The Cold

Story by SoloAvatar on SoFurry

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#3 of Chronicles of Life, Lust, and Love

Sorry about the wait I had to give up lots of sleep to get this one out, so I hope you enjoy. Thanks to everyone who has commented on my stories so far. The more comments I receive the more motivation I have to put out other quality stories. So keep the posts coming! Enjoy!

So there is no doubt in my mind that something is there between Philipp and myself. I'm not sure what to do right now. Should I pursue his friendship, his body, or a relationship I don't understand?


The ride back home was very long, having traveled quiet a distance for the first part of our journey. No visual senses were available to take away the long passage of time that lay ahead of us as we cruised towards home. The buildings on the side of the freeway were nothing more then ominous shadows against the backdrop, and the glare from all the lights made it impossible to make out any stars in the sky. What was left was simply a sea of red taillights that stretched down the multiple lanes of traffic as far as the eye could see.

Having not planned our excursion very thoroughly we were forced to coop with the chilled air as its blades easy pierced through our single layer of cloth and fur at these speeds. I didn't really care, my body feeling numb after forcing myself to remember the painful past making me more or less immune to the frosty effects of night riding. Philipp on the other paw was suffering from the cold as he gripped the front of my torso, pulling himself close to my body for protection against the wind. Creating an ever so small amount of warmth against my back where his body rested.

Philipp's paws eventually worked their way under the base of my shirt for additional protection and offering him something to occupy his time as he slowly caressed my stomach and the muscles underneath. Gently running his digits along the peaks and valleys of the muscles that lay captive to his sensual touch. Causing a shiver to pass through me and slowly pulling me out of my numbed state and into his wonderful embrace. I began to shiver, but not from the cold, rather from the pleasure his casual touch sent through me. Feeling myself start to get hard from the contact and the vibrations of the bike I started forcing myself to push the pleasure to the back of my head, least I succumb to him completely and lose control of the motorcycle.

Arriving at home we pulled into the garage and discovered how sore we were from the long hours of riding. Stretching my legs a bit I placed our helmets on the work bench. My eyes met Philipp's briefly as he turned to stiffly walk towards the door to the house. Only making one stride before I grabbed his fuzzy tail stopping him in place. Turning him around I pulled him close, wrapping my arms firmly around him while burying my muzzle in his neck. His masculine scent making my head light as I held him, only then noticing that his arms had embraced me as well in a simple hug.

Pulling away slight, but not enough to break my grip on his half exposed torso I looked into his perfect brown eyes before softly uttering. "I hope you had a good time today."

He pulled me close again under his powerful arms and whispered in my ear in that sultry German accent of his "It was a perfect day, I could have asked for nothing better." Giving my neck a soft kiss before releasing me, leaving me unguarded from the dazzling light show that filled my vision as the blood rushed to my head from the little display of affection.

I hadn't even conceivably recovered before he smiled softly at me and taking my paw in his he lead the way into the house. My eyes gazing at the tight jeans before becoming transfixed on his tail as it shook back and forth as he led the way.

The house unfortunately was about as cold as we were. I must have left a window open somewhere. But determined as I was to aid our cold bodies, I reluctantly released Philipp's paw as I walked towards the kitchen, turning back as I did to gaze on his beautiful canine features. His eyes telling me of his pain to be separated even by the short distance as he adjusted his stride to take a seat at the bar in the same tall wooden chair he used earlier.

Putting a kettle on to boil I turned to him and reached for his paw which he freely offered. Slowly rubbing my thumb on the back of his paw I said "I'm making some hot chocolate for us. You have to be freezing because I know I am, and nothing takes the chill away better than some European sipping chocolate." I gave him a slight wink.

Philipp smiled softly with that perfectly shaped muzzle of his before saying. "You are to kind to me, what did I ever do to meet a person so kind and thoughtful?" Pulling his seat closer so he could lean on the counter in a more relaxed fashion.

