An experiment gone wrong? Part 2

Story by Wisk_Sith_Kulux on SoFurry

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#2 of An Experiment Gone Wrong? (Old)

Second part of An Experiment Gone Wrong? Third part is ready to go for next week.

As you sleep you dream of the trials and test you went through in the laboratory. You stand at a distance watching a large creature with fangs, horns, and wings enter the domed room you are in. The wings on its back seemed to small to serve any real purpose to the beast. As its eyes lock on to you it charges in your direction. You do your best to dodge the attack by rolling out of the way, but it ends up clipping your left leg.

You power through the pain as it turns to follow up with another charge. Instead of rolling out of the way, you leap up and land on its back. It runs into the steel wall of the room in an attempt to knock you off and onto the ground. You cling on for dear life with your claws dug in its back. As it comes around for its next charge you take the opportunity to slice through it's tough hide.

You reach into the wound and start tearing and ripping flesh from the beast. The blood seeping out of the injury starts to take its toll after a while as it's breathing becomes more labored and it's staggers about. You reach in deep and grab what feels like it's spine. You pull and tare out a small section of it. It's movements come to a halt as it begins to topple.

You jump clear, rolling, and come to a kneeling position. You stand and limp away from the injury to your leg, but then the wound heals as you continue towards the exit of the dome arena. You smile knowing you've taking down another one of their beast in combat. You bolt awake, sweat clinging to your shirt as you look about the unfamiliar surroundings around you. You take a few deep breaths to calm yourself and pull the covers off.

As you do you noticed that your leg appears to be in a cast and the scratches that you have are bandage as well. As you take in the room you were in you take note the furnishings. There was a single bed, which you currently were in, a dresser, a study desk with chair, a chest of some sort at the foot of the bed, and a golden flower on top of the dresser. The room was cozier then any room you have ever encountered in you life so far. You recall the last events before you blacked out and remember two goat-like creatures.

"Am I in there home or am I hallucinating?" like on cue to answer your question you heard the door open and the child from before enter the room. If you remember correctly you believed his name was Asriel. You both just look at each other for a moment before he bounds over to the bedside, "Oh good you're awake. We were getting worried about you; you've been out for three day straight since we found you and at times be thrashing about in your sleep. You were feverish and we did our best to hold you down until you stopped."

You seemed to remember having a lot of dreams about your past as of late. Along with the fever it must have effected you more then normal. "So you said your name was Broderick, right? Did you fall down here after climbing Mt. Ebott? Why would you do that in the first place, don't you know about the legends?" You shake your head at his question, "No, this was is my first time to this area, I got lost while exploring and yes that is my name." You decide it was best not to tell him the real reason how you ended up down here.

"Well if you're feeling okay would you like something to eat? Mom will be happy to know your up and she's currently making lunch now." Your stomach growls as you remember it has been around four days since your last meal. You nod and attempt to stand, but Asriel stops you before you can, "Sorry, but you probably shouldn't be walking on your ankle. It was in really bad shape when we found you." You nearly forgot about the cast on your leg as you poke at, "It really doesn't hurt, I think I can manage on my own, but if you want I'll let you help me."

Before he could stop you again you hop up on your feet, adjusting to the cast as it caused you to be a bit off balanced. "See I'm fine, all that bed rest seems to help me recover." Asriel looks at you in disbelief, "I don't want to jinx it, but an injury like that should take more then three days to fully recover." You try to think about what to say without giving to much away. You weren't sure if you should trust him yet or not.

"No one knows why, but I always seemed to heal quicker then most people. It really has made things easier for me when I do get hurt." Again another lie, but not a complete one. He still giving you a questionable look. You put an arm around him, "Look if it'll put your mind at ease I'll accept some help. You said something about lunch and I could really go for something right about now." He just smile and nod as he helps support you.

You walk down the hallway taking in the house as you go. You both reach the kitchen where you notice the goat lady from before. Asriel speaks up, "Hi mom, our guest has woken up." She turns to face both of you, "Hello my child, my name is Toriel. I'm glad to see you have recovered, but you shouldn't really be walking around yet."

"I said the same thing, but he said that his leg didn't hurt anymore and he heals quickly."

