Buster Finds a Friend

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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The story is dedicated to that unsung, largely ignored, but noble equine the humble mule. And it's also for Tpony and the Cookie Dragon, my biggest fans.

Buster Finds a Friend


William W. Kelso

My name is Buster and I'm a mule gelding. And as usual I was dozing in my stall, pretty much ignoring everything like I usually do. I don't really care much about what goes on in the rest of the world as long as I'm left alone. Frankly as far as I was concerned the world was a mean, cold, uncaring place. I can tolerate my equine companions at times, but I actively dislike the two legged animals who have been less then kind to me over the years. Anytime I can get in a good kick or bite I don't hesitate, and it gives me great pleasure whenever I do connect. I'm mean, I know it, and I don't give a damn. And no two-legger will ever put a saddle on me without my unleashing hell. For the first thirteen years of my life I had been a rodeo mule, my only purpose being to be abused and tormented. Once I was forced to jump from high places into small ponds of water, and I still have a terror of any large bodies of water. The two-leggers would make sounds of amusement while I was screaming and bellowing my terror, so I really don't like them much at all. No, I'm mean and I know it, but I feel I've earned the right to be. Leave me alone and I'll leave you alone. And I don't give any warnings before I bite or kick.

I had no way of knowing what had happened, but one day the two-legger who had been my master and owner since I was a Jack foal had run into financial problems, and been forced to sell his stock. He sold the entire lot of us in a "package deal" to the owner of a riding stable. All I noticed was much of the torment stopped and the stable was a nicer place, and best of all the feed was good and regular. But whenever the new two-leggers tried to put a saddle on me I freaked out as usual, as I was expected to do as far as I knew. I would tolerate a hackamore so I could be led to the paddock or pasture, but a bridle and saddle were out of the question. They tried a few times, but in the end I won much to my satisfaction. I'm mean. I also flat out refused to be hitched up to a cart or wagon, the very idea! Finally I was given a stall and left pretty much on my own, which was fine with me. I did mellow somewhat over time as the new two-leggers were much nicer then my old one, and I learned to appreciate being groomed and have one work on my hooves which now felt better than they ever had before. But that still doesn't mean I don't try the occasional bite or kick given the opportunity. But they're smart and it is rare I ever succeed, but not for lack of trying. I also didn't realize how lucky I was to have two-leggers that cared for me, even as mean as I am. I didn't know that they understood why I was the way I was, and didn't really blame me. They could see the scars and old healed sores on my flanks and around my mouth, and knew I had been badly treated. But sometimes I wonder if it could have been different, especially when I feel their gentle hands grooming me. But I'm onery and I won't change.

