drink and giving a kiss to Alec's cheek. "I'll be back later love."

Kitt smiled as Lauren and her cheetah partner stood on the opposite side of the net. Kitt nodded to his rabbit teammate, spinning the ball up on one paw finger before tossing it up into the air and whacked it with his strong paw sending it sailing over the net. The cheetah quickly positioned himself under it and bumped it back over the net. Kitt dove under the ball narrowly keeping it in the air the brown furred rabbit knocking the white ball higher into the air and Kitt recovered spiking it down hard on Lauren's side scoring the first point.

The game past back and forth between the four gathering quite the crowd of Blackstar crewmembers as they chatted and took bets on the match, Alec walked up smiling as he watched Kitt move back and forth his fur glistening with sweat his muscles extending and contracting as he hit the ball.

Alec saw Shar the silver furred fox sensor officer and Drek the purple panther tactical officer standing right next to the court and he moved over to them. "Hey, what are the odds on the game?" Alec coyly asked.

Drek looked back momentarily with a smile. "They're tied up right now but the game has five to one for Kitt."

Alec grinned. "Really, Hmmm put me down for a ten spot on Lauren and Casper."

"What are you going to do Alec?" Shar giggled and asked.

"Nothing" Alec said and padded to the side where Kitt stood and gazed intently on the stunningly built midnight blue wolf. "Hey Kitt, hurry this up, I heard there's private saunas on the resort."

Kitt double took looking at Alec, as the serve from the cheetah Casper sailed right past him. Lauren and Casper yipped out victoriously and the part of the crowd that betted on Kitt and the rabbit Fen began to pay up their dues.

Kitt smirked and looked to Lauren. "I guess that's my cue to go Captain, good game."

"Yeah, have fun Colonel, see you two tonight." Lauren replied.

Alec and Kitt walk into the deep red wood walled sauna, the air was very hot and humid, the coals burning brightly the only light there coming from a small skylight in the ceiling showing the brilliant blue cloudless sky. Alec softly locked the door and stalked over to his mate whom sat up on the bench, both merely clad in towels.

"You know I hate it when you're right." Alec joked, sitting across from Kitt.

"Yeah but when I'm right it always turns out great." Kitt returned.

Alec grinned and leaned back slowly peeling his towel off, leaving him completely naked in front of Kitt, his tail wagging gently back and forth between his legs.

Kitt sighed happily at the sight and removed his own towel, stepping over his beautifully white furred lover and placed his paws upon his chest, giving Alec a soft kiss on the muzzle.

Alec moaned softly as he felt Kitt's paws roaming down his pectoral muscles and along his abs then Kitt gently turned Alec over to lie down on the bench and straddled over him, gently massaging his back, tracing out the light blue tattoo pattern along his sculpted shoulders and back muscles. "Oh gods Kitt yeah..." he huffed out.

Kitt leaned down and kissed the side of Alec muzzle, his paw kneading up and down along Alec's body gripping at his two firm buttocks his nose touching the crook of Alec's neck beginning to lap and suckle. Kitt traveled his tongue down Alec's spine to just above the base of his bushy swaying tail causing it to lift.

Saying nothing Kitt spread Alec's legs a bit more slipping a paw between them cupping Alec's large set of fur covered balls making Alec brace on the bench and raise his rump into the air. Kitt dipped his muzzle underneath Alec's raised tail, running his soft wet nose along his supple sac up to his pink colored tail hole making Alec shudder and growl in pleasure. Kitt's paw moved from Alec balls up along his thick hardening sheath feeling the tip of his lover's wolf hood protruding out of it. Kitt's tongue pushed out and against Alec's quivering hole, washing over it again and again each time Alec's moans grew louder and louder.

Kitt sat up from his mate slowly stroking Alec's rock hard length feeling Alec's paw reaching to his own needy member. Alec quickly turned around gently pushing Kitt down onto the bench as he knelt between his legs and rolled his tongue over the heavy gunmetal grey furred ball sac then up along the crimson red shaft of Kitt's cock. Kitt groaned loudly as he rest back, his arms braced along the top of the bench.

Alec's muzzle quickly enveloped Kitt ample member, suckling on it like a pup to a Popsicle, making Kitt writhe in ecstasy giving Alec several hot bursts of bitter-sweet precum. Kitt put his paws on Alec's shoulders gesturing for him to stop.

"Hey there, not so fast hot stuff." Kitt grinned.

