1st December

Story by Imya on SoFurry

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#1 of Christmas at Snow Valley

Hello folks. Because I got no response to the question what you want for Christmas I just decided on this story here myself.

It will be very short stories but I plan to update a chapter each day (if my health allows as I am about to catch something again).

Todays Update is a bit longer than the usual chapter will be because it is the introduction.


This is an original story by me (Imya). It involves anthro animals (canine and feline) in a pure fantasy environment. It may contain at some point nudity and sexual contact involving adults, adolescents and cubs.

If you are offended bei either of these topics please stop reading. Please only read if you hit legal age for your country (generally 18).

The story is an ongoing story planned with 25 short chapters. It is my Christmas special and I plan to upload one chapter each day. Some chapters may be a bit longer but most of them will be short.

Most chapters will just be story progression and not R rated. So please do not expect this to have action all the time. I hope you will enjoy this small story.

1st December

Vince entered the bus and sat down at the far end. His mood was somewhat bad and somewhat exited. He was a 14 years old black anthro wolf. Originally he had planned to spend the Christmas time with his friends in the city but his parents decided to go on a trip that would last over a month. They did not take him with them though. They never did. He always was pushed on friends or relatives to care for him. It had been like that for the last ten years or so but what had been exciting for him as a younger child was only making him angry now.

His excitement came from the fact that this time his uncle Jaimy accepted to take him. Jaimy was his favorite uncle and they always had fun together. They went to the cinema or to amusement parks and Vince knew that he would not be bored with his uncle. He only was cross with his parents to not take him with them or at least let him stay at home or with one of his friends. He had ranted quite some time but to no avail. He only wasted his energy and his parents had dropped him off the bus station for long distance travel with his luggage and drove off. They did not even stay to see him off. Vince felt again like they did not want him and they just were happy to get rid of him.

The bus started to move and Vince observed the other passengers. The bus driver was an old snow leopard who looked friendly but also a bit intimidating to Vince. Then there was the family of squirrels that was just loud and a horse mare with her daughter. That was all passengers at the moment and Vince got bored already. The kids in the bus were too small and even if anthros were all the same and did not eat each other the species that were prey in the feral world were very wary about the anthros that were of a predator species. In addition Vince was very shy around people he did not know and to talk to them was hard for the teenager. In school it had taken a long time before the different species in class grew together as a community of trust. His best friends now were a zebra colt and a rabbit. They were fun and never was there any distance between them because of their species.

But right now with each second the distance between him and his friends grew and he looked at the last houses of the city when they entered the countryside. Vince lay back and put his headphones on. He selected a random music on his MP3 player and closed his eyes to listen to the music. The steady rhythm made him relax and soon he fell asleep.

The bus stopped with a sudden jerk and Vince slowly woke up. The music had stopped and when he opened his eyes and checked he noticed that the battery was empty. He looked around and was shocked. He did not know the area around here. This was not the city where his uncle lived. He was in the middle of nowhere. He could see trees and a few houses and big piles of snow around. It looked like he was further away from any city than he had ever been. The motor of the bus was turned off and Vince saw the bus driver getting up from his seat.

"Excuse me sir?" he shouted when the bus driver just wanted to leave. The old snow leopard winced and his head shot around.

"Oh, I did not notice that there still was someone in here." He said and scratched his head. "We are at our final destination at 'Snow Valley."

"Snow Valley?" Vince asked in shock. He never had heard of this town. "But I was supposed to get off at 'Cannibury Main Station'."

The bus driver shook his head. "This is the opposite direction son. My bus does not go near there. Did you get on the wrong bus?"

Vince felt his tongue go numb. He got into a wrong bus? His parents told him to board this one. There had not been any other bus near the bus station they dropped him off. The bus driver noticed that Vince was shocked.

"You would have had to go to Mileton Station, not Middle Station." He said friendly and approached him. "But there is nothing we can do about this right now, is there? How about getting off the bus first and then we will see what we can do?"