Then one day something happened that confused, and yet excited me in a way I had never felt before. I was dozing as usual in my stall, and it was a hot sleepy day. The two-leggers were saddling up some of my stable mates as usual, and taking them out to be ridden by other two-leggers. Have fun, suckers, I thought. I was almost asleep when suddenly I was aware someone was watching me! With an angry snort, mad at myself for being so careless, I reared back my head with my ears laid back and teeth bared. I would bite this unwelcome intruder if I could! At first I couldn't see anything, but then realized it must be in the blind spot just in front of me, and that made me even madder. I have 360 degree peripheral vision so it is almost impossible to sneak up on me if I'm alert, but I also have that blind spot in front because of my muzzle, and if anything gets close enough to hide in that blind spot it throws me into a panic and/or rage. So when I finally saw my unwanted visitor I very nearly took a chunk out of him, and anyone who's been bitten by me or another equine know how unpleasant that can be. But before I bit I stopped in surprise and confusion. There was a two-legger there, but it was a tiny thing! It had stepped back when I woke up, but now was just standing looking at me with big wide eyes. It must be a foal I thought, and I most certainly would not bite a foal! Equine or two-legger! I'm mean, but I'm not a bully! Besides, foals were nice things, and didn't treat me like other full grown equines did. So I stood and looked at the young two-legger, and he looked back at me. Stand-off! He made some two-legger noise, but I don't understand much of their sounds. I was aware of a nice smell coming from him, and curious I lowered my head a little and flared my nostrils trying to identify the scent and its source. He made some pleasant sounds I knew were two-legger amused sounds, and since they were nice they didn't bother me. There, the delightful smell was coming from something he was holding with his funny front legs! I tried to get at it, but he pulled it back at first, which made me snort in annoyance. But then to my surprise he gave it to me and let me take it from his paw. I was careful not to bite as I took the offered treat as that would be ungrateful. It was gooey and sticky but was the most delicious treat I'd ever had! And the little two-legger made more of his strange amused noises as I tried to get the rest of the gooey treat off the top of my mouth by opening my mouth as wide as I could and using my tongue. It was a great treat, but my it was sticky, and I had a hard time getting it loose! And when I finally managed to get the rest of the treat free and finish eating it the young two-legger reached up and started petting my muzzle! I froze at first, and almost snapped again, but the touch was gentle and smelled of the treat, and I somehow knew the young two-legger meant me no harm, and would not try to put a bridle or saddle on me. So I made soft contented sounds as he scratched my nose and stroked my head. And he made more happy sounds of his own. A short time later some of the adult two-leggers approached and pulled him away, which for some reason upset me, so I let them know it. I tried to bite the nearest one, but he jumped back out of reach. They talked with the young one for a short time, then finally led him away. As he walked away I noticed there was something strange on his legs, and for some reason I was concerned. I knew it wasn't right, that there was something wrong. I watched until I couldn't see him anymore, and I was strangely sad when he disappeared. I called softly, but he didn't come back. So I went back to my dozing, but found myself thinking about the young two-legger every now and then, and remembered the delicious treat. No one had ever given me a treat like that.


I was so excited when I heard that the Institute was taking us on a field trip to see horses! I had never seen one before in real life, just photos. But I had always loved them anyway. I loved to watch them running on the TV, and thought they were the most beautiful things I'd ever seen. I got up really early, and putting on my braces I was ready to go before anyone else was even fully awake. And I was sure to take my favorite Toy Story cowboy hat! When we arrived at the riding stable I was beside myself with impatience. I could smell the horses and hear them, and they smelled so nice! While the adults were talking and visiting I got even more impatient, so when I had a chance I sneaked off to find the horses. I entered a smaller stable, and wandered down the center isle looking in wonder at the stalls and other sights. I knew this was where the horses lived, but there were not any horses in the stalls. In fact most of the stalls were barren of even hay and looked abandoned. Since I was getting hungry I took out one of my PBJ's and started to eat. Disappointed, I was about to turn around and leave the barn when I suddenly saw the back of a horse over the top of the next stalls wall! Eagerly I shuffled quietly to the front of the stall because the horse was sleeping and I didn't want to wake it up. I just stood there and watched, and was a little confused as this horse was kind of ugly and had great big funny ears, and it was snoring!

And all of a sudden it woke up and it was really scary at first as it bared its teeth at me and made a scary sound, and I backed away and almost fell down. But then the horse finally noticed me, and it had a funny look on its face. But since it wasn't being scary anymore I just stood and looked at it. I thought it had really pretty big brown eyes. Then the horse lowered its head and started to sniff at me, and then it tried to grab my PBJ! I pulled it back out of reach, which seemed to make the horse upset, so I gave in and gave my sandwich to the ugly horse. It seemed a little surprised, but pleased and as obviously enjoying the sandwich. And it was so funny when it got the peanut butter stuck in the roof of its mouth! It opened up its mouth all the way and tried to scrape off the peanut butter with its tongue, and I started to laugh it was so funny! And I reached up and started to pet the horse on its nose, and it froze at first, but then let me do it and I think it liked what I was doing. So I kept petting and scratching the ugly horses face and nose, and it made funny happy sounds. All of a sudden I heard some voices calling my name and I knew I was in for it. When they saw me one of the cowboys got mad, and told me to "Get away from that mean old mule, or he'll bite you!" No he won't I thought, he's nice! But they pulled me back so I couldn't scratch him anymore, and it made him mad, but at the adults, not at me. Mr. Tony, who took care of us on the field trips, was really mad. "Billy, he said, you can't wander off like that! You might get hurt! Now come on, it's time to ride the horses!" I pointed at what I now knew was called a mule, and said "I want to ride him!". The men thought it was funny, and took me back to the horses and other kids. But as they took me away the mule was looking at me and he looked so lonely. I enjoyed the ride, I was on a nice horse named Sleepy, but I kept thinking about the ugly mule.


