Glorious Birthday

Story by danath on SoFurry

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I might be blind from constantly masturbating, but I can't find a keyword for "blowjob," "glory hole," or "restroom/bathroom." This is supposed to be a semi-followup to "Some Birthday."

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Danny waited patiently in the bathroom stall. A solitary fluorescent light flickered above, illuminating the interior of the stall and its pale green paint. He sat on the toilet, eyes rarely drifting from the hole cut through to the neighboring urinal - the only other one in the small public restroom.

The canine licked his lips, moistening them, his breath a little fast. The waiting was the worst part. He was here often, often enough to know one dick from another. But so far, no takers tonight. A few people had come in, used a urinal, and left, leaving him disappointed each time. He usually didn't leave disappointed, and he was especially hoping to have a good, anonymous encounter tonight: his birthday.

Danny ran his fingers through the shaggy patch of hair on top of his head, between his ears, pulling the amber hair out of his eyes. The door creaked open. Danny sat up a little, listening hopefully. Heavy feet strode purposefully towards the stalls and his heart sank for a moment. Was he busted?

But no. The steps continued right into the next stall. Danny's chest rose and fell quickly, though he tried to keep his breathing silent. His thin cotton t-shirt clung to his skinny chest and his semi-present boner sprung back to life as he heard his new neighbor unzip a pair of pants.

Then... nothing. Danny let out a disappointed sigh under his breath. He was ready to give up for the night, his quest for cock stymied.

He was reaching for the handle of the stall door when he had to stop. Something big was pushing through the door of the stall. Something really big. It was dark pink and cock-shaped, cut, but it was just too giant to be a real cock. There was no way...

Danny's eyes widened as another fat inch of cock pushed through the hole, already nearly scraping against the metal sides. The canine's fingers clenched and unclenched as he stared, his own dick raging in his short-shorts, as he watched, stupefied, as inch after glorious inch of the biggest damn dick he'd ever seen shoved through to his side of the stall wall.

Finally it stopped. It hung there, monstrous, throbbing gently, bobbing up and down a bit. Danny glanced down and saw a pair of very large running shoes - not a horse, then, as had first jumped into his head. Even better - he wasn't a big fan of horse cum. It was usually too salty.

And what was this? A big, fat pearl of pre-cum, ready to roll off the tip of that magnificent shaft. Danny shivered, hardly able to believe his good fortune. He gingerly slid a hand around the underside of that massive erection, as if scared it would vanish, a figment of his fevered, cock-filled imagination. But no, it was too real, too thick, too warm and soft to his touch.

Danny gasped again, panting loudly now, not trying to hide his excitement. A wave of musk hit him then, emanating from the new neighbor, making his senses reel. He groaned as he leaned down and laboriously licked at the thick tip, scooping the bead of pre-cum up like a prize. The cock jerked in his fingers encouragingly as he stroked it lightly, bringing his other paw up to get a better grip.

Danny shuddered, tail wagging behind him as he leaned over, opening his mouth wide. He pushed forward, swallowing as much of that massive shaft as he could, loving how thick it was, how it filled his muzzle and then some. There was no way he'd be able to take the whole thing down his throat - it was easily ten, maybe eleven inches long and thick as his wrist. And it wasn't even fully hard! He was surprised its no-doubt-proud owner had managed to fit it through the glory hole in the first place, but he wasn't here to ponder physics. He was here to suck dick.

Fortunately for Danny, he was excellent at it. He lovingly slathered saliva along the length, up the top and from the bottom on the underside. The massive shaft swelled, growing harder and stiffer as he began his ministrations. Danny grinned wildly as he felt it between his hands, squeezing it rhythmically. Oh, he would make this cock cum, and cum good.

The amber canine growled hotly as he pushed his muzzle back around the fat head, choking down almost half of it before he had to stop. He pulled off an inch, got a breath in, then went back down, eager to swallow the head, massage it with his throat, get it worked up nice and stiff and throbby, just the way he liked it. Then he could take his time, milk it for pre, tease it with his tongue, and finally, the payoff.

Danny shuddered and moaned, his own cock jerking in his shorts, tenting out painfully as he imagined the shower of cum he'd earn himself in just a short while. But then he focused again, not wanting to get carried away. A cock like this demanded care, attention, respect. It demanded him and his muzzle treat it right.