Vince nodded and followed the bus driver. When he stepped out of the car he looked around. They were in a valley between high mountains and everywhere was snow. Being a city person Vince had not seen this much snow. It piled up over one meter and was blinding white and not dirty and muddy like in the city. Around the town, that only was a hand full of houses, there was a forest of conifers. Vince looked back the street that the bus came and saw a long snowy road that vanished between the mountains.

The bus driver led Vince to a house nearby and the boy was happy when they entered and the snow leopard started the fire in the chimney.

"First time away from the city?" the bus driver suddenly asked. Vince nodded and looked around in the room. It was comfortable with a few seats with pelts on them, a table and the chimney. With the warmth the chimney now produced Vince soon stopped to shiver.

"You can take off your coat and sit down. Now worries, for tonight you can stay here and then we will see how we get you back home, okay?" Vince nodded again and did like he was asked. He took off the coat and sat down at a comfortable seat. He was now looking at the bus driver that smiled warm. Vince always had been very reserved towards strangers and he felt miserable about getting on the wrong bus. When he thought about this and that he should have been with his uncle right now it hit him. His uncle must be very worried about him.

"Erm.... Mister..." he started shyly and the snow leopard also sat down. "...Softpaw, Brad Softpaw boy. But you can call me Brad. Everyone calls me that."

"Okay, Brad... I am... Vince Woods and my uncle... I was supposed to meet with him at..." he was looking for a clock but did not find one.

"Oh right, I nearly forgot. Do you have the phone number of your uncle?" Vince hastily checked the pocket of his luggage where he put the details of their agreement and the phone number and handed it to Brad. "I will call your uncle and explain what happened." He went off to another room and Vince could hear him talking on the phone. Then he entered the room with a big phone that looked very antique. It was attached to a long cable that went outside the room.

"Your uncle wants to talk to you." He mentioned and gave the phone to Vince.

"Hello? Vince are you okay?" - "No I am not. My assholes of parents dropped me off the wrong bus station and now I am in the middle of nowhere deep in snow." He shouted frustrated but then he noticed his tone and the raised eyebrow of Brad and lowered his voice. "I am sorry." He apologized to the old snow leopard and he just smiled and nodded.

"You should not talk about your parents that way." His uncle said with a stern voice. "I know uncle Jaimy. But What should I do now? Can't you come and get me?" - "Unfortunately I can't. I broke my leg and can't drive right now." - "Oh, I am sorry for you. Can't aunt Milly get me?" - "Unfortunately she is currently not home but I will ask her when she comes. Can you give me the name of the town?" - "I think it is 'Snow Village'!" - "Let me see...." Vince heard his uncle typing something on his computer.

"That is really bad." He said. "The town you are in seems to be high in the mountains over 300 miles from here. She will not be able to make it tonight." Vince groaned. He was stranded in a small town with strangers far away from home and no one could get him. "Don't worry. I will ask Mr. Softpaw if he can let you stay for today and tomorrow I will ask Milly if she can get you." Vince sighed in relieve. One day he could manage he thought. "Okay uncle Jaimy. Thank you. I love you." - "I love you too Vince. Please give the phone back to Mr. Softpaw, will you? I have to make sure he is okay with it."

Vince returned the phone and the snow leopard went outside again and talked to his uncle. A few minutes later he entered the room.

"I promised your uncle that I will let you stay tonight and make sure you are well. Tomorrow he will find a way for someone to get you." - "Does your bus go back tomorrow?" Vince asked in a sudden quick idea how to leave here. "I am sorry to disappoint you there. This was my last tour before Christmas." He looked at the face of Vince and added: "But if there is no other way we will find a way." He continued and smiled.

Vince yawned. Even though he slept in the bus he still was tired. Also with all that happened he felt exhausted now.

"I will have the guest bed ready in a few minutes." The old man said and left the room. Twenty minutes later Vince lay in a big and comfortable bed with warm pelts on it and tried to sleep. Even though he was very tired it took him over an hour to finally drift off into dream land. There was just too much that happened on this first December day.