A few modifications

Story by jimkoyot on SoFurry

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#16 of Chronicles of the Lost One

This one is a little shorter but the next part(s) are going to be a bit longer so I justified it. Either way, enjoy and don't forget to comment!

Sam was waiting in the medical bay when the other Kor'Ran started to file in. None of them looked too happy so Sam had to guess as to what Troy told them to get them here. One was even rubbing his eyes like he had just woken up. She had to admit, those beds were pretty damn comfortable. Now with them in earshot, it was a good time to find out.

"From what Kyle and Troy have told me, there are a lot of questions that need to be answered, but first, what do you guys know so far?"

A couple of them shrugged but for the most part they were still and silent.

"Well that answers that question. Do you want to know more about me, my ship, or about this lineup of injectors?"

A Kor'Ran with teal feathers raised his hand but felt silly and put it back down, opting to just speak, "can you just tell us everything in that order?"

"I can do that," Sam liked this one, he seemed innocent, "it all started almost 6 years ago."

Sam went into an abridged recount of everything she'd been through and explained what she could about the ship. She answered a few questions along the way, mostly from the teal colored one who she still hadn't gotten his name, and explained why she was in a perpetual state of battle. They were all very surprised to say the least. Sam, at the age of 31, already had killed hundreds of Vey'Ral in hand to hand combat, destroyed hundreds of their ships with more on board, and saved 3 planets from invasions. There aren't many beings in history that had that kind of record by their thousandth birthday and never did they do it alone.

Sam decided the teal Kor'Ran was the most curious of them all when he spoke up again, "So what are those injectors for? That opalescent liquid doesn't look like it has medical purposes."

"Yes, I was getting to those. I can't tell you what they do because I do not know. I can, however, tell you what it did to me."

Sam picked up a tablet from the table next to the injectors. The screen came up to an artist's rendition of Sam before the changes, "This is what I looked like before being introduced to this chemical. From what I was told, it destroyed a specific strain of DNA which happened to be the species I was at the time. Troy would have better details about how that worked to make me what I am now. The big key that I wanted to mention was that this chemical made me female. I have no idea what it would do to you guys or anyone else, but it changed me. Personally, I would like to run tests and see what it does to non [human] beings."

Sam turned around to pick up Clara who had been playing with a toy she made for the kit when the click and hiss of an injector went off behind her. Sam just raised an eyebrow and sighed at the teal colored Kor'Ran who had jumped the gun.

"You know, I wanted to do tests to make sure it wouldn't kill you. I know I am standing still but there are oddities about me that could change things. I also wanted to warn you that the process feels like you are being burned alive."

Sam walked over to the teal Kor'Ran and took the injector from his shaking hands, "shhh, calm down. Come over to the exam table here and rest."

At a thought a couple medical robots came over to the bedside. One took a small amount of blood while the other one hooked up an IV drip of high grade protein. Sam could tell he was more scared than anything and probably didn't feel any effects from the chemical yet. Sam just knew how frightening the changes could be when you weren't expecting them.

"Am... am I going to be okay? I don't want to die. Please don't let me die!"

"Shhh, shhh. You're going to be okay. It didn't kill me, it won't kill you. Just lay back and relax."

The other Kor'Ran stepped over now to their comrade's side. Some were worried he was going to die, others were curious as to what was going to happen. Sam stroked through his head feathers to comfort him. It did seem to be working so she kept at it.

"What is your name?"

"A- Andrea. Everyone calls me Andy. Oh, why does everything itch now?"

"It should be starting soon. Just try not to panic. I don't know how long this is going to take."

Sam saw the ripple go across Andy's body. Terry had once told her the same thing happened when her real changes began. Now she got to watch in real time what it looked like for this chemical to course through someone's body. It certainly seemed to be going slower, if not more evenly than it did for her own. It took a second but she noticed Andy getting taller. The protein drip was also being sucked into Andy's body. Sam signaled to have more drips put on standby for when this one finished to keep the changes from getting too painful. A deep moan reverberated from Andy that seemed to get higher in pitch the longer it lasted. Andy's shirt also seemed to be getting tighter as breasts grew underneath. It certainly was doing what Sam and Troy had theorized would happen.

