In The Lions Den prologue: Dream

Story by Dragon Lord on SoFurry

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In The Lion's Den (part 0) ::One can Dream::

::Caution!!! Caution!!! Caution!!! There maybe stuff in this story that others might not want to hear or read and by all means may not accept. There is explicit writing in this story of a sexual nature between two were-animals and. This story contains sex between 2 female were-lions. So if by any unknown reasons you are disgusted, displeased, scared or anything else but horny; please don't read ahead. Anyone under the age of 18 is discouraged from reading this story (like that'll stop them). Nothings worse then warping little children's minds (a bit of sarcasm). So, if not intrested in reading about this kind of stuff you should leave now. If not, then be my guest and read on to the story. Hope you enjoy. On goes the show...! Caution!!! Caution!!! Caution!!!::

;:One:; i tried to make this story tasteful

;:Two:; it's not just sex sex sex

;:Three:; theres a story in it

;:Four:; no were-animals was hurt in the making of this story

;:Five:; please read and enjoy

;:Six:; you can forget about 1 - 3

(Authors notes: yeah at times this might get cheesy but the cheesiness had to be done for the readers sake.)

Written by: Dragon Lord

: |||Reminiscent||| :

"What is this?"


"What are you talking about?"

"Sister! Fear not."

Rimara stared into the dark face of the one who called to her. Standing in utter awe. She didn't know this Vargen. And at the moment she didn't want to either. What was happening she wondered? Dark space lingered about the both of them. Nothing anywhere. This made Rimara a little uneasy. The worst thing was that her mates weren't around to console her uneasiness.

"What's wrong sister? You have nothing to fear I'm here with you.", said the ominous figure.

The gentle words did nothing to console her forth coming fear. Rimara startled began to back away as the figure loomed towards her. Shivering uncontrollably as it walked towards her. It still talked to her with a mild tone as it outstretched it's hand in a in a friendly manner that Rimara once new, but she hadn't noticed. Rimara didn't understand and didn't know what it was trying to do. She cried out as she smacked the hand away. "Get the FUCK away from me!"

The being's hand was smacked aside yet it didn't show anger yet. Instead it stood still as Rimara still backed cautiously away. "Rimara why do you do this to me? I, who am your sister. Don't you LOVE ME?" The figure raised it's hand to it's chest in hurt.

Tears soon streamed down Rimara's cheeks. She didn't know this Vargen.

The figure soon started towards her again but Rimara just scream to it to stay away.

With clenched fist the unknown Vargen asked, "Why do you hesitate my love? It's me! I'm the only one who could only love you!"

Rimara stopped backing away. Tear's now flooding her cheeks. She closed her eyes as the tears flowed down her wet cheeks. "What's happening here?", she talked to herself with eyes tightly shut.

The figure, seeing her tremble, quietly moved towards her. Gently putting it's hands around Rimara so as to hug her.

Rimara felt the light touch but didn't react. She cried as the other Vargen held her.

The figure licked the tears from her eyes. Cleaning Rimara's face. But no reaction. The Figure brushed her tits against Rimara's as she now licked Rimara's muzzle.

Rimara felt the soft licks and the gentle brushes against her chest. But all she could think of was being anywhere else but here. Thought's ran to Ashka and Conroy. Where were they when she needed them throughout this whole endeavor. She didn't like what was happening. But she couldn't do anything about it. This didn't arouse her at all but she was powerless to do anything without her mates now. She lost her will then and let herself go.

The unknown female Vargen laid Rimara onto the ground. Purring to her as she licked her neck trying to calm her down. The reverberations hitting Rimara's ears. Still she stayed there unmoving. Tears still falling from her closed eyes. Not wanting to see the one before her.

The figure moved her ministrations lower to Rimara's chest. Licking the sensitive nipples. Making Rimara cry out here and there with gasps of unpleasantness. The Vargen heard these noises and then began to suckle the nipples. Sucking hard and relentlessly. Rimara was her's and no one else's. Yet she knew Rimara's mind was on other things. Though all that mattered was now. So she continued to suck like it was going to give her milk. As she did this she stroked the sides of Rimara's lithe body. Feeling the curves of her well tamed figure (body figure), and every now and then feeling the other well round tit. Squeezing it softly.

Rimara tried to push back, but the being had a firm grasp and didn't want to let go. It removed it's mouth from Rimara's nipple and continued to lick lower. Licking her stomach then her navel. Cleaning Rimara like a new born baby cub. Leaving light trails of saliva all along her stomach as she went lower to Rimara's crotch.

"No...! Please.....," asked Rimara

Her plee's were unanswered as the other Vargen continued to rape Rimara. Tounge stroking over the sweetly scented clit. Exploring her sacredness. The only ones to touch her vent was that of her mates; that she longed to see once again every minute this event went on. Wet licks explored her. Unrelentlessly inside of her as well. Bringing her closer to the orgams she didn't want to happen.

When she finished her last lick, the Vargen sat up. She then lay Rimara on her side. Lifting one of her legs so she could put it over her shoulder. This was something she had been waiting for as long as she could remember. She was sex to sex now.

It matter not if Rimara was ready for this. It would soon be over. But the memory would linger on.

She was now humping against Rimara's clit. Lips kissing lips (lower lips). Her juices flowing onto Rimara's sex. Making her movements smoother and more erotic. Her speed increasing as she humped. Rimara now whimpering, waiting for it to end. Licks kissing her legs. A muzzle sucking her toes. And a roar finished it all. They both orgasmed. Mixing ther juices together.

Both Vargen climaxed. One happy in there deed. While the other now lie unconscious. They didn't stop humping even though the other was now unmoving till she too fell into unconsciousness.

Light hit Rimara's face, blinding her even though her eyelids were closed. She felt underneath her.

It all felt so real. Yet unreal.

Hands touched soft fur.

She was home. In her den. It had to be real.

Grimicing she awoke recluctantly. Looking to the left of her she didn't see the male she had just slept with last night. But to the right was a still sleeping Ashka. As she sat up she wondered were the young Vargen could be. She looked out the cave to see Conroy sitting on the ground. She gave a quaint smile to herself. But then her smile disappeard. Remnants of last night creeped into her mind.

Already continued...

(not in any way is this piece of literature to be used, rewritten, copied, or anything else done to it without the authors permission. Plainly speaking me. rants and raves are welcomed. critisicm is also welcomed. if all you're going to do when you e-mail me is smite me, then please don't waste you're time and mine by e-mailing me. Any thing else just e-mail me at [email protected] .)

Authors notes: I didn't especially like this but someone suggested I write a female on female fic. I just don't like the way I wrote it. But it's the only way I thought would be reasonable. (this felt like some cheesy La Blue Girl knock off to me)

In The Lions Den: Meal

In The Lion's Den (part 1) ::A Tasty Meal:: ::Caution!!! Caution!!! Caution!!! There maybe stuff in this story that others might not want to hear or read and by all means may not accept. There is explicit writing in this story of a sexual nature...

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