Chuckling lightly I replied "Well if you never went on that drinking binge we never would have met." It only seemed funny for a second until I realized why he went on that drinking spree. He seemed to catch it as well and my eyes had to look away, ashamed of bringing back that painful memory he confided in me of walking in on his live in boyfriend yiffing another fur in his own bed. An awkward silence fell on the conversation. Digging deep into myself and forcing the shame away I barely heard the word leave my own muzzle. "Sorry." Was all I could manage. Releasing my paw he reached under my chin and tenderly lifted my head to make me look at him again. Pain and sadness was evident on his expression, like a god taking pity on a mortal for his sins.

"Angel, don't be sorry." He said in an all too forgiving tone. "We can't change the past, and while it still hurts on the inside. I feel like I'm where I should be in order to speed the recovery." My eyes lost in his as he still held my head captive. I think I swooned, I'm not sure why. But I was only made aware that I had when the whistle on the kettle started going off.

Giving one last look into his eyes he winked at me before letting me go, smiling as he did so. Parting those few extra feet from him I went to work creating our salvation from the chilled air. Using the last of my chocolate mix as I finished off each mug with a slow stir that left the thick chocolate perfect. (In my humble opinion anyway.)

Turning quickly to give Philipp his cup at the bar, I hadn't noticed that he had padded up right behind me in the kitchen apparently watching as I intently made our drinks. Ramming right into him the hot chocolate exploded out of the cup all over his front and the floor. Cursing loudly I put the cup down and reached for a cloth to wipe the hot drink off before it burned him.

The hot chocolate slowly ran down his furred chest and shirt onto the tight fitting jeans giving him a rugged look, like he'd been working in the dirt. His fur clumping and matting as I helped him wipe away the liquid secretly enjoying getting to pet his body and feel the contours of his muscles. Uttering apology after apology as I secretly molested his fur, Philipp just laughed and said. "You shouldn't be sorry, I should have just stayed seated where I was. And besides my fur is thick enough that I didn't get burned." Chuckling to himself he continued "I see only one problem. There is only one glass of chocolate left."

Both our heads turned to the one remaining glass as I wadded up the soiled towel and tossed it in the deep two sectioned porcelain sink. Padding over I picked up the mug of hot chocolate and in a moment of insight I got an idea. "Well that is a problem isn't it? One mug and two furs." I said seductively.

Taking the spoon I scooped some of the heavenly delight and offered it up to his muzzle. He accepted and took the spoon, murring as he cleaned all the goodness off. "That is utterly divine, and the perfect temperature as well." He said. Smiling I brought the mug up to my muzzle and took a sip. He was right, completely perfect. Taking a step closer to Philipp I offered him the mug, a deep purr rumbling from my chest at my apparent approval. Watching him take a sip as he savored the flavor and then comically licked his muzzle clean, not wasting a drop. Making up for the dark brown coloring that had be added to his coat by the early cup of chocolate.

I felt my cock started to get hard as I watched him take another sip. Who could have thought that drinking chocolate could be sexy? But my eyes continuously searched his entire body. His well defined chest and abs exposed through the unbuttoned shirt that was a bit too tight for him, and the jeans which were tight enough to expose his canine sex to prying eyes. Then of course there was the way his ears pressed against his head when he took a drink. I felt myself sigh at the sight of him.

We continued to trade the chocolately goodness back and forth that we shared in delight. Not even bothering to sit down or leave the kitchen. Every time he took a sip I tried to burn the image into my brain. Wanting forever to remember how he looked and smelled and to never let it end. Sadly though, we finished the glass all too soon. Philipp cleaning the last drops out with his tongue. I chuckled at the sight as his long tongue removed all the tasty treat.

Putting the glass down on the counter he took me by the paw and pulled me into his warm embrace. Our bodies connecting like two puzzle pieces destined to be together. Philipp licking a drop I had missed off my muzzle making my maleness instantly hard as a rock. We both laughed before staring at each other for a moment. Then leaning into his neck I tenderly kissed it. Feeling him shudder from the sensation as he pulled me tighter kissing my neck in return as well. His paw resting on my back and I left a soft moan of pleasure escape.