The only thing left to check on would be Andy's actual gender but Sam was not about to pull down the changing Kor'Ran's pants and see if he was still a he. Sam did not have to wait long, however, as Andy pulled his own pants down and started rubbing his own genitals which gave Sam a glimpse at what Kor'Ran genitals looked like. Even rock hard as it was, the penis was receding into his body, changing in texture as it did so. Sam made a mental note to make a toy that was shaped and textured the same way to see how it felt since it looked more designed for pleasure than function. She might just need to make it a few inches smaller since it had been quite large. Andy's rubbing turned to insertion as her newly formed vagina opened up and completed its changes. Sam couldn't help but get turned on by the show but was at least glad that that part of her anatomy looked like theirs did. A series of seven more clicks and hisses reverberated behind her and Sam just noticed that the other Kor'Ran were no longer next to her. She turned around to see all of the others besides Troy had used the injectors and were practically skipping over to the open exam tables. Sam just shook her head and sent the remaining medical robots over to tend to them since their changes were going to start soon.

Andy gasped and gripped Sam's arm tight enough to be painful. He... She was no longer rubbing herself off but instead one hand gripped her head while the other was gripping Sam. Suddenly now all of the other Kor'Ran were nervous seeing Andy in pain. They jumped the gun and now they needed to deal with the pain instead of the pleasure they thought they were going to experience. Sam had one of the robots come over and sample Andy's blood to see what went wrong. It came back with minimal calcium in her blood.


Sam pulled out a set of supplement chews she had Kyle develop to supplement her diet since most of the foods were lacking in some way or another. Sam pulled out one for calcium and offered it to Andy.

"Here. It should help. You chew it up."

Andy didn't say anything. She just took the pill, chewed it up, and visibly relaxed once she swallowed the first bit of it. Spiraling horns like an antelope's grew into her head where the feathers met fur on her forehead. They were a good eight inches from her head when they finally stopped growing. Andy looked a lot like a Drakorna now with the horns and the reptilian nose she now sported. At easily over eight feet tall, she also towered over the other Kor'Ran and Sam. Sam wondered if she would be this large when she grew up as well since she was technically still only the build equivalent of a 10 year old when it came to her parent races. She felt on her head and found the two horn nubs as well. At least hers were going to grow slowly and not in a minute. Andy fell into a deep sleep now that the changes were done so Sam passed out the supplements to the other seven Kor'Ran who had taken the shots. The pills themselves were the size of large grapes and packed enough calcium in them to replace half of a large bone, or in this case, the base structure for the horns on their heads while the protein filled in the rest.

Most of the other Kor'Ran were starting to take off clothing because of the itching and Sam had to admit the itch was pretty unbearable. Sam saw Troy inspecting the injector with a mix of disdain and intrigue on his face. She walked over to stand next to him.

"What are you thinking about?"

Troy sighed and set down the device, "I am just confused and conflicted. I can see it in their changes: they are becoming stronger, faster. Much like yourself. As much as I would enjoy joining them, I do not wish to change my gender. I want to remain male. These eight really wanted it."

"I'm sorry Troy. I could try to synthesize a similar chemical that wouldn't change your gender but I can't make any guarantees. This is just what was already developed. Why do you want to be stronger?"

"I just want to be helpful. Useful even. You have this great ship that automates itself. You can fight. You are very intelligent. Then you have me. I'm 15,000 years old can barely fly for a half an hour and never had the courage after the attack to even step foot out of my comfort zone. I'm about as useless as a being that is supposed to be powerful can get."

Sam snuck under Troy's arm and hugged him from the side, "You aren't useless. There is plenty you can do. Besides, I guarantee these eight are going to be all over you soon enough now that you're the only male on the ship. You won't have time to worry about it."

Troy eyed Sam for a minute before realization hit. If Kor'Ran could blush, he would be a brilliant scarlet color but instead he just looked flustered, "I doubt that. They had never shown interest in anyone before."

Sam knew Troy was just trying to play it off. Sam knew otherwise though. For years since her changes she denied her urges. The desire to lay with another had been strong but her dislike of the body she carried was enough to hold back. That desire had long since faded once she got used to the emotions and sensations. Not that she still doesn't want to, but it is not such a prominent desire anymore.