I was dozing as usual, and had pretty much forgotten the young two-legger, when suddenly I smelled that delicious smell again, the gooey treat! And looking up the young two-legger was there again! And I felt ridiculously happy about that, but was careful not to show it. But when he handed me another one of the awesome gooey treats I was even happier! It was the first time I could remember that a two-legger, other than my keepers, had visited me more than once, and with a great treat no less. And like last time I got a big glob of the gooey treat stuck in the top of my mouth, and as I tried to work it loose with my tongue the young one kept making those nice sounding sounds. And when I was done I lowered my head hoping he would scratch my nose again as it itched horribly, and he did! And it felt sooo good! I whickered in delight as he proceeded to scratch my ears too, and I blew in his face and nuzzled him to introduce myself, and he replied with more happy sounds. And we were so engrossed with one another neither of us heard the sounds of other two-leggers calling for him. But eventually the adult two-leggers came to take away the young one, and again I watched until I couldn't see him anymore. And this time I really was upset, and didn't know why.


Rick saw the crippled kid first, and he was back with that dangerous old mule again, and he was about to yell at the kid when Bob, the older hand told him to,


"Wait a minute Rick!".


"What, said Rick, that kids going to get hurt! You how mean that brute is!".


"No he ain't, look at the two of them! I've never seen old Buster let anyone touch him like that before! They're having a good time! Leave them alone!" But then he heard the other searchers approaching, and reluctantly he collected the kid, much to Busters displeasure, and took him back to the other handicapped kids. He liked his job working with the poor kids, and was glad the stable didn't charge them for the rides. He got a kick out of how happy the kids always looked, and liked the way they called him "Cowboy Bob" even though he'd never been t o Texas. But today he found himself thinking about the old mule, he had never seen Buster ever take to someone like that before, and he sensed there was something special there.


We were going to the stables again! I was so excited, and I would see my friend the ugly mule again! I made sure I had another PBJ stashed in my bag for him too. And as soon as we got there I said I had to go to the bathroom, but instead headed for the stable the mule was in. And he was still there! And seemed glad to see me, and I scratched him on his nose and face while he ate the PBJ, or tried too, it was so funny! And this time he let me scratch those big funny ears, and he was so happy while I was doing it. Then he blew into my face, PU bad breath, and kissed me some, and I laughed and laughed, it was so funny and he was so gentle! And I think he enjoyed it too. And when the men came to get me I didn't want to go, and it made my friend mad again. But I had to go, but this time I refused to get on any of the horses, and sulked in the van. I wanted to ride my friend!


It was some time again before the young two-legger came to visit me again, but this time I was waiting for him. I had heard the sounds of other young ones, and hoped he would be with them. And he was! I saw him as he entered the stable, and called out a greeting. He came to me as fast as he could with those strange things on his hind legs, and of course he had another sweet gooey treat for me! And again I let him pet and scratch me wherever he wanted, and it felt so nice. I was a little skittish when he opened the stall door and came inside, but I was more worried for him then myself. The young one was so small, and I was worried I might squish him! So I stayed perfectly still. He rubbed my sides and scratched the parts of my mane that he could reach, and I stood contentedly and let him do it. Then he sat down on a bale of hay in the corner of the stall I hadn't gotten around to eating yet, and fell asleep! I guess because it was so warm, and after the delicious treat and the nice scratching I felt sleepy too. I carefully approached him, and resting my muzzle on his shoulder I quickly dozed off too.