"Even so, you should still take it easy until we are sure you have recovered enough to be doing so. Why don't you both take a seat at the table and I'll bring you some lunch." You both nod and do so. After being helped onto the chair, you turn to Asriel, "So I'm wondering, are you a goat?" Asriel looks at you confused for a minute, but smile, "No, I'm a monster, everyone in the underground is. You're the first human... now that I think about it, are you human?" you nod.

"But you have fur, a tail, and ear all of which resembles a cat. I mean I haven't seen a human up close before, but the ones in the books we have down here the humans look different then you do. Have humans changed since then?" You try to think what to say, "Um, well humans still look the same as from what are in those books. I'm probably the one exception to the rule, but I really don't want to talk about it." Asriel looks a bit sad, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring up anything that would make you uncomfortable."

"It's okay, I mean as it's your first time seeing a human and its my first time seeing a monster." Asriel perks up a bit, "Well can I ask you about the surface? What's it like? Tell me about things like the sun, the stars, the moon, and what different season are like." You just chuckle at his curiosity over these things, but to be truthful you hardly seen them yourself. "I wish I could tell you, but I sort of lived a sheltered life before falling down here. So what I did see was brief and I never got to take a lot of it in."

His tail and ears droop, "Oh, I'm sorry. Is that part of the reason you ended up down here?" You just decide to nod to the question not really in the mood to talk about it further. The food arrived after that which help steer the tension away from difficult subjects begin brought up. Once you were done with lunch Toriel looks over your ankle and notice all the swelling was gone along with all the scratches. You had a sheepish look on your face when she looked at you.

"My child, it seems you have fully recovered. I must say I never encountered a human who healed this quickly before." This caught your interest, "So you met humans before?" She nods, "Before we came to live down here monster lived in peace with the humans on the surface, but war broke out and humans nearly wiped out all monsters. A few humans who were friends even during time of war helped as many of us as they could and sealed us down here with a barrier."

You cocked your head as you asked, "What barrier? Is it like a fence or something?" She chuckles, "It is a magical barrier that humans from long ago had placed to keep us down her."

"So your saying you can't leave and that everyone down here is trapped? Wait, is that including me as well?" They both nodded and Toriel spoke, "That's right my child and there is only two ways that one can get through the barrier. One is the power of seven human souls to break the enchantment or a Soul that is a fusion of both a monster and human Soul."

"You mean like a spirits or ghost type Souls?" They both chuckled again and you were even more confused. Asriel reached up to his chest and you see a small upside down gray heart appear in front of him, "This is a Soul and is the culmination of your very begin." You blink at it for a second, "Huh, so I have one as well. Is it like yours?" Toriel shakes her head, "Human Souls are more stronger then monster Souls and can persist after death. When a monster dies they're Soul along with there body will turn to dust. With the exception of a select few monsters which are referred to as, "Boss monsters." Their Souls can remain after death for a few seconds before they will shatter and turn to dust."

This was all new information to you, "I think this is all going to take some time to adjust to, but I think I understand everything you've told me so far."

"So my child, I would like to ask what kind of education you had up on the surface. I would like to come up with a curriculum for you while you stay with us down here."

"I don't even know what curriculum means or education." Toriel let out a gasp in disbelief, "Are you saying you haven't had any schooling up on the surface?"

"I led a sheltered life for the most part. I hardly saw much other then the four walls of my room." Toriel got up, "Well that won't do, I won't let a child, especially one of your age go any longer without an education." Your cast was removed by you the next day and then weeks went by as Toriel was laying into you heavy on different subjects like math, science, history, social studies and geography.

At times it felt like your brain was going to melt.

You laid you head down on the desk of the book you were reading and took a break from your studies. Toriel had been looking over your shoulder most of the time. You weren't sure how much time has went by since you started today. You thought to yourself, "It had been a while since Toriel has lasted checked up on me." which was odd. You stand up making you way over to the open door and enter the hallway and as you do you see Toriel standing down the hall a bit with a worried expression.

You walk up to her, "Toriel what's wrong? You look like something is bother you."

"I've been looking for Asriel, I sent him to pick up some supplies in Snowdin, but he's yet to return and its getting late." This got you worried, all the time you spent with the Dreemurr family you've grown attached to them, Asriel most of all. You run back into you shared bedroom and slipped on your shoes. You run past Toriel as you call out, "I'll go look around for him, I'm sure he just lost track of time or something."