In a moment I wanted never to end he finally released me. "Not that I want to end this." He said as if he read my mind "But, I should probably clean myself up a bit." Looking down at himself. We both chuckled at the dried chocolate on his fur. Hesitantly nodding in approval I told him to go right ahead. He reluctantly released his grip on me before heading to the guest bedroom across the way.

Cleaning up the mess in the kitchen I happened to look up and saw Philipp removing his cloths just past the doorway, absently forgetting to close the door behind him. Facing away from me he never noticed that I had stopped working, my eyes wide as they strained to make out every detail of his tantalizing body. The shirt coming off slowly and being tossed away, leaving the perfect V-shaped back bare, the muscles flexing as he stretched and rubbed his left shoulder. I felt the drool pool in my muzzle as I watched him undo the jeans and tug them down. Stepping out of them exposing his naked well formed bubble butt, his tail wagging back and forth briefly. He stood there for a long moment, looking down and picking at something on his chest, probably an annoying clump of chocolate. Finally taking a stride into the bathroom briefly exposing his ball sack dangling between his well defined muscular legs. Sadly the image was gone by the obscured bathroom, then hearing the door close and eventually the shower turning on I knew it was not going to happen again like that.

I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming... Nope, still awake, then standing to adjust my maleness that was now painful in its tight confines. A deep purr escaping as pre soaked into the material from the strip tease I had just seen without his consent. While looking down at my crotch I noticed that some chocolate had gotten on my shirt while we hugged. Hopefully the drycleaners could get it out, and after cleaning the kitchen I removed the shirt and tossed in my dirty laundry. Closing the open window that was the cause of the cold air in the house I then preceded to the sunken living room with the thick soft carpet and the fireplace. Stepping around the light brown suede love seat and sofa that I loved so much, making my way towards the stone fireplace. I turned on the natural gas making small flames erupt from the decorative logs, and instantly adding warmth to the room.

Taking a dark brown pillow off the loveseat and pushing the ottoman towards a corner of the room. I laid down in my favorite spot on the floor in front of the fire and let the heat penetrate my thick fur, propping my head upon the soft pillow. Stretching out I was lost in the heat of the fire on my black fur, my hard on slowly going down as I tried not to think about Philipps naked body.

Hearing a noise on the wood floors above, I turned my gaze to a damp husky walking towards me. My heart stopped... His bare chest rounded and well shaped exposed, even showing off his pink nipples that stood erect against the fur. His six pack of abs defined as the muscles pointed the way towards the only hidden place on his body. Wrapped around his waist was a lavender colored towel. Neatly tucked and held in place around his hips. The cloth dangled to just above his knees giving him the appearance of tribal warrior in a loin cloth as he took the few steps into the sunken living room and grabbing a pillow of his own he lay down next to me.

His fur smelled of a gentle perfume from a shampoo I left in that guest bath. Leaving the air filled with it as his fur continued to dry from the fire. Letting out a yawn was all I could manage, feeling so exhausted from the long day of travel and comfortable and relaxed as I was now. Catching the infection from me, Philipp let out a wide yawn of his own. Curling an arm around me he snuggled up to my back, his slightly damp body a pleasant change from the hot fire. Kissing the back of my neck I released a soft purr as my eyes closed to the happy darkness that was sleep.

The next morning I opened my eyes, the fire had turned off automatically but the house still remained warm despite it. Philipps arm was sadly no longer wrapped around me and I feared he had left me shortly after I had fallen asleep. Turning onto my back I felt my arm brush up against his furred muscular arm reassuring me of his presence, and causing a slight whine to escape him as my gaze turned towards him.

