A Little Mistake - 03

Story by Skyline2368 on SoFurry

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The next morning when I wake up, I find Sonya still asleep,

and still buried up to the hilt in my cunt. I slowly pull myself off, and reach

down to remove the ice-pop, thankful she'd picked one where the ice is

completely encased in plastic, otherwise I'd have a sticky situation to deal

with. I gasp as I pull it out, the feeling of being empty once more almost

making me want to put it back, but I can't. I drop the used ice-pop on the bed

next to Sonya, and grab one of my baggy t-shirts off the pile on the floor. I

pull the t-shirt on and head into the kitchen to make some breakfast.

I know Sonya always likes having pancakes after sex, so I'm

really, really good at making them

now. I grab the 'just add water' pancake mix out of the cupboard, and start

mixing. I cook the pancakes, and pile them evenly on two plates. I'm about to

grab the maple syrup when Sonya emerges from the bedroom. "Morning, babe." I

say, grabbing knives and forks out of the top drawer of the island counter. Sonya

murmurs a response, and walks around behind me. She puts a paw on each of hips,

and grinds her naked crotch against my rear, her erection pushing my shirt up

higher than my tail was. "A-ah." I gasp, Sonya's hand reaching down my front

and pressing against my nethers. She chuckles, feeling me getting wet once

again. "Round 2... FIGHT!" she says, pressing her hips forwards, her cock sliding

right into my pussy. "S-sonya!" Sonya doesn't say anything, instead she puts a

hand between my shoulders and pushes me over until my chest touches the

counter-top. As soon as the fluffy fur of my chest touches the counter-top,

Sonya starts pounding me. Every time her cock slams into my pussy, another moan

escapes my lips, adding to the sound of our love-making. Sonya grabs me and

pulls me up, squashing her tits into my back. Her teeth find my shoulder as she

shoves forwards again, burying her knot inside me. We both cum at the same

time, Sonya filling me with her wolf seed once again. We freeze for a moment,

until her cock stops pulsing inside of me. "Hah. That... that was a little...

uncalled for, don't you... don't you think?" I manage to gasp out from between

laboured breaths. Sonya chuckles and replies "No... this is uncalled for." She plants her hands on my hips and roughly

yanks her fully-engorged knot free of my pussy. I yell out in surprise as a

small torrent of cum leaks out of me onto the tiled floor. My legs feel weak,

so I hold onto the edge of the counter as Sonya stares at her handiwork. "You

have such an amazing pussy, you know that?" she says from between my legs. I

ignore her and grab my phone before it falls off the counter. "Oh, shit!" I

say, and scramble for the bathroom, leaving a little trail of cum droplets

across the wooden floor. "What's wrong?" Sonya asks, still on her knees beside

the counter. "The car course want everybody to come in for a surprise start-up

test!" I tell her, hanging by the bathroom door. "Well, you should be fine,

right? You worked super hard on that." Sonya says, pouring maple syrup over her

pancakes. "Oh, I hope so."

All the cars are lined up in the engineering parking lot. We

were all given an hour to make sure they work. I spent the time programming the

computer. "Okay. We'll do this one by one. Mako Rivers, you're first." I almost

wish I wasn't the first one out, so I wasn't at the end of the line-up. I sigh

inwardly and get into my car. The supervisor nods, and I press the start

button. The lone turbine starts spinning, then starts. The lack of muffler

makes the engine scream loudly, the exhaust flattening the grass behind the

car. The supervisor, a grey wolf, nods to me again, and I shut the car down. As

I'm making sure the car is fine, I notice my phone blinking. I unlock it and

see a message from Sonya. 'Nice car, babe.' I look around and see her standing

amongst the crowd watching. There's a loud 'ooh' and 'awh' from the crowd as a

car down the line fails to start. The supervisor shakes his head and marks

something on his clipboard. It takes another hour to finish the test and get

the cars away, but soon we're free to go. I head outside and get my phone out.

No texts. I start walking towards the subway station, ready to head home.

When I get home, Sonya's sitting on the sofa facing the TV,

watching the latest episode of Supernatural. I toss my phone and wallet on the

dining table and collapse on the other sofa. The credits for the show come on,

and Sonya asks "How was your day?" I give her a 'what the heck?' look and reply

"You would know, you were there!" She laughs, and makes room for me on the

sofa. I get up and go to sit down, but Sonya stops me and says "No pants." I

sigh and undo my belt, then toss my jeans over the back of the sofa. Again, she

stops me from sitting on the sofa. "No underwear." I shake my head, but take

them off. Now she lets me sit down, and puts her arm around my shoulders. We

channel surf until we find an interesting show about werewolves living amongst

humans and trying not to let the humans know about them. As the first ad break

starts, I feel Sonya's paw slip down from my shoulders and to my waist. It

slowly creeps over my leg, and her fingers brush against my sex, making me

flinch even though I know it's coming. She starts rubbing her fingers over my

pussy, from top to bottom in smooth strokes, making me flinch or gasp every

time she reaches my clit. "God... damn it." I say, as she teases me. She presses

one finger against my opening, using her thumb on my clit. I gasp and move my

legs together as her finger slips into me, right to the third knuckle,

eliciting a chuckle from the grey wolf. She starts thrusting her finger into

me, then adds another... and another... and another. She continues for a little

while more, then, just as I'm about to cum, she stops and drags her fingers

out, a string of my pussy juices stretching between her fingers and my cunt. I

gasp as she grabs my ass and positions me with my ass right on the edge of the

sofa, legs spread. She gets down on her knees in front of me, and smiles up at

me. She reaches forward, but, instead of continuing, teases me by dragging a

claw through the fur of my thighs. I can't take it, and reach down to try and

get myself off, but Sonya grabs my wrist and shakes a finger at me. "Ah ah.

That's not allowed." She says, and goes back to just teasing me. Finally the

heat between my legs starts to go away, but then she decides to continue. She

leans in and starts licking my nether lips, making me groan loudly. She starts

eating me out with a hunger, one paw coming up to rub my clit again. "Ah! Ah!"

I gasp and moan at the oral assault, and Sonya soon gets her reward. I cum

hard, coating her muzzle with my cum. She leans back against the coffee table

and licks her lips. My tongue hangs out as I pant from the intensity of the

climax, and I notice Sonya's massive boned sticking out in front of her. "Bedroom?"

I ask. She nods. "Bedroom."