She was about to say something, but you were out the door before she could. You could check the underground quickly, but still thought it wise to get some help. You made your way down to the training room where a blue fish-like monster by the name of Undyne was working out. She was new a new trainee for the Royal Guard and you only knew it was her from Asgore. She was being very loud and destructive.

You weren't even sure how to approach her and just decide to go for it and walked up to her, "Um, Undyne could I talk with you for a minute?" She stops beating the tar out of one of the dummies long enough to talk to you, "What the hell do you want? Can't you see I'm busy training." You explain the situation to her, "So I was hoping you could help me search for Asriel."

She puts her hand to her chest, "Of course I'll help, anything I can do to help the King and Queen. We'll find the missing Prince in no time with my help." She charges out of the room before you could talk about where to look for him and sigh. "Well Undyne knows the underground better then I do, but we still should have agreed on a place to meet back up at." You've been keeping a little ability you had from the Dreemurr's, but at the time you still didn't trust them.

Magic wells in your legs as your off like a blur. This ability you have hastened your speed and could allow you to run the entire underground in seconds, but your lack knowledge of every nook and cranny which is why you got Undyne's help. You did get out and play with Asriel and decided to check those areas first, but no luck.

After a while of checking all the normal spots you knew about, you decided to back track. You knew of another route back home, but Asgore and Toriel told you both to avoid it. You run to the rickety old bridge and look around. As you begin to cross you swore you saw something white below. Your face goes pale, "Oh god, please say that isn't Asriel." You move to where you had a better view below and swear under your breath, "Shit." You bolt back to the rock face as you remove your shoes.

Using the claws on you hand and toes you extend them. You embed them into the rock and slide down the rock face, allowing you to slide down at a controlled pace. Once you were at the bottom you make your way over to Asriel, contents scattered all over as he laid unmoving. You check for a pulse, it was different, but still felt like what is a pulse and give a sigh of relief. You notice his head had landed on a rock which explained a lot.

You saw blood of a different nature it was gray instead of red. Your hands are shaking and mind race as you decide on the next course of action. You didn't want to move him in case he had a concussion. You could try that spell, but never had much success with it in the past. You take a deep breath and focus, "Just this once, please work." You place you hands on his head gently.

Word race through your mind as a green aura forms around you hands. It takes all your concentrating to maintain the spell, your breathing is labor and sweat is drenching your clothes. It felt like forever, but it had only been a few minutes as you hear a groan. You slowly open your eyes and the spell diminishes. You see Asriel stir and his eyes open as he looks around confused.

"H-Hey B-Broderick, what happened?" He try to sit up, but winces and just stays where he is. "You seemed to have taken a nasty fall. I think I manged to heal the worst of your injuries, but..." You look down and see his leg is pretty banged up, "I don't think you be able to walk much on that leg of yours."

You continue to check him over, "The good news is, it seems nothing is broken so I should be able to carry you out of here."

He chuckles lightly, "For someone who didn't have an education before you sure seem like you know a lot about injuries."

"Yeah, let's just say I got hurt a lot when I was growing up." You tear your sleeve from you shirt and cut it into strips with your claws and bandage his head with it. "Even though you head should be fine that was the first time I cast that spell successfully." He was going to ask what you meant by that, but you pick him up gently and made your way towards the rock face you came down. It was funny how light he was, even more so then anything else you came across in your life.

As you summon the magic needed to activate your ability to increase your speed you suddenly felt dizzy and collapse to a knee. You saw the look on Asriel face and smile not to worry him, but something was wrong. Asriel noticed your face was pale and you were sweating a lot. You hoist yourself back up and resume walk as you try again, but again you stumble and this time drop on both knees. "Broderick are you okay? You really don't look so good, your face is pale and you're sweating a lot."

You didn't say anything as you gently set Asriel back on the ground and slump to your side. You look at him beside you as you tell him, "I'm sorry Asriel, it seems I won't be able to get us home after all." with that you pass out from exhaustion. Asriel rolls on his side reaching out with his hand as he gently shakes you, "Broderick, what's wrong? Please say something." Tears form in his eyes as he begins to shout out for help, but his voice begins to crack and give out with more time.