Bob had seen the crippled kid sneak off to see old Buster again, but hadn't said anything to anyone. But he followed to make sure everything was all right. He watched, amazed at how gentle the old mule was with the boy, and even when the boy opened the stall door and went inside he knew it would be OK. He listened as the mule made happy contented sounds, and the boy laughed, and he wondered. Later as he heard the angry adults start to search for the boy again he reluctantly entered the stable and went to collect the kid. He walked as softly as he could, not wanting to alarm Buster, and when he got to the stall he was thunderstruck! They were both sound asleep, the kid on a bale of hay and old Buster standing over him with his muzzle resting on the kids shoulder! Don't that just beat all! He thought. He was sorry to have to wake the kid, and thankfully Buster didn't get too upset this time.


They almost didn't let me go the next time we visited the riding stable, but I promised to be good and stay away from that "dangerous" animal! He was NOT dangerous, but they wouldn't believe me! But after we got there I disappeared as soon as I could and went to visit my friend. He was happy to see me again, and accepted the treat with a loud snort of pleasure. This time I went in his stall after petting and scratching his face and ears for awhile. I patted his big sides, and saw old scars there that made me sad, but his happy noises made me laugh some more. And he loved it when I scratched and ran my fingers through his mane. It was warm in the stall, and I realized I was getting really sleepy, so I sat down on a block of hay and slowly fell asleep. When I woke up the nice cowboy named Bob was calling me, and the mule was unhappy to see me go, but he didn't try to bite anyone again this time!


This time it was a long time before the young one came to visit me again, and I had started to think he never would again. And I became mean and upset, lashing out at anyone who came near me! They had taken my young friend away, and I was mad about it! Twice I broke out of my stall and went looking for him when I heard the sound of young ones, but he hadn't been there. I was so disappointed that I let the only other two-legger I would let touch me lead me back to my stall without complaint. I knew he liked the young one, and the young one liked him, so I tolerated him. And I became so sad and would doze and think about my young two-legger friend. And finally one day I saw the old two-legger open a side door to the stable, and I could see a pony tethered to the fence outside so I called to her, and she answered politely. Then the two-legger said something, and a second later my friend came in the door! And I let out a loud delighted "Whinne-ah-aw!" This time he didn't have a treat with him, but I didn't give a damn. He came to me as fast as he could move on his funny legs, and grabbed my muzzle in a tight hug to which I didn't object at all, and I nuzzled and lipped him snorting in pleasure. The adult two-legger stayed by the door, but I just ignored him. My friend came into the stall again, and this time he had a brush and even though he wasn't very skilled I still enjoyed the feeling. And he stayed with me a good long time, and when he had to leave I was sad, but was glad he had come, that was all that mattered. And later when the nice adult came to visit me I let him give me an apple, and decided I wouldn't even try to bite him. After all he had brought my little friend to see me!


I was so mad! The next time they went to the stables I couldn't come because I had been bad! I screamed and had a tantrum, but it didn't do any good! I finally calmed down, but I missed my friend! I had a photo the nice cowboy had taken of me and the ugly mule, and I looked at it and cried.

But next time they said I could go if I would be good, and I promised (lied). But when I got there they made sure I was on a horse and had an adult to watch out for me, and it made me so sad because I wouldn't get to see my friend after all. The man with me today was Cowboy Bob, and I was kind of surprised when he led me around the side of the building instead of through the big doors and down to the trail. Instead he tied up the horses reins to a fence, and helped me get off. Then he opened the door to the building, and I heard a mule bray, and I knew it was my friend! I gave Cowboy Bob a quick hug, and while he kept an eye out I was able to see my friend again. And he was glad to see me too! Bob gave me a horse brush, so I brushed Busters coat as well as I could, and he enjoyed it. And he kissed me some more, and slobbered all over me! It was gross, but I laughed and gave him big hugs and he squealed. And finally it was time to go, and he was sad, and watched me as I left. But I knew I would be back, and I think he did too!