Alec nodded with the same grin and climbed up into Kitt's lap, sliding his shaft along his furred rump the velvety soft furs against his cock making Kitt shiver and growl loudly. "I love you Kitt." Alec said through a passionate huff.

"I love you too Alec, with all my soul." Kitt replied as Alec sat up a bit positioning Kitt's rod at his entrance slowly lowering himself pushing the thick pulsating shaft deep into his body.

The two wolves moan and growl in a lust filled daze as Alec set a steady rhythm driving Kitt's cock all the way to the growing knot then pulling almost completely off.

Kitt's eyes looking up and down his sexy mates body as it moves up and down his ebony cock bouncing against his firm stomach. Alec's face lost in the pure pleasure of the moment his own eyes clenched tightly closed as he held Kitt's shoulders riding him harder and harder.

Kitt's hips started pushing up to meet Alec rump as they both neared their climaxes, Kitt's knot growing in size at he tries to wedge it inside of his mate's body.

"Oh fuck Kitt; yeah you're so hot, tie with me lover, YESS!!" Alec howled out as he slammed down upon Kitt forcing the tennis ball sized knot at the base of Kitt's dick passed his anal ring; making both wolves howl in unison as the powerful orgasm rockets through both of their bodies and their cum is sent spurting outwards, Alec's jetting up over Kitt's chest and throat and his own filling his mate's ass.

The violent climax slowly died leaving Alec collapsed again Kitt's body as he hugged him tightly. Alec felt the tight fit of Kitt's cock and knot lodged in him. "Whoa, shit Kitt I don't know how you do this so often." Alec groaned.

Kitt smirked and panted heavily. "You should try taking your cock sometime, yer a lot bigger than I am."

Alec and Kitt locked muzzles in a deep passionate kiss.

After a long cool shower Kitt and Alec don their evening clothes, of lighter pants and skin tight t-shirts and head out into the city of the resort to a quiet almost Chinese styled restaurant and sat down for a romantic dinner.

"Happy birthday Alec" Kitt said as he raised his glass of alien wine.

"Thank you Kitt. This is the best birthday I've had." Alec replied softly clanging his glass against Kitt's.

The meal was absolutely delicious, especially because they'd been living off the stuff aboard the Blackstar for the last eight months. Alec was about to say something as he pushed his plate to the side when Kitt's phone begins to ring.

"I thought you were off duty tonight?" Alec said.

"Yeah just kept it incase of emergency." Kitt said answering it. "Alistair, go."

Kitt nodded and ended the quick conversation looking at Alec with a cold worried look.

"What is it?"

"We've got trouble...seems some of the crew got into the shit downtown. Lauren is trying to deal with the authorities but she needs our help." Kitt said

"Figures, never ends; does it?"

Kitt shook his head. "Nope, let's go."

Paying the bill Kitt and Alec quickly left the restaurant calling a taxi to take them to a club in the center of the city, Alec looked around puzzled because there wasn't any police or security vehicles anywhere to be seen, nor was there any type of commotion around except for the standard fair of aliens clamoring into the bars and clubs.

Kitt got out of the cab and paid the fare "C'mon their waiting inside for us."

"Kitt, there's something wrong here; I mean there's no cops anywhere." Alec curiously pointed out.

Wasting no time Kitt dragged Alec inside to the absolutely silent pitch black room, suddenly the lights burst to life showing the inside of the club with it's glass and steel walls and the entire thing filled with the off duty crew of the Blackstar all cheering and clapping as a sign is raised over the DJ's booth saying 'Happy 30th Birthday Alec!"

Alec stood there in disbelief as Lauren, Shar and Drek all came up; Shar handed Alec a drink and gave him a kiss on the cheek "Happy birthday sweetie." She said.

"Mission accomplished Captain." Kitt said to Lauren with a big smile and gave her a paw shake.

"Thanks...well let's party!" the female wolf captain yowled out, causing the DJ to begin playing the loud hard electronic music.

Alec looked to Kitt in awe. "How...how did you do this?"

"What you think I'd let you turn thirty without doing anything special? I contacted the assembly HQ and got them to set us up." Kitt exclaimed smiling proudly.

Alec shook his head his muzzle opening up with a broad smile. "You silly wolf..." Alec leapt into Kitt's arms and kissed him deeply on the muzzle. "...you never cease to amaze me."

The club rocked with the crew dancing and drinking as a shower of lasers light fell onto the club followed by pieces of gold paper onto the dance floor as Kitt and Alec continued kissing in the dead center of the club.