He just lays there crying and the he hears someone shout from above, "Hey, you two okay down there? Give me a second and I'll be down to help you." Asriel looks up and notices Undyne as she makes a ladder down to the bottom with her spears. When she gets to the bottom, Asriel succumbs to his injuries and slumps over you and passes out himself. Undyne easily picks both of you up in one arms, walks back over to the rock face and climbs back up to the top.

She darts off looking down at both of you as she makes her way back to the castle, "Don't worry you two, I'll make sure you get home, but just do one thing for me and don't die on the way." You slowly stir awake and realize you're back in your room on your bed. You look across the way and notice Asriel had been patched up more properly and his leg has been tended to. You sit up and slowly make your way over to Asriel. As you do you still felt dizzy and stumble a bit, but manage to regain your balance.

Reaching out you caress Asriel's head fur and run you hand gently down his ear. "Well it seem we survived that mess. Toriel must have been freaking out when she saw the state we were in. Guess Undyne or someone manage to find us after my failed attempt at a rescue." You make you way to the door and quietly head out. You head down the hallway and make your way to the kitchen. You could smell something pleasant in the air as you do. As you enter you just caught Toriel pulling a pie out of the oven and set it on the counter.

You walk over and pull gently on here robe, "Morning Toriel, what kind of pie is that?" Startled at first she looks down and notice you standing there. She reaches down and wraps you in a hug, "My child you had me worried. When Undyne brought you both in I feared the worst, but I'm glad your both are okay. As for what kind of pie I made it is a butterscotch and cinnamon pie." Your month was watering at the sound of that.

Your moment of salivating over the thought of the pie was interrupted when Toriel spoke again, "My child could you tell me what happened after you left the house?" You explain the events that took place up until the point that you passed out. "I see, I wasn't aware that you could cast magic, but maybe I can help you practice so you don't put such a strain on yourself the next time you have to use it."

You gave he a quizzical look, "Do you know how to cast magic as well?" It never came up in any conversation since you been down here. She nods, "Yes my child, in fact all monster can use magic to some degree." She holds out her hand and produces a small flame. You were surprised at first, but got to thinking, "If Toriel and other monster can use magic like I can then I'll have someone to teach me instead of figuring out on my own."

You knew a couple of spells, the recently(barely) working healing spell, and a lightning spell. You also have two abilities that ran off magic, but one was passive for the most part. Your body is able to naturally regenerate at an alarming rate and your speed ability. Of course your other spells required incantations to cast, unlike your abilities. Toriel waited patiently for your answer on if you wanted help with your magic or not.

"It would be nice to have some help with learning magic."

"That's great to hear you say. Asriel will be happy to have someone to practice with." You think about what she said, "Hmm, I'm going to have to ask what kind of magic he can use later." Toriel then asked, "My child would you like some pie? It should be cool enough to have some now."

"I would, but if it's okay with you I rather wait until Asriel is awake to have some too." She gets up and pats you on the head, "That's fine my child, if you could, can you check up on him?" You get up out of your chair and make your way back to the room, but stop as you head back and give Toriel a hug. Your cheeks blush a bit, "I really do appreciate everything you've done for me since I feel down here. I love you m-mom." You quickly run off towards the bedroom and close the door behind you. She blinks at what you said, "Did he just call me mom?" A smile forming on her face.

You press your back to the door cheeks still flushed. It still felt weird to call Toriel your mom.

You look up and notice Asriel sitting up in his bed looking at you, "You okay Broderick? Your face is kind of flush, do you have a fever?" You shake your head, "N-no, I-I kind of called, "Toriel" M-mom." You take your two index fingers pressing them together, looking down at the floor as the red in you cheeks deepen a little more.

Asriel giggles at your shyness and embarrassment from this, "Well she did say it was alright to do so, but you just kept calling her Toriel. So does that mean were officially brothers?" You look dumbstruck, how did things suddenly escalate to this point. You were still trying to recoil from calling Toriel mom and now Asriel was asking you if your brothers. You just didn't know what to say and stutter out a reply.