"Come with me. They are going to sleep for a few hours before their bodies reset. Let's give them some peace. Besides, there are a few things I'd like to talk with you about."

Troy followed Sam but still had questions, "shouldn't we be here when they wake up? They might be disoriented."

"Don't worry about it. I'll know they're waking up before they actually do. We can come back when that happens."

Sam took flight once outside of the medical bay. Troy knew he had his work cut out for him keeping up at this point but it got worse when there was a light pawing at his shin. Clara was sitting by his foot and staring up at him. As he picked her up she spread her little wings and pretended to fly. Troy had no choice but to indulge the kit in some flight time. He put as much strength as he could into a leap and followed after Sam as fast as he could.

By the time he caught up with her, she was inspecting her clawed fingers like a bored secretary. Unfortunately, before he could ask what to do next, Sam jumped up into a small tunnel above them with a ladder. Instead of flying, Troy could hear her running up the rungs of the ladder. One of the floating spheres came by and offered to activate the lift. Troy accepted this time but still wanted to get stronger to keep up with Sam. Having Clara in his arms didn't make things any easier either.

The trip up took a lot longer than Troy was expecting with how fast the lift moved. The room he arrived in confused him though. The designs were antiquated to be modest. On top of that, this ship was supposedly still completely under Sam's control through her mental implant. Why in the world would she need a control bridge?

"I know what you're wondering. I can see it in your eyes. Yes this is a control bridge. I keep it more for nostalgia than anything. That and I figured I could show any passengers where I was going and give them something to look at. Mostly I just use it to watch where I'm going. My room doesn't get a forward view of space like I can get here. Plus I can do a 3D hologram of any battles I take part in."

Troy walked past Sam, who was lounging in the captain's chair, and looked at the console in the center of the room. Everything was in a language he could read. A few buttons were pressed and the hologram of a planet came up into view. Kyle translated for Sam into the planet Dra, home of the dragons.

"Can we go here?"

Sam thought about it. The more information that Kyle fed her, the more interesting this trip sounded. They could definitely go here. It should be fun, actually.

"I don't see why not. There are thousands of planets out there we can visit and enjoy. Everyone can pick one if they know of any. There is one place I want to visit before we go planet hopping, though."

Troy turned to look at Sam, excitement evident in his features, "Anything you say, Sam. I have wanted to visit this planet since I was a hatchling!"

"I just want to travel to Trenton 5 before we go anywhere else. I need to speak to a couple individuals, pick up a few things, and I think everyone will enjoy the trip. Come on over here, Andy. We were just discussing what we were going to do."

Startled, Troy turned to see a very naked Andrea standing on the lift. Like Sam, her fur covered her private places for the most part but it did not leave much to the imagination.

"Hi guys. Everyone else is still asleep and one of the balls guided me here."

"Sam, I thought you said we would head back when they started to awaken?"

"And we will. Andy is the only one up. The others are actually still dreaming so they should be out another hour. I'm sorry Andy, I don't have any clothing for your size. You are much taller than I had expected."

"It's alright. I think. I just can't get any shirts over these horns. I have one button up though. I just haven't gone back to get it."

"So what do you think Andy? We are going to Trenton 5, Dra, maybe a few others. Is there anywhere you would like to visit?"

Andy thought about it for a minute before a huge grin broke her face. She knew exactly where to go.

Look for a journal to be posted in the next few days! I will have a request of my readers

New Beginnings

Sam's ship was looming over them now as they shuttled into the hangar. Sam couldn't help but chuckle at the other Kor'Ran staring and looking around the massive bay. You could fit several large starships in the belly of this beast and that wasn't even...

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The Lost One: The Queen

Queen Arlan, the second strongest being in the known universe, had never felt so insulted in her long life. There was no way this young Kor'Ran could be her child. She made two eggs and only one hatched 15,000 years ago. Maza did not know enough of the...

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Tainted Love

I had forgotten what it felt like. The raw burning sensation of my insides being torn and stretched beyond capacity from an unwanted intruder. I never want them in, but I don't have a choice in that matter. My usual abuse involved individuals with...

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