There he lay, perfect in every way on his back. My groggy eyes quickly noticing that the towel that protected his naked form had come undone during the night and lay underneath him on the floor. Leaving his entire body exposed to my prying eyes. I couldn't help but instantly become aroused as I saw his case of morning wood. His length of hard canine meat was extended outside the sheath, glistening in the morning light. The dark veins running across the engorged flesh added both a naturalness and a seductive color to the flesh colored organ. His slit shimmering with the few drops of pre that already were escaping onto his abs. His perfectly shaped two furry ball lay dangling between his strong thighs, the two orbs which I only glimpsed for an instant the previous night. And standing out more prominent against his furred groin Philipps knot had already formed and grown to full size at the base of his shaft outside of sheath. The size of canine knots always intrigued me, thought I've never been fortunate enough to have ever taken one with any of my previous canine tricks. The knot seemed almost unmanageable even to my well seasoned ass hole. But I would be more then willing to trying it out at least once.

As my gaze slowly parted with his maleness I looked over every detail moving up his body, capturing his breath and even noticing the slight movement of the fur where his heart beat. Only to short did I peer at this then I caught the shiny reflection of the light off his eyes which had patiently been watching me molest his body. Our eyes met and my heart sounded loud in my ears as I released he had set me up for this.

After a long moment of gazing in the brown spheres into his soul, I leaned forward my eyes closing and pressed my muzzle to his in a tender kiss which was immediately returned by his, sending waves of pleasure as the tender flesh met his. My paw rising to his head holding him to my ravenous lips as I felt the electricity like sensation pass through my body and overwhelm my senses. I was fortunate we were lying down or I would have blacked out from the intense sensations. The tenderness of his lips was only matched by the touch of his paw on my side as he ran his paw down my side and up my back, causing that familiar loud deep purr to escape from me.

After an indescribable amount of time, I pulled back from his kisses. Opening my eyes and looking into his. Bliss was written across his face and a shudder passed through him. Smiling at Philipp I could only stare at him. "That was incredible." He said leaning over me as he kissed my neck, face and finally my muzzle.

Lowering my paw from the back of his head I followed the form of his body. Sliding slowly down his neck and shoulders, across his chest and abs before gliding past his cock towards before lightly grabbing his balls in my paw causing him to jump. Grinning at him I said "These feel sooooo full, we should take care of them. It must be painful."

Chuckling Philipp gave me a light kiss on my muzzle before replying "It's only because of you they feel that way. It was horrible having to ride behind you for so long yesterday. Your bike made me hard as a rock for those hours, and then I had to feel your body. Plus your helmet smells like you, which made it so I could only think of you."

Releasing his ball I slide my paw up and ran a digit across the tip of his cock, removing a warm drop of pre causing him to shudder from the sudden sensation. Then bringing my paw to my maw I tasted his essence... Pure bliss is the only way I can describe his smoky sweet and salty taste. His eyes watching in wonder as I licked my digit clean of his juice savoring every bit while letting out my sounds of approval. I leaning in quickly and licked his nose, causing both of us to laugh before our muzzles locked again in a kiss.

His paws exploring my body before ending at the buttons to my jeans, undoing them easily with his skilled digits, and then sliding his paw inside to fondle my erect cock. Squeezing the sensitive organ slightly causing a gasp to escape me before he released his grip.

Taking the opportunity I slowly slide the tight fitted jeans down my legs, and then tossed them towards the kitchen. "That's what I've been waiting to see again." He complemented. "I don't remember seeing you naked very well from when I was so drunk. I've been fantasizing about your body under those cloths."

Smirking, I rubbed my body against his, our meat rubbing against each other as moans poured out of us. "At least you got to see it once before, I was ready to start humping the walls you've had me so turned on since I met you. Every time I look at you, I dream about you naked." I whispered against his ear.

With an unexpected effort Philipp rolled himself on top of my body. My paws rubbing and feeling every divot on his naked body. "I want you so bad, it's painful" I called, digging my claws into him enough to get attention, but not to break hide.