Danny moaned around the stiff dick, eyes shutting tightly, just after noticing how monstrous it seemed, squished through the glory hole like it was. It wouldn't fit through now, engorged and hard. The base was pinched, and Danny could feel the urethra distending under his fingers as he teased at the base, getting an encouraging throb in return.

The breathing from the other side of the stall was loud and anxious - a good sign, Danny thought, as he pulled his head back for a fraction of a second, before shoving back down again, sliding the fat cockhead down his throat once more. A fraction of a second was all he needed to get enough air to milk the cock for all he could.

Danny groaned delightedly as he pulled off, almost coughing as pre-cum spurt out the tip, splashing over his tongue. He screwed his eyes shut at the taste - it was strong, incredibly so, but good all the same. Danny just wished he could see the balls attached to this shaft. He could almost imagine them, huge and firm, visibly roiling with seed as he deep-throated this monster.

Danny's gasps grew quicker as he worked his muzzle up and down the cock, loving it's curvature, it's thickness, it's supreme maleness. He used both paws to stroke as he sucked, squeezing it hard, using his spittle as lube when he didn't get enough pre-cum, most of which he was eagerly suckling down.

The breathing from the other stall grew louder, heavier; there was a low growl, feline in nature. Danny's ears perked as he listened, loving that it was him making whoever it was on the other side do that. He enjoyed getting people off, watching and listening as they popped their loads. Normally a glory hole offered little visual entertainment for the young canine, but this dick was so thick and meaty he didn't mind.

His throat contracted around the head of the fat cock again, threatening to trigger his gag reflex, but he fought against it and pushed harder, forcing the cock down his throat a few more precious inches. That got the reaction he was hoping for: a steady pounding against the stall door. His mystery dick was trying to muzzle fuck him through the glory hole.

Danny grinned as he pulled off, taking a few deep gasps, trying to get his heart rate under control. His cock ached for release, but he couldn't remove his hands from this wonderful shaft, not now, not yet. He could feel it throbbing, aching to cum, and knew it wouldn't take much more of his expert suckling to accomplish that.

Inhaling the thick, sweaty musk drifting through the entire restroom by now, Danny took a deep breath and went back to work, licking along the underside, pawing off the shaft heavily, suckling the head... his paws moved fast, almost blurring as he stroked, feeling each throb grow harder and heavier, until he heard the sound he loved.

The grunt was deep, guttural, and the stall shook as whoever it was on the other side gripped the top and pulled. Danny could feel them trying to shove more cock into his muzzle as the first blast of thick cum splattered his tongue.

The canine pulled off and coughed, surprised at the volume. He was expecting a lot, but even so... his eyes watered as he coughed again, and thick shot of goop splashed across the bridge of his muzzle. He moaned and pushed his open mouth close to the jerking shaft, rubbing it with his paws still as jet after jet of warm, thick seed filled his mouth. He swallowed when he could, but there was so much! A good portion arced over his face, streaking his amber fur with thick white stripes. More splashed across his chest and shoulders, wetting down his shirt. But still more cum!

Danny shuddered and gasped as he felt himself cum. That was a first... he'd never got off without touching himself or being touched before. But the sensation was so powerful... he couldn't help himself as he suckled, nursed, and licked the thick, juicy shaft, working it for every last bit of seed he could.

Finally, the flow trickled away. After a long, laborious suckle to clean it off, Danny held it gently in one paw and kissed the head. He whined a little as its owner withdrew, hating to see all those wonderful inches disappear back through the glory hole.

As the stall next to him opened and closed, Danny leaned back against the toilet, gasping for breath, chest heaving as he closed his eyes, already reliving the memory of sucking off the biggest, most massive shaft he'd ever seen.

Something floated into his lap from above. A business card. Danny grinned. Sometimes people left a number or card - he never followed up. But this time, he would for sure. There was no way he'd let a shaft like that get away from him.

He looked at the card and read the name as the door to the restroom opened, then shut with a click, leaving him alone in silence.

"Rochelle," he read, studying the plain black and white card. "Nice name... kind of weird for a guy, though."