"I-I guess so A-Asriel, t-this is still s-so new to me. I-I've just never had a f-family like M-mom, D-dad, and y-you before. So I'm still taken aback from it all." Asriel gets to his feet and walks over to you, "You just said, "Dad" too. You don't have to keep calling me Asriel now that were brothers. If you like you can call me, "Azzy" for short. I'll call you, "Bro" for short. It works out since that's the first three letters of your name."

Your face is probably like a tomato by now, your mind trying to make sense of what transpired in such a short time. Asriel limps over and gives you a hug, "Thanks for coming to my aid, even if the rescue plan didn't work out as you intended. You still come and did your best, also I was awake before you and Undyne explained that you asked her to help looking for me. So you still got us both rescued because you planned ahead."

You smile as you now wrap your arms around your new brother and begin giggling, "I guess things did work out, but tell you the truth I'm surprised Undyne found us as quickly as she did. Though she must have been thinking along the same lines as I was checking the alternate route home." Azzy pulls back still smiling, "Well I was yelling for help and there's a decent echo in that area. I'm sure that helped some. She wasn't 100% sure, but she said, "I thought I heard someone, but it was so faint. Once I got closer I definitely knew I heard a cry for help."

You both start laughing at this point, "Some rescue, huh. I ask Undyne to help locate you, I find you and head down to rescue to end up passing out, which lead you to call out for help, which in turn got Undyne to rescue us. It came around full circle." Your both laughing at how funny it is. It something you both probably shouldn't be laughing about, but after what you both went though you need this.

"So how's you leg? Is it still hurting?" Asriel looks down at his leg then back at you, "It's still hurts some, but not as bad when you first found me. I can get around the house fine I think." You shake your head and put his arm around your shoulder. "Don't push yourself I'll help you. Mom's made pie and I want us both to be there to have a slice."

"You shouldn't push yourself either Bro, you don't look a hundred percent yourself."

The day pressed on as you help Asriel to the table and each of you enjoy a slice of pie. It got easier to call Toriel your mom and Asgore dad. The first time you called Asgore dad he was surprised like Toriel, but ends up smiling about it. Things seem to be going well for you as a couple of months rolled by. Your past made itself know every now and then as you slept. Reminding you of the horrors you faced in the lab during your time there.

That night you had a dream about a beast that had vines with little mouths each with razor sharp fangs dripping with acidic-saliva from them. The beast itself had no visible head just a giant maw attached to a body with rows of teeth. It had four legs on it's body with twelve inch looking claws. It ran at you to close the distance as its vines lash out. You dodge and weaved through them avoiding what you can.

You miscalculated and it smack you with its front leg sending you hurtling into the steel wall. You struggle back to you feet as the fresh gashes across your chest drip blood to the ground below. It was on and you couldn't react fast enough, "this is it" you thought to yourself. As you close your eyes waiting for the end, words came to you and at the end of the incantation you swing your arm down shouting, "LIGHTNING ARK!" Energy collected above it and then struck the beast. It let out a horrifying blood curdling roar before its charred husk toppled over. Your eyes still closed you begin to slowly open them and see the sizzling remains of its corpse.

The doors open and you walk towards them. You bolt up right sweat pouring down your face, drenching your shirt, your breathing heavy, you look over and see Asriel on the bed looking at you.

He reaches out and pulls you into a warm loving hug, you begin to relax and your breathing slowly returning to normal. You put your head against his chest and listen to his heart, the calming rhythm you heard was relaxing. Your eyes shut as you let the peaceful warmth carry you away.

Asriel laid down with you and pulled the blanket over you both. "It's okay Bro, your okay. I'm right here for you, I'll always be here for you." caressing your head as you both fall back to sleep.

An experiment gone wrong? Part 3

You awoke in the morning facing a sleeping Asriel with his mouth slightly open and drool pooling on the pillow. You couldn't help, but to give a slight chuckle at the sight. You gently with the reflexes of a cat manage to get free from Azzy arms...

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An experiment gone wrong? Part 1

AN EXPERIMENT GONE WRONG? * * * **Welcome and Greeting to everyone,** **Welcome to my story and AU for Undertales, An experiment gone wrong? Not the best title, but I was never really good with coming up with names for stories.** **This little...

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Pokemon Mayhem Episode 1

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