Bob knew he might get fired for what he was doing, but decided he didn't care. He had tried to befriend the old mule several times, but all he had gotten in return was distrust and outright hostility. He knew the mule's history, and it made him mad that people could be so cruel. Their cruelty had ruined that mule for anyone, and he was good for nothing now. At least his employer felt sorry for the mule too, and would not have him euthanized. And all Bob could do was make sure his stall as clean and comfortable as possible. But then something had happened, which was to him a small miracle. One of the little handicapped kids who came once a month to ride for free had befriended the old mule, and to his surprise the old mule obviously loved the child! He had watched them together and been amazed at the rapport between the two. And when the kid had missed the last visit, Buster had become frenzied and tried to find him. But when he couldn't he had calmed down and was so dejected looking. So this time when the kid did come he made sure he got to visit his friend, and that Buster got to visit his friend too. And he had been touched by the mule's sheer joy at seeing his little friend. And he had watched as the two of them had touched and cared for one another. And when it was time to leave he got the kid back before anyone thought anything was wrong. Later when he went to clean Busters stall he offered him an apple, and instead of refusing or snatching it away with bared teeth, the mule had taken it gently from his hand.


I had greatly enjoyed my little friends visit, and was looking forward to the next one. I knew it would be a long time, but I waited patiently. I missed him so much. Every time I heard young two-leggs I would hope it was him, but was often disappointed. But finally he came again, and after the usual gooey treat I loved so much, we would visit and groom one another. Then today he did something that took me by surprise, and at first I didn't care for it. He slowly climbed on top of some bales of hay, moving awkwardly with those strange things on his legs, and climbed onto my back! I didn't know what to do! My first response was to buck and kick, but I could never think of hurting my little friend! Then I realized he wasn't wearing the metal things that hurt my sides so much when other riders had been on me. He was just happy to sit on my back, and his sounds of delight made me lose all my objections. Slowly I left the stall and walked carefully down the aisle, being as careful as I could so he wouldn't fall off. And then the nice adult came into the stable, and I could tell he was concerned so I stopped, much to my friend's disappointment. Then the adult approached me, and he had a bridle! At first I didn't want to cooperate, but then I saw it didn't have the metal piece, so I let him put it on me. Then he led me from the barn, and for the first time in my life I enjoyed having a rider on my back! It was a strange feeling! At first some other adult two-leggers seemed very mad about something, but as I headed down the trail after some other horses with the nice adult still leading me, they stopped making loud sounds. And I had the best time. For once I enjoyed being out in the fresh air, and it was the first time I had walked this trail before, and it was very nice. But best of all were the happy sounds coming from my little rider. And the horses seemed glad to see me for once. There! They would say, it's not so bad, is it! And I had to snort and agree with them for once.


I was bound and determined I was going to ride my friend today, no matter what! So when Cowboy Bob had to go to the boys room I managed to climb on Busters back for the first time. He stood stock still, and seemed to be frozen. It wasn't until much later that I realized what a stupid thing that was to do, but to everyone's surprise he didn't seem to mind it at all, and when Cowboy Bob put a halter on him and led him with a rope he went along carefully and slowly, making sure I wasn't in any danger of falling off. And boy, were the other adults mad!! But when they saw how gentle and careful Buster was being, even they realized it was something rare and special, and after that they no longer complained and Buster was reserved for me alone to ride.


For a very long time my friend would come to ride me, or just to visit. I don't know why he liked me so much, and I didn't care. All I knew was he did, and that was more than enough for me! Sometimes he didn't come for longer periods, but I was never very worried as I knew he would come back. I missed him horribly, but that just made the next visit even better! And the years passed and he grew up to be a nice adult two-legger and all the other equines like him too. He would bring treats for all of us, but he always had the special gooey one for me! And as I got older I was perfectly content as finally I had a rider who was also my best friend. And I would let no one else ride me, not even other young two-leggers. Like I said, I'm mean! Only he had that privilege! But other than that I was nice to the young ones because their laughter helped me to feel less alone when he wasn't there. After a long time my back and hooves started to hurt me sometimes, and eventually he stopped riding me which I missed terribly. But we would walk the trail together, and even after it was hard for me to see I always knew he was there. He never stopped coming to see me. And when I was so sick and hurt so bad he stayed with me all the time, and when I was hurting I would wake up and smell him there in the stall with me, so when I finally fell asleep for the last time I was a happy and content mean old mule.