Smiling at me with his godly good looks, Philipp said "Well, where do you want me to do you?" a grin on his muzzle he could hardly contain. "Right here" I grinned right back at him. "I keep a small box under the ‘love seat' with lube in it for special occasions like this."

Philipp giving me a coy look before we both laughed, and Philipp crawled off my longing body long enough to reach under and retrieved the small wooden box. Opening it and pulling out its contents, a bottle of Astroglide lube (The only lube to use for gay sex.) Popping the top he applied the slippery substance to this digits before gently rubbing my tail hole, teasing my hole with gentle flicks and circles around my private opening. The extra sensation causing my deep purr to erupt from my chest. Philipp even going as far as to play with the sensitive spot underneath where the tail and rump meet, causing me to call out his name in lust.

Reaching around, I awkwardly started fondling his cock. Feeling the pointed tip of the canine meat, and rubbing the pre around the smooth shaft as I felt the bulging veins and learning its contours which I knew would cause me intense pleasure. Finally ending at the knot which was still completely formed, running my digits around its sensitive curves causing Philipp to shudder in response.

Philipp pulled away and began chuckling happily as he began to pour more lube onto his canine cock. I raised my legs up pulling them towards my chest with paws to give him easy access to my hole and wrapping my tail around his leg as he moved forward straddling the furry appendage. Leaning forward he easily found his mark and his pointed tip gently pressed against my tight pink pucker applying only enough pressure to keep himself in position without forcing his meat inside. Lifting my head up I kissed him passionately as I forced my sphincter to relax allowing his cock to gain access into my velvet soft awaiting passage.

We both moaned loudly as he slid all the way in a single thrust, my head falling against the pillow as my eyes rolled back into my head in pleasure. Philipp resting patiently giving my body time to adjust to his intrusion, giving me a chance to release my legs and wrap them around his back, locking my foot paws together.

"Ready?" he asked me, and I just gave him a look that told him the question was completely unnecessary. Grabbing his thigh as he slowly pulled his cock out and forced it back in. The sensation was intense as he found his rhythm pumping me full of his meat. I could only groan under each thrust of his expert fucking. Reaching down I started to play with my already hard cock doubling the pleasure I was receiving and bringing the heat of orgasm into the loins all too quickly. After just a few strokes I had to stop, I've been turned on by Philipp for so long now I knew it would be a miracle if I didn't cum just from him fucking my hole. The look on Philipps muzzle telling me he was in the same situation.

Leaning in to kiss me we embraced in a sexy exchange. Putting my paw behind his head as he rubbed against it. "I'm so close already" I said, panting with each breath. "You've had me turned on since I first laid eyes on you." Sudden Philipp got that look on his face and I knew I pushed him too far. With a final thrust he slammed his knot against my hole, failing to gain complete entry as his eyes rolled back into his head. Jolt after jolt of sticky seed was buried deep in my ass as his orgasm exploded.

Loving each wave of his cum that he sprayed into me his cock twitching with the effort, I grabbed my own cock and with two strokes I felt my orgasm explode. The first shot hitting my chin catching me by surprise while the rest covering my furred abs in the pleasurable sticky mess.

We both sat there panting, trying to catch our breaths. Philipp applying pressure to keep his cock buried deep inside me. I reached around and grabbed behind his knot pulling towards my ass to help him out, I knew he was still orgasming, canines were lucky that they could keep orgasming the whole time their knot was in somefur. Since he didn't knot me I held onto it to simulate being knotted, allowing him a little extra pleasure which would keep him filling me with his jizz.

After a couple minutes he pulled out against my grip, much to my dismay as I groaned feeling his softening meat leave me. A small dribble of cum escaping as he left. Laying down next to me he peered over at me and taking my head in his paws licked the cum off my chin before kissing me deeply before pulling back and just staring at my eyes.

Smiling at each other we began to cuddle and soon began to doze off after our intense orgasms drained us of our energy.

How are things going to turn out now?