And I like the place I'm in now, it's always nice and cool, and there are so many new friends. And I'm not old and tired anymore, and can see again! The grass is sweet and lush, and there are treats everywhere, but none so good as the ones my friend always gave me. It is very nice here, and the herd stallion is nice even to a mean old mule like me. But I'm not really happy as my friend is not here, but I know he will come for me one day. So I wait with others by the special gate that only opens when someone's friend comes to be with them, and I am so impatient! And sometimes I can even smell the special gooey treats he always brought me!


Eventually I was adopted despite my crippled legs, and modern medicine slowly helped to improve my condition until I could walk with only a cane for help. But before I let them adopt me, I made it clear I had to see my friend on a regular basis or I would run away to find him. And my step parents were good people, and they kept their promise. I was five year s old when I first met Buster, and came to love that big old ugly mule, and I knew he loved me too. He took me on rides as often as I was able to get to see him, and I knew he enjoyed them as much, if not more than I did. I was the only one he ever let ride him, he would not tolerate a saddle if I wasn't there. What that old mule saw in me I will never understand, but maybe he needed someone to love as much as I did, and how we found each other was just one of those small unexplained miracles. I continued to ride him until he was thirty three years old, and I was twenty-three. The only time I was ever away from him for very long was while I went to college, but I managed to come home at least once a month to visit my dear friend, and he was always so happy to see me. But finally the time came when he was too old to ride anymore, but I still kept visiting him and I never considered doing anything else. He was going blind too, but he always knew when I was there as he would smell the PBJ I always brought him, and call out happily. And we would visit for hours without even saying anything, both of us happy just to be together. And I would fall asleep sometimes, and when I woke up he always had his head on my shoulder.

He finally died of old age when he was thirty-five, and I was right there with him the last few days, sleeping in his stall and taking care of him. And I think he was happy and content as he passed away in his sleep peacefully, a little bit of peanut butter still stuck to his lips. And of course I cried and grieved, but most of all I was just grateful that I had had the love and trust of that ugly old mule, and he had made a little boy so happy when nothing else could. He had always been there for me. And I know if there is a heaven he'll be there waiting for the little boy who loved him so much, and I'm anxious to see him again. They had him cremated and buried him in the stables little cemetery as they took care of their friends even after death. I paid for a simple stone with an epitaph I know he would have liked, "BUSTER, Meanest Old Mule That Was Ever Loved".

And I always had an old photo of me on Busters back when I was five, wearing that stupid Toy Story cowboy hat, a big stupid grin on my face. I carried it in my wallet and had it blown up until it was fuzzy, and kept a framed print on my desk. And every now and then I would visit the cemetery and leave a PBJ on his grave. Years later I heard the old stable was going to be torn down, so I looked into it and ended up buying the whole place at a very good price as the old couple who owned it knew I would keep it going. I sold out my partnership in the company I had helped build for a very good price as it was very successful, and had more than enough to retire.

I was surprised to find that "Cowboy Bob" was still working there, and he took me and showed me something that really touched me. They had never let another horse use Busters old stall, and still hanging on a nail in the stall was his old halter with his name embossed on it that I had given him as a present when I was ten, and hanging on that nail too was my old Toy Story cowboy hat! How it had ended up there I never found out. And there was a brass plaque with his name on the door. I had the whole facility renovated and modernized, all but Busters stall. I left it exactly like it had been. And I changed the name from "Meadow Brook Stable", to "Buster's Memorial Riding Stables". And the stable is very successful. We do not charge for handicapped children to come and ride, and even then we still turn a healthy profit. And we have mules now too, and I'm sure Buster would approve. And sometimes I sit in his stall with a PBJ in my hand, and just remember. And I can feel him there with me.



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